Grammar: "Perfekt" With "Haben" - Grammar: "Perfekt" With "Haben"

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4/16/2021 Learn to speak a language in 10 minutes a day - Busuu

Grammar: "Perfekt" with "haben" - Grammar: "Perfekt" with

Here's a tip
We use the tense "Perfekt" to talk about things that happened in the past, especially when
we refer to a specific time.
There are two parts to forming this tense: the verb "haben" (to have) or "sein" (to be), and a
form of the main verb called the "Partizip II" (past participle).
Gestern habe ich einen Film gesehen. (I saw a film yesterday.)
Am Wochenende ist er ins Museum gegangen. (He went to the museum at the
Forming the past tense "Perfekt"
To form this tense, the subject is followed by "haben" or "sein" in the present tense, and
then we put the past participle form of the main verb at the end of the sentence.
Du hast keine Zeit gehabt. (You didn't have time.)
Wir haben unsere Lehrerin gefragt. (We asked our teacher.)
In this unit, we are only going to look at the past participles of regular verbs that use
"haben" in the "Perfekt" tense. You can find some of these verbs below. We're going to look
at irregular verbs and verbs that take "sein" in the next few lessons.
Verbs that use "haben" in the "Perfekt" tense:
holen (to get)
machen (to do) 1/3
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lernen (to learn)

haben (to have)
arbeiten (to work)
Forming the past participle
To form the past participle of regular verbs, we add "ge-" to the beginning of the verb
stem, and "-t" to the end. Have a look at some examples below.
Infinitiv: holen - Partizip II: geholt
Infinitiv: machen - Partizip II: gemacht
Infinitiv: lernen - Partizip II: gelernt
Infinitiv: haben - Partizip II: gehabt
Infinitv: arbeiten - Partizip II: gearbeitet
Hannah: Hast du eigentlich noch Kontak Hannah: Are you in touch with Luise?
t zu Luise?
Tobias: Kaum. Ich habe sie im Sommer d Tobias: Hardly. The last time I saw her w
as letzte Mal gesehen. as in the summer.
Hannah: Das ist ja vor fast einem Jahr g Hannah: That's almost a year ago!
ewesen! 2/3
Tobias: Ja. Seitdem habe ich zu viel gear Tobias: Yes. I've been working too much
4/16/2021 Learn to speak a language in 10 minutes a day - Busuu

beitet und kaum Zeit gehabt. Und du? Ha since and barely had time. What about y
st du von ihr gehört? ou? Have you heard from her?
Hannah: Ja, wir tre en uns o . Letzte W Hannah: Yes, we o en meet up. I got an i
oche ist die Einladung zu ihrer Hochzeit nvitation to her wedding last week!
Tobias: Oh, wie schön! Ich habe schon im Tobias: Wow, that's nice! I've always kno
mer gewusst, dass ihr Freund etwas Bes wn they are good together. Please give h
onderes ist. Bestell ihr bi e liebe Grüße, er my love when you see her next!
wenn du sie wieder siehst! 3/3

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