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Five types of crisis: Marcia Identity Status

Developmental – Caused by normal life Identity Achievement – Committed to goals,

experiences (career change, birth of a child) taking action

Environmental – Natural or human-caused Identity Moratorium – Continuing to take in

widescale disaster (hurricanes, war) and analyze information without agreeing on
Existential – Purpose and meaning
Identity Foreclosure – Others have
determined the teen's goals for them and
Situational – Traumatic event they comply

Psychiatric – Drugs or psychosis Identity Diffusion – Teen is unwilling to take

in or analyze identity-related info

Development Hindbrain: Survival

Medulla oblongata
Nature v. nurture Cerebellum
Continuous v. discontinuous (stage theories;
Reticular activating system (arousal and
Piaget, Erikson)
Active (psychosocial) v. reactive
Midbrain: Connects, and relays audio & visual
Forebrain: All higher-order functions

Aging Occipital – eyes

Parietal – spatial and touch
Biological aging Temporal – hearing and memory

Psychological aging Limbic system – Emotions and motivation

Social aging >Amygdala
Cognitive Dissonance Festinger Kubler-Ross 5 Stages
Attribution Theory Heider Denial

Stability – Attributes outcomes to stable Anger

causes, can cause hopelessness
Locus - Attributes outcomes to internal or
external foci
Control – Some or no control over outcomes
~ Acceptance

Cattell Intelligence

Crystallized – verbal & math, stored knowledge The study of grief is known as thanatology.

Fluid – problem solving, comprehension,

relies less on prior learning/stored info
Piaget (Went 2 the 7 11) Vygotsky
Cognitive Dev depends on ability to
organize and classify new information Constructionist, social context

Equilibration – make sense of new info > Zone of proximal Development

Dev occurs thru Adaptation: > Scaffolding
> Assimilation – Adding a thought
to an existing framework 'private speech' ~age 7
> Accommodation – Change in perspective
Elementary mental functions:
Sensorimotor (birth-2) [reflexes]
Preoperational (2-7) Symbolic schema,
egocentric, centration, animism, irreversibility
Concrete operational (7-11) [Logic, seriate,
classify, reduced egocentrism]
Formal operational (11+) [Abstract &
relativistic thinking, deductive ability]

Freud Erik Erikson ( TA4 G I)

Id - Pleasure principle (birth) Psychosexual Development 8 Stages
Ego - Reality principle (1+)
Superego - Morality principle (5+) ▪ Trust v Mistrust (birth - 18 mos)
Oral (b-2) ▪ Autonomy v Shame/Doubt (18 mos - 3)
Anal (1-3)
▪ Initiative v Guilt (3-5)
Phallic (3-5)
Latency (6-11) ▪ Industry v Inferiority (6 -11)
Genital (12+) ▪ Identity v Confusion (12 -18)

Defense mechanisms to control anxiety: ▪ Intimacy v Isolation (18 - 40)

Repression Rationalization ▪ Generativity v Stagnation (40 - 65)

Regression Compensation
Displacement Denial
▪ Integrity v Despair (65 - death)
Projection Reaction formation
Jane Loevinger Maslow
Hierarchy of needs
Others are Seen as What They Can Give, black & white
Self-Protective - rudimentary self control
Behaviours Judged Externally not by Intentions Esteem
Self-Aware [Cognitive needs]
Self Distinct from Norms & Expectations, Inner life [Aesthetic needs]
Conscientious Self-actualization
Having Self Apart from Group
Distancing from Role Identities
Complexity, Multiple Facets, Self-Fulfillment Bottom half of pyramid are deficiency needs,
top half are growth needs
Transcendence of Conflicts, Self-Actualizing

Ethological Kohlberg
Instinct, innate
Moral Development 3 levels 6 stages
Lorenz – Ducks, imprinting, 'critical
period', innate aggression Preconventional Morality
-Obedience/avoid punishment
Bowlby – Attachment (Protest, Despair, -Hedonism
Conventional Morality
Ainsworth – Secure, Avoidant, -Approval (“Good boy, good girl”)
Ambivalent, Disorganized -Rules & Conformity

Harlow – Cloth v wire monkey mothers Postconventional

-Social contract
Stranger anxiety ~6 mos -Individual ethical principles
Separation anxiety ~ 1-2
Carol Gilligan Piaget

> Critic of Kohlberg Morality based on cog development

> 1982 book In a Different Voice
Contrasted her morality of care with Highly limited awareness of rules
Kohlberg’s morality of justice and
criticized Kohlberg for stressing just Moral Realism
the 'masculine' side of the equation
Awareness of rules but not the
reasons behind them
3 stages:
-Individual survival Moral Relativism (ages 7+)
-Goodness as Self-Sacrifice Understand the reasons behind rules
-Morality of Nonviolence (achieves
Awareness that morality has to do
balance between own needs and others)
with intentions not just consequences

Bronfenbrenner Five Factor Model ( O CEAN)

Ecological development, NOT stage
Microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, Openness
macrosystem, chronosystem (outermost) Conscientiousness
Influenced Natl Head Start Program Extraversion

NEO Personality Inventory-Revised

Reality and Choice Theory Glasser
REBT Ellis Glasser rejected disease model
T is like a friend
Disputing thoughts Focus on the present not the past
Self-talk Avoida focusing on symptoms
Goals and actions
Activating event elicits negativity Wants
Beliefs are either rational or irrational Evaluation
Consequences (feel sad, don't do a thing, etc.) Plan
Effect - New (better) consequences

Reverse role-play, dispute irrational beliefs
Rational emotive imagery
Shame attack exercise

Rogers' six necessary and sufficient conditions:

Psychological contact

The client is incongruent (anxious etc)

The counselor is congruent


The counselor shows UPR

The client perceives UPR

Satir Whitaker
Experiential Conjoint family therapy Experiential symbolic family therapy
Human validation process model Atheoretical

Opposed to Minuchin “Psychotherapy of Absurdity”; concepts

of absurdity, experientiality, & symbolism
Improve intrafamily communication
4 patterns prevent good communication:

▪ Increase belonging and individuation
▪ Expand the symptom
▪ Family nationalism
Being overly reasonable
▪ Boundaries
Being irrelevant ▪ Continuous separating & rejoining

Family sculpting technique ▪ Confront the myth of individuality

Strategic Family Therapy

Milton Erickson, Haley Bowen Family Systems
Behavioral rather than insight 8 elements:
Directive & short-term Differentiation of self
-Define the problem Triangles
-Ask fam to discuss how they've tried to solve it
Nuclear family emotional system
-Establish counseling goal for the family
-Develop strategy to reach goal Family projection process
Multigenerational transmission process
Emotional cutoff
Quid pro quo
Redundancy principle Sibling position
Punctuation (belief that their communication Societal regression (of differentiation)
in a conflict is a reaction to someone else)

Techniques: Techniques:
Relabeling & reframing Genograms
Prescribing the symptom
Back home visits
Milan Systemic Family Counseling
Shaping (successive approximations of the feared thing) Departure from Strategic, explores fam
member’s perceptions of each other
Environmental planning
Implosion “Long brief therapy” - once a month for up
to a year
Often with kids:
Token economy Positive connotations
Contingency contracts
Response cost Counterparadox

Circular questioning



Ritual Prescriptions

Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Pairing unconditioned stimulus (food) that Thorndike
reflexively elicits an unconditioned response
Law of Effect: When a response accompanying
(salivation) w/ a neutral conditioned stimulus
some stimulus is followed by a reward, the
(bell) creates a conditioned response (bell
response is likely to be repeated
causes salivation).

Simultaneous, Delayed (most effective), Skinner

Backward (least effective) Positive reinforcement
Watson Negative reinforcement
'Father of American behaviorism'
Little Albert rat phobia
Primary and secondary reinforcers
Reinforcement schedules: Fixed ratio,
Applied classical conditioning to psychotherapy variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval
Reciprocal inhibition (a person can't feel two (VI gets maximal responsiveness)
mutually exclusive things simultaneously)
Systematic desensitization
Social Learning Theories Structural Family Counseling

Bandura Miniuchin
People learn through observation, imitation,
and modeling Subsystems
Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation
Alignments, power, coalitions
Dollard & Miller
Drive/incentive theory Structural maps
People form habits to reduce primary drives Enactment
(innate) and secondary drives (learned) Reframing
Three types of conflicts: Approach-approach, Unbalancing (hierarchy)
Approach-avoidance, Avoidance-avoidance

Stages of Change/Transtheortical Psychoanalytic techniques

Free association
Dream analysis – mainfest & latent content
Contemplation Interpretation

Preparation Neo-Freudian
Action Ego psychology – Hartmann, Mahler
Interpersonal psychoanalysis – Stack
Maintenance Sullivan; more focused on present relational
patterns than on past events
Motivational Interviewing OARES
Open-ended questions Object relations – Kernberg, Klein, Winnicott
Affirm Self-psychology – Kohut; psych disorders
Reflecting result from unsatisfied developmental
Elicit change talk needs. Empathy is more important than
Summarize interpretation.
Adler Individual Psychology Jung Analytic Psychology
∙ Social interest Individuation – the process of discovering
∙ 'Lifestyle' paradigm est in childhood (age 5) one's true inner self
∙ Inferiority/Superiority Complexes Personal unconscious
∙ Birth order/family constellation Collective unconscious
∙ Fictions
∙ Private logic Archetypes:
The Self – primary
Techniques: The Persona
Lifestyle analysis (early perceptions of family life) The Shadow
Acting as if Anima/Animus
Spitting in the client's soup
Catching oneself Dream interpretation
Pushbutton (you have control over what Explication
you pay attention to) Amplification
Active imagination (talk to the characters
Paradoxical intention
in their dream)
The Question: How would your life be
different if you did not have ___ (symptom)?

CBT Beck Existential

Automatic thoughts Frankl & May
All or nothing
Selective abstraction Yalom existential dilemmas:
Overgeneralization Death
Magnification/Catastrophizing Freedom and Responsibility
Fortune telling
Frankl – paradoxical intention
Cognitive rehearsal
Lazarus Acceptance and Commitment (ACT)

Multimodal Acceptance

Seven domains BASIC ID: Defusion

Affect Present Moment Awareness
Imagery Self As Context
Interpersonal Values
Drugs/bio functions/nutrition/exercise
Committed Action
Firing sequence

Gestalt Fritz Perls Narrative White & Epston

“The organization of facts, perceptions, Thin description – imposed by others that
or behavior, and not the individual items the person has internalized
of which they are comprised, that defines
them and gives them their specific and Thick description – More nuanced & complex
particular meaning”
Problem Externalization -
Holistic doctrine – mind|body connection Unique outcomes & creating alternative self-
Contact boundary
“Unfinished business” Outside witnesses & definitional ceremony

Here and now
Transactional Analysis Eric Berne Empathy and Counselor Effectiveness Scale
Carkhuff and Gazda
Parent Ego State (two functions; nurturing or
Adult Ego State (rational thoughts, not emotions)
Child Ego State == natural adapted Genuineness
Transaction types:
Complementary (two people, same ego state)
Crossed (Mismatched needs) Respect
Ulterior (concealing true ego state)

Avoiding games
Life scripts
Rackets – bad feelings caused by games
'Stamp collecting'

Solution-Focused Brief
Wellness is a holistic concept that refers to overall healthy
Three core beliefs: state of being

• If client is already doing something

that works, keep doing it The Indivisible Self – wheel of wellness, modeled on
Adler, Essential Self, Social Self, Creative Self, Physical
• If clients try something that doesn't Self, Coping Self
work, they should stop that and try
something else
• If clients try something that works,
they should do more of it

Visitors – Don't acknowledge a problem exists

Complaintants – Acknowledge but not yet
committed to change
Customers – Committed to finding a solution

The miracle question

Scaling questions
Positive blame
Skeleton keys

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