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A modified self-consistent phonon theory of

hydrogen bond melting

Cite as: J. Chem. Phys. 80, 2242 (1984);
Submitted: 29 August 1983 . Accepted: 08 November 1983 . Published Online: 31 August 1998

Y. Gao, and E. W. Prohofsky


A self-consistent microscopic theory of hydrogen bond melting with application to

The Journal of Chemical Physics 80, 6291 (1984);

Phonon properties and thermal conductivity from first principles, lattice dynamics, and the
Boltzmann transport equation
Journal of Applied Physics 125, 011101 (2019);

Phase Transitions in One Dimension and the Helix—Coil Transition in Polyamino Acids
The Journal of Chemical Physics 45, 1456 (1966);

J. Chem. Phys. 80, 2242 (1984); 80, 2242

© 1984 American Institute of Physics.

A modified self-consistent phonon theory of hydrogen bond melting
Y. Gao and E. W. Prohofsky
Department ofPhysics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

(Received 29 August 1983; accepted 8 November 1983)

The calculation reported here is the simplest model cal- ammonia positions. In the article it was shown that this po-
culation relevant to particular hydrogen bond meltings tential could be very well approximated by a Morse potential
which are important in biological systems. The model shows with particular parameters.
general features without the additional complications from Our lattice calculations were one dimensional assuming
complex structures such as would be the case in DNA helix displacements only along the H -bond axis. We solved for the
melting. The approach uses the self-consistent phonon ap- single vibrational frequency for two point masses, each an
proximation (SCPA) which would appear to be a valid ap- NH3 molecule connected by the self-consistent force con-
proach in a biological system such as DNA as phonons have stant. This would approximate one dimensional solid am-
recently been observed to be the form low frequency excita- monia treated in the Einstein approximation. The potential
tions take. I In particular, a group of optical phonon modes is
which stretch the hydrogen bonds in the double helix have v = Vol 1 - exp[( - a(r-Ro)] )2 - Vo (1)
been predicted between 65 and 111 cm - 1.2.3 This seems to be
with Vo = 3.48 kcaI!mol, Ro = 3.37 A, and a = 1.22 A -I.
in agreement with the observation by Raman scattering of a
D = (Mw)-Icoth(! /3w), where M is the mass of an ammonia
broad hydrogen bond band centered at 85 cm - 1. 4 This band
molecule and W determined from !MW2 = r/J.
has been reported to behave anomalously as the helix melt-
The equation for r/J in SCPA S •8 •9 reduces in one dimen-
ing temperature is approached.
sion to
The SCP A S has been very successful in solid state appli-
cations but fails at temperatures approaching the melting
temperature. The failure arises because simple SCPA does r/J=
f ( d
duexp - U-) -V(RT+U)

not properly handle odd terms in an anharmonic potential.

An improved self-consistent approach (ISC) has been devel-
oped which is valid to higher temperatures. 6 In ISC the odd
X [ f
2D du 2

du exp ( - ;;) r I , (2)

terms are treated in a series expansion. In an attempt to over-

where 11 is the displacement from R T and R T is determined
come the limitations of the expansion at large amplitudes we
from the condition that V (R T + 110) is equal to V (R T - 110)'
have modified the SCPA so as to include thermal expansion
where 110 is the half-width of the Gaussian weighting func-
effects directly into the initial SCP A integral which is used in
tion in Eq. (2) which is proportional to D (lf2).
calculating r/Jij the effective force constant. That is, the ther-
The calculated value of R T as a function of temperature
modynamic weighting takes place with a probability distri-
is shown in Fig. 1. The region of rapid increase from a rea-
bution which also includes displacement of the mean posi-
tion. This thermal expansion is also determined
self-consistently. In our calculation four parameters
Dij(WkoT), wdr/Jij)' RT(Dij)' and r/Jij (Dij' R T ) are solved for 12.00
self-consistency where Dij = ( ~ij ~ij) is the displacement
correlation function with the brackets implying a suitable
averaging process and Wk represents the eigenfrequencies 10.
and eigenvectors of the phonon modes using the proper ef-
fective force constants. The temperature enters through the
calculation of D ij which is the correlated motion of i and j at
a particular level of thermal excitation. The force constant cr 8.00
r/Jij is then a thermodynamically weighted best parameter
from the true potential which takes into account the correla- '-:l
tion in motion between atoms. s RT is the thermally expand- 0:: 8.
ed mean position determined by requiring the classical tur-
naround points of the effective oscillator to be at the same
value of the true potential on both sides ofthe potential mini- ".00
We have chosen for the bare hydrogen bond potential a
model based on ab initio orbital calculations for two hydro- ~004------'r------r------r-----~------'
gen bonded ammonia molecules. 7 The energy is calculated as .0 100.0 '100.0 500.0
a function of nitrogen-nitrogen distance assuming that the
bonding hydrogen is at its equilibrium position for each N- FIG. I. The mean interatomic N-N distance in angstroms as a function of
N distance and that all other hydrogens are at their usual temperature.

2242 J. Chern. Phys. 80 (5). 1 March 1984 0021-9606/84/052242-02$02.10 © 1984 American Institute of Physics
Letters to the Editor

sonable to unreasonable value is what we associate with This work was supported in part by a grant from In-
melting. The behavior is of course not strongly cooperative diana Elks Cancer Research.
as would be expected for a three dimensional material in
which all bonds melt. 1H. Urabe, Y. Tominaga. and K. Kubota. J. Chem. Phys.78, 5937 (1983).
If we attempt to simulate a 3D solid by simply assuming lE. W. Prohofsky. K. C. Lu, L. L. Van Zandt, and B. F. Putman, Phys. Lett.
that more degrees of freedom exist which will all contribute A 70, 492 (1979).
3E. W. Prohofsky (in press).
to D we can lower the melting temperature to the melting 4H. Urabe and Y. Tominaga, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 50, 3543 (1981).
temperature of solid ammonia. Increasing D by 41r13 which 'N. R. Werthamer, Am. J. Phys. 37. 763 (1969).
would account for the extra degrees of freedom works very 6V. V. Goldman, G. K. Horton, and M. L. Klein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 21, 1527
well. The factor 1/3 comes from taking the component of (1968).
7N. C. Baird, Int. J. Quantum Chem. Symp. 1,49 (1974).
displacement on the bond direction. The one dimensional 8L. H. Nasanow, Phys. Rev. 146. 120 (1966).
case, however, matches the melting temperature of DNA "P. F. Choquard. The Anharmonic Crystal (W. A. Benjamin. New York,
quite well. 1967).

Resonant interactions of normal modes in rotating classical molecules

J. Andrew Combs and William G. Hoover
Department ofApplied Science. University of California at Davis. Davis. California 95616
(Received 31 August 1983; accepted 16 November 1983)

During numerical work on classical energy transfer in ly concentrated entirely in mode 1 the energies El and E2 of
molecules we found that pairs of normal modes in isolated the two modes become
El =A cos2 ~e(t) + 0 (~o ).
rotating molecules resonate, i.e., energy is exchanged strong-
ly among modes that have nearly the same frequency. In the
case of a degenerate mode pair, energy initially concentrated
in one mode, is completely transferred into the other mode
E2=Asin2~e(t)+O(~0). (4)
after rotating through a characteristic angle where A is a constant and e = not is the angle through
Or = 1T/2~, (1) which the molecule has rotated after time t; the higher order
where 0 < ~.:;; 1 is a measure of the Coriolis coupling between terms oscillate with a frequency slightly shifted from w.
the modes. This is found to be true regardless of the magni- Thus, all the energy is initially concentrated in mode 1 and
tude of the angular frequency of rotation n, as long as the transfers to mode 2 after the molecule rotates through an
atomic displacements from their equilibrium positions re- angle e = en where e r is defined by Eq. (1). The rate of
main small. transition is proportional to ~no. It also is true that the sum
It turns out that, for two modes i andj, ~ = le;j I, where El + E2 is a constant, except for a correction of the order
n ~/W2. These conclusions are valid no matter how small no
eij = n·Lxdi)xxd;). (2)
becomes, as long as no is not zero.
The in-plane nondegenerate modes couple also, but
nis a unit vector in the direction ofthe angular velocity n, much more weakly than do the degenerate modes. It can be
Xk (i) is the eigenvector of the ith mode associated with the
shown that the mode energy oscillates with an amplitude of
k th atom and is obtained from the appropriate force con-
the order n ~~ 2WIW2/(wf - W~ )2, for those modes which sa-
stant matrix of the molecule; the sum is taken over all atoms
tisfy the inequality
in the molecule. Coriolis coupling can occur between two
modes, therefore, when the cross product of their respective 8n~~2(wi +w~)I(wf -w~f<l,
eigenvectors summed over the molecule [i.e., Eq. (2)] does where WI and W2 are the frequencies of modes 1 and 2. Thus,
not vanish. This is equivalent to Jahn's rule. I as the ratio n ~~ 2WIW2 /(wf - w~ f is decreased nondegener-
Analysis reveals that Newton's equations of motion in ate modes rapidly decouple and the resonance phenomenon
the harmonic approximation admit coupled normal vibra- disappears.
tions when the Coriolis and centrifugal terms are fully re- For molecular rotations oriented at arbitrary angles
tained, aslongasn~nJi, where both no andnare constant. with respect to the molecular plane, centrifugal couplings
Degenerate normal modes couple strongly through the Cor- and distortions are introduced; however, these effects only
iolis term. Consider, e.g., a pair of in-plane degenerate modes cause bond stretching and minor frequency shifts in addition
(call them 1 and 2) vibrating at the frequency W in a planar to those encountered in their absence. If; is allowed to van-
molecule rotating such that n is perpendicular to the molec- ish, the centrifugal coupling of degenerate modes merely lifts
ular plane. For the particular case where the energy is initial- the degeneracy since a new linearly independent combina-

J. Chern. Phys. 80 (5). 1 March 1984 0021-9606/84/052243-02$02.10 @ 1984 American Institute of PhysiCS 2243

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