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Advanced Quality Planning (AQP) Page 1 of 4

Program Planning AQP-Phase 1

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The first phase in a project is program planning. During this period of time the guidelines under
which the program will develop are defined. The team must establish these guidelines to
understand and communicate the timing, budget, resources and customer requirements to the team
and management.

1.1 Program Kick-off Meeting

When a new program or significant product change has been awarded a Member of the Board of
Directors shall call a meeting to discuss the new program with cross-functional departments and
start the AQP process.

The purpose of the meeting is to communicate the initial information and requirements for the
program to all the departments affected so planning and tracking efforts can begin as early as

The participants in the meeting should be:

 Board of Directors Member

 Quality Assurance Manager
 Financial Controller
 Program Manager
 Purchasing Manager

The Program Kick-off Meeting agenda should include:

 Product Configuration Review

 Quality Requirements
 Standards and specifications
 Timing
 Facilities and Equipment Review/ tooling and facilities requirements
 Assignment of AQP team members by each group
 Initiate Discrepancy Reports

Formal Meetings should be documented using (QAR-5.0.1) or customer Open Issues form.

If costs for the product, tooling or capital do not agree with the quoted items a Discrepancy Report
(QAR-8.3.4) must be submitted to Board of Directors Member to initiate corrections to the
quotation. This report shall be used throughout the program to communicate cost issues.


Date Issued: March 16, 2021 Revision Number: 11
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Program Planning AQP-Phase 1

1.2 Program Timeline

The Time Line chart (QAR-8.3.37) must be in Gantt chart format. The chart must include the
customer’s major milestones and show an overall summary of the plan to meet these milestones.
Timelines are required for both prototype and production but are not required to be on the same

The timeline(s) should include, but is not limited to:

 Program kickoff date
 Tooling
 Testing
 PPAP submission dates
 Approval dates
 Start of production

1.3 Preliminary Equipment, Tooling & Facility Requirements

The Project Team will review the Preliminary Equipment, Tooling& Facilities Requirements
The team must review the listing and compare it with the quoted requirements. If these
requirements do not agree with the quoted items a Discrepancy Report (QAR-8.3.4) must be
issued. Program Manager shall monitor follow-up activities for corrective action.

1.4 Budget Sheet

A budget sheet must be completed to begin tracking of the tooling budget. Tooling budget will be
retained by Tooling Project Manager or designate.

1.5 Team Roster

The Member of Board of Directors shall appoint team members from other departments and
facilities as required by the nature of the program. The skills of the team members as a group must
be evaluated by Board of Directors to ensure that the team is staffed with individuals that will
cover all the skills required implementing the particular program. List of team members will be
included on Team Feasibility Commitment and Sign-Off Form (QAR-8.3.9).

1.6 Voice Of the Customer (V.O.C.) Requirements

The program manager must gather all the appropriate customer requirements for the program.
These requirements should include but are not limited to:

 Program timing
 Engineering specifications
 Material specifications


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AXIOM GROUP INC. Advanced Quality Planning (AQP) Page 3 of 4
Program Planning AQP-Phase 1

 Quality requirements for all phases

 Design standards
 Product/Process assumptions
 Performance requirements
These items must be reviewed with the team and utilized in the development of all aspects of the

Special attention should be given to governmental statutory and regulatory requirements (e.g.
Flammability requirement), as these items typically relate to product safety and reliability. All
these requirements should be listed in the Key Product, Process Characteristics List - QAR-8.3.18
to get reflected in all core process control documents (i.e. PFMEA, Control Plan, etc.).

1.7 Preliminary DFMEA

Program Manager, Engineering Manager and customer lead engineer shall complete Design
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA) (QAR-8.3.1).

1.8 Preliminary Process Flow Diagram

At a minimum, the preliminary process flow should include how materials will flow through the
basic anticipated manufacturing process.

1.9 Preliminary Engineering Bill of Materials

A preliminary list of components, assemblies and part numbers required for the product utilizing
the standard engineering bill of materials. Form QAR-8.3.30 - PRISM Part Info to be used for
completing the BOM in PRISM.

1.10 Preliminary Supplier Selection

A preliminary list of potential suppliers is required. Several potential suppliers may be listed for
each component (QAR-8.3.8). Purchasing Manager or designate shall prepare preliminary
supplier list for each component.

In case, new purchased product categories are involved other than resin and components (e.g.
product Labels, Primer, Adhesion Promoters, Chemicals, etc.), APQP team including Supplier
quality and purchasing shall ensure all supplier approval requirements and/or customer specific
requirements are clarified during early stage of product development.

1.11 Initial Feasibility Completed

The initial feasibility is a review of anticipated processes, materials and costs to assure
compatibility with the requirements and quotation (QAR-8.3.9).

If costs for the product, tooling or capital do not agree with the quoted items a Discrepancy Report
(QAR-8.3.4) must be submitted to Board of Directors Member.
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Program Planning AQP-Phase 1

1.12 Upper Management Approval - Phase I

When all the phase I items are closed, management must review the outputs of the team and
approve the completion of the phase or recommend further actions required to achieve completion
(QAR-8.3.36). This review must be completed by the end of Phase I for any direct programs with
Chrysler, Ford or General Motors.


Date Issued: March 16, 2021 Revision Number: 11

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