The Prometheus Virus

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The Prometheus Virus

Player: ________________________ Evelyn
Identity: ___________________________ ✔ Secret ❍ Public

Gender: __________________ No
Sometimes Hair: __________________
Age: __________________ Height: __________________ Weight: __________________ Eyes: __________________
Group Affiliation: _________________________________________ Base of Operations: ________________________________________ Power Level: __________________
Power Point Totals: Abilities ____________ + Powers ____________ + Advantages ____________ + Skills ____________ + Defenses ____________ = ____________

Strength -5 Agility -4 Fighting 0 Awareness 4
Dodge (agl) -4
Stamina 1 Dexterity -3 Intellect 14 Presence -2
Parry (FGT) 0
Offense 1
Initiative Fortitude (STA)
Toughness (STA) 1

Will (awe) 4

Notes & Conditions points
Power points
Power points
Powers & Devices Character Illustration
Wireless Interface Mark 10-Like shapeshift (Pg128)
Must have tech nearby to phase into. 120ft. 50/50
Insubstantial 3 (Innate)- Immunity to physical
damage. Can also move through most solid objects
unless shielded against your energy type.
Rapid 1- Process information 10x faster
Comprehend Machines (Pg. 100)
Analytical 1
Overwrite OS Mark 8: Energy control with alt
effects limited move object and nullify. Allows me
to mess with the systems of electronics I
interface with.
Postcognition: See the past. Analyse scene to
accurately reconstruct events

Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition © 2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Total Ability Ranks Other
Acrobatics -3 -3
Athletics -5 -5

Advantages Close Combat

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ -5 -5
Eidetic Memory ( +5 circ bonus to remember)
Jack-of-all-trades (Use any skill untrained)
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 0
Assessment (Insight to analyse combat ability)
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 0
Skill Mastery: Technology
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deception 4 -2 6
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Expertise
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 0
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 0
________________________________________ 0
Complications ________________________________________ 0
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Insight 10 4 6
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intimidation 2 -2 4
Investigation 20 14 6
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Perception 14 4 10
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Persuasion -2 -2
Ranged Combat
________________________________________ -3 -3
________________________________________ 0
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 0
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sleight of Hand 5 -3 8
Stealth 8 -4 12
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Technology 20 14 6
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Treatment 14 14
Vehicles 3 -3 6

Series: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Gamemaster: _____________________________________________________________________ Information

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition © 2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Action Attack Defense Type Effect

Aid - - Std Close; Attack check (DC 10), success grants +2 attack or defense, four degrees grants +5.
Aim +5 - Std Close or Ranged; +2 bonus if longer than close range
Charge -2 - Std Close; Speed rank in straight line, then attack
Defend - - Std Make an opposed check vs. attack, add 10 to roll of 10 or less
Disarm -2 - Std Close; -5 at range; opposed check Damage vs. target’s STR
Escape - - Mve Opposed Athletics or Sleight of Hand vs. opponent’s routine STR or grab effect
Grab - - Std Attack check, if successful, target resists with STR or Dodge; see Grab p. 176
Recover - +2 Std Remove highest level of damage or fatigue, or make resistance check; one per combat
Smash - - Std -5 attack if vs. a held object
Trip -2 - Std Attack vs. Parry, if successful make opposed Acrobatics or Athletics vs.
target’s Acrobatics or Athletics; defender is prone

Maneuver Attack Defense Type Effect

Accurate Attack +1 or 2 - Std -1 or 2 to Effect

All-out Attack +1 or 2 -1 or 2 Std
Defensive Attack -1 or 2 +1 or 2 Std
Finishing Attack - - Std Auto hit or attack vs. DC 10, if successful treat as a crit.
Power Attack -1 or 2 - Std +1 or 2 to Effect
Charge, Damage is Damage or Speed ranks +1, full-speed is +2; you make
Slam Attack -1 or 2 +1 or 2 Std
Toughness check vs. 1/2 damage (round down)
Team Attack - - Std Must be simultaneous, must be vs. same defense, see page 179

Basic Conditions
Compelled: Single standard action determined by another. Immobile: Have no movement speed, cannot move, but can take
Controlled: Another character determines actions. actions. Supersedes hindered.

Dazed: May only take a single standard action. Impaired: -2 penalty on checks.

Debilitated: One or more abilities at -5. Normal: Unaffected by other conditions.

Defenseless: Active defenses equal 0, often prone. Supersedes Stunned: Cannot take actions.
vulnerable. Transformed: Traits altered by an outside agent. Depends on effect.
Disabled: -5 penalty on checks. Supersedes impaired. Unaware: Unable to make interaction or Perception checks or
Fatigued: Hindered, recover after 1hour of rest. perform actions based on them.

Hindered: Move at -1 speed rank. Vulnerable: Active defenses are halved (round up).
Weakened: Temporarily lost power points in a trait. Depends on effect.

Combined Conditions
Asleep: Defenseless, stunned, and unaware. Exhausted: Impaired and hindered, recover after 1hour of rest.
Blind: Hindered, visually unaware, vulnerable, may be impaired or Incapacitated: Defenseless, stunned, and unaware. Usually prone.
disabled for visual tasks. Paralyzed: Defenseless, immobile, and physically stunned; may be
Bound: Defenseless, immobile, and impaired. able to take mental actions.

Deaf: Auditory unaware. Prone: Hindered, -5 penalty on close attack checks, +5 bonus to
attacker’s close attack checks, but -5 penalty to attacker’s ranged
Dying: Incapacitated. May die, see p. 19. attack checks. Move action to stand.
Entranced: Stunned, but may only pay attention to entrancing effect. Restrained: Hindered and vulnerable, immobile if restraints are
Breaks free if threatened or from allies interaction skill check (DC anchored.
10+effect rank).
Staggered: Dazed and hindered.
Surprised: Stunned and vulnerable.

Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition © 2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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