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2012 June 12
called to assist
Four of Saskatoon’s
CASARA volunteers
assist in Arctic search

Three overdue
hunters out of Rankin
Inlet reported as
missing June 12


It’s true, there just are not many calls for searching for lost or downed aircraft in Central Saskatchewan!
By David Balcaen Saskatoon Saskatchewan

We train and train, waiting for the (a C130H) sitting on the ramp at YXE.
day when we get a call. Really it is all Four of us from the Saskatoon
about being prepared as none of us CASARA (Civil Aviation Search and
know when the request will come. Rescue Association) volunteer organi-
Somebody is lost, overdue, or God zation were on hand. Frank Richter,
forbid, an aviation accident. 9:20 PM Brett Koshman, myself (David Balcaen)
June 12 Our zone received a call from and our Zone Commander, Kyle Scott.
JRCC (Joint Rescue Coordination The Hercules, designation RESCUE
Centre), I got the call at 9:30pm June 337, was ready to go and the fuel
12 asking if I was available to act as truck was pulling away. The Pilot,
Spotter on a SAR mission. The infor- Capt Chris Jacobson, navigator Capt
mation we received, was that the Her- Kristjan Raths, engineer Sgt Bill John-
cules was on the ground at YXE (Sas- son and co-pilot Capt Darius Mirza
katoon Airport) and ready to go in were wrapping up the flight planning
roughly 35 minutes. I said YES! and and logistics with JRCC. We got the C-130 Hercules ‘H’ version
then proceeded to rush around toss- word, let’s go! Takeoff and departure V1 was 115 knots, we had
ing a few last items into my “run” bag were uneventful and two of us got to roughly 11 hours of fuel on
and headed out for the airport. ride “up front” on the flight deck. It board. Cruising speed of 290
Arriving at the airport you could was quite a treat to watch the crew
hear the APU powering the Hercules work together on the flight to Rankin.

The two and a half hours went by together . Half an hour from the target
very quickly. Personally I was occu- we were outfitted with inflatable life

MIDNIGHT SUN pied with studying the nav instruments

and the plotting the navigator was do-
ing. It was very familiar to me as he
jackets and were given our rotation list
for the spotting.
We descended to the search
was doing exactly what we do on our height of 1000 feet with only minor
training and real missions. The crew turbulence and the crew worked away
had been on a training mission all day at opening the back doors and locking
when they were re-tasked. Curiously, the Plexiglas view panels into place.
their aircraft are no different than any- The seat for the observer looked like
one else’s. Comm one radio crapped something out of a Buck Rogers movie
out, no transmit. The weather RADAR with a bizarre riveted pyramidal base.
required several “pull the breaker” re- We then descended to what looked
starts and never did perform reliably. like 500 feet above the sea level.
Also, it appeared that during start up, The spotters worked on 20
the navigation power buss dropped
voltage, and the navigator groaned as
minute rotations. The SAR
he would have to lay in the information TECHS went first, then the
again. Like I said, no different than Casara spotters.
any other aircraft, things quit and you The information we had was that three
have to make the best of it. Agility, hunters were overdue a day and one
creativity and flexibility are obviously
half on a hunt. They had snowmobiled
key to working with an older aircraft.
to open water, then launched their
This crew worked exceptionally well

Saskatoon to Rankin, Direct

2:30 time enroute to the
search area. The Naviga-
tor drafted out the search
pattern while managing the
navigation and communica-
tion of the flight. He was
also nursing a sick
weather radar system.
Busy. In the end the map
$150,000 of
got handed to the pilot, Jet A takes you
and then it was time to to Rankin rtn.
leave the flight deck and
prepare for spotting.

aluminum skiff. Ground crews had Herc circled around to allow a better
found the parked snow machines. The look. Two SAR TECHS leaned over

FOUND! expectation was that they had chosen

a safe place to wait out the storm that
was over the area. The search area
Frank as he pointed out what he had
seen. A makeshift hut was visible, the
boat matched the information we had.
was east of Rankin, and included the We did a couple of more passes and
island just visible to on one of them you
the west of the could see some fel-
information block lows walking outside
on the map in- of the hut. We had
serted here. woken them up, ob-
The first activ- viously, at 2:30am. It
ity was to fly a is looking like the
shore crawl search is to have a
around the island, happy ending. We
taking the ice into then began many
account. Sitting in passes over the site.
the back of the Loadmaster MCpl
Herc, all you could Brian Perry began
do is wonder what readying a radio to
was next! It handles like a giant Super drop to the hunters.
Cub. The tail of the craft simply hurtled The SAR technicians expertly
from side to side as we continually tossed a two way radio to the chaps
banked 45 degrees following the below. We could very quickly hear
shoreline. Then we lined up for the them saying “We are all okay” but
CLA’s first line. On the second path of they did not seem to hear the question
the CLA Frank spotted a boat. The over the radio of “what are your



Quite a ride at 500’ ASL

There is no fooling around
with 159,000 pounds of
metal flying at 140 knots,
pulling tight turns at 45
degree bank to maintain
the search pattern. We
were flying a Creeping
Line Ahead, with one mile Frank spotted
spacing. First we did a
shore crawl around a large
the boat, then
island in the search area, the hut
then onto the pattern.
Target spotted on second
CLA line.

The three hunters sought refuge on an island
to wait out a storm. They were just fine.
names?” It was decided there
could be a radio failure so an-
other radio was tossed out the
back. and this time “Oh, I can
hear you now.” The names
were identified, “we have lots
of fuel, lots of food and we The SAR
are just waiting out the
techs started off
storm. Thanks a lot, see you
the search
IFR clearance via HF worked just fine. HF SSB is
Getting lined up and ready radio from 900 miles away. great, offering more than 1000 mile
to toss a two way radio to So that was it. Mission completed. range most days. While rarely used in
the hunters we found.
Just like our CASARA missions, the crew this day and age of cellular communica-
started on the NOCAL (a report of what tion and satellite links, it’s fast, inexpen-
was seen and done) and communicated sive and long distance range still make it
this to JRCC via telephone patch on HF a useful tool. All transoceanic flights still
SSB (Single Side Band radio, High Fre- use HF radio for air traffic control and
quency) and the pilot and copilot started position reports.
to figure out their departure procedure,
Continual Training
fuel on board, destination etc. Best I
I was impressed with the pilot’s con-
could determine the HF Auto-patch was
tinual training on the return flight. A true
handled out of Trenton by the military.
leader, he kept everyone engaged in re-
We were below the cloud base, so IFR
view, debrief and general discussion on
had to be filed. This proved a problem
how to refine and improve. All of this
as RANKIN RADIO did not provide this
was done in-between the regular chores
service, and suggested we call ARCTIC
and communication of IFR flight and
RADIO on 126.7. They did not answer.
SAR TECHS MCpl Fern Bianco communication with JRCC a couple of
and Sgt Frank Thompson with Hmmm. Back to the HF SSB and a call
times. The entire crew, and even us
Frank Richter looking for to Edmonton to close the previous plan
spotters, were asked and given a
more details of the spotted and file a new one. Aside from the
hunters. chance to speak. The pilot was em-
Mickey Mouse acoustics of SSB it
phatic at not “pulling rank” in this team

The Civil Air Search and Rescue Asso-
ciation, or CASARA, is a Canada-wide Saskatchewan
volunteer aviation association dedi- Contact Frank Schuurmans
cated to the promotion of Aviation
Safety, and to the provision of air Saskatoon
search support services to the Na- Contact Kyle Scott
tional Search and Rescue Program.


effort and requested not to be called “sir” at one point. This

was a vivid demonstration of how to manage a team through
empowerment, all towards never missing anything. Not one
moment was wasted. Safety in aviation is never a one man or
woman show, it takes all eyes at all times.
We were returned to YXE safe and sound at approximately
5:45 AM extremely tired but filled with excitement and ready
to tell anyone who would listen about the night we had just
experienced. The crew while working on a 13 hour day,
quickly off loaded us, made some phone calls and then were
on their way to Edmonton to finish off their shift. Just another
day in the life of Military SAR.
Local readiness showed
The four of us that showed up for the mission were at the
airport in plenty of time. The SAR crew noticed this and
thanked us. We each had our “run bag” with essentials
packed. None of us did anything that needed correction.
(Whew!) It was obvious that we were trained and current. At
the end of the mission the pilot said if he ever needed spotters
again he knew where to come!! The four of us were excited
and privileged to be able to serve fellow Canadians in this
simple manner. This is what CASARA does.

SAR techniques universal
CASARA LOCAL MEMBERS Our regular training,
SAREX and search missions


keep us current and ready
to go at a moment’s no-
tice. Sometimes training
can seem a bit slow and
even repetitious but it
is all towards being pre-
pared to work quickly and
safely without question.

Local CASARA regular training and SAREX missions

keep us all in a state of preparedness.
David Balcaen
Download and view a smartphone A bit about the author.
video of the radio drop at: David Balcaen has been a mem-
ber of CASARA for four years. He has worked his way to being
4/Rankin-radio-drop-v2.m4v a Navigator and is currently
Training Officer for our local
CASARA group. He is a private
It is 42 MB so be patient when pilot and aficionado of any-
downloading. If you look carefully, you thing AVIATION. All the
will see the boat, hunters and hut. RANKIN images were taken with
Rankin-CASARA-V4-public-HiRes-2012-06-14 copy.pages his iPhone 4.


Continual To Serve First Priority Inform

Regular train- Our actions It is every- Plan and exe-
ing exercises are humanitar- one’s respon- cute local
keep us all in ian when we sibility to be presentations
a state of search for safe. All are to promote the
readiness missing air- equal in the Mission of
craft or per- responsibil- CASARA.
sons. ity.


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