Presentation of V. Ludwig, Free State of Saxony

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The wolf in the Free State of Saxony

Statement on the handling of the wolf in Saxony

1 | XX. Monat 2016 | Name des Präsentators

Return of the wolf to Saxony



single wolf

2 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Return of the wolf to Saxony



single wolf

3 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Wolf territories in Saxony
Results of the monitoring year 2017/2018

❙ 18 packs and
4 pairs (DEL,
and KH)

❙ Additionally
7 territories in
border regions
to other
states and

4 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Development of wolf territories in Saxony since 2000

resident single wolf



5 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Wolf management in the Free State of Saxony

❙ Basis: protection status (Bern Conv., Habitats Directive, Federal Nature

Conservation Act, Saxon Hunting Act, Saxon Wolfmanagement Act)

❙ Wolf management defines general framework and approaches for solutions

❙ Aim: coexistence of wolf and people with as little conflict as possible

❙ Key aspects:

❙ Consultation and financial support of livestock farmers

❙ Financial compensation in case of damages
❙ Monitoring
❙ Management measures
❙ Public relations and educational work
6 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig
Legal basis
Initiative of the Federal Council SN, NI, BB (12.10.18) & SN (05.04.19)

❙ Demand for national concept for handling the wolf

❙ Lowering the conditions for removing a wolf to prevent serious damages

❙ Adoption of article 16 e) of the Habitats Directive

❙ Joint wolfmonitoring & -management of Germany and Poland

❙ Yearly reporting & assessment of favourable conservation status

❙ Possibility for 100% funding of prevention measures

❙ Creation of a national „livestock protection centre“

7 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Legal basis
Saxon Wolf management Act (SächsWolfMVO)

8 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Legal basis
Saxon Wolf management Act (SächsWolfMVO)

❙ Handling of the wolf now legally binding as addition to management plan

❙ It regulates:
❙ Management measures resp. the killing of wolves as derogations of Art. 45
(7) Federal Nature Conservation Act resp. of Art. 16 Habitats Directive

❙ Prohibition on feeding of wolves

❙ Bundling of central tasks of the wolf management at the Saxon State

Office For Environment, Agriculture And Geology (LfULG)

9 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Department Wolf
1. Structure
Division 6 LfULG

Dept. 61 Dept. 62 Dept. 63 Dept. wolf

Ingrid Schwarze Matthias Rau Vanessa Ludwig

Secretariat Head of Dept. Referent PR

Sophia Liehn Mark Nitze Peter Solluntsch Philipp Kob

Livestock consultant Livestock consultant Livestock consultant Consultant PR

10 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Legal basis
Draft for the revision of the Federal Nature Conservation Act

❙ Parliamentary bill 23.05.2019

❙ Essential content:
❙ Damages: Possibility for the successive removal of wolves when
identification is not possible

❙ Lowering the conditions for removing a wolf to prevent serious


❙ Prohibition on feeding of wolves

❙ Obligation for the removal of hybrids

11 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Current situation
Damages on livestock 2002 - 2017

Number of attacks

Total of damaged livestock

12 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Current situation
Damages on livestock 2002 - 2017

Average No. of attacks / territory

Number of wolf territories

13 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

Current situation

❙ Livestock farmers in whole State of Saxony takes measures for prevention of


❙ 100 % funding is being embraced by livestock farmers

❙ The additional amount of work causes dissatisfaction

 Review of possibilities to fund labour costs and costs for maintenance is


❙ The question on the carrying capacity of Saxony regarding wolf territories is

being raised

 Demand for a national concept

14 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig
Thank you for your attention!

❙ Address: Fachstelle Wolf

Straße des Fortschritts 9a
01683 Nossen OT Deutschenbora

❙ Telephone: 035242 631 8201


❙ Website:

15 | 17. Juni 2019 | Vanessa Ludwig

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