Murchsion Falls and Mgahinga

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Murchison Falls National Park also referred to as Kabalega National Park is the largest game

park in Uganda covering approximately 3,893 square kilometers. It is in the northwestern part
of the country spreading from the shores of Lake Albert around the Victoria Nile up to Karuma
falls. The park sits in three Ugandan district namely Buliisa, Nwoya, Kiryandongo,
and Masindi. Murchison Falls National Park is part of the Murchison Falls Conservation Area,
consisting of Bugungu wildlife reserve and Karuma wildlife reserve. Murchison Falls National
Park is managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority and the Murchison falls conservation Area
falls under the National Forestry Association.
Murchison Falls National Park is located 300KM from the capital Kampala and can be accessed
by road via Masindi or Packwach, one can also use air transport through the Pakuba landing

Murchison falls National Park is named after the Murchison falls, these were named by the
explorers Samuel and Florence Baker in 1863 after the geologist Roderick Murchison who was
the president of the Royal Geographical Society. To take you back, John Speke and James
Grant were the first Europeans to visit the Murchison Falls conservation area, and then it was
thoroughly explored by Samuel and Florence Baker. Between 1907 and 1912, there was an
outbreak of sleeping sickness that was being spread by tsetse flies and so the human population
in the area that covered about 13,000 square kilometers had to be evacuated, this was followed
by the creation of the Bunyoro Game reserve south of River Nile in 1910 and this area
corresponds to part of the Murchison Falls National Park that is in the districts of
Buliisa, Masindi, and Kiryandongo. In 1928, the boundaries of the park were extended to the
north of the river Nile modern-day Nwoya District and this became the Bunyoro-Gulu game
reserve. The park was gazetted in 1952 after the British administration established the National
Parks Act of Uganda. After reduced hunting and poaching, the animal population increased
hence upgrading it from Bunyoro-Gulu game reserve to Murchison Falls National Park.

Murchison Falls National Park is well known for receiving some of the prominent international
visitors because of its uniqueness and the magnificent high-altitude Murchison falls that are
50m high. Some of the prominent visitors include Winston Churchill, Prince of Wales Edward
VII in 1930 and Queen Mother in 1951, and recently American Rapper and his family. Many
movies have been shot in the park Like African Queen and Humphrey Bogart in John
Houston’s Prominent movie.

The park is bisected into two parts by the Victoria Nile, the northern section of the park is filled
with savanna, Borassus palms, acacia trees, and riverine woodland while the southern part of
the park is dominated by the woodland and forest patches.

At Murchison Falls, the Nile is channeled through a narrow gorge within the Rift Valley
descending 50meters below creating a stretch of rapids with a continuous roar and a permanent
rainbow. From this point, it’s a broad stream of the river flowing through the park into Lake
Albert. This stretch of river is a habitat for several wildlife that live in water like Hippos,
crocodiles, and aquatic birds. It has all the African big five (Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Buffalo,
and Giraffe). The park was previously a home for rhinos, but due to poaching they had become
extinct by 1983 and so these were relocated to ZZiwa Rhino Sanctuary located along Kampala-
Gulu Highway and easily accessible for any tourists who would like to have a view.
The Murchison Falls national park has got key point attractions inclusive of the Murchison
falls that we have already discussed. There is the river Nile which give a rewarding experience
on a boat cruise to the foot of Murchison falls. The river Nile stretch is a habitant to several
animals as earlier seen and offers a spectacular view of the natural surroundings for nature
lovers who can also enjoy nature walks along its banks.

Bird watching is also another activity that can be done at the park specifically at the Nile-Lake
Albert Delta. This is the point where the Nile flows into Lake Albert and is a key area for bird
watchers because of its papyrus-lined banks that burst into birdlife including African fish
eagles, Goliath Herons, and great egrets among others.

Game drives or Bulingi game tracks are common here, these pass through the savanna,
Borassus palms, acacia trees, and riverine woodlands, and most of the park’s game can be
viewed here. They are most suitable for morning and evening hours to catch up with the early
morning hunters and the evening hunters.

Other areas of interest include Paraa where most of the lodges are located, it also has a mini
museum that has got crafts, and it’s also strategic as most of the park access roads are connected
by the ferry. There is also the Karuma Falls located in the northeastern part of the park in Chobe
region suitable for sport fishing and rafting. The park is also a forest area and some of these
include Budingo Forest, Rabongo, and Kaniyo Papidi, these are habitats to a variety of flora
and fauna and can be used for other activities like picnics, forest walks, and Eco-tourism.

The best time to visit Murchison Falls National Park is during the dry season which is
December to February and June to August. For photographers who would love to capture
photos of green landscapes, then the wet season would be ideal.
Otherthan Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, the other place to find the endangered mountain gorillas
is the Mgahinga national park, found in the southwestern part of Uganda 10km south of Kisoro
district in Bufumbira county, it is the smallest of all Uganda’s National parks. Mgahinga
National Park is part of the conserved areas in the Virunga Mountain ranges and is bordered
by the Virunga National Park in DRC and Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. At first it was
secured as game sanctuary by the British administration in 1930, but in 1991 it was gazetted as
a national park.
The Park sits high on the slopes of Mountains Muhabura, Gahinga, and Sabinyo at a height of
2,227m to 4.127m making which are partly forested with Afro Montane, Montane Forest,
bamboo, and Montane woodlands. The huge cones of the Virunga Mountain ranges dominate
the landscape of the Mgahinga national park which offers a spectacular overview of the park.
Mgahinga National Park is home to mountain gorillas, and golden monkeys but also non-
primates of about 76 mammal species including bush pigs, forest buffaloes, and elephants
among others. Different bird species can also be found in Mgahinga National Park adding to
the flora found there.

Mgahinga National Park can be accessed both by road and air transport means. By road, it is
through Kisoro district which may take up to 10 hours to drive there from the capital Kampala.
From Kisoro town, you proceed to Ntebeko park headquarters. By air transport, one can use a
private airline from either Entebbe international airport or Kanjjasi airstrip to Kisoro Airstrip
and the flight can be 1hr 15minutes long, and it’s from there you connect to the park
headquarters. The park can also be accessed through Kigali and connect from Cyanika border
in Kisoro.

Mgahinga National Park is well known for Gorilla trekking and is a home to two habituated
gorilla families namely Nyakagezi gorilla group and Hirwa gorilla family. Nyakagezi gorilla
group is nomadic in nature and normally crosses into Rwanda and Congo, it consists of a lead
silverback Bugingo, the two silverback sons Mark and Marfia, blackbucks Rukundo and
Ndungutse plus two females Nshuti and Nyirwamiza who have young ones. This group is a joy
to watch as they normally play and pose in the trees hanging in the park.
The Hirwa gorilla group migrated from Rwanda (Volcanoes National Park) since these two
parks neighbor each other and share the same vegetation. It was formed by some of the
members of the Sabinyo gorilla group. The group is one of the smallest gorilla families though
other members have kept on joining.
Before 8 permits for gorilla trekking would be produced per day for tourists since there was
only Nyakagyezi Family group, but these were increased to 16 permits after the Hirwa gorilla
family relocated to Mgahinga. A gorilla trekking permit goes for 700 dollars.

Gorilla trekking at Mgahinga National Park normally starts at the dawn of daybreak around
0700hrs or 0800hrs at Ntebeko park headquarters. The tourists are first briefed by the guides
who take them through the rules and regulations, and expectations during the trek among
others. The trek is done in groups and may take 30 to 6 hours depending on the trail of the
tracks left by the gorillas. Other than gorillas trekking, there is also an opportunity for the
tourists to go golden monkey trekking as the park is also a habitat for these endangered
creatures. This also presents an opportunity for golden monkey habituation.
A visit to Mgahinga National Park, provides an opportunity for the cultural study of the local
people (the Batwa). There is the Batwa trail activity where a walk through the local
communities is conducted by the Batwa guides who give an insight into their traditional forest
life and culture. Through this trail, the tourists support the Batwa communities through the
funds collected, they are also entertained through their traditional dances, songs, drama, and

Mountain Climbing is also another common activity as the park is in the Virunga Mountain
ranges and covers the slopes of Muhabura, Gahinga, and Sabinyo mountains.
Also, to note, Mgahinga National Park is home to over 180 bird species and so bird watching
is a common activity here. Birding is normally done during the nature walks where bird trails
are followed, and tourists can take spectacular photos of them.

Other activities include scenic viewing at the park gate where a viewing platform was installed
800m high, and nature walks among others.

Visiting Mgahinga National Park is most suitable during dry spells as it’s a bit challenging
during the wet seasons. The hikers should be well prepared with jungle boots, long trousers,
and sleeves, rain jackets as the weather keeps changing, snacks and water. Hikers can as well
hire porters to assist them with their luggage.

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