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Jane: I am going to die here

Priest: No, you will not die at Moor House

Priest: Please sit down

Priest: give this por woman some food, Diana

Priest: Give her some dry clothes, Mary

Priest: My name is St John Rivers, These are my sisters, Diana and Mary. What is your name,
Young woman?

Jane: My name is Jane – Elliot

Diana: Jane ir very tired, she must go to bed now

One day, St John asked about my life

Jane: i was a governess too

Jane: I want to work, St John,

Jane: will you help me?

Priest: i have a plan

Priest: a few miles from here, there is a village, many of the girls in the village connot read or
write. I am going to pay for a girls’ scool in the village. But i must find a teacher for these girls

Jane: i will teach team, St John

Priest: good

Priest: There will be a small house next to tha school. You will live there

Priest: Diana, Mary – our uncle John is dead

Priest: but we will not have any of his money

Diana: uncle John was our mother’s brother

Diana: He was rich. But he has given all his money to another niece. We do not know her

Jane: Does he think about me?

Jane: what is wrong?

Priest: i want to ask you there questions, jane

Priest: is your name Jane Elliot? Do you have another name? Do you know Jane Eyre?

Priest: i have some news for Jane Eyre

Priest: Jane Eyre was pupil a Lowood S chool. And she was a teacher there. Then she was a
governess at Thornfield Hall – the home of Mr Edward Rochester
Jane: How do you know this?

Jane: What do you know about Mr Rochester? How is he?

Priest: I don’t know

Priest: this letter is from a lawyer. The lawyer tells a story about Mr Rochester. Mr Rochester
had a mad wife. But he tried to marry Jane Eyre. She left Thornfield. Now this lawyer, Mr
Briggs, is trying to find her.

Jane: i will tell you the truth, St John

Jane: My name is not Jane Elliot. My name is Jane Eyre. And I was a governess at thornfield
hall. I know Mr Rochester.

Jane: Did Mr Briggs write anything about Mr Rochester?

Priest: no. The letter is about you, Jane

Priest: your uncle, John Eyre is dead. John Eyre has given you twenty thousand pounds. You
are rich, Jane

Jane: but why did Mr Briggs write to you?

Priest: my mother’s name was Eyre, She was your father’s sister, Jane

jane: then you, Diana and Mary are my cousins

jane: write to Diana and Mary

jane: they must come home. I will give all of you some of uncle john’s money

six months passed

Mr Rochester: Jane! Jane!

Jane: that is Mr Rochester’s voice

Jane: i am coming, Edward. I am coming!

Jane: i am going to Thornfield Hall tomorrow

Two days later

Jane: Was Mr Rochester at Thornfield? Was he ill?

Jane: where was Edward Rochester?

Man: three months ago, there was fire at thornfield Hall

Man: the madwoman burnt the house. She was Mr rochester’s wife?

Jane: was Mr Rochester in the house?

Man: yes, he was there

Man: he tried to sabe his wife’s life. He went into the burning house. But the madwoman
jumped from the roof. She died

Jane: was Mr Rochester hurt?

Man: yes, he was badly hurt, He is blind – he can’t see. And he has only one hand

Jane: where is he?

Jane: where is he?

Man: he is living at ferndean. It is an old house, about thirty miles away

Jane: do you have a carriage?

Jane i must go to Ferndean inmediately

Servant: Oh, Miss Eyre! You have come

Servant: mr Rochester has been calling your name.

Servant: that is Mr Rochester’s bell, he wants some candles

Servant: mr Rochester is blind, but he always burns candles in his room in the evenings

Jane: give the candles to me

Jane: i`ll take them to him

Mr Rochester: who is there?

Jane: don’t you know me, Edward? Your dog knows me

Mr Rochester: i know that voice. And i know this Little hand

Mr Rochester: is that you, Jane?

Jane: yes sir, i have found you at last

Jane: i will never leave you again.

Mr Rochester: why did you leave your cousins, jane?

Mr Rochester: why did you come back to me? I am blind i have only hand

Jane: i will take care of you, Edward

MR ROCHESTER: but i don’t want a servant, i want a wife

Jane: you will have a wife, Edward

Jane: i will be your wife. I will marry you. I love you very much at Thornfield Hall. Now i love
you more.

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