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|. READING Sarah Radford, international athlete "When you hear the words ‘international athlete’, youimagine a runner in an exotic location, enjoying life in a five-star hotel, think again. | won the Dublin Marathon and the European Games and | now want to win a place in the Olympic Games. also have a demanding job and a family life to organize. My life is, exciting, but I don'tive inluxury. My route to the top was not what you might expect. ran until was sixteen, then went to college and got married. At 25 I made a come-back. That year my daughter was four and although fitting ina full-time job, family and running was not easy, | was managing it all fine. Then had to stop when | hurt my left knee while running. | started back again a yearlater, and!'mrnow running really well am pleased that | am now performing at a high level. but know that f Imake itto the Olympic team there willbe more training todo. Imay have to decide to work only part-time then, unt midday, and get somebody to help with the housework. You have to take an ‘opportunity to compete in the Olympics when it comes because you don'tknow ifitwill ever come again. For the moment, though, training has to fit around everything else in my life. | usually run into work, nearly eight miles along a rain road, in my running shoes and tracksult. Then | quickly change into my work uniform - my employers are used to thal! They are also Understanding about the demands of life as an athlete, which ‘means I donot work weekends because of races. (From: L, Lugue-Mertimer PET Testi Mecmian) 1, Sarah wrote the text to COA) complain about her lack of time for running, Os) describe her fitness training programme. Oc) show how dificult being a runner can be Od) give advice to other female runners. 2. Sarah gave up running when she was 25 because she OA) had a child to look after. OB) suffered an injury. Oc) was working fulltime, Ob) hurt her knee. 3.If Sarah joins the Olympic team, she is thinking of OA) employing a housekeeper 8) spending more time at home Oc) giving up her present job Od) reducing her working hours. 4, Choose the true sentence. OA) Sarah doesn't have any children. Os) Sarah lives in a luxury five-star hotel Oc) Sarah often runs into work. Od) Sarah has won a number of competitions, 5, Sarah's employers QA allow her free time for running OB) would tke her to give up running Oc) pay for some of her equipment. Od) don't want her to work weekends 6. Sarah OA put her sport ambition before her duties as a mother OB) is an excellent runner thanks to a lot of hard work. Oc) was twenty-one when her daughter was born. Ob)is a famous runner who lives in luxury. 7. Sarah Radford won OA) the European Games OB) the medal at the Olympic Games. Oc) the Dublin Marathon, Ob) the World Athletics Championship. Ul, COMMUNICATION 8.A: I can’t find my wallet. What should I do? OA) I'd ask your brother if| were you. OB) You should have a look into your schoolbag. Oc) You'd better check in your bag Ob) why don't you look for it under your desk? 9. A: What does Simon look like? OA) He's sometimes big-headed. ©) He's tall and slim. Cc) He's a really good-looking young man Ob) He can be stubborn at times. 10. A: Let's get something to drink B: OA) All right. OB) That sounds great. Oc) | have an idea. Od) That's a good idea, 11..A: Are you ready to orde B: OA) Yes. Can | have the bil, please? OB) Yes. I'l have welledone steak, please. Oc) What would you like to eat? Od) Could you give me another minute? ‘Copyright by OWnpus, wenwalmpus.eaupl 42. A: Can | use your smartphone to send an email? B COA) No way, ©8) I'm afraid you can't. Oo) ts out of the question. Od) Yes, tm sure can 13. A: We've won the volleyball match! B: OA) Good luck! OB) Thanks a lot! Oc) Well done! Od) Congratulations! Ill VOCABULARY 14.1tsa of time trying to convince Paul. He’s so stubborn, OA) waste OB) shame Oc)loss OD) pity 15. The ...... is a reptile. OA) crocodile Oo) tortoise OB) toad Ob) lizard 16. are really harmful to the environment. OA) Wind farms 8) Car exhaust fumes Coc) Solar panels Od) Old coal burning stoves 47. Your aunt's... is your cousin. OA) son Ob) husband Oo) sibling Od) daughter 18, The salmon doesn't have any OA) scales. OB) feathers. Oc) wings. OD) claws. 19, My elder sister can play the ....... very well. OA violin 8) guitar Oc) fiddle Od) trombone 20. You look at important buildings and monuments on holiday. OA\a skiing Oc)a beach OB) an adventure Od)a sightseeing 21. Sunflowers is van Gogh's OA) sculpture OB) painting. Oc) masterpiece Od) blockbuster. IV, GRAMMAR 22. I's possible that Jack will come to my birthday party. Jack ‘come to my birthday party. OA) might QB) must Oc) could OD) may 23. My bike Oa) has already repaired. OB) will be mended soon. Oc) has already been repaired Od) will mend soon 24, The Morgans .. in their present house since November. OA) are living OB) have been living Oo) lve Od) have lived 25, Nobody did homework, OA) did they? OB) dian it? Oc) didn't they? Ob) aia it? 26. It we had a lot of money, WE sneun Go t0 Mauritius on holiday. Od)would OB) might Ocywil Od) could 27. The iphone ........ | bought last week was very expensive. OA) whose OB) that Oc) which Op)- 28, The children were excited because they .. ona plane before. OA) haven't own OB) didn't use to fly Oc) had never flown Od) weren't fying 29, Brighton is famous .. Oa) trom OB) for the Royal Pavilion. Oc)with — Op) of 30. A: I'm starving! B: make a sandwich for you? OA) Shall! Op) Would | Oc) Do you want me to Ob) Can! ‘Copyright by OWnpus, wenwalmpus.eaupl

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