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CISIA editions
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1 Understanding the Text 3

2 Basic Mathematics 15

3 Verbal Reasoning 21

4 Numerical Reasoning 31

5 Biology 38
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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test



In this test two passages are presented, taken from multiple texts
wide to which some changes have been made, to make them
best suited to the specific application context.
Each of the pieces presented is followed by five questions about
giving its content; for each question there are five different answers, marked
with the letters A, B, C, D, E.
For each question, choose from the five answers or statements
the one you consider correct on the basis only of what is explicit or implicit
in the passage, that is, only on the basis of what is derived from the
passage and not on the basis of what you may already know on the subject.

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


Extract from: Cini, M. Un Paradiso Perduto. From the universe of

Natural Laws in the World of Evolutionary Processes, Giangiacomo Feltri
nelli Editore, Milan, 1994.

The most widespread way of talking about science, leaving aside the
manuals of all kinds on the one hand and the literary genre that goes from
fictional history to the biographies of illustrious scientists on the other, is
disclosure. Its purpose is to inform the reader, with a more or less
elementary language depending on his level of knowledge, about the most
recent results of a given discipline. I emphasize recent, because the
scientific knowledge accumulated in the past does not interest her:
it is part of what is taught in school, and therefore, by definition it becomes
boring and uninteresting.
The range of the quality of disclosure is obviously very wide: there
can be excellent (rare) but also very bad (much more frequent).
However, it is characterized by an attitude
unproblematic, aimed at the enunciation of facts, the illustration of
discoveries and the enhancement of goals achieved.
It must communicate certainties, not raise questions. The emphasis is
therefore placed much less on the questions than on the answers: the
premises, the motivations, the alternatives of an open question matter
little, the important thing is how it ends.
Dissemination is in fact the daughter of a conception of science
who considers it a process of accumulation of true facts and of

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

gradual replacement of erroneous beliefs with established knowledge.

And above all that it considers it a completely autonomous company in its
motivations and purposes, dedicated to the investigation of disinteres
sata of nature and its laws, divided into disciplinary sectors independent
from each other and from the surrounding social context.
Disclosure is therefore by its nature fragmentary: each
article, every book, every documentary describes a piece of a mosaic
regardless of the overall scene represented. But above all it is a consumer
good: the reader's attention must therefore generally be drawn to the
unexpected character e
spectacular of the conclusion to which he is led by the hand.
Hence the frequent use, with some exceptions, of daring metaphors,
forced analogies and fanciful hyperbole tending to provide an image of a
mysterious object to arouse wonder.

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


1. After reading the passage we can say that the main ones
contents of science are:

A. accessible to scientists and uninitiated alike

from the language used

B. accessible to experts

C. exclusive dominance of scientists

D. accessible to all if told in a language that is always


E. generally not accessible

2. In «The emphasis is therefore much less on the questions than

on the answers ", which is:

A. an indefinite pronoun

B. an adjective

C. an exclamation pronoun

D. a relative pronoun

E. a conjunction

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

3. In "The range of the quality of disclosure is, of course,

very large ", fan means:

A. reality

B. gamma

C. quality

D. peculiarities

E. characteristic

4. From the reading of the passage it is understood that the disclosure:

A. transmits scientific knowledge of the past and of the

present with simple language

B. is opposed to science

C. allows for the dissemination of knowledge on a large scale

D. aims to problematize a theme

E. conveys scientific knowledge of the past with a

simple language

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

5. In “And above all that he considers it a completely independent enterprise

but in its motives and purposes, dedicated to investing
disinterested gation of nature and its laws, subdivided
visa in disciplinary sectors independent from each other and from
surrounding social context ", which considers it refers to:

A. to the conception of science as a literary genre

ranging from fictional history to biographies of scientists

B. to the very nature of science

C. to the conception of science in the context of di

vulgation as a process of accumulation of facts


D. to the attention of the reader for scientific content

E. to disclosure as a method to talk about science

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


Extract from Jung, CG The psychic dimension., Bollati Borin

ghieri, Turin, 2015.

For Freud the unconscious, although at least metaphorically it already

appears as an active subject, in essence it is nothing more than the point
where those repressed or forgotten contents converge, and it owes to them
only its practical significance. Consequently, according to this view, it is
exclusively of a personal nature, albeit
on the other hand, Freud recognized its archaic-mythological orientation
of thought .
A certain superficial layer of the unconscious is without it
personal doubt: we call it "personal unconscious". However, it rests on
a deeper layer which does not derive from personal experiences and
acquisitions, and which is innate. This deeper layer is the so-called
"collective unconscious". I chose the expression "collective" because
this unconscious is not of an individual nature, but "collective" and that
is, unlike the personal psyche, it has contents and behaviors that [...]
are the same everywhere and for all individuals . In other words, it is
identical for all men and constitutes a common psychic substratum of
a suprapersonal nature present in
Psychic existence is recognized only by the presence of "with
kept capable of becoming conscious "; we can therefore speak of a
unconscious only insofar as we are able to indicate its contents. THE

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

contents of the personal unconscious are mainly the so-called affective

tonal complexes which constitute the personal intimacy of psychic life.
The contents instead of the collective unconscious are the so-called
"archetypes". "Archetype" is an explanatory paraphrase of the Platonic
eidos. For our purposes, this qualification is relevant and useful since it
means that, as regards the contents of the in
conscious collective, we are faced with archaic or even better primitive
types, that is common images present since ancient times.
The expression représentations collectives, which Lévy-Bruhl uses
to designate the symbolic figures of primitive worldviews, could also be
used without difficulty for unconscious contents, since
it's about the same thing. The "primitive doctrines of origins", that is,
deal with archetypes in special meanings. Certainly it is no longer a
question of contents of the unconscious: they have already been
transformed into conscious formulas taught according to tradition, especially in
as a "secret doctrine", a typical form of content transmission
collectives, originally arising from the unconscious.

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


6. According to the author, Lévy-Bruhl's collective representations:

A. are partly similar to archetypes

B. constitute an individual psychic substratum

C. are opposed to archetypes

D. foresee an identical unconscious for all men

E. represent an unconscious that metaphorically appears

as an active subject

7. In "The contents of the personal unconscious are mainly the so-

called affective tonal complexes that constitute the personal
intimacy of psychic life", which is:

A. a relative pronoun

B. an exclamation pronoun

C. a conjunction

D. an indefinite pronoun

E. an adjective

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

8. In «Archetipo is an explanatory paraphrase of the éidos

platonic. », paraphrase is synonymous with:

A. opposition

B. injury

C. ideology

D. imitation

E. interpretation

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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

9. From the reading of the passage it is understood that:

A. the author expresses neither agreement nor disagreement with respect

to Freud's conception of the unconscious

B. the author considers the conception of the unconscious to be complete

of Freud

C. the author pays homage to Freud for his conception

of the unconscious

D. the author considers incomplete the conception of incon

Freud's shock

E. the author is in agreement with the conception of the unconscious of


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1 - Understanding the Text CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

10. In “For our purposes, this qualification is relevant and useful since
it means that, as regards the contents of the collective
unconscious, we are faced with archaic or even better primitive
types, that is common images present since ancient times . ",
this qualification refers to:

A. the use of the term Archetype to identify the contents

of the personal unconscious

B. the orientation of psychoanalytic thinking

C. the use of the term Archetype to identify the contents

of the collective unconscious

D. the use of the term Archetype to identify the contents

of the personal and collective unconscious

E. the distinction between collective and personal unconscious

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2 - Basic Mathematics CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


11. Solve the system of equations:

( ÿ2ÿ ÿ y==5ÿ4
+ 3y

A. ÿ = 1; y = 6

B. ÿ = ÿ1; y = 2

C. ÿ = ÿ4; y = 3

D. ÿ = ÿ1; y = ÿ2

E. ÿ = ÿ3; y = ÿ2

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2 - Basic Mathematics CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

12. The square of the binomial

ÿ ÿ 3ÿy

It's equal to:

A. ÿ 4
ÿ 9ÿ 2y 2

B. ÿ (ÿ 2 ÿ 6ÿy + 9y 2

C. ÿ 2
(ÿ 2 ÿ 9y 2

D. ÿ 4
+ 4ÿ 3y + 9ÿ 2y 2

E. ÿ ÿ 3ÿ 3y + 9ÿ 2y 2

13. If z = 2 5 then:

A. logz 2 = ÿ1/5

B. logz 2 = 1/5

C. logz 2 = 5

D. logz 2 = 5

E. logz 2 = ÿ5

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2 - Basic Mathematics CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

14. The equation ÿ ÿ 3ÿ + 2 = 2:

A. has for solutions ÿ = 2 and ÿ = 3

B. has for solutions ÿ = 0 and ÿ = ÿ3

C. has for solutions ÿ = 1 and ÿ = 2

D. has for solutions ÿ = 0 and ÿ = 3

E. does not admit solutions

15. A two-way function (objective):

A. is only injective

B. is neither injective nor surjective

C. is not invertible

D. is only surjective

E. is both injective and surjective

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2 - Basic Mathematics CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

16. The equation of the line passing through the two points A (0; 2) and

B (4; 1) is:

A. ÿ ÿ 4y = 8

B. ÿ + 4y = ÿ8

C. + 4y = 8 _

D. ÿ + 4y = 8

E. ÿ - 4y = ÿ8

17. Given the sets A = {2,4,6,8,10}, B = {2,6,12},

C = {3,6,9}, what is A - (B ÿ C)?

A. {4,6,8,10}

B. {2,4,6,8,10}

C. ÿ

D. The operation cannot be performed.

E. {4,8,10}

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2 - Basic Mathematics CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

18. In which of the following alternatives are the three values p 70, p 25 + p 16 and 8

arranged in ascending order?

A. p 25 + p 16 < 8 < p 70

B. 8 < p 25 + p 16 < p 70

C. 8 < p 70 < p 25 + p 16

D. p 70 < 8 < p 25 + p 16

E. p 25 + p 16 < p 70 < 8

19. In the Cartesian plane if two distinct points have the same

distance from the origin, then:

A. they have the same coordinates but of opposite sign

B. they have the same coordinates

2 2 = and
C. their coordinates (ÿ, y) verify the equation ÿ

D. they lie on the same straight line passing through the origin

E. they lie on the same circumference centered at the origin

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2 - Basic Mathematics CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

20. A quadrilateral is inscribed in a circumference. The distance between two

opposite vertices is equal to the diameter of the
circumference. We can conclude that certainly:

A. the distance between the other two opposite vertices is also equal to

B. the quadrilateral has an axis of symmetry that passes through i

two opposite vertices mentioned above

C. each side of the quadrilateral has two adjacent corners which

have sum of the amplitudes equal to 180ÿ

D. the quadrilateral is a rectangle

E. both sums of the amplitudes of two opposite angles

of the quadrilateral are equal to 180ÿ

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


21. Consider the two statements to be true:

everything deiva is scorfa

something deiva is radra

Choose from the following the statement that necessarily follows

from the premises:

A. nothing follows

B. something straight is not skinned

C. everything shaved is scuffed

D. something razor is scorfa

E. no thing shaved is scuffed

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

22. Consider the two statements to be true:

something marva is luga

everything marva is coarse

Choose the following statement from the following

necessarily from the premises:

A. everything is dirty and coughing

B. something luga is not coughed

C. nothing luga is cough

D. nothing follows

E. something luga is coughed

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

23. Consider the two statements to be true:

no mata thing is floba

something floba is not soppa

Choose the following statement from the following

necessarily from the premises:

A. everything mata is stupid

B. no mata thing is stupid

C. something mata is dull

D. something mata is not silly

E. nothing follows

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

24. Consider the two statements to be true:

everything ungrammatical is fussa

something resba is not fussa

Choose the following statement from the following

necessarily from the premises:

A. something resba is not sgrama

B. no thing resba is sgrama

C. everything resba is ungrammatical

D. something resba is sgrama

E. nothing follows

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

25. In a classroom there are two students (Alice and Bruno) and five
desks numbered from 1 to 5. No desk is occupied by more than
one student and no student occupies more than one desk.
Consider the following true statements:

Alice does not occupy bank 1 or Bruno occupies bank 2

Alice occupies bank 1

What conclusion necessarily follows from the premises?

A. Bruno does not occupy bank 2

B. Bruno occupies desk 1

C. None of the other answers are correct

D. Bruno occupies counter 2

E. Alice does not occupy bank 1

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

26. In a pigeon house there are cells numbered from 1 to 5. Each cell
can accommodate only one pigeon. Consider the following true
statements regarding three pigeons (X, Y, and Z):

X occupies cell 1 or 2

X does not occupy cell 2 or Y does not occupy cell 3

Y occupies cell 3 or Z occupies cell 4

X does not occupy cell 1

What conclusion necessarily follows from the premises?

A. Z does not occupy cell 4

B. X does not occupy cell 2

C. None of the other answers are correct

D. Y occupies cell 2

E. X occupies cell 3

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

27. In front of a shop there are three cars (Auzzi, BFW and
Farp) and five car parks numbered from 1 to 5. No car park is
occupied by more than one car and no car occupies more than
one car park. Consider the following
true statements:

If Auzzi does not occupy parking lot 1, then BFW occupies

the 2

Farp occupies parking 2

It is false that at the same time Auzzi occupies the

parking 1 and BFW does not occupy 3

What conclusion necessarily follows from the premises?

A. None of the other answers are correct

B. Auzzi does not occupy parking 1

C. Auzzi occupies parking 2

D. BFW occupies parking 2

E. BFW occupies parking lot 3

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

28. Luca, Sara and Gaia often go to work in 5 cities: Milan, Naples,
Palermo, Rome and Venice. Wednesday each of them
he went to one (and only one) different city. Consider themselves
the following true statements regarding the cities visited by
Luca, Sara and Gaia:

If Luca has visited Rome then Sara has visited Naples

o Gaia has visited Palermo

If Luca has visited Rome then Sara has visited Milan

o Gaia has visited Palermo

If Luca hasn't visited Rome then Sara has visited

Naples or Gaia visited Palermo

If Luca hasn't visited Rome then Sara has visited

Milan or Gaia visited Palermo

What conclusion necessarily follows from the premises?

A. Sara visited Naples

B. Luca did not visit Rome

C. Luca visited Rome

D. Gaia visited Palermo

E. Sara visited Milan

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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

29. Two brilliant children, who never make mistakes, are thu
cando with mud. Their babysitter arrives and tells him “At least
one of you has a dirty face”. Children look at each other carefully
- each can only see each other's face and not their own. The
babysitter says, “Who
he knows with certainty that his face is clean or dirty, face
a step forward ... now! ". At that point, at least one child takes a
step forward. What exactly happens?

A. A child takes a step forward, sure he has a face


B. They both take a step forward, sure they have face


C. Both take a step forward, one sure to have the

face clean, the other sure to have it dirty.

D. A child takes a step forward, sure he has a face


E. They both take a step forward, sure they have face


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3 - Verbal Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

30. The commissioner of a competition announces: “All candidates

present in the classroom whose surname begins with T must go to

the Aula Magna within 20 minutes ". From this it necessarily follows

A. Luca Occhipinti, present in the classroom, must remain in the classroom

B. Carmen Tacconi, present in the classroom, can remain in the classroom

C. the Aula Magna is reserved for candidates present in this

moment in the classroom and whose surname begins with T

D. all people present in the classroom whose surname does not begin
with T they must remain in the classroom

E. David Giannini, present in the classroom, can remain in the classroom

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4 - Numerical Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


31. Given the sequence of numbers (2, 3, 5, 9, 17,?, 65), what

is the missing number to insert in place of the question mark?

A. 30

B. 44

C. 33

D. 28

E. 22

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32. Given the numeric matrix shown below, what is the number

ro that should be inserted in place of the question mark? Before Yes

they perform multiplications and divisions, then additions and

5 + ÿ

2 5

ÿ ÿ

ÿ + ?

/ / ÿ

7 / 1 + 3 10

4 6 2

A. 15

B. 7

C. 14

D. 18

E. 21

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33. 20% of 40 is 80% of what number?

A. 10

B. 5

C. 20

D. 15

E. 25

34. Throwing 2 coins one after the other, what is the probability
to get a head and a tails, in any order?

A. 1/2

B. 1/6

C. 1/3

D. 3/4

E. 1/4

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4 - Numerical Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

35. A carpenter must build 30 tables between which they must

there are both 6-legged and 4-legged tables. There are 160 legs
available. Among the following alternatives, which garan
Do you want to use all available legs without any advanced legs?

A. 29 of 6, 1 of 4

B. It cannot be calculated.

C. 15 of 6, 15 of 4

D. 20 of 6, 10 of 4

E. 10 to 6, 20 to 4

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4 - Numerical Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

36. At a tasting, a group of sommeliers tastes 10

different wines. Among the 10 wines at least one is white. If

they taste, at random, 2 wines, among them there is always at least one
Red wine. How many red wines are there?

A. 6

B. 5

C. 9

D. 7

E. 8

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4 - Numerical Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

37. Angelo has 6 identical banknotes and 100 identical coins. Barbara
has 8 bills and 60 coins. Each coin is worth 2. Angelo and Barbara
have the same value in money. How much is it worth
each banknote?

A. 40

B. 100

C. 60

D. 20

E. 80

38. Suppose: A = 100 - 6 following options ; B = p A. Which of the


is correct?

A. p B = 2

B. A ÿ B > 50

C. A = 2B

D. B = 36

E. A < B

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4 - Numerical Reasoning CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

39. The population of the city of Irvine is 1/10 of the population of the
city of Brussels, while the area of Irvine is equal to 1/6 of that of
Brussels. What is the ratio of the density
of population (number of inhabitants divided by area) of Irvine and
that of Brussels?

A. 1 a 5

B. 10 a 1

C. 3 a 5

D. 6 a 1

E. 1 to 60

40. If ÿ is to 4/9 as 21/8 is to 7/2, what is ÿ worth?

A. 7/42

B. 1/3

C. 2/63

D. 4/21

E. 4/9

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5 - Biology CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test


41. How many vertebrae make up the human spine?

A. 31

B. 36

C. 33

D. 29

E. 27

42. Four chemical elements make up 95% of ours


A. Phosphorus, Calcium, Carbon, Sodium

B. Phosphorus, Oxygen, Potassium, Nitrogen

C. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sodium

D. Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, Sulfur

E. Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen

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5 - Biology CISIA - Example of TOLC-PSI test

43. Telomerase is:

A. a particular DNA polymerase

B. a particular reverse transcriptase

C. a sequence present at the ends of the filaments of


D. a particular RNA polymerase

E. a protein containing DNA

44. It serves for the degradation and digestion of molecules

foreign to the cell and endogenous macromolecules:

A. Endoplasmic reticulum

B. Ribosome

C. Citoscheletro

D. Lysosome

E. Golgi apparatus

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45. What is the correct time sequence of the phases of the cycle

A. Menstruation, Ovulation, Follicular Phase, Luteal Phase.

B. Luteal phase, Ovulation, Follicular phase, Menstruation.

C. Follicular phase, Menstruation, Ovulation, Luteal phase.

D. Luteal phase, follicular phase, ovulation, menstruation.

E. Menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase.

46. If both parents are healthy carriers of beta-thalassemia,

what is the probability that a child is a healthy carrier?

A. 0%

B. 75%

C. 25%

D. 50%

E. 100%

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47. Which of these organic molecules are characterized by

presence of a functional group ÿNH2 ?

A. Monosaccaridi.

B. Amino acids.

C. Fatty acids.

D. Disaccharides.

E. Phospholipids.

48. How many cerebral hemispheres are there?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

E. 2

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49. The amygdala:

A. is part of the language circuits

B. contributes to memory for motor skills

C. contributes to emotional memory

D. is part of the auditory system

E. is part of the visual system

50. Noradrenaline is the neurotransmitter:

A. postganglionic system of the orthosympathetic system

B. pregangliare of the parasympathetic system

C. postganglionic parasympathetic system

D. pregangliare of the orthosympathetic system

E. pre and post-ganglionic of the orthosympathetic system

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Question Correct Answer

1 D


3 B

4 C

5 C

6 A

7 A


9 D

10 C

11 B

12 B

13 B

14 D

15 AND

16 D

17 AND

18 C

19 AND

20 AND

21 D

22 AND

23 AND

24 A

25 D
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26 C

27 AND

28 D

29 D

30 AND

31 C

32 AND

33 A

34 A

35 D

36 C

37 A

38 B

39 C

40 B

41 C

42 AND

43 B

44 D

45 AND

46 D

47 B

48 AND

49 C

50 A
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