Climacteric Sedevacantism The Crisis of The Roman Catholic Church

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By Anna Anahit Paitian

Omnes Viae Romam Ducunt

“I was converted from Atheism to the Christian holy

faith in 1986, Armenia, USSR, after which I was looking
for true profession and worship , double checking for
myself all presented options, which I could find in
libraries and among populace.
At this time my religious teachers were old matrons,
grand moms , mainly the survivors of the Grand
Armenian Genocide, somehow escaped from death .
Antaram Mom, who was about 99 years-old when I met
her, was dying in her bed blind and disabled. She had
escaped from Western Armenia (currently occupied by
Turks ); “About a year we were running away day and
night , stepping on dead bodies , hiding under the ruins
and under rotten bodies, until we arrived in Greece-”
she told her story.
-How do we know there is God ? - I asked her.
-Look at the face of the human and you will see the
rational soul of God imprinted on it,- she answered.
-What is the church of Christ? - I continued to learn my
first catechism from Antaram Mom. 1
-It is the church based on the Twelve Apostles of Jesus
Christ ,- she answered.
-How many apostolic churches there are?- I asked.
-One,- she answered.
-Who is the leader and the supervisor of that church?
-The pope of Rome,- she confirmed,- and all evil, which
the mankind suffers now, comes from him. “
From the Author

At that in God’s damned atheist country, USSR, we did not have
source of information; even though there were operating churches in the
country, the priests were forbidden to teach or to spread religion under
the strict supervision of the KGB).

Rational Soul; The faith in God is inside us , as a
genius seed, which we oath to cultivate and bring it up, for
we are a rational soul created by God, capable of restoring
our dulled memory and senses, reason and understanding,
once enjoying the direct connection with Creator, now –
plunged in dire oblivion and suffering from amnesia.
In order to restore to our image of God, to our former
supernatural subsistence, we need to entrust exclusively the
instructions from God Himself, which are called divine
revelations; incarnation of God, I A.D., and the teaching of
God through his church based on chosen prentices- twelve
The church of God was defined and established right after
the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His Ascension, as a
hierarchy of ;
-imperium (political authority),
-sacerdotium (ecclesiastical authority), and
-studium (intellectual authority).
The apostles had created the hierarchical organization of the
church, endowing the successors of St. Peter with the same
power, 2 promised by God.
The apostolic church of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate God,
God the Son, or the Logos (Word), has a mission to save the
entire mankind from damnation, eternal Hell, a place,
where there is no God , the Holy Spirit, and the Logos,
reason . It is a place of eternal chaos and suffering – as a
consequence of sin , that is- the corruption of human nature
in men.
The Church defines that the human nature is good, and it
can be restored to its former glory through the Seven
Sacraments of the Church, which are mysteries –a divine
operation performed by apostles , through the divine power
handed down by Christ, by the Holy Spirit breathed by

Matthew 16:18

Christ upon apostles 3, passed to the next generation by the
sacerdotal ordination , through laying on of hands and
breathing the Spirit in the same way.
Being rational creatures, with capacity to understand God,
who is hidden in material world, yet manifested in our hearts
and rational by Jesus Christ – makes us capable to reach
His perfect Image, and it is our sacred obligation to
examine our faith and profession by not copying and
repeating mechanically which is presented, but adopting and
appropriating the orthodox (i.e. correct and saving)
profession with a power of our rational soul .
Religion is a practice of elders . It means the religious
practice requires maturity and wisdom, which comes with
time and experience. This patriarchal religion we call
The apostolic church of Christ is based on ;
1. Holy Scripter ,
2. Ecclesiastical Tradition – both presented by elders,
patriarchs- fathers of the church.
The title of the ‘father,’ ‘doctor,’ ‘saint’ is given to those who,
by the power of their divine rational and faith, had
established the orthodox teaching, confirmed by the
ecumenical councils; the ecclesiastical body of the holy
bishops from throughout the world.
We don’t worship their names, accepting to their authority
without questioning – we are demanded to examine all
formulas and practices of faith, which we inherited,
exercising the virtue of our free will, granted and respected
by our Creator.

Hierarchy; From the beginning the church of the apostles

was organized, it was hierarchical, assuming the specific
functions and assigning them –from top to bottom. The
architecture of the ecclesiastical hierarchy is presented in
this chart;

1.‘And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy
Spirit” John 20:22, ) 2. ‘And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them
utterance.…” Acts 2:4

All organized units – from individual families to society and
business enterprises - are constructed in a hierarchical
model, because only this model can ensure regulations, law,
and order versus chaos, unlawfulness, and spontaneous
Every ecclesiastical order takes a sacred oath to obey the
office above itself in the hierarchical chart , and the head of
the hierarchy –the pope, obeys Christ , by safeguarding the
faith and maintaining the apostolic tradition.
By the end of the I A.D. all roads led to Rome, where St.
Peter was working, preaching, ordaining, and forming the
nucleolus of the church - sealing it with his martyrdom.
In 325 A.D. the first ecumenical major council at Nicaea had
broadened the successors’ of St. Peter , Pop’s jurisdictional
power (plenitudo potestatis) between metropolitans,
establishing the apostolic leading chairs in Alexandria
(Egypt) , Antioch (modern Antakya, Turkey), and later on,
after the city of Constantine the Great was built in 324 to 360
A.D. - in Constantinople, declaring that ;

“If anyone is made bishop without the consent of the

metropolitan, this great synod determines that such a one
shall not be a bishop.”4

The Council Of Nicaea - 325 A.D.

Not only. The First Council of Constantinople, 381 A.D.,
declared the patriarch of Constantinople the First after Pope;

“Canon 3. Because it is new Rome, the bishop of

Constantinople is to enjoy the privileges of honour after the
bishop of Rome.”

In the Council of Chalcedon, 451 A.D, already there were

theological conflicts between Antioch and Alexandria , which
the council resolved by adopting the Pope Leo I ‘s formula
presented , as "Peter, has spoken through the mouth of

First Schism; Armenian Church was the first to show a left-

handed childishness by confusing all theological notions, not
understanding the Greek word “hypostatical union,”
essential, substantial union of Christ’s two natures
(consequently two wills) with Father, confusing it with a
union, mixture of Christ’s divine and human natures.
“Rather did two different natures come together to form a
unity, and from both arose one Christ, one Son. It was not as
though the distinctness of the natures was destroyed by
the union,“ teaches St. Cyril of Alexandria in his Second
letter to Nestorius5, which was read in the Council Of
Ephesus - 431 A.D.

“Rather do we claim that the Word in an unspeakable,

inconceivable manner united to himself hypostatically flesh
enlivened by a rational soul, and so became man and was
called son of man, not by God's will alone or good pleasure,
nor by the assumption of a person alone. Rather did two
different natures come together to form a unity, and from
both arose one Christ, one Son. It was not as though the
distinctness of the natures was destroyed by the union,

Declared by the council of Ephesus , presented also in Nicaea and
Chalcedon as a dogma

but divinity and humanity together made perfect for us one
Lord and one Christ, together marvelously and mysteriously
combining to form a unity…do not adore the man along with
the Word, so as to avoid any appearance of division by using
the word "with". But we adore him as one and the same,
because the body is not other than the Word, and takes its
seat with him beside the Father, again not as though there
were two sons seated together but only one, united with his
own flesh. If, however, we reject the hypostatic union as
being either impossible or too unlovely for the Word, we
fall into the fallacy of speaking of two sons.”

In the Council of Chalcedon the bishops had condemned the

heresies of Arius and Nestorius elaborating the teaching of
St. Cyril as is, just explaining it in more explicit and plain
formula; Christ has two natures ; divine and human, which
are indivisible and unmixed, and they are in essential
union with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
And if we deviate from this definition, as the heresies
presented at that time, we might say that the natures of
Christ are united in one- as divine, therefore Christ just
appeared as a human, in the same way when God
appeared in burning bush6 . Therefore Christ could not die,
for God is immortal.
This heresy denies the redemption mystery of Christ as a
Sacrifice, which is the essence and center of the Catholic
apostolic worship. Not only- it leads to insanity ; if the human
nature of Christ is absorbed in His divine nature, therefore
He should have had one will, one desire, which was divine ,
and therefore Christ was exempt from all human frailties; he
could have lived without eating , with no needs of the
human flesh, and He existed in the same [body] and soul
before He was born- as he was [after He was born]- for He
is the same “today, yesterday tomorrow.” 7

Exodus 3:1-4:17
Hebrews 13:8

‘It is just as wicked to say that the only-begotten Son of God
was of two natures before the incarnation as it is abominable
to claim that there was a single nature in him after the Word
was made flesh”8

Pope Leo I not only condemned the madness of

monophysitism ( united nature of Christ) and monothelitism
(single divine will of Christ) , he also excommunicated
Armenian heretics from the universal church, putting a curse
upon them ;

“It is opposed to those who attempt to tear apart the mystery

of the economy into a duality of sons; and

 it expels from the assembly of the priests those who

dare to say that the divinity of the Only-begotten is
possible, and
 it stands opposed to those who imagine a mixture or
confusion between the two natures of Christ; and
 it expels those who have the mad idea that the
servant-form he took from us is of a heavenly or some
other kind of being; and it anathematizes those who
concoct two natures of the Lord before the union but
imagine a single one after the union.”9

It is remarkable that Armenian heretics continued to insist in

their heresies, causing a big schism inside, splitting the
Armenian Chair, which after the first Patriarch St. Gregory
Lousavorich, who had received the jurisdiction from Pope
Sylvester I and his predecessors , IV- V A.D., was trusted
the ecclesiastical hegemony in Caucasus ; from early 607
A.D , during the local council of Dvin, all patriarchal chairs of
Georgia , Aterpatkan (modern Azerbaijan), and Western
Armenia , which were in communion with Armenian Mother
Chair – Echmiadzin, had left the union. 10

Chalcedon , The letter of Pope Leo, 451
The Council Of Chalcedon - 451 A.D. on 8 October
M. Ormanian , “Ազգապատում», Tome I

Later on the monophisite Armenian heretics formed their
scholastic branch led by Grigor Tatevazi, a Sunik School,
meanwhile the Chalecedonian Armenians established the
Cilician School and a patriarchal chair led by most eminent
saints and doctors, like St. Gregory Narekazi, St. Nerses
Shnorhali, St. Nerses Lambronazi.
The Catholic Church during the holy crusades had created
the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, anointing the king and a
patriarch. The culture and economy were flourishing in the
kingdom fore hundred years.
In later historical developments with Muslim conquest, the
monophsite Armenians joined the Islamic tribes and
launched wars against the kingdom, destroying and
plundering Armenian pro-Chalcedonian towns and villages
together with Arabs and Turks.
In 1375 Cilician Armenian capital Sis fell to Mamluks and
Armenian heretics : “According to the historian Jean Dardel,
the (Armenian monophisite) patriarch and his supporters
preferring the temporal domination of a Muslim to the
spiritual supremacy of the pope.” 11
The more shocking fact is that after the collapse of the
atheist USSR, the first thing the KGB clergy had done was
the revival of all former heretical teachings, provoking hatred
toward Pope Leo I and the Council of Chalcedon, which they
iterate and dogmatize in seminaries and schools, twisting the
history, forging the documents, quoting from heretical and
pagan-superstitious Gregor Tatevazi’s works , without even
studying the orthodox teaching of Catholic doctors in dept.
Enough to say that the dogma of Chalcedon was confirmed
and reconfirmed in following universal councils; in the
Second (553 A.D ) and Third Council Of Constantinople ,
680-681 A.D, turning into an infallible dogma also the two
wills of Christ presented by St. Athanasius, and later by St.
John Damascene , “The Golden-Mouth” Syrian monk , as
Armenians called him. 12

through “Armenian , the Survival of a Nation”, Christopher J. Walker,
St.Martin’s Press,1980, page 34
The Third Council Of Constantinople - 680-681 A.D

“And we proclaim equally two natural volitions or wills in
him and two natural principles of action which undergo no
division, no change, no partition, no confusion, in
accordance with the teaching of the holy fathers. And the
two natural wills not in opposition, as the impious heretics
said, far from it, but his human will following, and not
resisting or struggling, rather in fact subject to his divine and
all powerful will. For the will of the flesh had to be moved,
and yet to be subjected to the divine will, according to the
most wise Athanasius. I have come down from heaven, not
to do my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me,
calling his own will that of his flesh, since his flesh too
became his own.”

“9. If anyone says that Christ is to be worshipped in his two

natures, and by that wishes to introduce two adorations, a
separate one for God the Word and another for the man; or if
anyone, so as to remove the human flesh or to mix up the
divinity and the humanity, monstrously invents one nature or
substance brought together from the two, and so worships
Christ, but not by a single adoration God the Word in human
flesh along with his human flesh, as has been the tradition of
the church from the beginning: let him be anathema.”13

There is a common perception that Armenians were

annihilated by Turks, because they were punished by God
for their heresy and betrayal .
Yes, and no.
The wolf is hunting more easily after the weak and lame
The perfection of faith is parallel to the understanding of

The Second Council Of Constantinople - 553 A.D

The understanding of God comes only from infallible
The spiritual and physical power of the society dwells in
sanctity and orthodox worship.
The same way the Eastern Byzantine Church fell in 1453,
when Constantinople was captured and destroyed by Turks.
The same way the Roman Catholic Church was dissolved
into a neo-pagan social structure after Vatican II Council,

The first schismatic and heretical sect was in Armenia,

stabbing in the back of the Catholic Church, and ever since
the theology had become an individual matter for Armenian
priests and bishops. Meanwhile the clergy of good will
followed the fathers of the church in fear and precaution , as
it had happened when they went to Council of Florence,
restoring the union of Christendom and the received grace,
1431-1445 A.D, later on working also with Pope Leo XIII,
until the apocalyptic Grand Armenian Genocide and the total
annihilation of Christian Armenia befell. A horror of all time !

But that was just a beginning.

In 9th century the patriarch of Constantinople, Photius, was
spreading heresies, saying that human has two souls, and
provoking rebellion against Rome . The matter was taken to
the fourth Council of Constantinople, 869-870.

“6 .It appears that Photius, after the sentences and

condemnations most justly pronounced against him by the
most holy pope Nicholas for his criminal usurpation of the
church of Constantinople, in addition to his other evil deeds,
found some men of wicked and sycophantic character from
the squares and streets of the city and proposed and
designated them as vicars of the three most holy patriarchal
sees in the east. He formed with these a church of evil-doers
and a fraudulent council and set in motion accusations and
charges entailing deposition against the most blessed pope
Nicholas and repeatedly, impudently and boldly issued
anathemas against him and all those in communion with

him. The records of all these things have been seen by us,
records which were cobbled together by him with evil intent
and lying words, and all of which have been burnt during this
very synod. Therefore, to safeguard church order, we
anathematize first and foremost the above-mentioned
Photius for the reason given; next everyone who henceforth
acts deceitfully and fraudulently and falsifies the word of
truth and goes through the motions of having false vicars or
composes books full of deceptions and explains them in
favour of his own designs. “14

The council excommunicated the patriarch, however it also

validated the lower rank clergy with promises to elevate all
true priests and bishops , who keep the loyalty to one church
and its head- the pope, by not repeating the evil heresies
and schism, which was being spread under the name of
orthodoxy .

“13 . The divine word says, The worker is worthy of his pay .
For this reason we too decree and proclaim that the
clerics of the great church [of Constantinople], who
have served in the lower orders, may rise to the higher
grades and, if they have shown themselves worthy, may
deservedly enjoy higher dignities.”

The conflicts between Catholic West and Byzantine East

continued to deepen, and it was rather a social political issue
and more connected with earthly power, land ownership,
trading zones, money circulation, than a doctrinal.
In 1215 pope invited the Fourth Lateran Council , which
affirmed the supremacy of the pope, unity of the church15;

“Renewing the ancient privileges of the patriarchal sees, we

decree, with the approval of this sacred universal synod, that
after the Roman church, which through the Lord's disposition
has a primacy of ordinary power over all other churches

4th Council of Constantinople, 869-870
4th Lateran Council, 1215

inasmuch as it is the mother and mistress of all Christ's
faithful, the church of Constantinople shall have the first
place, the church of Alexandria the second place, the church
of Antioch the third place, and the church of Jerusalem the
fourth place, each maintaining its own rank. Thus after their
pontiffs have received from the Roman pontiff the pallium,
which is the sign of the fullness of the pontifical office, and
have taken an oath of fidelity and obedience to him they may
lawfully confer the pallium on their own suffragans, receiving
from them for themselves canonical profession and for the
Roman church the promise of obedience. They may have a
standard of the Lord's cross carried before them anywhere
except in the city of Rome or wherever there is present the
supreme pontiff or his legate wearing the insignia of the
apostolic dignity. In all the provinces subject to their
jurisdiction let appeal be made to them, when it is necessary,
except for appeals made to the apostolic see, to which all
must humbly defer.”

By the end of 13th century the Tartars, later Turks were

devastating the Eastern Christian lands, which made the
Byzantine patriarchs to think about reunion with Rome , for
joint military resistance against Turks.
The Greek delegation arrived to Florence for reconciliation in
1431, for the council ( Basle-Ferrara-Florence, 1431-1445
A.D), and they signed a formal document of union.
The civil Latin and Greek authorities and populations were
already bloody enemies for more than 300 years.
The attack on Catholic quarters in Constantinople was not
forgotten ; in 1070s, during which the patriarch himself
desecrated the Catholic and Armenian churches, for they
used unleavened bread for the Eucharist not leavened, as it
is being done in the Greek church. They killed thousands
and exiling Latin population. In response to, the crusaders
looted Constantinople, 1204, when they started their raids
toward East .
Even after Turks killed and raped Greeks when capturing
Constantinople, destroying all churches and turning the
cathedral of Hagia Sophia into a mosque, the Greek

patriarch Sylvester Syropoulos still was thinking that it was
the best for “orthodoxy ,“ for they don’t have to obey the
The personal ambitions and the lust for earthly power were
self-destructive not only for those who were anointed by the
popes of Rome to present the high hierarchy of the Catholic
apostolic church, but also soon even the common
population of Europe launched a mutiny against the rules of
the church, hating and pointing out the human vices of clergy
and popes.
By the end of 15th century, with Protestant revolutions, the
loyal subjects of the pope in Europe were declining, the
European Catholic Kingdom divided and disjointed.
Heretics- Manicheans , crypto -Jews, non-Catholic elements
could penetrate the church and destroyed it from inside.
The Trent Council was invited to clean up the church from
the alien influences , excommunicating and anathematizing
heretics, Protestant “champions”.
The more Catholic hierarchy was collapsing , the more the
pope’s voice was deafened, in which the church issued more
and more decrees to consolidate pope’s personal power and
the responsibilities of clerics, now, after social revolutions in
Europe, based solely on their good conscious.
It is remarkable that the heresies , the deviation from the
dogmatic teaching of the church, presented the most danger
for the church. That is why from the early councils church
passed canon laws defining and confirming what is the
heresy, and how the church should fight them.

When the apostle teaches to obey authorities,16 for they are

from God, he meant obeying the law, which every lawful
government should provide for society .

Romans 13

The Infallible Legislative Codes of Faith and
Worship of the Universal Councils

In the Second Council of Nicaea , 787 A.D, we read;

“To summarize, we declare that we defend free from any

innovations all the written and unwritten ecclesiastical
traditions that have been entrusted to us.
Therefore all those who dare to think or teach anything
different, or who follow the accursed heretics in rejecting
ecclesiastical traditions, or who devise innovations, or who
spurn anything entrusted to the church (whether it be the
gospel or the figure of the cross or any example of
representational art or any martyr's holy relic), or who
fabricate perverted and evil prejudices against cherishing
any of the lawful traditions of the catholic church, or who
secularize the sacred objects and saintly monasteries, we
order that they be suspended if they are bishops or clerics,
and excommunicated if they are monks or lay people.”

Deacons can not give the Eucharist ; “Canon 18 . It has

come to the attention of this holy and great synod that in
some places and cities deacons give communion to
presbyters, although neither canon nor custom allows this,
namely that those who have no authority to offer should give
the body of Christ to those who do offer.”
Nicaea - 325 A.D.

Civil powers can not interfere to assign a cleric; “Canon

12 The apostolic and conciliar canons clearly forbid the
nomination and consecration of bishops which have come
about as a result of the power and intrigues of the civil
authorities. Therefore we declare and proclaim, in full
agreement with them, that if any bishop has received his
consecration through the manipulation and constraint of
such persons, he should be deposed absolutely as one who

has desired and consented to have the gift of God not from
the will of God and ecclesiastical law and decree, but from “

4th Council of Constantinople A.D.( 869-870)

Catholics can not receive or accept heretics; “ Cathars,

others the Patarenes, others the Publicani, and others by
different names, has grown so strong that they no longer
practice their wickedness in secret, as others do, but
proclaim their error publicly and draw the simple and weak to
join them, we declare that they and their defenders and
those who receive them are under anathema, and we forbid
under pain of anathema that anyone should keep or support
them in their houses or lands or should trade with them.”

Third Lateran Council

(1179 A.D)

Starting from Council of Constance, 1414-1418, with

condemnation of early protestant elements , like Wyclif's
books; ‘Dialogus’ and ‘Trialogus,’ where he presents the
blueprints of Protestantism, declaring ,” The Roman church
is Satan's synagogue” – the council also ordered-
determined that popes should take a sacred oath before his
coronation, otherwise he can not be pope;

The Sacred Profession of the Pope;

“Since the Roman pontiff exercises such great power among

mortals, it is right that he be bound all the more by the
incontrovertible bonds of the faith and by the rites that are to
be observed regarding the church's sacraments. We
therefore decree and ordain, in order that the fullness of the
faith may shine in a future Roman pontiff with singular
splendour from the earliest moments of his becoming pope,
that henceforth whoever is to be elected Roman pontiff shall

make the following confession and profession in public, in
front of his electors, before his election is published.

In the name of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father and

Son and holy Spirit. Amen. In the year of our Lord's nativity
one thousand etc., I, N., elected pope, with both heart and
mouth confess and profess to almighty God, whose church I
undertake with his assistance to govern, and to blessed
Peter, prince of the apostles, that as long as I am in this
fragile life I will firmly believe and hold the catholic faith,
according to the traditions of the apostles, of the general
councils and of other holy fathers, especially of the eight
holy universal councils-namely the first at Nicaea, the
second at Constantinople, the third at Ephesus, the fourth at
Chalcedon, the fifth and sixth at Constantinople, the seventh
at Nicaea and the eighth at Constantinople--as well as of the
general councils at the Lateran, Lyons and Vienne, and I will
preserve this faith unchanged to the last dot and will confirm,
defend and preach it to the point of death and the shedding
of my blood, and likewise I will follow and observe in every
way the rite handed down of the ecclesiastical sacraments of
the catholic church. This my profession and confession,
written at my orders by a notary of the holy Roman church, I
have signed below with my own hand. I sincerely offer it on
this altar N. to you, almighty God, with a pure mind and a
devout conscience, in the presence of the following. “

Eugene IV, Papal Bull17

Cantate Domino.

Jewish god is dead; “Besides it anathematizes the

madness of the Manichaeans, who have established two first
principles, one of the visible, and another of the invisible;
and they have said that there is one God of the New

Basle-Ferrara-Florence, 1431-1445 A.D.

Testament, another God of the Old Testament.
It firmly believes, professes, and teaches that no one
conceived of man and woman was ever freed of the
domination of the Devil, except through the merit of the
mediator between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ;”

Baptism of children should not be delayed; “Regarding

children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can
often take place, when no help can be brought to them by
another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism,
through which they are snatched from the domination of the
Devil and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that
holy baptism ought not to be deferred for forty or eighty
days, or any time according to the observance of certain
people, but it should be conferred as soon as it can be done
conveniently, but so ,that, when danger of death is imminent,
they be baptized in the form of the Church, early without
delay, even by a layman or woman, if a priest should be
lacking, just as is contained more fully in the decree of the

Vatican I infallibly declares ;

In 1870 Pope Pius IX invited Vatican I Council, which had a

purpose to warn the Catholic world about new versions of
modern agnostic philosophies, modern tendencies to turn
agnosticism into a science through secular humanism,
naturalism, rationalism, pantheism, materialism, evolution,
social doctrines, etc.
The council confirmed dogmatically that the church should
be kept stable and holy based on the scripture and the holy

tradition, in the boundaries of ordinary and universal
magisterium .18
The council also consolidated the pope’s power, giving him
unlimited privileges, as a primary jurisdiction holder, granted
by Christ to Peter, calling all into a hierarchical
subordination, declaring the pope infallibly, as he is
assisted by the divine Redeemer Himself, when he speaks
ex-cathedra on faith and morals, having also absolute power
on every church, to discipline and govern. Also the council
is making the obedience to pope an obligation under the
penalty of excommunication. These were absolute
dogmatic clauses, not known in Catholic church before ;
(“Therefore, such definitions of the Roman pontiff are of
themselves, and not by the consent of the church,
irreformable. “ (Chapter 4. “On the infallible teaching
authority of the Roman pontiff”, Vatican I))

“9. Hence all faithful Christians are forbidden to defend

as the legitimate conclusions of science those opinions
which are known to be contrary to the doctrine of faith.19

14. Hence, too, that meaning of the sacred dogmas is

ever to be maintained which has once been declared by
holy mother church, and there must never be any
abandonment of this sense under the pretext or in the
name of a more profound understanding.”

“7. Therefore we define that every assertion contrary to the

truth of enlightened faith (dogmas) is totally false”
4. If anyone does not receive as sacred and canonical the
complete books of sacred scripture with all their parts, as the
holy council of Trent listed them, or denies that they were
divinely inspired :
let him be anathema.”20

Vatican Council I, “On Faith”, 8
Vatican Council I, “On Faith and Reason,”9
Vatican Council I, “On Revelation”

Vatican I Council Dogmatized the Obedience to Pope;

1. So, then, if anyone says that 1. this power of his is not

ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the
churches and over all and each of the pastors and
faithful: let him be anathema.21

Vatican I infallibly declares about the primacy of the

successor of St. Peter ad unity of the Church , putting
anathema on those who teach a ‘new doctrine.’

“For the holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter

not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some
new doctrine, but that, by his assistance, they might
religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation
or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles. Indeed,
their apostolic teaching was embraced by all the venerable
fathers and reverenced and followed by all the holy orthodox
doctors, for they knew very well that this see of St. Peter
always remains unblemished by any error, in accordance
with the divine promise of our Lord and Saviour to the prince
of his disciples: I have prayed for you that your faith may not
fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your

“No One Can Judge the Pope”- declares Pope Paul IV ex-

We presented here the infallible and eternal canon laws of

the Holy Roman Catholic Church from the Universal
Councils, which are divine revelations, and we present a
“Chapter 3. On the power and character of the primacy of the Roman
pontiff,” 9
SESSION 4 : 18 July 1870, ‘First dogmatic constitution on the church
of Christ,’6, Vatican I

Trent Council, 1559, “Ex Apostolic Officio”

judgment over the Vatican Second Council popes, starting
from1958 , according to these dogmatic teaching, and it will
not be our judgment, but the judgment of Jesus Christ and
the holy apostles .


Or The Devil’s Bravado

If the pope was given an absolute power by God to exercise

over the church and over the faithful, likewise he should be
responsible by God for all failures and dangerous U- turns
taken in the Universal Apostolic Church , especially in our
time, unless these dangerous paths are declared and
anathematized for the salvation of our souls, as we hear the
priests declaring in good conscious in every holy liturgy .
“Lavabo inter innocents manus meas”24 - and as it is
declared by our Lord, which is a basis of the infallible
authority of pope;

“Jesus called the Twelve and said, "Anyone who wants to be

first must be the very last, and the servant of all."25

“Servant to all” not as a channel of flattery to please the

masses and profane fictitious humanitarianism, but as a
good shepherd, who lays his life to protect the herd from
wolves, a good pastor entering through the door (apostolic
teaching) , and not from the window – heresies and
rehabilitated cults.
Today we live a time, when a trusted priest might direct you
to mortal sins, condemning your soul, entangling it in a
demonic web.
Today we have to be protected from false pastors, ordained
priests in all Catholic Orthodox denominations, the imposters

“I wash my hands in innocence”- from the canon of Latin Mass.
Mark 9:35

of the devil, who are after our souls to kill, doing just the
contrary to what their divine vocation and callings are.
Today we all have to study and to be fluent in a science of
theology, or else – we will be snatched by demons ; and that
pitfall is prepared for all of you in everywhere , for the
barking dogs, real orthodox priests and bishops, who care
about Catholic, Universal Body of Christ, the Seamless Robe
of Christ, who are supposed to guard the herd, are dead.
Today the church and the imposter priest might use the
Church mysteries not as a salutary divine imperative, but as
a conductive devices to please your senses and abate your
Today the Church no longer belongs to Christ, it belongs to
private individuals as their private assets – with no
regard of divine teaching or formulated laws.
And if today the sacred faith and fear of God are no longer
bear-leaders of churchmen – then the conclusion is, that we
deal with a new triumph of the rebelled angel, Lucifer, now
claiming on St. Peter’s Chair, and having it for now, for this
period. And that period will be long, for God has a purpose to
recognize His real enemies, and since that time he waits for
” his enemies to be made his footstool.”26
Today, in order to protect the holy Chair of St. Peter,
repeating the hope-inspiring words of our Lord, that the
gates of hell will not prevail against the church,27 every
Catholic should acknowledge the lethal crisis of the Church,
declaring it to be in a Climacteric Sede Vacante 28 state.
And by doing so – we save the Holy Church of Christ from
the assigned popes (appointed by the worldly powers not
only alien to the holiness of the Roman Catholic Church, but
also ferociously hostile to it) – the popes, who never speak
Catholic, never act Catholic, never teach Catholic from the
Seat of St. Peter in “ex-cathedra” – teaching the true
doctrines on morals and faith, instead the pontifical

Hebrews 10:13
Matthew 16:18
“Empty Chair” in Latin

guidance and power is fully and slavishly granted to the
ecumenical Vatican II Council, in which case that
“ecumenism” means not the adjustment of errors and
declaring-condemning the heresies of modern time, but the
rehabilitation of all occult practices of false religions,
merging them with apostolic faith , toward creating of one
world neo-Babylonian religion.

This is a new doctrine and a new teaching,

condemned and anathematized by major true ecumenical
councils of the Universal Church; from Nichea to Vatican I,
as we presented exact canon laws in the previous chapter.

1.Vatican II annihilates the infallible teaching of Vatican I and

received faith , defining;

"The Council further declares that the right to religious

freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human
person... This right to religious freedom is to be recognized
in the constitutional law whereby society is governed. Thus it
is to become a civil right." (“Declaration on Religious Liberty,
Dignitatis Humanae”)

2.Vatican II promotes a neo-pagan union with false demonic


“"In certain circumstances, such as in prayer services 'for

unity' and during oecumenical gatherings, it is allowable,
indeed desirable, that Catholics should join in prayer with
their separated brethren. Such prayers in common are
certainly a very effective means of petitioning for the grace of
unity, and they are a genuine expression of the ties which
still bind Catholics to their separated brethren." (“Decree on
Oecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio, “ paragraph 8).

Falsum Papam . John XXIII ;

Denial of condemnation of errors/heresies for the sake

of false secular peace ;
By his initiatives the Vatican II was invited and it was he who
set the standards of reforming the church, by depriving it
from apostolic mystery and grace.

‘The Church has always opposed these errors. Frequently

she has condemned them with the greatest severity.
Nowadays however, the Spouse of Christ prefers to make
use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of severity. ‘29

“9. Finally, with regard to the whole human family, which

starred engagements hazards uncertain, angry, anxious,
continually hold the next Council will afford an excellent
opportunity for all, and to improve the articles in the peace
plans and objectives.”30

John XXIII was a leader of a New Liturgical Movement,

inviting the commission composed of freemasons and
protestants, which gradually transformed the sacred worship
received from apostles, aiming to turn it into a Protestant
socials, as we see it today accomplished.
They transformed the Roman Missal starting from 1962,
fabricating a lie, that it is an “expanded “ version of Pius V’s
liturgy, 1570, canonized in Trent.
The beatification and canonization of this Falsum Papam
was not a divine revelation, but a written scenario long

Opening Speech to the Vatican II Council, Pope John XXIII, October
11, 1962


before he was dead, and the writer was no one but the devil

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal

salvation, religious liberalism, eradication of apostolic liturgy
and dogmas. The author of nefarious Novus Ordo mass in
early form.

Falsum Papam . Paul VI ;

By his own will Paul VI denied and mocked the canonic
coronation as a pontiff, rejecting his pontifical monarchic
office, acting as a sugar-daddy for worldly powers and false
religious leaders.
He issued ex-cathedra false teaching about Jews being
saved and chosen by old covenant, the followers of a pagan
Muhammad- as Abraham’s generation.

“16. Finally, those who have not yet received the Gospel are
related in various ways to the people of God. In the first
place we must recall the people to whom the testament and
the promises were given and from whom Christ was born
according to the flesh. On account of their fathers this people
remains most dear to God, for God does not repent of the
gifts He makes nor of the calls He issues. But the plan of
salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator.
In the first place amongst these there are the
Mohammedans, who, professing to hold the faith of
Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God,
who on the last day will judge mankind.
Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of
their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church,
yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their
deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the
dictates of conscience .”31


In 1970 Paul VI promulgated a new version of sacrilagous
mass- nefarious Novus Ordo- making it mandatory , as an
“extraordinary form of the Roman Rite,” where the perfect
seculirazition and abolishment of divine text/form received by
apostles was obliterated. It is a direct violation of the
previous infallible laws of the Universal Councils from pre-
ecumenical time to Vatican I.
Paul VI altered the Roman Rite’s essential form and text,
even though the Universal Councils strictly forbid to do so,
as we posted the canon laws in previous chapter. Therefore,
the new form with altered text and intention is deprived from
divine salutary grace.
Not only this Falsum Papam did not repent for this crime,
but also he continued to deceive people, that in a new
sacrilegious mass, conducted with pop dances and songs,
shows-performance, and all kind of derisions- that in all
these blasphemous circuses the transubstantiation is
occurring, and the Eucharist is continuing to be present.

35. All of us realize that there is more than one way in

which Christ is present in His Church.32

By worshiping unconsecrated bread and wine the large

Catholic population gradually lost their faith and massively
plunged into mortal sin, violating the I Commandment and
mortifying the Holy Spirit received by the grace of a
baptismal pool.
The devastating effects of a false Catholic Council and false
popes were released in press in its horrifying statistics as a
global sex-crime;

 Number of presbyters who have committed sex

crimes: approximately 10,000.

ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964

 Number of bishops who have committed sex crimes:
22 .
 Percentage of bishops and presbyters who are sex
criminals: approximately one in ten.
 Number of Child Victims (according to sociologist Fr.
Andrew Greeley): 280,000 .
 Number of Currently Sitting Bishops Involved in the
Cover-up: two in three.
 Number of parishes Housing Criminal Presbyters: two
in three , etc.

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal

salvation, religious liberalism, eradication of apostolic
liturgy and dogmas. He is guilty for crimes against
humanity and God, for favoring murderous world leaders,
pedophile clergy, for persecuting God’s saints, who are
loyal to the Holy Roman Catholic Church; SSPX, CMRI,
other individuals. The author of nefarious Novus Ordo
mass .

Falsum Papam . John Paul II

From 1986 this false pope invited the sacrilegious monolithic
prayers with all forms of false religious sects and occults,
calling it “World day of Prayer of Peace.”
By the initiatives of this false pope from 2001 the Catholics
were led to pray in mosques, synagogues, pagan temples ,
previously punishable by excommunication, and this pope
showed by his own example performing a public apostasy .
In 1989 he participated in the Lutheran service, Norway,
which was infallibly condemned and anathematized by the
Universal Church, and by this act he lifted the
excommunication of Martin Luther pronounced ex-cathedra
by previous true popes. He delivered his sacrilegious
political laic speech , as following;

“The Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council warned
that: “Our era needs such wisdom more than bygone ages if
the discoveries made by man are to be further humanized.
For the future of the world stands in peril unless wiser people
are forthcoming” (Gaudium et Spes). Today in this cathedral,
I give thanks to God for the grace of the ecumenical
movement which we have experienced in our time. “33

This false pope is a great architect of the New Liturgical

Movement and a new inventor of a nefarious Novus Ordo
mass .
This false pope is a great architect of the Charismatic
demonic occult movement, after which the false apparitions
and sin dominated in the world.
We admit all his documents and actions to be religious
AIDS carriers.
The beatification and canonization of this false pope is an
utter heresy and blasphemy, a cataclysmic dangerous event
for the security and peace of mankind, for this false
character will deceive many, escorting them to hell.

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal

salvation, religious liberalism, eradication of apostolic liturgy
and dogmas, elevating Virgin Mary into godess as co-
redemtrix . He is guilty for crimes against humanity and God,
for favoring murderous world leaders, pedophile clergy, for
persecuting God’s saints, who are loyal to the Holy Roman
Catholic Church; SSPX, CMRI, and many other individuals.
The author of nefarious Novus Ordo mass.

Falsum Papam ; Benedict XVI

This is a false pope operating in shadows, flip-flaps, as a
real fox in God’s garden, who cankers the trunks of the tree,
eating up the life-channel roots, sucking up the life-giving
juices. He was a canonizing machine , who had eternalized

June, 1989

the memory of many heretics and occult mediums. He
speaks the way no one can understand anything – just
creating the image of the sophisticated thinker. His decrees
were kept mainly in secret.
Here is one, in which he is after the Last Mohicans of the
Roman Catholic Church, SSPX, presenting an ultimatum
form, imposing on men of God the nefarious Novus Ordo

The Treacherous Oath Written By Benedict XVI

Imposed upon SSPX,
replacing the Oath Against Modernism of St. Pius X

“I. We promise to be always faithful to the Catholic Church

and to the Roman Pontiff, the Supreme Pastor, Vicar of
Christ, Successor of Peter, and head of the body of bishops.
II. We declare that we accept the teachings of the
Magisterium of the Church in the substance of Faith and
Morals, adhering to each doctrinal affirmation in the required
degree, according to the doctrine contained in No. 25 of
the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium of the Second
Vatican Council.
1. We declare that we accept the doctrine regarding the
Roman Pontiff and regarding the college of bishops, with the
pope as its head, which is taught by the dogmatic
constitution Pastor Aeternus of Vatican I and by the
Dogmatic [Sic] Constitution Lumen Gentium of Vatican
II, the chapter De constitutione hierarchica Ecclesiae et in
specie de episcopatu, explained and interpreted by the nota
explicativa praevia in this same chapter.
2. We recognize the authority of the Magisterium to which
alone is given the task of authentically interpreting the word
of God, in written form or handed down in fidelity to
Tradition, recalling that "the Holy Ghost was not promised to
the successors of Peter in order for them to make known,
through revelation, a new doctrine, but so that with His

assistance they may keep in a holy and expressly faithful
manner the revelation transmitted by the Apostles, that is to
say, the Faith."
3. Tradition is the living transmission of revelation
"usque ad nos" and the Church in its doctrine, in its life and
in its liturgy perpetuates and transmits to all generations
what this is and what she believes. Tradition progresses in
the Church with the assistance of the Holy Ghost, not as a
contrary novelty, but through a better understanding of the
Deposit of the Faith.
4. The entire tradition of Catholic Faith must be the criterion
and guide in understanding the teaching of the Second
Vatican Council, which, in turn, enlightens -- in other words
deepens and subsequently makes explicit -- certain aspects
of the life and doctrine of the Church implicitly present within
itself or not yet conceptually formulated.
5. The affirmations of the Second Vatican Council and of the
later Pontifical Magisterium relating to the relationship
between the Church and the non-Catholic Christian
confessions, as well as the social duty of religion and the
right to religious liberty, whose formulation is with difficulty
reconcilable with prior doctrinal affirmations from the
Magisterium, must be understood in the light of the whole,
uninterrupted Tradition, in a manner coherent with the truths
previously taught by the Magisterium of the Church, without
accepting any interpretation of these affirmations whatsoever
that would expose Catholic doctrine to opposition or rupture
with Tradition and with this Magisterium.
6. That is why it is legitimate to promote through legitimate
discussion the study and theological explanations of the
expressions and formulations of Vatican II and of the
Magisterium which followed it, in the case where they don't
appear reconcilable with the previous Magisterium of the
7. We declare that we recognize the validity of the sacrifice
of the Mass and the Sacraments celebrated with the
intention to do what the Church does according to the rites
indicated in the typical editions of the Roman Missal and the

Sacramentary Rituals legitimately promulgated by Popes
Paul VI and John-Paul II.
8. In following the guidelines laid out above (III.5), as well as
Canon 21 of the Code of Canon Law, we promise to respect
the common discipline of the Church and the ecclesiastical
laws, especially those which are contained in the Code of
Canon Law promulgated by John-Paul II (1983) and in the
Code of Canon Law of the Oriental Churches promulgated
by the same pontiff (1990), without prejudice to the discipline
of the Society of Saint Pius X, by a special law.”

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal

salvation, religious liberalism, eradication of apostolic liturgy
and dogmas. Pedophilia damage control. He is guilty for
crimes against humanity and God, for favoring murderous
world leaders, pedophile clergy, for persecuting God’s
saints, who are loyal to the Holy Roman Catholic Church;
SSPX, CMRI, and other individuals.

Falsum Papam; Francis

A pretended philanthropist, who refuses to present the
Church’s essential function in its Seven Sacramental
Mysteries; rather following his predecessors, Jorge Mario
Bergoglio sees the human salvation in;
1. social justice ,
2. secular humanism ,
3. in the person of the pope.

‘We begin the Year of Faith and paradoxically proposed

image Pope is the gate, a gate that must be crossed in order
to find what we both needed. The Church, through the voice
and heart of Pastor Benedict invites us to cross the
threshold, to step inside and free decision: encourage us to
enter a new life.’34

‘Letter of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos
Aires, for the Year of Faith’ Buenos Aires, October 1, 2012

The New Church of Rome, presented by Bergoglio, is
standing on two pillars;
1. The moral theology of John Paul II expressed in ‘Crossing
the Threshold of the Faith ‘ and
2. The integration of the whole society into an utopian
communist single entity, which is based on abstract notion of
love and peace , meanwhile abundantly using the Lord’s
Name as a sugar-coat to this neo-socialist ideology .

This Vatican II typical godfather keeps excluding the

dogmatic foundation of the church, moreover, he openly
states his hatred to it ,

“ Rounding the act of faith is, trust in the power of the Holy
Spirit present in the Church and that is also reflected in the
signs of the times, is to accompany the constant movement
of life and history without falling into defeatism paralyzing
that the past was better, it is urgent to think back, bring back,
re-create, amassing life with "the new leaven of justice and
holiness." (1 Cor. 5:8)’ 35

False pope Francis has no teaching, but to consolidate the

abominations and heresies of Vatican II previous false
popes, one by one granting all of these political activivists
the title of ‘saint.’

By the power of the infallible canon laws, defined by the

Roman Catholic Church, these false popes would have
been burned alive if the real legislative, civil, and punitive
bodies were still working, as it was in Golden Ages of the
Roman Catholic Kingdom, medieval times. And that would

the same place, “Letter of Cardinal J….”

have been the salutary charitable act shown to them, serving
them an eternal salvation, as it is written by the apostle;
“Hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,
so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord. “36

The Universal Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is in

Climacteric Sedevacantism ,
or else-
it ceased to exist.
Deus Vetat!

1 Corinthians 5:5


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