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1. This is the first period characterized by the prevalence of oral communication.

Age of Literacy
-Tribal Age
Print Age
Electronic Age

2. It was highlighted by the invention of the Gutenberg Press or movable type in 15th
Age of Literacy
Tribal Age
-Print Age
Electronic Age

3. It is the invention of computers and the internet, paving the beginning of new era of
-Information Age
Electronic Age
Print Age
Tribal Age

4. A period characterized by the dominance of the electric media, such as telegraph,

radio, film, telephone, computer, and television.
Information Age
New media
Print Age
-Electronic Age

5. It is a theory that believes technology is a steering factor in how a society develops

its structure and values. - technological determinism
6. The umalohokan or town crier served as a walking bulletin who went around the
barangay to deliver public announcements. TRUE OR FALSE -TRUE
7. Doctrina Christiana is the second book established in the Philippines. TRUE OR
8. The film industry flourished during the Martial Law Period. TRUE OR FALSE -
9. During this period, the broadcast radio was introduced in the Philippines.
Pre-Colonial Period
Spanish Period
-American Period
Japanese Period

10. During this period, democracy was reestablished and media institution were once
again thriving.
-Post-Martial Law Period
Martial Law Period
American Period
Spanish Period

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