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‘Guano (When a opposing per sccefillytaeldes one of our layers, you may apply he dice sul otis player sted) J Goxeo vie an opposing per ssceflytedes one of your jes, you may apply he dice rl his players) He argant stom, obmaxious, fp cise and oly unboarsbe vas th cesenpian they gave us ln Well! His cppnents dan’ com 19 Tike him, Bob That vas cw is want i. ‘Guo (When a opposing plier ‘secesfillytckles sles ‘sto thisplayer med) Baws ree Re (Revel | chest ff soksnon opposing player at tis teup Ik ban get” token itil insula ect cherie replace it with anew one) ‘arog subbor,obneious, and ely unbesbe sri they neu ln Wel His ponents don’ cam 10 Tie him, Bob That vas bis wat i pars you nay ag ruth pyr ead) Barner Re (Revel | chest token ons opposing pay scp Ti ban ejection” woken, itl inst ake eit ehewse replace it witha ne oe) ezant subbor, obvious tal unbarae script they gs YES) IKIIE TH? rn Pe ere mn = RS ‘Mascaup Action: Extaus thiseardto sap 2 your players om 2 dire Inuthass ‘Matchup Action: Fehrs thiveard to pick ny | player fiom your roster desk or scar and rove thom ‘Homthe game, (Rese yourrvterdeckafenvards if pevded) ‘yourplivrsare the all ‘omer, they gan 1 Stir Response ses, Exhaust hs cad to sand Wp T downed pliner ‘shat this eat pick ane ‘layer nove all the cheat {olen that nate onto

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