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Effect of modular learning to

the academic performance

of Grade 12 students

The Problem and its Background


COVID-19 pandemic has highly affected our society because of its health risks that may lead to
danger. One of the affected sectors was education and it resulted to the suspension of classes in
order to avoid the spread of the virus. Despite of these challenging situations, the Department of
Education still managed to continue the classes through online conduct setting

Education helps people think, show their emotions, feel about things in a way that benefits to
their success, and improves not only their own personal contentment but also their society and
community. Also, education develops the individual's personality, thoughts, that deals with other
people and prepares anybody for the purpose of the reality and life experiences (Al. Shuaibi,

Face-to-face learning usually where the instructor and the student meet in a set place for a set
time, for either one-on-one learning or, most commonly, in gathering class lessons comparable to
what happens in school. Face to face learning could be a truly compelling way to memorize
information and abilities since it frequently combines distinctive ways of learning to count
writing, reading, discussion, presentations, projects, group work, film clips, demonstration and
practice (Jones, 2017).

Online learning is the most up to date and the most prevalent form of distance education
nowadays. In the past decade, it has a major effect on postsecondary education and the trend is
only increasing Online learning is an instruction that takes put over the internet. It is frequently
referred to as "e-learning" among other terms. However, online learning is fair one sort of
"distance learning" - the umbrella term for any learning that takes put over distance and not in a
traditional classroom (Stem, 2016)

Modules permit instructors to organize content to assist control the flow of the course. Modules
are utilized to organize course content by weeks, units, or a diverse organizational structure.
Modules basically make a one-directional direct flow of what students ought to do in a course.
Each module can contain records, discussions, assignments, tests, and other learning materials.
Module things can be included in the course from existing content or modern content shells
inside the modules. Course content can be included in different modules or iterated several times
throughout a person module (Anthony, 2015).
This study will research the Effective platform for the learning delivery modality in Grade 12
students of ACLC College of Iriga. The study will also measure the advantages and
disadvantages of modular learning through the effect of printed modules for the Grade 12
students of ACLC College of Iriga. Different platforms and the effectivity will be also find based
on the Grade 12 student's academic performance.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Bruner Constructivism theory. Constructivism as cited by Fosnot

(2005) emphasize the active role of learner in building understanding and making sense of the
information. The constructivist teaching is learner centered where students are actively involved
in knowledge construction rather than passive learners,

A major theme in the theoretical framework of Bruner is that learning is an active process in
which learners constrict new ideas or concepts based upon their current and previous knowledge.
The learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, makes decisions, and rely
on their own understanding. Cognitive structure (schema) provides meaning and organization to
experiences and allows the individual to go beyond the information given.

In other words, the teacher should try and encourage learner to discover principles by
themselves. With the use of the module the learner will be able to process new ideas that they
read from the module. From there they can depend on their own understanding and develop their
problem-solving skills.

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