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- is the period in which the
fertilized ovum implants
itself in the uterus,
undergoes differentiation
and grows until it can
support extra-uterine life
- Is the period of milk
production initiated by the
prolactin hormone in the
mammary gland.
Physiological and Anatomical Changes during
Pregnancy and Lactation

 Hormonal changes
 Changes in blood volume
 Adjustments in renal
 Lung Volumes
 Weight gain and its
 Skin
 Breast changes
 Vagina and Perineum
Nutritional Problems of Mothers in
the Philippines
 Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and
micronutrient deficiencies remain the
leading nutritional problems in the
 The vitamin A status of the country is
considered severe sub clinical
deficiency affecting children 6 months -
5 years (8.2%) and pregnant women
 Iron deficiency anemia is the most alarming
of the micronutrient deficiencies affecting a
considerable proportion of infants (56.6%),
pregnant women (50.7%), lactating women
(45.7%) and male older persons (49.1%).
- to ensure an optimum supply
of good quality breast milk,
some dietary essentials are
increased above the
requirements of pregnancy.

Eating Well For a Healthy Baby and Mom

 Pregnancy puts many nutritional

demands on a woman's body.

 Extra nutrients are required to meet the

needs of a rapidly growing baby, but also
to keep mom healthy during pregnancy
and after.

 This means that a woman must eat

wisely and choose those foods that are
nutrient-rich. For many women, an
improvement in eating habits is
During Pregnancy During Lactation
Body-Building Foods

Fish, Meat, Poultry 4 matchbox-sizes 5 matchbox-sizes

Milk 2/3 cup whole 1 cup whole
Eggs 3-4/ week 1 whole/ day
Dried Beans and Nuts ½ c cooked ½ c cooked

Energy Giving Foods

Enriched Rice 5 c cooked 6 c cooked

Root crops 1 small 0r ½ c sliced 1 med or 2/3 c sliced
Sugar 7 teaspoons 11 teaspoons
Fat 6 teaspoons 8 teaspoons

Regulating Foods

Green Leafy and ¾ c cooked 1 c cooked

Yellow Vegetables
Vitamin-C-Rich Foods 2 med or 2 slices big fruit the same
Other Fruits & Vegetables 2/3 c cooked vegetables the same
Avoid Alcohol!
Eating healthfully while pregnant
helps prevent:

 pregnancy difficulties
 delivery problems
 birth defects
 low birth weight babies
 future health problems
for mom or baby

Healthy Mother
and Baby

Hormonal Effects On Nutrient Metabolism in

Progesterone Placenta Reduces gastric motility; favors
maternal fat deposition; increases
Na excretion; reduces alveolar and
arterial PCO2 ; interferes with folic
acid metabolism
Progesterone Placenta Reduces serum proteins; increaces
hydroscopic properties of
connective tissue; effects thyroid
function; interferes with folic acid
Estrogen Placenta Elevates b;ood glucose from
breakdown of glucogen

Human Placenta Lactogen Placenta Stimulates production of
(HPL) thyroid hormones
Human Chorionic Thyrotrophin Placenta Stimulates production of
(HCT thyroid hormones
Human Growth Hormone Anterior Pituitary Elevates blood glucose,
(TSH) stimulates growth of
long bones; promotes
nitrogen retention
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Anterior Pituitary Stimulates secretion of
(TSH) thyroxine; increases
uptakes of iodine by
thyriod gland

Thyroxine Thyroid Regulates rate of cellular

ovidation (basal

Parathyroid Hormone Parathyroid Promotes calcium reportion from
(PTH) bone; promotes urinary excretion
of phosphate

Calcitonin (CT) Thyroid Inhibits calcium resorption from

Insulin Beta Cells of pancreas Reduces blood glucose levels to
promote energy production and
synthesis of fats

Glucagon Alpha Cells of Pancreas Elevates blood glucose levels

from glycogen break down
Aldosterone Adrenal Cortex Promotes sodium retention and
potassium excretion
Cortisome Adrenal Cortex Elevates blood glucose from
protein breakdown
Remin-Angiotensin Kidney Stimulates Aldosterone secretion;
promotes sodium and water
retention; increases thirst
Effect of Oxytocin During Lactation

 plays an especially important role in
lactation, a role that is far better
understood than its role in delivery of
the baby.

 its causes milk to be expressed from

the alveoli into the ducts so that the
baby can obtain it by sucking.

 responsible for the let-down reflex

Mechanism involved in let down reflex:

 The sucking stimuli on the nipple of the

breast cause signals to be transmitted through
the sensory nerves to the brain.

 The signals finally reach the oxytocin

neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic
nuclei in the hypothalamus, to release of
oxytocin by the posterior pituitary gland.

 The oxytocin then is carried by the blood to

the breasts, where it causes contraction of
myoepithelial cells that lie outside of the form a
latticework surrounding the alveoli of the
mammary glands. In the less than a minute
after the beginning of sucking, milk begins to
The End…


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