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Information Technology


Basics 1: Objectives

Understand how computers work

A computer, a digital information-processing machine, works by changing information into binary numbers (ones and zeros) and then using
simple mathematics to make decisions about how to rearrange those numbers into words or actions.

More notes: How Computers Work.pdf

Understand the basics of networking and the internet

The internet is actually a network of networks that connects billions of digital devices worldwide. Standard protocols allow communication
between these devices. Those protocols include hypertext transfer protocol (the ‘http’ in front of all website addresses). Internet protocol (or IP
addresses) are the unique identifying numbers required of every device that accesses the internet. IP addresses are comparable to your mailing
address, providing unique location information so that information can be delivered correctly.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Network Service Providers (NSPs) provide the infrastructure that allows the transmission of packets of data
or information over the internet. Every bit of information sent over the internet doesn’t go to every device connected to the internet. It’s the
combination of protocols and infrastructure that tells information exactly where to go.

Computer networks connect nodes like computers, routers, and switches using cables, fiber optics, or wireless signals. These
connections allow devices in a network to communicate and share information and resources.

Networks follow protocols, which define how communications are sent and received. These protocols allow devices to communicate. Each device
on a network uses an Internet Protocol or IP address, a string of numbers that uniquely identifies a device and allows other devices to recognize

Routers are virtual or physical devices that facilitate communications between different networks. Routers analyze information to determine the
best way for data to reach its ultimate destination. Switches connect devices and manage node-to-node communication inside a network,
ensuring that bundles of information traveling across the network reach their ultimate destination.

More notes:,communications%20are%


Understand the functionalities of an operating system as well as the variety of applications they run

An operating system has three main functions: (1) manage the computer's resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk
drives, and printers, (2) establish a user interface, and (3) execute and provide services for applications software.

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Understand foundational software development concepts and how to problem-solve with them

Software development work comprises fairly consistent and distinct phases, each with a different character: Initiation, Development, Release,
and Maintenance. Closing is also often considered a standard phase

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Understand how to organize, manipulate, and manage data using a relational database management system

A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a collection of programs and capabilities that enable IT teams and others to create,
update, administer and otherwise interact with a relational database. RDBMSes store data in the form of tables, with most commercial relational
database management systems using Structured Query Language (SQL) to access the database. However, since SQL was invented after the
initial development of the relational model, it is not necessary for RDBMS use.

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Understand best practices for securing computer systems against cyber attacks


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