Ancient Mesopotamia Homework

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World History

(3 pts)
Ancient Mesopotamia (pg. 30 – pg 40, & video) (33 pts total)
Define the following vocabulary (8 pts):

Fertile Crescent: Ziggurat:

Mesopotamia: Cuneiform:

Sumer: Civil Law:

Criminal Law: Codify:

How was Sumerian society structured? (1 pt)

What advances did the Sumerians make in technology, mathematics, and astronomy? List 4. (4 pts)

1. 3.
2. 4.

What are some examples of a Semitic language (list 2)? Which languages did Mesopotamia speak (list 2)? (4 pts)

Who is Sargon? (1 pt)

Who is Hammurabi (1 pt) and what is he most well-known for (1 pt)?

Hammurabi’s code established ______________ and defined ________________________. (2 pts)

Ms. Haag
World History

List 2 examples of Hammurabi’s civil law (1 pt) and 2 examples of his criminal law (1 pt).

Name a significant contribution made by the Hittites, Assyrians, and Babylonians after each group’s conquest in the
Middle East. (3 pts)

• Hittites:

• Assyrians:

• Babylonians:

What was central to Assyrian culture? (1 pt)

According to legend, which “seven wonders of the ancient world” may have King Nebuchadnezzar built? (1 pt) Why did
he build it? (1 pt)

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