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1) Perform the following conversions (476.64)10 = ( )2 = ( )8.

2) Perform the following operation using 2’s complement method 1111.10 – 0101.11.
3) Define Multiplexer. Explain in brief about 2:1 Mux.
4) Explain the procedure to construct the 3 variable K-map with an example.
5) Derive the characteristic equations of D and T flipflop.
6) What are finite state machines?
7) List the limitations of finite state machines
8) State and prove the Demorgan’s theorem
9) Write the differences between Synchronous and Asynchronous sequential circuits
10) Draw the diagram of three bit shift register with waveforms.
11) Write the difference between Mealy and Moore machine
12) Prove that (X+Y)(X+Y’)=X
13) What is the 10’s complement of (10210)10 ?
14) Draw the half adder logic circuit using XOR gate?
15) Design and realize the 3 bit binary to unit distance code using NOR gates.
16) Simplify and realize the following Boolean expression using logic gates.
a. Y=AB+A′C+BC
b. Y=(A+B′+C′)(A+B′+C)
17) Reduce the number of states in the following state table and tabulate the reduced state table.

18) Convert D flip-flop into SR flip-flop

19) Convert SR flip-flop JK flip-flop
20) Reduce the following Boolean Expressions:
i) AB+A(B+C)+B'(B+D)
ii) A+B+A'B'C
iii) A'B+A'BC'+A'BCD+A'BC'D'E
iv) ABEF+AB(EF)'+(AB)'EF
21) Solve the following i) (27.125)10 = ( )8 ii) (10.6875)10 = ( )2 iii) (237.75)8 = ( )10
22) Minimize the criterion the following using K-map.
f(A,B,C,D).= Σm (0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13)
23) Minimize the following expression using K-map and realize using NOR gates.
f = ∏ M (1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15)
24)Perform the subtraction using 1’s complement and 2’s complement methods.
(i)11010 – 10000
(ii)11010 – 1101
(iii)100 - 110000

25) Design a combinational circuit that converts a BCD to GRAY code.

26) A receiver with even parity Hamming code is received the data as 10110011110.
Determine the correct code and what the original message

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