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AL oo juggs Pe Ji meg pea tee OAM oe a BOUOLAS AIRCAAFY CO. BOB kd wit ee ‘GARGO/PASGENOER CORVERSTON - MATRPEWANCE PRACTICES General Tho afxplana nay be operated tn an ali passenger or an all cargo confi gu= ration, or in eeverat cergo/pacsenger combinations. 211 eqittmont necen- very for conversion nay be carried on the airplane, and 48 stovable out of tho main cabin avea, Interior arrangements odlow for fron zero to fourteen pallats. Tf twlk cargo 1s taing carried, an aisle ts provided slong the loft side by cn adele not and stanchions. m B, ALL but two auoke detector picitips aro located to tho left of abxplane eentorline in the main cargo area. The tio mist aft detectors ave Jocated undex ono caver Sorword of tho right forward aft lovetory on the right Gide. the cover of the forvarduost: detector (over the large cargo door) mat be Fenoved to facilitate cargo loading and to prevent being danoged. CG. he utility duet outlets must be closed whenever seata are rexoved, and in ‘the all cargo configuration the tofiet vent must ve closed. D. ¥Yrovisions for 25-nan Mferafte arc located throughout the cabin area to allow for any cargo/passenger combsnation. 2, Cargo/Passenger Conversion ~ Items Required ‘Te following Listed conversion iteus are referred to in the accompanying illustrations. (1) Evacuation slides at entrance end sexvéco doors, (2) Att double ottendant's seat. . (3) Fixed ewergoncy oxygen cylinders {two 122 cu, fb.) dn aft dvop ceiling. (4) Getley unite 3, 4, 5, and 6. (5) Fixad fixat afd oxygen cyHnder (one 111 cu, ft.) tn aft arop celLing. (6) Faxat ofa Kit in aft coatroon, left side, . (1) Fare extinguishers (one 02 and one HO) in aft coatroom, left side. (8) Portebdle oxygen sylinaers (one 11 ou, ft, with masks) in aft overhead etowege rack: (9) Provisions for tvo liferatts in aft drop cefling, (10) type 4 emergency exits not usable. 25+ 52-0 : _ CODE 1 {22) ‘Typo 1 emergency exits usable; for aent clearance see Figure 202. {12a} Fowr oxygen macke in overhead ntowage racks (8 posaible placer), (23) ‘Gype TIX enorgoncy exits unable; for seab clearance see Figure 20% (lh) Fire extinguishers, typ Wed and one 06, {15} Double ettendant's seat, forward. {16) Osygen maska in overhead stovage rask, tuo places, {17} Forward eoxgo barcier end crow galley (sce Figms 201), Fire oxtin~ (18) Movable pasuenger/cargo divider purtition, (19) Portable oxygen (12 ou. Ct,), provingons for one right eide and to (20) Provintons for Iigeratts in renovable compartments. (21) Galley unit Wo. i, with oxygen mesks for abtendents, (22) Gadloy unit Ho. 2 (83) Baoke detector units (see Figures 201 and 203). . (2h) Gloss toilet vent outlet, located on botton outer surface of skin nar (25) Paug in utility treye with edanters, One edapter required for cach 3. General Reguivenents for Conversion end Btowege of Cabin Zouiguent A. ‘ke cabin can provide seats for 156 passengers, or 1t has room for 14 pollote or ninc'coubinatione of passangor and cargo interiors, B, An ali-passongoy configuration may have the crew galley, barrier net, oergo partition, equiyment begs, and cargo equipnent boxes (or aultable con= teinera) containing » Vi-pallet loading system (oxoluding palleta) stowed in the lover cargo compartments, A porteble toflet, courier seat, and Bupphenental courier seat ney aloo be carried vhon necesoary, 2552-0 cope 4 Page 202 oul 15/69 BOUOLAS aIRcUART co. BGG SIXTY FORA S FARINTENANCE MANUAT , Byaquation slides at Type 1 oxits, in forward contyooa, guisher, dry vith applicator, aft of radio rack. Provisions for one 10= fon Liferagt on flcor near observer's station. Jeft side in beg rock near liferaft compsrtments, Also one in overhecd. Btowage rack, right side. airplane centerline below aft lsvatories (ceo Figure 205). triple sect without another seat forverd. SUR pees BOUGLAD AIRCAAIT CO.. INE, BEB NE nS ont esha BEE Piges LIFE RAPES: RESISTOR! us \SGPGE RACK f+ ES) RAFTS EVACUATION SLIDES: ORLERY AZO RLQHT books EMERCERCY ONYOEH CYLINDERS (2) tees Peds. Punst nH ‘Lire aAFTe ygguation LZ. ™ DAY FIRE EXTINGUISHER EVACUATION SLIDE FINE EXECUGUISHERS Ponvaste oncen f eyteiber ¢argo/Passenger Convaroion 2505260 Figure 201 (Sheet 1 of 3) CODE 1 Roge 203 Fob 25/68 tines 1 USA. DOUOLAS AIRCRATT CO. INC. BB8 GINTY GERNES PARINTINANCE MANUAL 20 «30, 49,39, 20 Haaeagae 2505220 Cargo/Pasaenger Conversion CODE 2 Figura 201 (Sheot 2 of 3) re ls eb 15/68 OOUGIAS IRCRARE €O., IEG. GEE SIXTY SARIAG MAINTENANCE MAHUAL m7 « of fares > NE yeeuarg cae HALLO ‘y suoxe oETecroR UNITS ‘sTWo SMOKE DETECTOR i Le Tuits UnDER OME COVER BAR ADELA corgo/reeaenger Corarsion 2505260 fe CODE 2 Figure 201 (heat 3 of 3) Page 205 TOUOLNS AERA CO., tHe BBE BIKTY SERMEE AAINTENANCE MANUAL BuERRENEY ENT | 10 3/4 DOUBLE DELUX SEAT (WITH WING GACKD l for —-9 5/8 DOUBLE OELUX SEAT (HO WitG BACK] Hal hl cssmenareutse sen samen LOCKING Pay Je—s}-—- 10 TOURIST SEAT 16 AGREAST) ‘ sto. echo € WINE BACK HOTWING BAGR , SECTION AeA FLOGR sbi vedliden Uae ne pea at te COULD RAIA ORES HI eg wAe-s902 2552-0 Emergency Exits -~ Seat Clearance cons Figure 202 Page 206 way 1/69 i! DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €O., INS: BEE GINTY GERIGE WAAINTENANCE MANUAL yaw & oes avveica + Two SNORE geTECTOR UNITS : UBER OnE covER paaeakaan Suoke Deteotor Pickups 25-5260 Figure cone 2 Page G07 Bits lo edn A whe Bee DOUOLAS AIRCRAPY €O., INC. Gt BINTY SEVUGE MAINIDHARCE MANUAL OPEN POstTION ActuaTna scnew Hye Segcase ToULOsE ourcer CLOseO PasiTioH my SS) Sere ‘ARPLANE HAaa984 t Valve «= Afb Totlet Vent Figure 205 are Page 208 May 1/69 OOUOLAS AIRCKATT €0., INE, EO ihe nha ee ©. An all-cargo configuration may have the pacpenger oats, galleys, cargo portition, and all other passenger cabin equiprent carried tn the lover cargo compartments ond oft lavatories, ROREL Mo onudpsant bage and aquiysent boxes referred to in the following steps are to be minufectured locally, 4, Vonveredon and stowage oF Cabin Equipment ‘Ay Open galley service doow B. Fosttion one fork Lift or pallet loader at each gelley service doors : NOTE! The fork litte or pallet losders used nust have a verbieal Lift of 21 fast, If fork lifts era used, a 7 x 10 foot pallet should bo used for unloading of seats and email pieces of sauipsent, €. Position esall cloth bags and equipment bege for protection of seate at eft galley service door. BD, Reconpanded stations, vork crave and oseigned tacks. (1) Cray No. 1 (6 mon) to remove and frstell equiptent in forvard section of alvplane. {2) Grew Mo. @ (6 aan) to rereve and install equipment in center and aft Sections of airplane. - {3) Craw Ho. 3 (3 men) to reciove arta load equipment: in forward cargo conpartsent. (4) Crew No. & (3 wen} to remove and Joad equiprent in aft cargo compartnent. 3 For saxtoum efficiency, ereva No. 1 and 2 should vork stovltene- ously and independently of oravs No. 3 and le . Ss Rewove Cabin Equipment» Forvand Section Ay Resove evacuation slides from passenger entrance and galley service deors. B, Fold down seat backs, disconnect log from st track, and renove seat, 2 May 1/69 Page 209 Wiad O88 25-52-0 cops 3 si Pace DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT 60. BB-8 GINTY SEES MAINTENANCE MANUAL ©, Rexove vindsoresn iccated aft of forvard pasrenger door. D, Remove floor covering. (See 25-27-04) {1) Renove thrasiolés, cover stripe, and floor covering at fight coapart= ment. Replace and tighten serevar (2) Roll up carpets, placing plastic retaining etrips ineide rolls, end the each rohi separately. (3) Remove thresholds, cover atrips, end floor covering in eres of furvard galleys, Replace ard tighten screws. RB, Convert upper cargo door. (See Chapter 52.) (2) Remove Linoxe from bottom of door, (2) Tenove snap-out panels fron door. (3) Unletch and open door. (4) Remove cover from sncke detactor wilt located over upper cargo door (ace Figures 201 und 203). °° * F, Unload cabin equipment and position near forward lower cargo compartment. HORE: Other oquipxont sy te unloaded ao it 19 xewoved and positioned near the forvard lower cargo compartuent. G, Renove portable oxygen cylinders from lefb ond right beg racks end stow in aft lavatories, Fold down and ocowre overhead atowsge racks in area where seate have been venoved (see 25¢25~0}, NOME: Honaining overhead stowage racks may be folded dovn es seats are renoved. I. Disconnect and remove galley tio. 1 (see 25-30-0). J, Disaaseuble galley No, 1 into sections, Place all hardware in e cloth bag Gnd seoure bag to one section. K, Disconnect and rorove geldey No. 2 (see 25-30-0). Jn Rewove fire extinguishers and brackets from forvara ecatroom and stow in aft lavatories. M, Disconnect ani disassenble unitized lavatory and controom located forward ‘of galley No, 1 (see 25-41-0). N, Dieconnect and disassemble crew lavatory and inboard partition, f called for in cargo configmation, Jul 15/69 eae pigpee. ule Poe gee ae EE meee DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €0. ING, OBE a ui EE 1 0, gtow toitet tow aacenbly for crew Lavatory tn one of aft lavatories, £ P. tnntall cargo tooding system, a Testes earge loading system hardusre for pallet positions fo. 1 sna - HO. Be HORZI Othor aoctions of the cargo leading oyaten ney ve Installed as Boats, equipsent, and floor sovering are renovad, 6. Remove Cabin Equiznant = Afb Seotion Ay Renovo cohtainors With evacuation slides from pauoonger antronce and gakley service doors, B. Resove atele and géliey ourtaina and stow in eft Javatory, C. Disconnect and remove galley lic, h (ase 25-3000). ‘D, Remove fire extinguishers end brackets from aft side of galley No, 5 gtow in one of aft lavatories. E, Renove first aid kit, oxygen masks, coatroon shelf, and curtein from ecat= room and stow in one “art levatory. F, Renove pertition, with attendants‘ seat, located forvard of galley Yo. 5. G. Disconnect end razove galley No, 5 (see 25-30-0). H, Disassemble godley Ho. 5 into two sections, Place all hardvare ine cloth ‘bag and secure bag to ons section. 1. Disconnect: end revove galley lio, 6 (see 25-3060). J. Disessenbie goliey fio. 6 into two sections. Place alt hardware in a cloth ‘bag and secure to one section. Remove forward aft lavatory (soe 25-N0-0). MORE: If on 6 x 109-inch pallet is uscd in pallet position 14, the forvard aft lavatory need not be renoveds If an 68 x 125-inch Pallet 42 used, recove the forvard aft Lavatory on the right aide, Aug 2/68 Page 21 aes In U8, le 1@ [oR 1 8. 1 1. Resiove Cubs Equipment — Center Seation A, Renovo evaguation slides ond containers trom Type I ouergenay oxit doors, Fight end left sfaes. { B. Fold down seat backs, disconnect leg from seat track and remove saat, C, Unload cabin equipnent ond position near forward lower cargo compartment. HOPE: Unlosd eauipzent qnd stox in aft lower cargo compartment. De Rott up carpets, placing plastic rebatuing strips inside rolls, and tle each rol separately. 25-5260 CODE 4 Page 232 fey 1/69 DOWOLAS ANkcRAET CO. BEB GIRTY SEAN RAIRTRH ANCE RAHUL Yola down eat bucks, disconnect eg from saat track and veqove scat. Unload cabin equipsent and position near forvard lover esrgo conpartrent. HOLE! Othor equipment ney de unloaded as it is Yonoved arid popitioned near the forvard lover eargo compartment. fold up carpet, plooing phestie retaining strips inside rolls, and tle roli aopevately. ‘ Renove portable oxygen cylinders, vith mnske, fron overhead stowage reoks ‘and etow in aft levatory. Fold dova and secure overhead stovage racks (see 254250). Remove liferaft compartment fron bag rack, right side. Digcomect and renoye galley No. 3 (see 25-30-0). . Disassemble galley No. 3 into three sections. Place all bardvare in « okoth tag and secure beg to one section. Rewove eovevs in threshold ond cover strips, Renove floor covering, . replace and tighten ecrews. toa Us. Py £3 F NANCE MANDAL E, Rezove portuble oxygon cylinders from left and right beg racke end stow in aft lavatory. Py Fold down and seoure overhond utownga racks (see 25-25-0), GQ. Renove Mforett cospartnents from right und left overhead stowsae racks. Us Rexove movable divider partition (seo 25-240), lavatory. 8. Renove Gavzo Loading Systen Bquirment Boxes Stow curtada in dft Ay Gnioad cargo equipment boxes from to racks in forwart lover cargo cone partrant. NOPE: ‘The vox containing the ball trancfor conveyor aceorblics may be opened inside the cargo compartment und Uhe assemblies rewoved eoyarately, B. After cargo loading system has been renovad inotall rataining steaps on Position boxes near forvard lover cargo compartment, cargo equipment boxea. G. Unload forward barrier net, ercw galloy Lf applicable, and cago door aylinder. Position near forward uppor sarge door, D, Unload cargo partition sections and hardvare, 9. Install Grey Equipment, and Facilities siguration (see 25-1L- and 25-11-5). B, Iestall orev galey-ond hopizontal bean, C, Install barrior net, D, Inetell carry-on toilet, if called for In cargo configuration. 10. Ipod Cargo Loud ing System Kqulrment Boxes and Cabin Fquipmant A. Place cargo eqityment boxes in forvand lover cargo compartnent. 3B, Stow cabin equigment in lover cargo comparticents. May 1/69 Pints Wo U8 Install courter seat anf supplenental seat, if called for in cargo cone 25-520 CODE 1 Page 233 is in Be es ie ph see gat GOUCLAS AIRCRAET €0.. ING, BBE GUIY SB MMES ‘AANTTNAHCE MANUAL 1. Prepare for Cabin Conversion Ae Open apper cargo door unt galley orvice doare, B, - Position two fork 1ifte or pallot loaders, one at upper cargo door and ony ab forward lover cargo ocnpartnont, HOE! ‘Tho fork Lifts or paldot loaders must have a vertigal Lift of 12. feat, If cork 1ifts are used, a7 x 10 foot pallet should be ubiiized for loading of seata amd smal equizoant, Recommended stations, vork orews, and task assignments (see paregraph 4), 32, Vnload Lover Cargo Compartrenta ‘Ac Unload forvard aud aft lover eargo compartments and position equtmment pooide airplane near upper cargo door, B. Locate two equiment box stovaze racks tn foruard lever cargo eompartnent. CG, Place empty cargo equipment boxes in airplane cabin for packing cargo Losing oysten herdvare. 33. Remove Crew Protection and Convenience Equizaent: A, Remove barrier net. B, Renove crew galley and horizontal bean. c. Remove souter seat and supplenental seat, if applicable (ece 25-L1-! ana 25-21-5). D Remove carry-on tollet, if applicable. Renove Cargo Loading Systen + Diaconneet earge loading systen hardvare fran floor. (2) Inspect for damage or wear. (2) Pack in carga equipment boxes, B, Renove Josded cargo equipment boxes from cabin and plac rear forward Lovex cargo compartment, 25-52-0 CODE 1 Poge aut Feb 15/68 COVOLAS AINRAK ¢O., Ite, BBG ax fi ne eae ATHY \ARUAL 15, Lond Forard Lovor Cargo Compartnant Ay Load and secure cargo cquinment boxes on eborage racks in oft area of forverd lover cargo compartment. Lead and sscure a2) ooas equipment nol utilized in an @ld-pacconger cone Pigurat ion 16, Instwll Cabin Equipnent «= ACL Seat ion Install floor covering, ' | (1) Rexove screws for installation of thresholds end caver atripe In flight conpavtnont entrance and galley areas, (2) Seal area to ve covered with mylar, (3) Attagh fibergiec panels to mylar, using double-backed taper (8) After insarting Floor covering unlor thresholds, attach floor covering to fiberglas pancis with double-backed tape. | (5) natal thresholds end cover strips. Replace and tighten scraue, B. Fasten vo sections of gulley ilo, 5 together and install galley (sce 25+30.0),, OQ. Fasten two sections of gadley lic. 6 together and Install gailey (veo 25=30-0). D. Testall forward att Invatory if lavatory was removed to Aaeomodate 88 x 185-inch pallet (soe 25-40-0), BE. Inotall galley Ro. by {see 25-30-0). P, Fasten ree vections of galley Ko. 3 tegether and Install gelley (sce 25=30-0). G, Iaste coatrom shelf and curtain aft of galley Ho, 5, fH. Retes and sccure overnend stowage racke in aft woction (eee 25-25-0), 1, Instaiz carpets, using rotalning utrips inside carpet Polls to ssowe cas pot da placa, J. Tnsbald partition, with attendants' sont, forward of galley tio. 5. K, Install aisle and galley curtains. 2552-0 Cook t “Hay 1/69 Page 215 ies USA, DOUGLAS AIRCRAMT €O., INE: 46-8 HIRGY BARES (AAIRIONANCE AAHUAL Inetall passenger aonte (sco 25-23-1),. HOWBt Inovala venta in aft section of airplane and progress forward au sonveraion of conter and forvard uuctions 18 couploted. Tf, Instat Cabin Equipment contar Saotion : A, Install carpots, using rotatuing strip inside carpet rolls to secure eay- pot in place. By Reise and secure overhead stovage racks (sce 25-25-0). G, Inotall movable divider partition and curtain (sce Plewre 201), . 48, Instali cabin Equipment _-- Forvard Seotion A, Inctall crev lavatory, 1f applicable B. Aesenble and install unitized Levatory end costroon lecated foruara of galley Ro. 1 (ase 25«K190). Install floor coverings in doorvay and galley areas, (1) Loosen screvs in thresholds. * (2) Sead avea to be covered with mylar. (3) Attach fitergies panels to mylar, using double-backed tape, {4} Tesert floor edvering under thresholds and attach floor covering to fiberglne with double-backed tape. (5) Tighten cereve in thresholds, D, Install gadley He, 1 (see 25-30-0). B, Inotalt galley No, 2 (see 25-30-0). Fb, ater end eeeure overhead stovage racks (see 25-25-0), |G, tone and cccure upper cargo door (ace Chapter 52). (2) Insteil Liners end snap-out panele, H, Instald carpets, ueing retatning strips inside relies to secure cavpeb in place, I, Tnstall remaining seats (nee 25-231), 2552-0 CODE 2 BAG oy 1/69 Bat ype eee apie ‘QUEL AS AIncRART ¢o, EY ARATE J. Thotalt windsereon aft of forvard paanengor antrance door. |. rnotaaa cover over oxoke dotector unit located sbove uppor cargo door. 19. Install Enangoney Equiynont (Gen Figure 202.) Ay Tnotall ovaowation alides on forvard ond aft passenger ontrance and gatley service doors, B, Tnetald, ovaouation olldes ab Type T eneraonoy oxit, door, ©, Inetold Lifexaft compartnants on overhead stovage racks. BD, duetall. first afd kit in aft coabrocn. EB, Inotalb fire extinguishers (one COg and ona Kpd) in aft coatroan ¥, Install portable oxygen oylindera and manks. G, Inotel2 fire extinguteners (two Rg0 and one COg} in forward coatroon, H, Chock to enowe thet all sxargonoy equiquant in proparly Suatalied, 25-5200 CODE 1 awn seo alt 1s Sonepat e 2, A ct dS Bouatas alnenatT 0. BBD BINTY SE Ot GF MAINIIHANCE AARUAL GAROO/PABSEKGER CONVERSION - HALITENANGE PRACTICES Tus eivpiane may de operated in an ell passonger or on ad) cargo configura tion, of in soveral savgo/paasenger conbinations, ALL equipment neesesary for conversion may vo carried on the airplane, ard in stowable out-of tho uain sebin areas Interior arvangenente allow Cor from 3 to 18 palleto, Four Type 1 (detescape) energency exita ere located st floor level. Under Many Cotgo/paseenger configurations activation of these exits is required, In tha ali cargo configuration the toilet vents wut be closed, ALL Dut two suoke detcotor plekups are located to the left of airplane gonterline in the mein cargo area, ‘The two most aft detestore are located. Under one cover forvara of the right forvard att Levatory on the right side, ‘The cover of the forvardrost detector (over the large cargo door) nust be ranoved to facilitate cargo loading and to prevent being deuaged. Provisions for 25-non Liferatts are losated tnreughout the cabin area to allow for any cargo/passenger coubination. ‘Gopgo/Passonger Conversion ~ itenc Requive Tho following Usted conversion ‘tous sre referred to in the accompanying Alluetrations. (1) Byacuation slides at entrance and service doors. (2) Att double abtendans's seat. (3) att gattey untte. (4) First ald kit in aft costrooa. (5) Fire extinguishers (cop and 11g0) in aft coatreon, (6) Portable oxygen cylinders {with masks) in overhead stovage racks. (1) ype 1 end type TIE emergency exits not usable, (8) ‘type 1 emergency exits usabli Byacuntion slides at type I for seat clearance see Figure 202. its, (9) Oxygen mesks in overhead stowage racks, {10} Typo IXE exergency exits usobles for seat clearance see Plgure 202, (01) Pire extinguishers (i120 and 002) in forward coatroom, ey 8592-0 CONE 2 69 Page 202 tans vas. (ia) 43) (2h) (a3) (16) an (16) ag) (20) ten) (ea) + Geneve) Regutvenenta for Conversien end Stovags of Cabin Equi pnent ‘Ay ‘The cubin can provide seats for up to 250 pavsengers, or 1% has room for wees set EO iG NE a Se on! BOUGLAS AIRCRAFT Co. BEE BIRTY GAMES AAANTERANER MAKUAL Double attendent's scat, forward, Forvard cargo vnrrisr nat, orev galley, and carry-on toilet. Piro oxtingulehers dry with applicator, at radio rack. Provisions for 106nen Aivoratt on Aoor near observer's otation, Hovable Onrgo/passenger partition (corgo/paoeanuer configurations only}, Frovislons Cor. a5-man Atgeratte ty vouovable sonpartnanta, in etovege . racks, Galley unit tio, 1, with oxygen masks for attendants. Forvard galley area celing panel with oxygen sneke for attendants. Galley unit to. 2, . Smoke detector unite (ace Figure 201 and 203}, Clone tofiet vent outlet, located on outer okin outboard of forvard aft lavatory, by rotating Gover plate 180 degrces, Plug-in utility trays with edaptoro. One adapter xequired for esch triple soat without enother seat forvard, Courier seat and gupplenental courier seat, lover cargo coupartnents, A portable toilet, courier seat, and supplewental, courier ©. An alt-cargo configuration may have the passenger seats, goileys, cargo partition, and al} other passenger cabin equipnent carried in the. lover gawgo compartaents and aft lavatories, : HOTE: The equipsent bags and oqutpeent boxes vefepred to An the following , Gorvoraion and Btowsge of Cabin Equipyont As Fropere for Gabin Conversion (Paswonger to Cardo) w 25-5220 cone 2 Page 20 AD pallets oy several conbinntdens of pagsenger and dargo intersors. An oli-passenger configuration may have the orev galley, barrier net, cargo partition, equipwent bags, and cargo eauipment boxes (or sulteble containers) gontaining an 18-palbet Loading system (oxeluiing paots) stowed in the fat mey alto be carried when nocessary, steps are to be nanafactured locally. Open galley service doors, 2 Hay 1/69 pana i Uda, Re ys fa BOVCLAS AIRCRATT CO. INC. BEE BUKEY BAUS PMATHIGHARLOR MANUAL PORTABLE OKYOEN GYEINOERS AT RACK IPE RAFT COMPARTHENT EVACUATIQN SLIDES RE Extivsyisnens FIRE EXTINGUISHERS . Haas519 A Cargo/Pasaonger Conversion 25-52-0 : CODE 2 Figure 201 (Sheet 2 of 3) 205, BOVOLAS AIncRAtT CO., INC. GO Rita nisin OES REHOME Xu w | . STEP ORS a CD is HOTEL + 1ppIEATES PLUGIN FOOD TRAYS, Waa-s2208 25-52-0 Cargo/Paseengar Convereion CODE 2 Figuro 201 (Sheet 2 of 3) Page 20% wey 1/69 Prins a wa OOUOLAS ARCRATT CO., IHC. FEE Sed wisi OFF : [eesSive, f a x Ai ts } Y 063-952-141 1130 at 1309 1597486 Ab? 1S TG 1924 4! wore: Au on PR REMEESES, 20 WY SMOKE DETEGTOR UNITS ~ + Wo suoxe or vecrods uiars UNDER OME COVER HAUS 1214 Cargo/Paszenger Conversion 25-52-9 Figure a0L (aneet 3 of 3) CODE 2 ‘ Pago 205 a DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €0. ING. -_ G8 Enka wine OF ree! EHERORUOY EXIT a. Loon Ba Fiasusioys wren ave ix IMHIG BISTANEE FAONTTEE EO EPGRE oe Tie Bair 10 Fae cavtew tu OE THO Ata ARE HRY ends iy Ruateraisenr one Sek Poa LOCKING PIN ‘HAR-B122 5-8-6 Roergency Exits -~ Seat Clearanca cont 2 Figure 202 (sheet 1 of 2) Page 206 Aug 1/68. COUGLAS AIRCRATT- : ‘compartment. (3) Unload formrd barrier net and evew galley if nppicable, Place near forvard upper eargo door, (4) unload cargo partition sections and hardware, 'Q, ‘Inetala, crew Protection and Convenience Equipnent : _ (1) Install cousfor seat and supplonontal seat, if eatled for in earge cone figuration (see 25-1144 and 25«11-5). (2) moete2 crew gadtey and horizontal vean. (3) Amstel, barwfer net, . () rmotana camy-on toilet, Af called for An cargo configuration, HM. Load Cargo Loading System Equipment Boxes and Cabin Equipment (romana Tower Cargo Conpartzent) . (2) Fuace cargo equipment voxes tn formard lower cargo conpartnent. (2) Stow cabin cautprent dn Lower cargo conpartnonts, 1, Prepare for Cabin conversion (cargo to Passenger) “(1) open upper cargo door and galley service doors, (2) Fosltion two fork Lifts or pallet loaders, one at upper cargo door and’ ong at forvard hover cargo compartment. NOME: Tho fork 14fte ov parLot Londers itust have @ vortion). M1Ct of LL feet, If fork lifts are used, o 7x10 foot pallet showld be weslined for leading of eoate’ and ral, oquépmant.. (3) Rocommonded stations, work crews, and tack asaigniont (sce prragraph a), ois geese Peat 4 6 eee ES ee ee DOUGLAS MIRCRAIT CO, INE, BE-E SIAGY SARIEE - MADITEHANCE MARUAL J, Unload Lower Cargo compartrants, (A) Unload forward and aft Lower cargo compartments and place equipnant bendde elrplane near upper dargo doar, 4) Place enpty cargo equtpmont boxes in airplane cabin for packing cargo Loading syston hardware, K, Remove Crew Protection and Convenience Dyulpnent (2) Remove bamtier net. (2) Rewowe orew galley and horizontal beam, (3) Remove courder seat and supplemental seat, 1f eppMecable (see 25-1Lel and 25-115). (4) Renpve carry-on tollet, 4f applicable. 1, Remove Cargo Leading system (1) Disconnect cargo Lcading system hardware from floor. {a) Inspect Iardware for darage or wear. {b) Pacis in cargo equipment boxes. (2) Remove Joaded cargo equiprent boxes from cabin and place near forwera. lover cargo conpartnent, M. Load Forward Lower Cargo Compartment: (1) Load and seaure, cargo equipnent voxes in forvard Jover cargo compartment. {2) Load and secure all loose cquipmont not utilized in an ali-passenger configuration. UN, Install. Cabin Eyulpuent = ACL Section (1) Install f2d0r covering, (a) Neosen screws dn thresnolds. (v) See1 aren to be covered with mylar. {o) Attach fttengias panels to mylar, using dovble-backea tape. (a) After inserting floor covering under thresholds, attach floor covering to fiverglas panels with double-backed tape. (a) Tighten screws in thresholds, 25-52-0 CobE 2 wn 168 Pago 215 rire itil fe BO ne ne ee BOUGLAS AINCRATS CO. IKE, OOO Bend asin ee (2) Enetald aft galleys (see 25=3000), (3) Instead] partition with attendants’ seat. (4) Inatall act coatioom shelf aud curtain. (3) Badae and connect overhead stowage racks ( 25+25-0), (8) Instald carpets, using retaining strips Anaide carpet rolls te reowre carpet tn place, (2) Instali aisle and galley curtains. (8) Instal1 passenger seats (see 25-2341). Nore: Regin to install seats in aft section of atrptane and progress forward as conversion of center and forvard sections is completed, 0, Tnoteld Cabin Equipment - Center Section (4) Tnotell carpets, using retaining atripe inside carpet rolls to secure carpet in place. (2) Bate and connect overnend stowage racks (20 25-25-0), Insteld Cabin Equipment - Forward Section 1G) tastota rorvara lavatory, 1¢ applicanie, (2) Asseuble and install unitized lavatory and coatroon located forvard of gabley No, 1 (see 25-M1-0). ©) Install fdor coverings in doorway and galley areas. {e) Soosen screvs in thresholds. (b) Seal area to be covered with oylar. (c) Attach tberglas panels to mylar, using double-backed tape, (a) Insert floor covering under thresholds and attach floor covering to SMberging with double-backed tape. (0) Bighten serews in thresholds. * (4) Inotall forvard water supply tanks (ao Chapter 38), (5) Install cefling panel under water supply tanto (ed 25-28-0), (6) Inotall galley No. 1 (eee 25-30-0). . 2552-0 . QOD 2 Page 21 May 1/69 wetig Ie Ua, it) 1 1 ts) (10) tay J ee BOY OLAS AlRcRAT co. ENT SOE SF MAINTIRAN EE AANUAS Inetadl gelley Hos 2 (see 25-30-0}, Tnstell awoke detector unit cover, Rates and connect overhead otowege racks (sec 25-25-0), Install carpets, using retaining stripe inuide rolls to secure carpet in place, Jnatald rewoining seats (soe 25-231). Close ond acoure upper cargo dcor (see chapter 52). ‘ (a) Install Liners and enop-out panela. { G3 q@ a) (3) (uy o) (6) m (8) Inatall controom and afele curtains. Inotall Brergeney Equipment (ceo Figure 201) Install evacuation slides on forvard and aft passenger entrance and wabley service doors. Install eveeustion slides at Tye f energency exlt doors, Install Lifereft compartments on overhead stowage racks. Install firet afd kit in uft coatroon, Install fire extinguishers (COp and If,0) in aft coatroon: Install portable oxygen cyhinders and masks adjacent to Liferay conpartnenta. Install fire extinguishore (H,0 and COQ) tn forvard coatroon. Check to eneure that all onergency equipnent ts in place. 25-5260 Cope 2 May 1/69 Page 215 siren Meldgronton QOVOLAS AIRCRAPT CO, 1116, BEE ald nist OF CARGO/PABSENOER CONVERSION = MAIRTENANCE PRACTIC! 2. Geneval. Ae The aluplane cay be oparatad in an all passenger or all cargo configuration, or with many cargo/passenger conbinations. All equipnant necessary for cons verotona may bo carried on the aiyplane, and te otewable out of the Rain cabin area. Interlor arrangenents altov for fron coro to thirteen pallets + Cot bulk cargo), If bulk cargo ia being carried, an atele 19 provided Along the left side by an atsle net and stenchions. B. Iwo, Type I Bnergency Exits are located aft of the wing area at floor Level. Under many cargo/pascenger configurations activation of these exits is required, The wttlity duct outlets must ve closed wherever seats are rewoved, and in the all cargo onflgwation the toilet vents mist ve closed, . D. Suoke detector pickups are Located in the cargo area and under certain configurations it 1s recassary to cap one of the aft pickups. E. Proviskens for 25-nan Wiferafte are located throughout the cabin aiea to allow for any cargo/passenger cembination. Gargo/eessenger conversion tens Required Ac ‘The following Listed roquired conversion itens are referenced in the accompanying {liusbrations: OQ Jotiatable slides (one af aft entrance door and one at aft service acer). : (2). calkeya, forvard and aft of aft service door, (3) First ofa kit (2), fixed first aid oxygen (one, 73 Cu. Ft.), fire extinguishers (tvo, 0), portable oxygen (two, 7 Cu. Pee), dn aft double coatroon, (4) Oxygen macke, in partition by aft attendant's seat. (5) Attendant's seat (oft). - (6) Pixew energonoy oxygen (tvo, 73 Cu. Ft.) in aft @rop ceiling, (7) Wforatt compartnents (two, 25-nen) dn aft drop ceLting, (8) Galley, forvard of aft entrance door, (9) Flue extineutshor, (one, 120) aft single coatrocn, 25-52-0 CODE > Feb 15/68 Page 201 ‘ iCal ia ad SEEDERS So foe ee DOUGLAS AlECRAMT CO., INC. BEE GIXTY GARMES JARINTENANCE ARUAL (20) Portable oxygen (two, 7 Cu, Ft.) dh stowage rack aft of fype T ehergency exits, QA) bkferatt conpartuents (two, 25-man) dn stowage rack aft of Type Z “" qnorgency oxits, (12) fype I Exits usable (ror sent clearance see Figws 20), Shest 6). Kon= Anflatable oltdes at each typ: T Exlt, (13) type 1 Bits not usable. AIL externa) and interna), markdngs deleted, (U4) Type ITT Belts not usable, ALL external and internal markings deleted, (35) Type ITT Exits usable, (for seat clearance see Figure 201, Sheat 6). (16) Tdferate ecnpartnents (four, @Seman) one at cach type LET Extt. (27) tatorate compartment (one, 25-nan) in stowage rack aft of forward service door. (18) Non-inflatable slides (cne st forward service door, one at forward anerenca door), (a9) Literate (one, 10-nan) In forvard ccatricm, fire extirguishers (one, HO and ong, (Og), first add kit, pyrotechnic piston, band ax, aldis Vanp, emergency transritter. * (20) Crew gakloy, on forward cide ef carge barrier. (22) Forward cargo restraint barrier, (2a) Utiaity trays with adaptors (one adapter each triple seat). (23) Cargo aisle net (used with bulk cargo oniy). WARRING) UDILATY DUCT QUILETS HKUST BE CLOSED WHEK SEATS ARE REMOVED (BRE FIGURE 202). (2h) Koveble cargo barrier. (25) Attendant's seat (fcrvard). (26) Liferaft (one, W0-man) on floor in flight compartment, right side, (27) Portabre caygen (one, LL Cus Ft.) to Left of onptatas cea, (28) cap smoke detector pickup (see. Figure 202, Sheet 7). (29) closa toiiet vent outlet, locnted below lavatories on totton outer aurface of okin rear eLrplane centerline, Tus olockvige to close outlet (see Figure 203), . (30) Fire extinguisher (one, ary with applicator}. 2445240 one 5 Page 202 Feb 15/68 wos. . GOVGLAS AMDCAANY €6,, 118, BEE id ain aE yo rine range iw soceapeceddte ST me ee ee le X [ ei x ~ 4 woo fae pxetneUtGhEn =k, ae-anx eb sens esr a0) Fine 410 09 Byte Gist mcaranus 2, 20-249 LUPE ecDATIOR ante obibe (2) aorenelay svletntlon SutDB@) (ped nets) > Cargo/Pasoonger Conversion ‘Dc-BF-50) Figure 201 (sheet 2 o! SODOLAS AINCRATY my (Ne. B08 GITY BARES TANINTENANCE nthe 14418 aD 46 Ragusa currumeaty, Hea atitee oe is: Hae ibe cvenang Bae, ay ney rev ortaengo BA fica ae nolees; 6,08 25875 252s augo/Passonger Conversion == (De=8F+50) ane gure 201 (Sheet 2 of 7) Feb 15/68 Fob GOUDLAS AINGRAST Ct IKE, ES FISTS BBB ELSE sovane once EaRrtnio MAATHVEN SCE MANUAL we STeneags corarroxs Cargo/Passanger Conversion +» (DC-BP~£0) Figure 201 (Sheet 3 of 7) sy en on gun SH BE “a ae Bee ga a strio’ aabs, ‘ongentginazeD FALLEE TOTER ‘Saas ‘WsuKKE DETHETUR ICSURS H=5876 25-5260 CODE 5, ‘Page 205 BOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. ING, BEB Bry, SHIGE AAINTENAT HCE MANUAL ca 198 PABDEPOEAS AKD @ PALLEYS (0% BULK CARGO) ITHMR AFQUEREDT J THROLOH St, 14 AT FOREARD UREA MB Sr"UM Ondine ttc eee ta, 1s uAbLCN aly Do" uatee a BLAGkO Eas ba, Goan bruniOn S04; 2oy 20, 10°C StATION 1385, ‘31 KOSEL 28 RELOCATED TRON STATION 263 Lar SIDE To AFT SIOE CARGO PARTITEON ALT PASDENOERS AYO 4 PALLETS (OR VL CARGO) I45HS RbQLIAED: U THROLGH Et, Ag) [b40 AT OCENLG EKITS, WU THROUGH Zh, 24 LOCATED 6 PLACES, 25, 24, 28 ar atition o48, 26, 27, 28, 29'AT LaBv, SL 99 PASSENGERS ARD 5 PALLETS (OR BUIX CARGO) 17E¥S REGUIREO: } THROLGH 12, see at ary oleavins WITS, Ip THROUGH 21, 22 Lockren 12 PLicts, 29, 24, 20 AT STATION 197, 27, 28, 29 AT 1950 01 eae s > 7 PASSENGERS AYD 6 PALLETS (OR ALIX CARGO) ITEMS REQUIRED: 1 THROTOH 125 3g FAROCOH 23) 92 LocaTeD 12 ru4ceS, 25, 24, 28 AT STATION 820, 27, 20, 20 GY PASSENGERS AND 7 PALLETS (OM GULK CANGO) STEWS APQUIREDS 1 THROYOH it, 1) ERRORS LEM ESRRAEE SSR, SS TEN otal Eda be Nes! 25-5220 cargo/Passengor Conversion +e (00-850) 817 CODE 5 Figure 201 (Sheot 4 of 7) Page 206 Fob 45/68 . Haare UA : we i Espa OGUELAS AIRERAFT €O,, ING. OBE Sito nisin OF ‘ 908 smn Bau ee ge URE MP HE Jo mugen at, 33, 1 pLacis, 25, 2d, 36 At BIATIOH 1004542, 28, 20 dr 1900, ‘OL 42 DABSERORES AND 9 PALLETS (oA BLIX cArGO) Fieas. Arguineor 1 THROUGH 7, 12, 20 THROUGH 21,122, 42, CLACES, 29, 24, 26 AT STATION toda, 87, 26, 20 Ay BED, at 30 PASGELORRS AWD SU PALLETS (OR ELLE CARGO? TTEUS REQUIRED! L THROLGH 7, 16 TAROLGH 21, 22, G'LACES, 25, 24, 25 AT STATION 1182, 27, 46, 49 Br 1580,"9% 12 PASSENGERS AND LL PALLETS (OR BLEX CARGO) TTEGS REQLINEDE 1 THROUGH 7, 19 THROUGH ZL, 22, G PLACES, Xp 24, 25 AT STATION 1271, 27, 28, 29 AT STATION 1830, '31 ALL CANOO C17 PALLEYS OR BULK CARGO) TENS REQUIRE $5 TRROUSH M1, 29) 24, 6 AF STATION 196 (OPTIONAL), 27, ay a0 At’ STATION 1956, 30,31 (29 AT STATION 1380 subw 1TEW 28 18 USED) . Carge/Pa nger Conversion -- (DC=BF+50) Figure 201 (Shast 5 of 7) eb 15/68 ¥ ee AS DOUGAAS AIRCRARY EO, INE "5 BEG GNTY BEIGE fe ARINTERANGE BANUAL a purnoctey oUF MO OLE ce asnonsece exit eu far ret neuen Reh ve ‘ 4 m ae, sips ~ rice ane \rso a7 vous OGLE Sat CTH ind BUCKY [emgimeje— a9 Pend 9 eft Dovete OnLOKE star (¥0 710 OACKD ‘a wu———+l 22a \ Ms | /e ramen ouase seat aBNCASTD 4 a PCr d fei, [pH tomesens ee amusn 4, he veri OT oo RE wow coh wax avin toon FI eYQNS MOTED ARE UW JPSHES AAD INOLOATE THE WEALAL : SLES ca uw Seevee eune of ay EXUY fo Tuy Cutten BIAE Srcut REAR SEEtoe PUN, e? tocatnG Pi FILL ROE : ECE ATS Taea DIREnSC BeaY WT EE MOVED’ AEA PROM BRIT golMeRY avoun OLN, 1925799 25-5220 Cange/Pavscnger Conversion += (DC-BF=50) CODE 5 Figure 20L (8haet 6 of 7) 208 Feb 15/68 eben AIRCRABT CO.) ING. EMG wig ES cexpine (USSTASLED) ne \SIERU GEN Vaan agro, reno) € > eee prey ES EEE ci Pe be o> <>, SEO en soon mT) ee cor shoune . Satie they ‘ _™ a _—- an srg. . tbs ae Michi ae Sta ina ao a) ‘tor wouns up, Lett AKO ave He-587A Cargo/Passenger Conversion == (DCHEF-50) 255840. Figure 201 (Sheet 7 of 7} CODE 3 Feb 15/68 Page 209 uta GOVOLAS AIACRABT CO, INC. BEE GEPY SARIEAG tAASNTENANCE (ANAL RELEASE BUTTOS DrHLITY aver OUTLET Corie UtLaity Duct Outlets and Covers Figure 202 ‘Yhere aro "WARNING..." nonoplates installed cn the utility ducts along both sides of the airplane. The utility duct covers are spring-loaded be the "open" position, and are pushed to the closed pocition where they are latohed. It 1s mandatory thet the utility duct outlets te latched ir. the closed position whenever” the eats are renoved, 2505200 COnE 5 Page 210 Fob 15/68 intad 0 VE. aa ie DOVOLAS AINCRATT CO, INC. BEF HHPY GEES PARINTENARCE MANUAL seTuaypn Bene uy clone cu08 cut canraentes, ~~ Or AIRBLaRe H2e568L Valve Aft ToLlet Vent Figure 205 Todlet vent outlet valver ‘The toilet vent outhet valve is located to the left of the airplane centerline, ‘on the outer totton skin, below aft lavatories. Ja the all cargo configuration it is mandatory thet this cublet valve be closed. ‘The cutlot volve actuating sevew is turned clockwise to close the outlet. 2552-0 CORE 3 Feb 15/68 . Page 21 a Sse peat ag BM st ogee a og oO ae eee gta Bs fe gO AR pe pth BOUOLAS AIRCRAIT €0., INC. BBE GINTY SERIES AARINTEANCE SANUAL 3. Convert Cabin From 117 to 135 Pasaenger HORE: After movable partition Lo roved, space 4e available for aix additions? triple seats, thrae heft and three rignt (see Figure 204), Seats may be Loaded through the cargo door or the forward galtey service door, A. Passenger Seats Relocation (1) Locate first reat at red track marker dn flcor seat track (see Pleura 20%}. This 4a approximatoly 6 inches from aft face of partition paneh. (a) Position aft seat teack Locking plunger in track hole, ono inch forward of track marker. {) Lock floor track plungers and seot sidewall track latches (ace Fignre 205), (R) Inatald next left band sont 34 inches aft fren aft locking plunger of first seat, one inch forward of red track rarker. . (3) Repeat this operation for each of three left, and three right hand aeata, (4) Fourth row of seats are reved from their positions to new poaktions at Zh-inch intervala. (5) Continue relocating seats back to aft Type III Brergency Exit, Space is left here for access to erergency exit. Dimensions fron aft locking plunger of seventh seat, to aft locking plungor of eight seat 4s U3 inches, ‘Index is one inch forward of red track marker. (6) Aft of aft Type IIE Ruergency Exits, seats are again at 54-inch intervals, B. Activate Tyre I Erergency Exit Doova (1) Rertove foltowing parts: (a) Dunmy ubility duct cover below window, {b) Opaque lens at handle Light. {e) Blank placard at top of door. (2) Install following parte: : (a) Translucent lens at handle light. (b) Emergency exit placard at top of door, 45-52-0 CODE 3. Page 212 : Fob 13/68 Gavotas AIRCRAFT CO. ING, . BE NM hah eee sronce om an, Bearer Bt olde HMEROEKEY XLT OO ar tee ART LOCKING . mane tee) sida Huson lp e me ’ Peasenger Seat Locations 25-52-0 : Figure 204 CODE 3 Fou 15/68 . Page 215° tome Usa SEAT FLOOR TRICK APT LATCH ‘DOYOLAE AIRCRAFT CO. INC. ae FMM wd a wares SEAT FLOOR TRACK Fon LATCH vw B Ay view & HOoDSLE Passenger Seat Installation Figure 205 Feb 15/68 DOVOLAG ARERART 0, INS, BEF wht fel SEAIEE iB AAHUAL ne Genera) Roquirenante for Conversion and Stowage of Cabin Fqudpmont, Ae Pro a) «ey (3) (4) The folloving Instructions are for the converston of the airplane fron 3165 (ov 168) passonger to aii cargo (13 pablote ov buIk cargo) and from all cargo to all passenger. The cabin of the DoF can be arronged to provide seate for 165 or pasacngers, room for 15 pallets of carge, or 20 combinations of pasaenger and cargo interiors, ‘The pansenger seats, cargo loading ayshen, and other equipment not being uscd at the time can be stowed in the cargo compartrents to rake tho airplane ecrplately convertible at any time to a different passenger, carro, or paagonger/enrgo configuration, Ay allepaasenger configuration may have the crew galley, barrier nat, Argo partition, equiptent kage, and 6 cares equipnent boxes contaln= Ang ® l3epallet loading system, excluding pallets, stowed in the lover ‘enrgo conpartnata, A yortable toflet, courier seat, and supplenontel, courier seat may aleo be carried when called for. fn aliscargo configuration. nay have the passenger seats, galleys, cargo partition, and a2) other passenger cabin equipnent carried in the lower cargo corpartments aid aft Javatories. ‘The equiprent tags and equipment Loxes referred te in the Followlng Stops avo to be manufactured locally, paration for Conversion and Stovage of Cabin Equipment Open galkey acrvice dcors. Podition ono fork Lift or pallet loader at each of two galley ‘service doors, HOME: The fork 1ifts or pallet loaders used must have @ vertioal 1ift of 11 fect, If fork 1ifts axe nsed, a 7x10 foot pallet stoukd be used for the unloading of seats and small pieces of equipment, Position small cleth tags and squipnent bage for protection of seats at aft gelley service door. Recornendea statiena, work crays ond asaigned taskor (a) Grev To, 1 (6 men) to remove and inatald equipment dn forward section of airplane. {b) Crew tio. 2 (6 men) to renova and instal equipront in center and aft sections of airplane. (ec) Greiv To. 5 (3 men) to remove and load equipment in forvard cargo compartnent. 25-52-0 CODE 3 Feb 25/68 Page 215 CUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INE: BEE BINTY GHEE NAINTENAHCE MANUAL (4) Grew Ho. 4 (3 men) to remove end load equtpacnt in aft cargi ‘enpaxtuceit. NOTES For maximum offkclenoy, Crews 1 and 2 should vork simultenes ously and independently of Creve 5 ond 4, B, Roxove Cabin Equipnent «» Yorvard ection (1) Remove arm rests, cushions, and utility equipment connection covera from forverd nine esate (5 right and 6 left) and stov in aft lavatories. (2) Fold down ceat backe and placo support uniter seat to keep it level, Disconnect leg fren seat track and fold leg wnder seq. Ship on sent bag, Maconnect reat from side wall, and tle bag. WARNING: UTILISY DUCT CULES MUST BE CIOSSO WIH: SEATS ARE RIAOVED (3EB FIGURE 202), (3) Remove floer covering: (a) Ro¥ up carpets, placirg plastic retaining strips inside rolls, ‘He each roll separately, (bo) Loosen threshold screws at ceckpit entrance, and remove floor cover= ing. ‘Tighten screws. te) Renove thresholds, cover strip, and fleer covering in area of forvard galleys. (k) Convert forward upper cargo door (seo Chapter 52), (a) Remove ldnere from tottem of door, (b) Remove sxap-out panels from door, (2) Unlateh end open door, . (5) Pola down stcwage racks in area whore seata have been removed (ace 25-25-0).. NovE} The reuaining stousge racks aay be folded down as seats aro wPenoved., (6) Disconnect galley Ho. 1 (seo 25-30-0), (7) Disassemble galley No, 1 into three wectione - top, middke, and bottom. Fiaoe all hardware An’ cloth bag, and secure to one saction, {8) Pisconnset galley tio. 2 (see 25-30-0). B5a5260 fag he Fob 15/68 Si setts eer a DOUGLAS AIRGRAF CO., ING, BBE Bie re, Banas (9) Disassemble galkey Ko, 2 into three soctions - top, middle and bottom, Place all trdvare ina cloth bag and aceure bag to one seetson. ROTEL In 168 passenger configuration, remove seat used in placa of galley (10) Daconect and disasserble crow lavatory and inboard partition, if called for in cargo configuration (ses 25-40-0), (22) Unload gelley No. 1 (tup section), erew Lavatory wash stand, and orev lavatory door, Position near forward lover cargo compartment. (12) Unload 3 right and 6 Left seats and position near forxard lower cargo comparticont, (23) ‘Unload galley Ko, 2 (middie section), galley to. 2 (wléale and botton aectiona), and cargo dcor panels and Jiners. Position near forxerd dower cargo compartment. (1) Uniona galley Ke, 1, (lower section) and position near forward lower cargo conpartment. (25) Untoad galley to. 2 (top section), two Miferafts and compartments, and two eucape slides. Position near forward lover cavgo ccmpartrent. (26) umoaa vundies of floor covering and position near feruard Lover cargo compartnent, G7) Instala cargo Loading syatem (see 25-510). (2B) Instald cargo Leading system hardware for pallet positions No. 1 and G Ro. 2 OTE? ‘The other seotions of the cargo loading syaten may be Installed a6 the seats, eaufpnent, end floor covering are removed. Renove Cabin quipuent -- Aft Section (4) Disconnect galley to. 4 (see 25-30-0), (2) Disassemble galley Ito, 4 into three section += top, middle, and bottom, Place all hardware ira cloth bag and cocure to one section, (5) Unkoad thrae sections of galley Ko. land position near forward lower cargo compartment. (h) Remove galley fo. 5¢ . (a) Remove five extingutshers and prackets from side of galley and stow in aft lavatory. (>) Open overhead water tark access door to factlitate galley renoval, 2540520 CODE 3 Feb 25/68 Page 217 pana dA.

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