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Part 1

Questions 1 to 8

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, circle the correct
answer A,B or C in your answer sheet.


Hello, I’m Dorry. I ‘m a big fish.

I’ve got big teeth and two green fins
Who’s that?Who’s that? What’s his name?
His name is Gran. He’s got black eyes.
His hair is black. He’s awesome.
Know Gran and his pet Dorry!

1. From the poem above, the characters mention are

A a fish and a boy

B fish species
C boys

To :
Subject : I am sharing about my hobbies!

Dear Kamal,

I want to share with you about my hobbies. On Sunday I play football. On Monday and Tuesday, I like
to paint. I can paint beautifully. Then, on Wednesday , I join karate class. After that, on Saturday and
Sunday I go swimming. I can swim and dive! Thursday and Friday, I play indoor games with my parents.


2. Chris wants Kamal to know that

A he plays football on Tuesday
B he goes to karate class on Friday
C he spends his weekdays with his parents


Based on this value , you need to write a story as long as 150 words. Then , submit your story to your
teacher and if qualified then you can join the competition and TELL YOUR STORY!

Prize value is : RM1000 for 10 winners!

3. In order to participate in the storytelling competition you need to

A write a story and tell your story
B write a 150 words story then get your teacher’s agreement
C write a story as long as 150 words


Welcome to our TV show; People at work! Now we are going to interview a fireman.
Interviewer : What do you do, Raju?
Raju : I am a fireman
Interviewer : Do you always put out fire?
Raju : No, I also sometimes save people and animals.

4. Raju as a fireman will

A put out fire, save people and animals
B only save people and animals
C only put out fire


In Canada it’s winter from December to February. It’s cold and it snows in the winter.
People wear hats, coats, gloves and scarves. People in Canada do not sleep all day but
many people in Canada go skiing in the winter.

5. During winter, people in Canada

A sleep all day
B go skiing
C do sports

Take a tour around the traditional Japanese house. We share a brief information about the house;
People never wear shoes in Japanese houses! They wear slippers. People also sit on
cushions. The room is the living room and the dining room too!

Join us, call 012346789 to reserve a place! Limited! Register early!

Tour on 5/4/2022!
By Bus!

6 The advertisement says that

A the tour is around the traditional Japanese house
B the tour is about people living in the traditional house in Japan
C the tour is around rooms in the traditional house in Japan


It is a big house. The kitchen, the living room and the bathroom are downstairs. There are three
bedrooms upstairs. All the bedrooms are painted pink in colour. It is fully furnished! Open only for
university students.

Total rental is RM2000! The rental includes water, electricity and internet bills. Recommended that
you can share rent if a group of students rent the house. To rent contact : Mr Jam !

7 If you want to rent the house you must

A find a group of students to rent
B be a university student
C inform Mr Jam


Street Food Road is the biggest attraction in Jalan Desa. This Street Food Road is open daily from
7.00p.m-12.00a.m. It is a hawker paradise. This road is behind our famous shopping mall.

You can try cheeseburgers made from meat, cheese and bread. You can also try noodles with meat and
vegetables. You can also try crepes with jam, chocolate or cheese.There are many more!.
8The Street Food Road is
A a big restaurant
B a shopping mall
C a place for street foodstalls


Do you follow rules? There are rules wherever we go. At home, in class and the
places we visit. Hence, you need to create your own rules and share with your
friends about the rules. Ask you friends the question “ Do you agree with my
rules?” “Is it easy to follow?”

6. The task is about

A you answering your friends questions
B your friends disagreeing with your rules
C you creating rules and sharing it

Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the correct word in the spaced
provided on your answer sheet.

One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

Once there was an old man who (9)likes to fill his free time (10)collected empty water
bottles from everywhere such as garbage bins, roadsides and even at beaches. After
that, he stored (11)a water bottles in his house.
“ Why do you waste your time collecting empty water bottles? You (12)were making
a mess in your own house”, said the old man’s neighbour. “It’s alright. I will find a use
for (13)it later, “ the old man replied.
One day, King Salman said that he would give any villager a (14)larger amount of gold
for planting the most trees. The old man was excited. He started to plant seeds in the
water bottles that he kept. Then, he decorated his house with the plants. His neighbour
laughed at him (15)so the decoration looked unusual.
To the neighbour’s surprise, King Salman picked the old man as the winner. He loved
the decoration so (16)many that he wanted the old man to decorate his palace! The
neighbour felt ashamed of his actions. Later he apologised to the old man for laughing
at him.
Text adapted from :English remove class kpm textbook


Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24. Choose no more than three words and/ or a number from the
text for each answer. For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.


Afood pyramid consists of four food levels that represent five food groups. It is a simple guide taking
different tyoes of food according to the total daily food serving suggestions.

The first food level is the main source if carbohydrate and that provides energy. Besides that, it also
provides fibre and vitamins to help lower the cholesterol and blood glucose levels. The food includes
rice, noodle, bread and cereal.

The second food level offers more vitamins and minerals to make you strong. The food is from the fruits
and vegetables families. To avoid being sick, doctors suggest choosing green vegetables and fresh fruits.

Then the third level consists of fish, poultry, meat and legumes. They would provide you with protein,
vitamin B and zinc. You must choose chicken and meat that are low in fat and cholesterol in order to
have a balanced meal.

Next is milk and dairy products. THese foods are high in protein, rich in calcium and have a wide range
of minerals. Hence, you should practice drinking milk and eating dairy products to build strong bones
and teeth.

The last food level is fats, oils, sugar and salt. It is the highest level of the food pyramid as these foods
should be taken in small amount only to prevent illnesses such as diabetes.

Text adapted from : English remove class kpm textbook

A food pyramid consists of 17

It is a simple guide in taking different types of food 18
according to the total daily
The first level is the main 19
The second food level is from the families of 20
You must choose chicken and meat in order to have 21
Drinking milk and eating dairy products can build 22
The highest level of the food pyramid foods should 23
be taken in
To avoid being sick, doctors suggest choosing 24

Part 4
Read the text below and answer questions 25 to 32.Choose no more than three words and or a number from the
text for each answer. For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

One misunderstanding about writing involves the fear of failure. We must get rid of
that fear at the beginning. Failure is a normal part of the process. Indeed, without failure,
most of us would never be able to express what we wanted to. We would never know
what we truly think without first articulating the ideas that come into our mind. As you
do so, you may need to make a few false starts. But that should not matter. As you work
through some awkward, inaccurate and misleading sentences you will finally arrive at
one that expresses your ideas exactly and seems right. Do not expect each sentence to
form easily on the page. Even with practice, this does not happen. Instead, work through
the failures to arrive at success.

Some preparation, as well as your attitude, can make your writing more productive if
not easier. If writing is an occasional thing, it will seem strange, even threatening. If
however, you do it regularly you will find writing easier. If you practice the piano a
little every day, it becomes a familiar instrument; you will feel comfortable with it.
Familiarity in any situation helps you relax. Therefore, set aside some time to write
every day.

In addition, try to write at approximately the same time each day. We are creatures of
regularity. Football coaches know how important it is for a team to practice at the same
hour, five days a week. The body - and the mind - has its rhythm. Whether you write
best in the early morning or at midnight makes little difference. What is important for
you is to find the tide of your personal rhythm and flow with it every day.

Writers claim they need a special place in which to work. Some prefer absolute silence;
others write well in noisy surroundings. Find what works for you and stick to it. Create
your own nest - whatever makes you comfortable.

Text adapted from :

25 . One misunderstanding about writing___________________________________________ [1 mark]

26. We would never know what we truly think without first articulating the ideas _____________________ [ 1

27. If writing is an occasional thing, it will _____________________________[ 1 mark]

28. What is important for you is to find the tide of _______________________[1mark]

29. Create your own nest and do _____________________________. [1 mark]

30. Indeed, without failure, most of us would _______________________ what we wanted to. [ 1 mark]

31. Some preparation, as well as your attitude, can ___________________________ [ 1 mark]

32. Football coaches know how important it is for a team to _______________________. {1 mark]

Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table below with a word from the text. For each question, write your answer in the answer sheet.

Meaning Word
33 feeling uneasy
34 wrong

Part 5
Questions 35 to 40
You are going to read a story about Ahmad and the Tree. Six sentences have been removed from the story. Choose
from the sentences (A-H) to fit each gap (35-40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. For
each question, write the correct answer (A-H) below.

Ahmad and the Tree

Ahmad and his family live close to a forest. They like to explore the woods and relax by the nature.
Ahmad has a favourite tree. (35)_____. The tree is very tall and shady.

One night, (36)_____. His heart beat so fast “ My tree!” he screamed. He walked past his house and saw
lights coming from the forest. (37)___. There was a group of men with huge chainsaws and tractors
getting ready to cut the tree.

Ahmad ran back to his house and told his parents what he saw. (38)___. Those men turned out to be
illegal loggers . (39)____. The police thanked Ahmad for being alert and quick on his feet.

Since then, Ahmad was determined to save the forest. (40)___.

Text adapted from : English remove kpm textbook

A He would not let anybody destroy it.

B He loves sitting under it while reading books.
C Thirty minutes later, the police arrived and arrested
the illegal loggers.
D Ahmad heard roaring sounds of heavy machines.
E He ran towards it and hid behind his tree
F His father quickly called the police.
G He loves trees
H He failed to alert his parents

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