Folleto Agencia de Viajes Promocion Colorido

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Meet 5 most iconic places

in the

In 2010, on the occasion of celebrations for

the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, the

doors of the interior and the viewpoint of the

monument had their own revolution and

were reopened for the inhabitants of CDMX.


Frontón México
The Metropolitan Cathedral has kept a large

It is one of those buildings that seem lost in

number of stories for more than 200 years,

time. Its walls, although aged, stand out as a

some fanciful and others real, but it occupies

faithful example of art deco architecture in

a place in history books and in the collective

Ángel de la
Mexico. It was built in 1929 by the architect

memory of the city's inhabitants.

Independencia Teodoro Kinhard and in its heyday it boasted of

being "the palace of Basque pelota", since it

hosted several world championships. It was

Its official name is Monument to

also famous for hosting martial arts

Independence. It is a point of departure and

competitions and the Golden Belt national

port of arrival. Those who step on it may not

boxing championship, as well as being the

know it, but they are guarded by the remains

venue for boxing competitions at the 1968

of those who gave us our homeland. Before

being the site of important social gatherings,

this monument is a mausoleum made up of a

stepped plinth, a 35-meter-high quarry

Monumento a la
column and the statue of the Winged Victory

as a crown designed by the architect Antonio

Revolución Mexicana Rivas Mercado.

From 1938 to 1970, the monument

functioned as a viewpoint and it remained

open to the public in Mexico City for three

decades; until the elevator to ascend was

Museo Nacional d
permanently closed.


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