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Good morning everyone.. Today's topic is about Older & Newer means of communication.

Older means of communication is often slow & has many disadvantages. Some of the older devices

1. Telegraph - It’s a method of sending messages using codes. It’s very slow and of poor quality

2. Telephone - It’s mainly used for voice communication, buts it’s not portable.

3. Fax - It’s used for sending documents over long distance but it’s can be used only for
small documents & can be sent to only one person at a time

4. Pager - It’s a portable device to receive very short text messages but it’s a one-way
communication only

Modern means of communication are much faster, portable and overcomes many issues. Some of
the modern day communication devices are,

1. Mobile - Every adult has a cell phone nowadays. It’s a portable device used for Voice
communication, text & picture sharing

2. Email - It’s used for sending small or large documents to one or multiple people

3. Internet - We cannot imagine today's world without internet - used for various purposes like
searching, entertainment, education, etc

Thank you

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