TG #20 - ABM 006

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Teachers’ Guide Module #20

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson Title: Introduction to Marketing Plan Materials:

Student Activity Sheets
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, I can: References:
S Roberto G. Medina, Ph.D; Principles of
Marketing; 2008; Rex Bookstore
1. Define what is marketing plan, Zenaida S. Diola, Edgar M.Tichepco; Marketing:
2. Appreciate the benefits it can give to the business, and A Simplified Approach; 2009; C&E Publishing
3. Start writing the introduction of the marketing plan which our
group has agreed to write upon

Productivity Tip:
“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that
moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you
have a breakthrough.” – Marissa Mayer

Introduction (2 mins)

Great news!!! Write your groupmates’ names below:

We are now approaching the end of our
lesson. I am very excited to see your Leader: __________________________
output of today and the coming day’s Members:
Today and for the next 4 days would be _______________________ _________________________
your preparation for your major
_______________________ _________________________
performance task which is the
marketing plan. I have pre-grouped you _______________________ _________________________
into two groups per section, making
sure that each group is composed of _______________________ _________________________
diverse personalities that would help
_______________________ _________________________
contribute in crafting the best marketing
plan. So, you belong to Group _____ _______________________ _________________________
(write your group number).

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Teachers’ Guide Module #20

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

I want you to honestly answer these two questions using your stored knowledge and see if you get it right
as we go along. Is that clear? I am excited to know your answer.

Questions: What I Know

1. What is a marketing plan?

2. Give at least 2 benefits of

a marketing plan

Activity 2: Content Notes – (13 Minutes)
To deepen your understanding on the Principles of Marketing, read the following pre-printed concept notes.
Please highlight or underline the key word/s that leads to full understanding of the concept.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Teachers’ Guide Module #20

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Marketing Plan is a written document that describes your advertising and marketing efforts for
the coming year; it includes a statement of the marketing situation, a discussion of target markets and
company positioning and a description of the marketing mix you intend to use to reach your marketing
goals. Without it, people can't learn about your business to buy from you. Without customers or clients,
you don't have a business. But like your business plan, a marketing plan is not a static document. It needs
to change and evolve as your business grows, and as new and changing marketing trends develop.

Purpose of a Marketing Plan

 Many business owners create a marketing plan and then set it aside. However, your marketing
plan is a road map providing you with direction toward reaching your business objectives. It needs
to be referred to and assessed for results frequently.
 While some small business owners include their marketing plan as part of their overall business
plan, because marketing is crucial to success, having a comprehensive, detailed marketing plan
on its own is recommended. If you don't want to make a mini-plan as part of your business plan,
you can attach your full marketing plan to the business plan as an appendix to the business plan

Benefits to a Marketing Plan

The importance of a detailed marketing plan can't be overstated. A marketing plan:
 Gives clarity about who your market is. It's easier to find clients and customers if you know who
they are.
 Helps you craft marketing messages that will generate results. Marketing is about knowing what
your product or service can do to help a target market. Your messages need to speak directly your
 Provides focus and direction. Email, social media, advertising, guest blogging, direct mail,
publicity, and on and on. With so many marketing choices, you need a plan for determining the
best course of action for your business.

Situation Target SMART

Analysis Audience. Goals.

Strategies Set Your Steps in Creating

and Tactics. Budget.
a Marketing Plan
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
Teachers’ Guide Module #20

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Step 1: Conduct a Situation Analysis

This introductory section contains an overview of your situation as it exists today and will provide a useful
benchmark as you adapt and refine your plan in the coming months. Begin with a short description of your current
product or service offering, the marketing advantages and challenges you face, and a look at the threats posed
by your competitors. Describe any outside forces that will affect your business in the coming year--this can be
anything from diminished traffic levels due to construction if you're a retailer or a change in law that could affect
a new product introduction if you're an inventor, for example.

Step 2: Define Your Target Audience

All that's needed here is a simple, bulleted description of your target audiences. If you're marketing to
consumers, write a target-audience profile based on demographics, including age, gender and any other
important characteristics. B2B marketers should list your target audiences by category (such as lawyers, doctors,
shopping malls) and include any qualifying criteria for each.

Step 3: Write SMART Goals

In one page or less, list your company's marketing goals for the coming year. The key is to make your
goals realistic and measurable so that you can easily evaluate your performance. "Increase sales of peripherals"
is an example of an ineffective goal. You'd be in a much better position to gauge your marketing progress with
a goal such as, "Increase sales of peripherals 10 percent in the first quarter, 15 percent in the second quarter,
15 percent in the third quarter and 10 percent in fourth quarter."

Step 4: Analyze Your Strategies and Tactics

This section will make up the bulk of your plan, and you should take as much space as you need to give
an overview of your marketing strategies and list each of the corresponding tactics you'll employ to execute them.
Your tactics section should include all the actionable steps you plan to take for advertising, public relations, direct
mail, trade shows and special promotions. You can use a paper calendar to schedule your tactics or use a
contact manager or spreadsheet program--what matters most is that you stick to your schedule and follow
through. A plan on paper is only useful if it's put into action.

Step 5: Budget Breakdown

The final section of your plan includes a brief breakdown of the costs associated with each of your tactics.
So if you plan to exhibit at three trade shows per year, for example, you'll include the costs to participate in the
shows and prepare your booth and marketing materials. If you find the tactics you've selected are too costly, you
can go back and make revisions before you arrive at a final budget.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Teachers’ Guide Module #20

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Activity 3 and 5: Group Activity (30 minutes)

How is the learning process so far? This activity will help you develop more your understanding of today’s
lesson. Have fun:)
Direction: Discuss with your group what product or company would you like to make a marketing plan
and as early as now, start filling in the 5 steps on how to create an outstanding marketing plan before
we proceed to start writing the elements of a marketing plan.

Step 1: __________________________________________________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________________________________________________

Step 3: __________________________________________________________________________________

Step 4: __________________________________________________________________________________

Step 5: __________________________________________________________________________________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Teachers’ Guide Module #20

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Now, this time, answer the question in Activity 1 based on what you learn after studying your notes. This is to
check whether you have fully understood our lesson.

Questions: What I Learned

1. What is a marketing plan?

2. Give at least 2 benefits of a

marketing plan

A. Work Tracker
You are done with this session! Let’s track your progress. Shade the session number you just completed to
see if how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

B. Think About Your Learning

Fantastic, you nearly finish today’s session. But before that, I want you to honestly assess your learnings for
today’s lesson. This will tell you to go back or move forward to the next lesson.

Place a 
Description Explanation
Clear I got it!
I understand it for the most part but a
few things are still unclear.
Confusing I don’t get it at all

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Teachers’ Guide Module #20

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Q: What is the difference between a business plan and a marketing plan?
A: A business plan covers the entire business, including overall strategy, financial plans, target
markets, sales, products and services, operations, and how they all relate to each other. A
marketing plan, in contrast, focuses on the marketing: marketing strategy, target markets,
marketing mix, messaging, programs, etc.

1. Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2. Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


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