Grade 3 Unit Exam Papers

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BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam

Unit Exam - 01 Grade 3

Unit 01 : I,Myself and Me

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

1. Write the missing letter in the following word.
(I) o----e (n,e) (Vi) c-----t ( e,a)

(II) t----n (m,e) (Vii) f---ur (o,u)

(III) f-----sh (i,e) (Viii) gr---de (a,e)

(IV) do---- (g,h) (ix) f---iend (r,m)

(V) c----w (o,m) (x) p----rrot (a,e)

( 10 x 2.5 = 25 Marks)
2. Match.

Five 1

Nine 10

Two 4

Seven 5

One 9

Three 2

Six 8

Four 6

Eight 4

Ten 3 (10 x 2.5 = 25 Marks

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 1
3. Arrange and write

1) a / This / fish / is
2) a / This / cat / is
3) a / This / dog / is
4) a / This / rabbit / is
5) a / This / parrot / is
(5x5=25 Marks)

4. Write the answers.

1. What’s your name ?

I’m ---------------------------------

3. How old are you ?

I am --------------------------------
4. What grade are you in ?
I am is grade --------------------------
5. Where do you live ?
I live in -------------------------------
(5x5=25 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 2
BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam
Unit Exam - 02 Grade 3

Unit 02 : Home Sweet Home

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

(1) Write the missing letter in the following word.

(i.) F….ther (a,e) (vi) A…..nty (n,u)

(ii.) M ….ther ((o,e) (vii)Gr…..ndfather (a,e)

(iii.) Br…..ther (e,o) (viii) Grand mo……her ( t, e)

(iv.) Si….ter ( t,s) (ix) b…..y ( o, e)

(v.) U…..cle ( n,c) (x) gi….l ( r ,e)

(2.5x 10=25 Marks)

(2). Match.






Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran
Teacher -of -English Page 3
(3) Put a or an in the blanks.

1. …….. apple 6. ……. Rose

2. …….... fish 7. ………. Cat

3. ……… parrot 8. …….. bat

4. ……….umbrella 9. ………. Orange

5. ………. igloo 10 . ……. Elephant

(5x5=25 Marks)

(4) Colour the pictures.

yellow blue

orange Green

(5x5=25 Marks)
Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran
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BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam
Unit Exam - 03 Grade -03

Unit 03: Our school

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

1) Write the missing letter in the following word.

1. Cl…ssroom (a,e) 6. D….nce (a,e)

2. Li…rary (b,h) 7. P….ay (l,n)

3. Ga…den ( r,d) 8. Fr….day (i,n)

4. Cl….ck ( c,o) 9. Sc….ool (h, o)

5. M….nday ( o,c) 10. M….use (o,e)

(3.5x 10=35 Marks)

2) Arrange and write the word.

Frdyai - ……………………………….

Mynado - ……………………………….

usdTeay - ………………………………

nWedsayde - ………………………………..

dhaursTy - ………………………………..

(5x5=25 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 5
3) Match the pictures with words.





(5x4=20 Marks)
4) Write about your classroom.

1. My classroom is ……………………….. (big / small)

2. The walls are ………………………….. ( blue / green / white)

3. The desks are ……………………………. (brown / green)

4. There is a ……………………….. ( clock / fan / cupboard)

5. I like my classroom.

(5x4=20 Marks)
Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran
Teacher -of -English Page 6
BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam
Unit Exam - 04 Grade -03

Unit 04: My food bag

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

1) Write the missing letter in the following word.

1. s…..n (o,e) 6. Fi…….h (s,n)
2. ap……le ( p,l) 7. Coc…..nut (o,n)
3. ban….na ( e,a) 8. M… (i,n)
4. m… (k,a) 9. W…….ter ( a, e)
5. carr…..t ( o,r) 10. T….a ( o,e)

(2.5x 10=25 Marks)

2) Re -arrange and write the sentences.
1. like / I / apple /don’t


2. like / I / papaya


3. I / like / watermelon / don’t


4. I / like /pineapple


5. mango / I / don’t / like


(5x5=25 Marks)
Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran
Teacher -of -English Page 7
3) Find and write the words.
Coconut, sugar, fish, eggs, coffee

………………………. ……………………………. …………………………

………………………. ………………………..

(5x5=25 Marks)
4) Put the words in the correct column.
Papaya tomato
Pumpkin mango
Leeks cabbage
Apple banana
Grapes carrot
Fruits Vegetables

(2.5x 10=25 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 8
BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam
Unit Exam - 05 Grade -03

Unit 05: Animal Friends (5x5=25 Marks)

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

1) Write the missing letter in the following word.

1. O…..l ( m,w) 6. La….b ( m,e)
2. Cr…..w ( o,p) 7. Ke…..nel ( n,o)
3. Sn… ( a,e) 8. H….n ( o,e)
4. D….g ( u,o) 9. Tr….e ( m,e)
5. Monk….y ( e,a) 10. W….rm ( o,m)
(1x 10=10 Marks)
2) Select and write the baby animal.
Eg:- Duck - Ducking Owlet
Rabbit - ………………………
Owl - ………………………
Dog - ………………………
Cat - ……………………..
Cow - ……………………….
(5x4=20 Marks)
3) Underline the correct word.
1. Dog - ( kennel, nest )
2. Bee - ( burrow, beehive )
3. Lion - ( den, kennel )
4. Rabbit - ( den, burrow )
5. Bird - ( beehive, nest ) (5x4=20 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 9
4) Re- arrange and write the sentences.

1. in / I / burrow / a / live
2. long / I / a / neck / have
3. swim / A / can / fish
4. your / wash / hands
…………………………………………………………… …………………
5. beak / A / has / parrot / a
(5x4=20 Marks)
5) Match.
Duck cluck
Horse baa
Cat neigh
Sheep mew
Hen quack
(5x2=10 Marks)
6) Fill in the blanks.
1. My pet is a ……………………………..
2. It has long ……………………………..
3. It can …………………………………..
4. It likes to eat …………………………..
5. It lives in a ………………………………..

Ears, burrow, hop, carrots, rabbit. (5x4=20 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 10
BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam
Unit Exam - 06 Grade -03

Unit 06: Clothes we wear

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

1) Write the missing letter in the following word.

1. C….p ( a, o) 6. Dres…. ( n,s)

2. Glo…es ( o, v) 7. S….cks ( o,n)

3. Pock…t ( e,m) 8. T….wel ( k,o)

4. M…….nday ( l,o) 9. Sh….rt ( I,u)

5. T….e ( v,i) 10. Sho….s ( r,e)

(2.5x 10=25 Marks)

2) Match

How are you? Yes, you may

What’s this? Good morning

Good morning! I am fine.

This is my new shirt It’s a frock

May I have a look? It’s nice

(5x5=25 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 11
3)Match the pictures with name of the dresses.






(5x5=25 Marks)

4) Underline the correct answer.

1. It’s cold, I wear a ( sweater , gloves , pyjama )

2. It’s sunny, I wear ( pyjama, jacket, sunglasses )

3. It’s bed time, I wear a (gloves, pyjama, bow tie )

4. I go to school, I wear a ( tie, sunglasses, track suit )

5. I work in the garden, I wear (gloves, high-heeled shoes,

tie) (5x5=25 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 12
BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam
Unit Exam - 07 Grade -03

Unit 07: Playing is fun

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

1) Write the missing letter in the following word.
1. Pl…..y ( o,a) 6. Ov….l ( a,e)
2. R….n (n,u) 7. Cir…..le ( l,C)
3. K….tes ( o,i) 8. Se….en ( v,k)
4. Bal…… (l,o ) 9.squa….e ( e,r)
5. Ra……es ( c,e) 10. Ho… ( k,u)
(2.5x 10=25 Marks)
2) Read and underline correctly
One - 8 5 1
Two 10 2 6
Three 1 3 4
Four 4 9 8
Five 2 9 5
Six 6 10 8
Seven 4 7 3
Eight 3 6 8
Nine 6 4 9
Ten 5 10 1

(5x5=25 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 13
3) Write the answers.

1. One plus two is …………………………………..

2. Seven plus one is ……………………………………..

3. Five plus one is ……………………………………………

4. Nine plus one is ……………………………………………

5. Three plus two is …………………………………………

(5x5=25 Marks)

4) Match the shapes with it’s name.






(5x5=25 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

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BT/KK/Vinayagapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam
Unit Exam - 08 Grade -03

Unit 08: World around me

Name : …………………………………………… Marks : ……………………

1) Write the missing letter in the following word.

1. Le….f ( c,a) 6. So….l ( n,i )

2. Pl….nt ( o, a ) 7. Ro…..nd ( p,u)

3. No….e ( s,J ) 8. Sm….ll ( a, k)

4. E….rs ( a, r ) 9. Gra….s ( s, l)

5. Ro….t ( o,e ) 10. Fl….wer ( o,k)

(2.5x 10=25 Marks)

2) Re arranges and writes the sentences.

1. hides / A / seed / soil / in

2. growing / It / starts
3. grow / Roots / and / sprouts / tiny
4. becomes / The / a / seed / plant

(5x4=20 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 15
3) Name the parts of the tree.

Root , branches , trunk , leaf

(5x4=20 Marks)

4) Match and complete.

1. We see with our ………………………..

2. We hear with our …………………………….. Tongue

3. We smell with our ……………………………. Ears

4. We feel with our ……………………………….
5. We taste with our …………………………………

(5x7=35 Marks)

Prepared by : Mrs. Hemala Suthakaran

Teacher -of -English Page 16

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