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With this project, I was successful in discovering myself throughout this endeavor and

making opportunities that would help me later. Having a LinkedIn helped me create connections

that can assist me when exploring my career interests, etc. This project has given me a space to

present my achievements and passions in a professional manner to give people the chance to get

to know who I am. Creating a professional identity in the digital media environment has allowed

me to reflect on myself and leadership skills, as well as learn important skills such as how to

make a LinkedIn and a website.

Throughout this project, I was able to explore myself and discover different leadership

skills I had. Identifying these skills were both interesting and valuable to me as I now know my

strengths and how I can use those strengths to become a better leader. By comparing strengths

with those of my fellow peers, I realized how while people can have similar strengths, no one

person is the same. The strengths I may lack someone else can compensate for and to be a good

leader, one must recognize this in order to make their team the most efficient it can be.

An aspect of this project that aided me in my exploration was the website. I really

enjoyed designing the website as it was a way for me to present myself professionally and create

a way to tell others about me. In a world of media, constructing an online presence is important

as it is a way to be noticed, to build relationships, and to express your passions and interests. It

was also a way for me to be creative and show photos that I’ve taken that I am proud of and

mold into something that speaks about me. Something I wish could have been done for the future

is a program on how to create a resume and what important things should be included and which
ones you can exclude. Overall, the website was a space for me to create my personal brand and

present myself in a sophisticated manner.

In addition to the website, creating a LinkedIn was very beneficial and crucial to creating

connections and achieving my professional goals. I’m grateful for this project as without it, I

never would have thought about creating an account on the LinkedIn platform. However, after

making one, I realized how important it is to create a name for myself early on. LinkedIn allows

me to discover and find different job opportunities as well as opportunity for me to be

discovered. Many job recruiters and businesses are on LinkedIn and having a profile helps to

build trust and credibility. LinkedIn has enabled me to begin my professional journey and create

new connections that could lead to internships and careers.

Utilizing this project, I was able to create a personal brand and presence for myself that I

did not have before. Having a brand helps to build relationships, create trust, and showcase my

strengths and who I am. With the goal of this project being to create connections, I’ve also

learned how important connections are to building your career as the more connections you have,

the more opportunities open up to you. The website, the LinkedIn, and discovering my personal

strengths has helped me reflect on as well as discover myself and having that understanding

enables me to continue to grow as a person while using my strengths to create a name for myself.

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