Required Questions

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Required Questions

1. I learned about persistence and sustained effort. This is the first time I have persisted in

finishing something for a long time. Capstone taught me that learning is a rewarding thing.

2. My Capstone is related to the economics class I am taking now and the major I want to study

in the future.

3. First, I realized that I had to handle myself and my Capstone, and I did not indulge myself in

slacking off on this project. Second, I have asked my family, teachers, and friends, and although

some people have expressed the opinion that my Capstone is not a good one, or some people

have made suggestions and changes, I will accept them and correct what they are right, and I

will accept the ones I disagree with, because I know I cannot change their minds. Third, cultural

identity. My mentor is Canadian, and I often ask her opinion and she told me something about

the economics of Canadian thought. Fourth, I will use critical thinking when searching for

information to reflect on the truthfulness of this information and what I think is common sense.

Fifth, I will add many of my own innovative ideas to Capstone. Finally, I will discuss my project

with my mentors and friends to enrich its diversity.

4. My Capstone was not particularly great, but it enriched my knowledge and took me from not

knowing anything to knowing it very well.

5. I'm most proud of my mind maps because people who have seen them think they're specific

and good.
6. Wen I have a problem, I will look up the information by myself first, and then check with my


7. What I wish I could change is that I could discover some new knowledge.

8. My advice is to finish early, look up more information, and ask your mentor more often,

which will give you more specificity and variety in your project.

9. The advertising science I researched was the least helpful to me, and although I spent a lot of

time on it, I ended up finding that it didn't have much relevance to the topic of the subject I was

going to research.

10. I wish I had looked up more information on my own and been more diligent.

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