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Subject: Biology

To be completed in groups

With the aid of a diagram, describe the structure of a kidney tubule and explain why its
structure makes it well-suited to its functions. (8 marks)
(b) Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) causes changes in the functioning of the kidney tubule.
(c) Explain how these changes are brought about. (4 marks)
(i) A farmer selected crops which had deeply penetrating roots, and leaves with thick cuticles 
for a particular area of land he wished to cultivate.
(ii) Fully explain why a farmer would select these features for his crops. (3 marks)
Total 15 marks

(a) Patients whose kidneys have stopped working efficiently are put on strict diets.
They are allowed to have
(i) little salt
(ii) very small quantities of meat, beans and peas
(iii) a few ounces of water when they are thirsty.
Explain why EACH of these adjustments to the diet is necessary. (6 marks)
(b)When using an artificial kidney, blood from the patient passes through tubes made of a
selectively permeable membrane. The tubes are surrounded by a watery fluid containing
carefully controlled amounts of certain solutes.
Suggest how a kidney machine is able to 'clean' the patient's blood. (5 marks)
(c) One lesson taught to the Boy Scouts troop on their hike was that the plants along the trail
were adapted to conserve water. Suggest TWO reasons why the plants observed growing
along the trail had mechanisms to reduce water loss. (4 marks)
Total (15 marks)

Answer ONE question from this section.
With the aid of a diagram. show how the nephron (uriniferous tubule) is suited to its
functions. (8 marks)
(b) An individual with malfunctioning kidneys is often required to undergo dialysis. In
this process the blood is made to flow alongside a dialysis solution, which sets up a
gradient with the blood to filter its impurities.
What substances should be present in the dialysis solution? (2 marks)
(C) (i) Give THREE ways in which plants eliminate waste products from their systems.
(3 marks)
(ii) Suggest why the mechanisms plants use to eliminate waste products are not as
complex as those of animals. (2 marks)
Total 15 marks
2008 January
(a)The human body produces and therefore must eliminate substances that can become toxic
or excessive.
(i) Identify TWO substances that the body produces which can become toxic or excessive. (2)
(ii) Wilh the aid of a diagram, describe how a kidney tubule is able to reduce a toxic
substance in the body to harmless levels. (8 marks)
(b) (i) Give THREE ways in which plants eliminate waste products from their systems. (3)
(ii) Suggest why the mechanisms plants use to eliminate waste products are not as
complex as those of animals. (2 marks)
(Total 15 marks)

(a) (i) With the aid of a fully annotated diagram of the kidney (uriniferous) tubule, explain
how urine is produced and gets to the bladder.
(ii) Suggest why urine production is important in humans. (8 marks)
(b) Members of a Boy Scouts troop were advised by their leader to take water with them on
their hike into the mountains. One boy decided to drink a large quantity of water before
leaving on the hike. Explain how his body functions to deal with the excess water. (3 marks)
(c) One lesson taught to the Boy Scouts troop on their hike was that the plants along the trail
were adapted to conserve water. Suggest TWO reasons why the plants observed growing
along the trail had mechanisms to reduce water loss. (4 marks)
(Total 15 marks)
5. The kidney is an important excretory organ in mammals.
(a) Name TWO substances excreted by the kidney. (2)
(b) With the aid of an annotated diagram, explain how urine is formed in the kidney.(9) 
(c) An analysis of a sample of urine shows the presence of blood cells and glucose. Account
for the presence of these substances in the urine. (4)
(Total 15 marks)

a. (ii) Name the three layers of the skin from the surface inwards. (3)
(ii) Identify TW0 structures of the skin which aid in temperature regulation in humans.( 2)
(iii) State TWO functions of the skin other than temperature regulation. ( 2 marks)
b. (i)  Mr Firebon was badly burnt and lost all of the upper layer of the skin. Suggest TWO
ways in which the functioning of the skin would be affected.( 4 marks)
(ii) Sometimes burns are treated by grafting onto the burnt area skin taken from another
part of a person's own body. Outline ONE advantage of this procedure. ( 2 marks)
     (c) Suggest ONE reason why a plant may also need to regulate its temperature. ( 2marks)
Total 15 marks
(i)  Suggest TWO reasons why osmo-regulation is important in plants. (4 marks)
(ii) In what ways would the dialysis process be different from the process that
takes place in a properly functioning uriniferous tubule? (6 marks)

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