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NFPA 4 s 2 - - A96 ROP

Report of the Committee on (Log #CP1)

482-1 - (Entire Document): Accept
Combustible Metals & Metal Dusts SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Combustible Metals &
I RECOMMENDATION: Completely revise NFPA 482, Standard for
Robert W. Nelson, Chair the Production, Processing, Handling, and Storage of Zirconium, as
Industrial Risk Insurers, CT shown in the draft at the end of this report.
Rep. Industrial Risk Insurers SUBSTANTIATION: This complete revision has incorporated new
material into the document to reflect changes in process technology
in the zirconium industly and to bring the document into conform-
Roy E. Adams, TIMET, NV ance with the NFPA Manual of Style to assist in making the
Rep. Titanium Development Assn. document more usable, adoptable and enforceable.
Tom Christman, Martin- Marietta Energy Systems, TN COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept.
IL Thomas Currin, Salisbury, NG
Ralph W. Hawk, Gyprus Foote Mineral Co., NC
Edward S. Krupiuski, Marsh & McLennan, lnc., AZ
Kevin M. Laporte, Uni-Wash Inc., MI
Jeff D. Martin, Occupational Health Services, TN
John E. McConaghie, Reade Mfg., Co., NJ NFPA 482
Nell T. Morgan, Naval Undersea Warfare Engr Station, WA
David L. Oberholtzer, Valimet, Inc., CA Stafldard for the Production, Processing,
Rep. The Aluminum Assn.
James A. Robertson, Dow Chemical Co., TX Handling, and Storage of Zirconium
Waldemar Seton, SJO Consulting Engr, OR
John Valiulis, Factory Mutual Research Corp., MA 1996 Edition

NOTICE: An asterisk (*) following the number or letter

Alternates designating a paragraph indicates explanatory material on that
paragraph in Appendix A.
Ron A. Kitsch, Occupational Health Services Inc., TN
(AlL toJ. D. Martin) Information on referenced publications can be found in
Edward D. Leedy, Industrial Risk Insurers, IL Chapter 9 and Appendix C.
(Alt. to 1L W. Nelson)
W. Anthony Major, Silberline Mfg., Co., Inc., PA Chapter 1 General
(Alt. to D. L. Oberholtzer)
LarryJ. Moore, Factory Mutual Research, MA 1-1 Scope.
(Alt. toJ. valiulis)
1-1.1" This standard shall apply to the production, processing,
handling, and storage of zirconium.
1-1.2 This standard shall also apply to finished parts and those
Albert Muller, Lebanon, NJ materials, including scrap, that exhibit the burning characteristics of
(Member Emeritus) zirconium.
1-1.3 This standard shall not apply to the transportation of
Staff Liaison: Martha H. Curtis zirconium in any form on public highways and waterways, or by air
or rail.
This list represents the membership at the time the Committee was balloted 1-1.4 This standard shall not apply to those laboratories handling
on the text of this edition. Since that time, changes in the membership hazardous chemicals as definedin NFPA 45, Standard on Fire
may have occurred. Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals.
Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibil- 1,2" Purpose. The purpose of this standard shall be to provide
ity for documents o n safeguards against fire and explosion in the requirements addressing the fire and explosion hazards of
manufacturing, processing, handlin'" g and storage of combustible zirconium and zirconium alloys in all forms and to outline
metals, powders and dusts. requirements for fire prevention and protection.
The Report of the Tecimical Committee on Combustible Metals & 1-3 Equivalency. Nothing in this standard shall be intended to
Metal Dusts is presented for adoption. prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or
superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability,
This Report was prepared by the Technical Committee on and safety over those prescribed by this standard, provided technical
Combustible Metals & Metal Dusts and proposes for adoption a documentation is made available to the authority having jurisdiction
complete revision to NFPA 482-1987, Standard for the Production, to demonstrate equivalency and the system, method, or device is
Processing, Handling, and Storage of Zirconium. NFPA 482-1987 is approved for the intended purpose.
published in Volume 7 of the 1995 National Fire Codes and in
separate pamphlet form. 14 Applicability. The provisions of this document shall be
considered necessary to provide a reasonable level of protection
This Report has been submitted to letter ballot of the Technical. from loss of life and property from fire and explosion. They reflect
Committee on Combustible Metals & Metal Dusts, which consists of situations and the state-of-the-art prevalent at the time the standard
14 voting members; of whom 13 voted affirmatively and 1 ballot was was issued. Unless otherwise noted, it shall not be intended that the
not returned (Mr. Valiulis.) provisions of this document be applied to facilities, equipment,
structures, or installations that were existing or approvedfor
construction or installation prior to the effective date of the
document, except in those cases where it is determined by the
authority having jurisdiction that the existing situation involves a
distinct hazard to life or adjacent property.
1-5 Def'mitions. For the purpose of this standard, the following
terms shall have the meanings given below.
Approved.* Acceptable to ihe authority having jurisdiction.
Authority HavingJurisdiction.* The organization, office, or
individual responsible for approving equipment, an installation, or a

N F P A 482 - - A96 R O P

Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a 2-3.3 Fuel supply lines, to gas-fired furnaces.
. or other gas-fired
label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is equipment shall be installed and mamtmned in accordance with
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code.
product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection of production
of labeled equipment or materials and by whose labeling the 2-$.4* Furnaces shall comply with NFPA 86C, Standard for Indust~ial
manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or Furnaces Using a Special ProcessingAtmospherg and NFPA 86D, Standard
performance in a specified manner. for Industrial Furnaces Using Vacuum as an Atmosphere
Listed.* Equipment or materials included in a list published by an 2-3.5 All electrically operated or controlledprocessing equipment
organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70, NationalElectrical
concerned with product evaluation that maintains periodic Code~.
inspection of production of listed equipment or materials and whose
listing states either that the equipment or material meets 2-3.6 Back-up methods or systems shall be provided to allow for the
appropriate standards or hasbeen tested and found suitable for use safe and orderly shutdown of critical processes in the case of primary
in a specified m a n n e r system failure.

Media Collector. Refers to either a bag house or a filter-type 2-4 Storage of Raw Materials.
cartridge collector used for collecting dust.
2-4.1" Chlorine shall be handled and stored in accordance with
Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement. accepted industry practice.

Should. Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but 2-4.2 Storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids
not required. shall be in accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible
Liquids Cod~
Zirconium. Refers to either pure metal or alloys having the
generally recognized properties of zirconium metal, including the 2-4.3* Bulk containers of zirconium tetrachloride (ZrC14) and
fire or explosion characteristics of zirconium in its various forms. silicon tetrachloride (SiCI4) shall be stored in a well-ventilatedplace
located away from areas of acute hazard. Containers shall be plainly
Zirconium Chips.* Particles produced from a cutting, machining, identified and tightly sealed until used.
or grinding operation that are not oxidized and that are not diluted
by noncombustible materials. 2-5 Dust Collection.
Zirconium Dust.* Any finely divided zirconium material 420 2-5.1 Dust resulting from the crushing of zirconium sponge shall be
microns or smaller in diameter (material passing U.S. No. 40 safely managed to minimize the risk of fires and explosions.
Standard Sieve) that presents a fire or explosion hazard when
dispersed and ignited in air. 2-5.2 Media collectors shall not be used for the collection of
zirconium sponge fines.
Zirconium F'mes. Zirconium particles typically 20 mesh and below
that can be ignited in a static layer. 2-5.3 Dry collectors shall be emptied before, or when, 80 percent of
the storage capacity is attained. The maximum volume of zirconium
Zirconium Powder.* See Zirconium Dust and Zirconium Fines. fines collected before emptying shall not exceed 5 gal (19 L).

Zirconium Sponge.* Zirconium metal after it has been won from 2-5.4" Dust collectors for Kroll-distilled material shall be located
the ore but before it is melted. outside buildings and shall be provided with deflagration vents.

Zirconium Swarf. Particles produced from a cutting, machining, or 2-5.5* Fans that handle combustible dust and air mixtures shall be
grinding operation that causes partial oxidation of the parent constructed of nonsparking materials and shall be constructed in
material or dilution by other inert materials. accordance with NFPA 91, Standard for Exhaust Systemsfor Air
Conveying of Materials.

Chapter 2 Sponge Production 2-6" Personnel Safety Precautions. Personnel involved in reduction
furnace tapping, .removal. of molten
. magnesium
. chloride, and
2-1 Magnesium Operations. All magnesium storage, handling, and magnesium refimng and castang shall wear tight-fitting, above-the-
processing operations in zirconium sponge production operations ankle shoes, flame-retardant clothing, heat-resistant gloves, and face
shall be in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 480, Standard shields.
for the Storage. HandlinD and Processing of Magnesium Solids and
Powders. 2-7 Sponge Storage.

2-2 Plant Construction. 2-7.1 Zirconium sponge shall be stored in closed metal containers
with a maximum capacity that is capable of being moved by available
2-2.1 Buildings housing reduction furnaces, boring and cru S hing equipment.
facilities, and magnesium refining operations shall be constructedof
noncombustible materials. Consideration shall be given to the 2-7.2 Zirconium storage areas shall be kept free of combustible
provision of deflagration venting in accordance with current materials, well-ventilated, equipped with required fire protection
accepted practices. equipment, and plainly marked with NO SMOKING signs.

2-2.2 Building exits shall comply with NFPA 101®, Life Safety Code~. 2-7.3 Where drums are used, storage shall be limited to one-drum
tiers per pallet, with no more than four pallet loads high. Stacked
2-2.3 Floors in reduction, boring, and crushing buildings shall be storage shall be done in such a manner so as to ensure stability.
made of noncombustible materials, such as concrete, brick, or steel
plate. 2-7.4 Aisles shall be provided for maneuverability of material-
handling equipment, accessibility, and to facilitate fire-fighting
2-2.4 Fittings used on compressed air and inert gas line outlets shall operations.
not be interchangeable to prevent potential explosions caused by
inadvertently using compressed air in place of low pressure inert gas.
Chapter 3* Zirconium Melting
2-3 Processing Equipment.
3-1 Explosion Prevention.
2-3.1 Chlorinators and reduction vessels shall be designed to
prevent water from entering the reaction chamber. 5-1.1 The water supply to crucibles shall be continuously monitored
by a system that automatically interrupts power to the furnace upon
2-3.2 Furnaces shall be ~.ept dry and free of iron scale and other a drop in water pressure or flow. In addition, an emergency source
foreign material. of cooling water shall be provided and shall be actuated
automatically by flow interlock in tile event of interruption of the
primary cooling water.

N F P A 482 ~ A96 R O P

3-1.2 Water-cooled furnaces shall have the crucible a n d its water 4-1.6 Flammable or combustible liquid coatings applied to
jacket located in a protective concrete vault, or o t h e r m e a n s of zirconium shall be u s e d in accordance with the r e q u i r e m e n t s of
isolation shall be provided to protect p e r s o n n e l a n d to minimize NFPA 34, Standard for Dipping and Coating Processes Using Flammable or
d a m a g e if an explosion occurs. Combustible Liquids.
3-1.3" T h e u p p e r c h a m b e r of the f u r n a c e shall be provided with a 4-1.7 Oily crusbed lathe turnings, raw turnings, a n d drips shall be
pressure-relieving device, such as a r u p t u r e disc, to aid in safely collected in closed-top metal containers a n d removed daily, as a
relieving pressure if water enters t h e furnace. T h e release pressure m i n i m u m , to a safe storage or disposal area.
of t h e pressure-relief device shall be a m a x i m u m of 20 psig (138 kPa
gauge). 4-1.8 Furnaces or o t h e r beating e q u i p m e n t used for heating
zirconium shall be free of iron scale or residue that could react
3-1.4" A clearance shall be m a i n t a i n e d at all times between the exothermically widl t h e metal being beated.
electrode a n d t h e crucible wall to minimize arcing to the crucible
Chapter 5 Machining and Fabrication
3-1.5 T h e f u r n a c e shall be e q u i p p e d with a device that continuously
senses pressure within the furnace. T h e device shall automatically 5-1" Machining Operations.
interrupt power to t h e melting h e a t source in t h e event of an
u n e x p e c t e d s u d d e n rise in pressure. 5-1.1 Cutting tools shall be of proper design a n d shall be kept sharp
for satisfactory work with zirconium.
3-1.6 T h e fllrnace shall be e q u i p p e d with:
5-1.2 N o n f l a m m a b l e coolants or lubricants shall be used to
(a) Water flow, temperature, a n d pressure sensors on all cooling minimize heat g e n e r a t e d by the cutting operation.
5-2 Welding.
(b) Arc voltage a n d m e l t i n g power recorders;
5-2.1 All welding of zirconium shall be carried o u t u n d e r a helium
(c) Electrode position indicators; or argon a u n o s p h e r e , or u n d e r vacuum.

(d) Furnace pressure sensors a n d recorders; a n d 5-2.2* Hot work such as electric arc or gas torch welding shall n o t
be permitted in areas where zirconium powder is produced,
(e) Set p o i n t alarms on all systems to warn of a b n o r m a l conditions. handled, packaged, or stored until all exposed chips, dust, fines, or
powder has been r e m o v e d a n d all e q u i p m e n t cleaned thoroughly.
3-2* Casting.
5-3 Zirconium Dust Collection.
3-2.1 T h e water supply to crucibles shall be m o n i t o r e d continuously
by a system that automatically interrupts power to t h e melting heat 5-$.1" Zirconium dust shall be collected by m e a n s of h o o d s or
source u p o n a drop in water pressure or flow. In addition, an enclosures at each dust-producing operation. T h e h o o d s or
e m e r g e n c y source of cooling water shall b e p r o v i d e d a n d shall be enclosures shall be c o n n e c t e d to liquid precipitation separators, a n d
actuated automatically by flow interlock in the event of interruption tile suction u n i t shall be installed so that the dust is converted to
of the primary cooling water. sludge without contact, in t h e dry state, with any high-speed moving
parts. [See Figures A-5-3.1(a) through (e).]
3-2.2 Molds for zirconium casting shall be m a d e of material that is
compatible with m o l t e n zirconium. Molds shall be dried t h o r o u g h l y 5-3.2 C o n n e c t i n g ducts or suction tubes between points of
a n d stored carefully to prevent a c c u m u l a t i o n of moisture in t h e collection a n d separators shall be completely b o n d e d a n d g r o u n d e d .
molds. Ducts a n d tubes shall be as short aspossible, with no unnecessary
bends. Ducts shall be fabricated a n d installed in accordance with
3-2.3 Since m o l d breaks are inevitable, t h e casting c h a m b e r shall be NFPA 91, Standard forExhaust SystemsforAir Conveying of Materials.
cooled or sufficiently massive to provide a heat sink, or both, to
a c c o m m o d a t e a spill. 5-3.3 Z i r c o n i u m dust-producing e q u i p m e n t shall be c o n n e c t e d to
dust-separating e q u i p m e n t . Multiple pieces of zirconium dust-
3-2.4 Control consoles for water-cooled melting a n d casting p r o d u c i n g e q u i p m e n t shall be permitted to be c o n n e c t e d to a single
operations shall be located r e m o t e from melting areas a n d outside zirconium dust-separating unit. An evaluation shall be m a d e to
of furnace vaults. d e t e r m i n e ff multiple pieces of dust-producing e q u i p m e n t can be
safely served by a single dust-separating unit.
3-2.5* Residue from casting furnaces shall be placed in steel boxes
a n d m o v e d outside the building. 5-3.4* If the zirconium dust-separating unit is to be used for other
materials, it shall be t h o r o u g h l y cleaned of all incompatible
materials prior to a n d after its use.
Chapter 4* Mill O p e r a t i o n s
5-3..5 Thepower. supply to t h e dust-producing e q u i p m e n t shall be
4-1FirePrevention. m t e r l o c k e d w l t h t h e airflow from the e x h a u s t blower a n d the liquid-
level controller of the separator so that i m p r o p e r f u n c t i o n i n g of the
4-1.1 Flammable or combustible liquids shall be h a n d l e d in d u s t collection system will s h u t down t h e e q u i p m e n t it serves. A
accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. time-delay switch or equivalent device shall be provided on the dust-
p r o d u c i n g e q u i p m e n t to prevent starting of its motor drive until the
4-1.2* All electrically-driven e q u i p m e n t used for sawing, cutting, or separator is in complete operation a n d several air changes have
g r i n d i n g operations shall be g r o u n d e d in accordance with NFPA 70, swept o u t any residual hydrogen.
National Electrical Code.
5-3.6 H o u s e k e e p i n g (Dust).
4-1.3 Z i r c o n i u m chips shall be collected in closed-top metal
containers a n d r e m o v e d daily, as a m i n i m u m , to a safe storage or 5-3.6.1 Systematic cleaning of t h e entire building containing dust-
disposal area. p r o d u c i n g e q u i p m e n t , including roof m e m b e r s , pipes, conduits,
etc., shall be c o n d u c t e d as conditions warrant. Cleaning m e t h o d s
4-1.4 Forge presses, heavy grinders, a n d o t h e r milling e q u i p m e n t shall be limited to those m e t h o d s that minimize the probability of
o p e r a t e d b y hydraulic systems shall use a less h a z a r d o u s h y d r a u l i c oil fire or explosion, as d e t e r m i n e d by a person knowledgeable in the
widl a flasb p o i n t greater t h a n 200°F (93°C). properties of zirconium dust.

4-1.5 N o n f l a m m a b l e coolants shall be used for wet grinding, 5-3.6.2 Due to the i n h e r e n t hazards associated with t h e use of fixed
cutting, or sawing operations. T h e coolant shall be filtered on a vacuum-cleaning systems for finely divided zirconium dust, special
c o n t i n u o u s basis, a n d the collected solids shall n o t be p e r m i t t e d to e n g i n e e r i n g considerations shall be given to the design, installation,
accumulate in quantities greater t b a n 5 gal (19 L) a n d shall be m a i n t e n a n c e , a n d use of such systems.
m o v e d to a safe storage or disposal area.

NFPA 482 -- A96 ROP

5-3.7 Sludge from dust separators and vacuum-cleaning system 8-1.3* Hot work permits shall be required in designated areas that
precipitators shall be removed daily, as a minimum, and be kept contain exposed zirconium fines, dust, or sponge. All hot work areas
thoroughly wet. Covered, vented steel containers shall be used to that require a permit shall be thoroughly cleaned of zirconium fines,
transport collected sludge to a safe storage area or for disposal. dust, or sponge before hot work is performed.
Sludge shall be disposer of in accordance with federal, state, and
local regulations. 8-1.4" All containers used to receive molten metal, molten
magnesium, molten magnesium chloride, or liquid sodium shall be
cleaned and dried thoroughly before use. All pieces of magnesium
Chapter 6* Scrap Storage metal shall be clean and dry where charged to reduction furnaces.
6-1 Storage. 8-1.5 Good housekeeping practices shall be maintained. Supplies
shall be stored in an orderly manner with properly maintained aisles
6-1.1 Open storage of sheet, plate, forgings, or massive pieces of to permit regular inspection and segregation of incompatible
scrap presents no fire risk andshall be permitted. materials. Supplies of materials in zirconium processing areas shall
be limited to amounts necessary for normal operation.
6-1.2 Storage of sponge, chips, fines, and dust that are readily
ignitible shall be isolated and segregated from other combustible 8-1.6 Ordinary combustible materials, such as paper, wood, cartons,
materials and zirconium scrap to prevent propagation of a fire. and packing material, shall not be stored or permitted to accumulate
in zirconium pllgrocessin areas unless necessary for the process, and
then only in designatedareas.
Chapter 7* Zirconium Powder Production and Use
8-1.7 Periodic cleaning of zirconium dust and fines from buildings
7-1 Drying and Storage of Zirconium Powder. and machinery shall be carried out as frequently as conditions
warrant. Dust and fines shall be removed to a safe storage or
7-1.1" Wetted powder shall be dried at a temperature not exceeding disposal area. Consideration shall be given to the potential ignition
230°F (110°C). sources associated with the operation of cleaning and processing
equipment during the cleaning operation.
7-1.2" Drying rooms shall be of Type I construction, as defined by
NFPA 220, Stanclardon Types of Building Construction. Theyshall be 8-1.8 Periodic inspections shall be conducted, as frequently as
segregated as far as possible from other operations. Deflagration conditions warrant, to detect the accumulation of excessive
venting for drying rooms shall be considered. zirconium dust, chips, or fines on any portions of buildings or
machinery not regularly cleaned in daily operations. Records shall
7-1.5 Zirconium powder shall be stored in sealed containers in well- be kept of these inspections.
ventilated areas, and shall be kept segregated from other
combustibles. The containers shall be protected from damage° 8-1.9 Ordinary combustible materials shall not be discarded in
containers used for the collection of dust, swarf, or chips.
7-2 Zirconium Powder Handling.
8-1.10 Areas handling flammable and combustible liquids shall be in
7-2.1 Special care shall be taken to prevent spills or dispersions that accordance with the requirements of NFPA 30, Flammable and
produce dust clouds. Combustible Liquids Coda

7-2.2 , Sintering furnaces that handle zirconium parts that are 8-1.11 Smoking shall be permitted only in designated areas. No
fabricated from powder shall be installed and operated in smoking areas shall be posted with NO SMOKING signs.
accordance with NFPA 86C, Standard on Industrial Furnaces Using
Special Processing Atnwspheres. Powder or dust shall not be permitted 8-1.12" Boring, crushing, and drying equipment shall be properly
to accumulate in the furnace or near the heating elements. Furnaces electrically-bonded and grounded to prevent accumulation of static
shall be operated with inert atmospheres of helium, argon, or under electricity.
8-1.13 All electrical equipment and wiring in zirconium production,
7-2.3 To minimize d~e risk of fire or explosion hazard in the processing, handling, and storage facilities shall comply with NFPA
handling of zirconium powders, the equipment and processes shall 70, National Electrical Code.
be designed by people knowledgeable in the hazards of zirconium
powders. 8-1.14 Where using tools and utensils in areas handling zirconium
powder, consideration shall be given to the risks associated with
7-2.4 Electrical Installmions. All zirconium powder production, generating impact sparks and static electricity.
drying, and packing areas shall be evaluated for fire and explosion
hazards associated with the operation, and shall be provided with 8-1.1B, Processing equipment used in zirconium operations shall be
approved electrical equipment suitable for the hazardous location. properly electrically-bonded and grounded to prevent
The electrical equipment shall be installed in accordance with the accumulations of static electricity.
requirements of NFPA 70, NationalElectrical Code.
8-1.16 Where zirconium is collected or stored in containers,
7-3 Personnel Safety Precautions. Personnel handling zirconium material-handling equipment with sufficient capability to remove any
powder shall wear. nonsparking, shoes and noncombustible or flame- container from the immediate area in the case of an emergency shall
retardant clothing vathout pockets, cuffs, laps, or pleats where be readily available.
powder can accumulate.
8-1.17 Areas used for torch-cutting of massive pieces of scrap shall
7-4 Housekeeping Practices. Good housekeeping practices shall be be kept free of combustible materials.
followed so that accumulations of powder do not occur. Special
attention shall be paid to powder accumulations in crevasses and 8-2" General Fire Protection.
joints between walls and floors.
8-2.1 A fire protection plan shall be provided for all areas where
zirconium is processed, handled, used, and stored.
Chapter 8 Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
8-2.2* Buildings or portions of buildings of noncombustible
8-1 Fire Prevention. The provisions of Chapter 8 shall apply to all construction principally used for zirconium storage or handling shall
zirconium production process, handling, and storage operations. not be permitted to be equipped with automatic sprinkler
8-1.1 Buildings shall comply with the applicable provisions of NFPA
IOL Life Safe~ Code. Exception: Sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13,
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, shall be permitted in areas
8-1.2 Sponge discharged from dryers shall be collected in containers where combustibles other than zirconium create a more severe hazard than the
that have no larger than a 4000-1b (1814-kg) capacity. The collection zirconium and where acceptable to an authority having jurisdiction who is
area shall be well-ventilated and free from other combustible knowledgeable of the hazards associated with zirconium.

NFPA 482 -- A96 ROP

8-2.3* If required by the authority having jurisdiction, automatic NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1994
sprinkler protection, installed in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard edition.
for the Installation of Spnnkler Systoms, shall be provided for offices,
repair shops, and warehouses not used for the storage of zirconium NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 1993 edition.
sponge, fines, or chips.
NFPA 34, Standard for Dipping and Coating Processes Using Flammable
8-2.4* As an alternative, a specially-engineered fire protection or Combustible Liquid-s, 1995 edition.
system specifically designed to be compatible with the hazards
NFPA 45, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals,
present in the zirconium operation area shall be permitted to be 1991 edition.
installed in areas where combustible loading is essential to the
process operation. NFPA 54, NationalFuel Gas Code~ 1992 edition.
8-3 Extinguishing Agents and Application Techniques. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 1996 edition.
8-3.1 Only listed or approved Class D extinguishing agents or those NFPA 86C, Standard for lndust~'ial Furnaces Using a Special Processing
tested a n d s h o w n to be effective for extinguishing zirconium fires Atmosphere, 1995 edition.
shall be permitted. A supply of extinguishing agent for manual
application shall be kept within easy reach of personnel while NFPA 86D, Standard for Industrial Furnaces Using Vacuum as an
working with zirconium. The quantity of extinguishing agents shall Atmosphere, 1995 edition.
be sufficient to contain anticipated fires.
NFPA 91, Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Materials,
8-3.2 Agents intended for manual application shall be kept in 1995 edition.
identified containers. Container lids shall be kept in place to
NFPA 101, Life Safety Cod~ 1994 edition.
prevent agent contamination a n d to keep agent moisture free.
Where large quantities of agent are expected to be needed, a clean, NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Constructior~ 1995 edition.
dry shovel shall be providedwith the container. Where small
amounts ,are needed, a h a n d scoop shall be provided with each NFPA 480, Standard for the Storage, Handling, and Processing of
container. Magnesium Solids and Powders, 1993 edition.
8-3.3 Portable or wheeled extinguishers approved for use on
zirconium fires shall be permitted, and shall be distributed in Appendix A ExplanatoryMaterial
accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
. This. Alpp,_endix
. . is not a p art of the requirernents of this NFPA document but
8-3.4 Portable fire extinguislaers shall be provided in accordance ~s tncludea for mformatwnal purposes only.
with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers. Water-based or
CO 2 extinguishers shall not be provide d in areas containing A-I-I.I See Appendix B for supplementary information on
zirconium sponge, fines, or chips. zirconium.

Exception: CO 2 extinguishers shall be permitted to be present in zirconium A-l-2 See Appendix B for supplementary information on zirconium.
areas for use on electrical fires. These CO 2 extin~'uishers shall be marked
specifically with, "Not for use on zirconium fires. A-I-5 Approved. The National Fire Protection Association does not
approve, inspect, or certify any installations, procedures, equipment,
8-3.5 The following agents shall not be used as extinguishing agents or materials; nor does it approve or evaluate testing laboratories. In
on a zirconium fire because of adverse reaction: determining the acceptability of installations, procedures,
equipment, or materials, the authority having jurisdiction may base
(a) Water; acceptance on compliance with NFPA or other appropriate
standards. In the absence of such standards, said authority may
(b) Gaseous-based foams; require evidence of proper installation, procedure, or use. The
authority having jurisdiction may also refer to the listings or labeling
(c) Halon; and practices of an organization concerned with product evaluations that
is in a position t o d e t e r m i n e compliance with appropriate standards
(d) Carbon dioxide. for the current production of listed items.

8-3.6 An ABC dry chemical a n d a B:C dry chemical extinguisher A-l-5 Authority Having Jurisdiction. The phrase "authority having
shall not be used as a zirconium fire extinguishing agent, but shall jurisdiction" is used in NFPA documents in a broad manner, since
be permitted to be used on other classes of fires in the area where JwhUfisdictionsand approval agencies vary, as do their responsibilities.
zirconium is p r e s e n t ere public safety is primary, the authority having jurisdiction may
be a federal, state, local, or other regional d e p a r t m e n t or individual
8-3.7* Dry sodium chloride, or other dry chemicals or compounds such as a fire chief; fire marshal; chief of a fire prevention bureau,
suitable for extinguishment or containment of zirconium fires, shall labor department, or health department; building official; electrical
be permitted to be substituted for Class D fire extinguishers. These inspector; or others having statutory authority. For insurance
alternative agents shall be stored in a m a n n e r that ensures the purposes, an insurance inspection department, rating bureau, or
agent's effectiveness. Shovels or scoops shall be kept readily other insurance company representative may be the authority having
available adjacent to the containers. All extinguishing agent storage jurisdiction. In many circumstances, the property owner or his or
areas shall be clearly identified. -- - -- - h e r designated agent assumes die role o f the authority having
jurisdiction; at government installations, the commanding officer or
8-3.8 Zirconium fines shall be segregated by storage in departmental official may be the authority having jurisdiction.
noncombustible drums.
A-l-5 Listed. The means for identifying listed equipment may vary
8-3,9* Where a fire occurs in processing equipment, material feed for each organization concerned with product e~;altiation, some of
to the equipment shall be StOlJped. The-equipment shall be kept in which do n o t recognize equipment as listed unless it is also labeled.
operation, unless continued operation will spread the fire. The authority havihgjuris~liction should utilize the system employed
by the listing organization to identify a listed product.
Chapter 9 Referenced Publications A-l-5 Zirconium Chips. Zirconium chips vary in ease of ignition and
rapidity of burning, d e p e n d i n g on size and geometry. A light fluffy
9-1 The following documents or portions t h e r e o f are referenced chip ignites easily~nd burns vigorouslywhile a heavy, compact chip
within dfis standard and shall be considered part o f the ignites with difficulty and burng quite slowly.
requirements of this document. The edition indicated for each
reference is the current edition as of tile date of the NFPA issuance A-I-5 Zirconium Dust. See NFPA 497B, Recommended Practice for the
of this document. Classification of Class 11Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical
Installations in Chemical Process Areas, or NFPA 497M, Manual for
9-1.1 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association, 1 Classification of Gases, Vapors, and Dusts for Electrical Equipment in
Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy,/VIA 02269-9101. Hazardous (Classified) Locations, for information on explosibility
parameters of combustible dusts.
NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 1994 edition.

NFPA 482 -- A96 ROP

A-I-5 Zirconium Powder. See NFPA 497B, Recommended Practicefor copper crucibles u n d e r a v a c u u m or with an inert gas blanket of
Classification of Class IZ Hazardous (Classified) Locationsfor Electrical argon or helium. D u r i n g the early years of t h e zir6onium industry,
Installations in ChemicalProcessAreas, or NFPA 497M, Manual for melting was d o n e with a n o n c o n s u m a b l e electrode, usually carbon.
Classification of Gases, Vapors, and Dusts for ElectricalEquipment in
Hazardous (Classified) Locations, for information on explosibility T h e c o n s u m a b l e electrode process using direct c u r r e n t electricity
parameters of combustible dusts. was developed to m e e t q u a l i t / a n d procegs requirements.

A-l-5 Zirconium Sponge. Z i r c o n i u m sponge can contain dust a n d D u r i n g the 1950s, several zirconium melting furnace explosions
fines that can b e c o m e airborne w h e n the material is handled. If occurred w h e n water inadvertently e n t e r e d the melting crucibles
d u r i n g t h e melting operation. T h r e e distinct types of explosions
p r e s e n t in sufficient quantity, t h e d u s t a n d fines can cause increased were trident: stea~m kxplosions p r o d u c e d bywAter contacting
fire risk. molten metal; chemical reaction between the molten metal a n d
water; a n d explosion of free h y d r o g e n g e n e r a t e d by t h e chemical
A-2-9.1 NFPA 68, Guidefor Venting of Deflagrations, contains reaction. Also, if air e n t e r e d the crucibqe at the same time, an air-
information on the subject of deflagration venting. hydrogen explosion would s o m e t i m e s occur. All three types of
explosions could occur in the same incident. T h e explosion hazard
A-2-2.3 Floors s h o u l d be slightly crowned or d r a i n e d to prevent is present with any crucible or electrode that is water-cooled.
accumulation of water in t h e vicinity of reduction furnaces.
T h e use of liquid metal NaK (sodium-potassium alloy) as a crucible
A-2-3.4 For additional information on ovens a n d furnaces, see coolant has b e e n developed for both laboratory a n d commercial
NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces. installations. While the d a n g e r of furnace explosion d u e to leakage
into t h e melt zone is reduced, the h a n d l i n g of NaK has its own
A-9-4.1 For information on guidelines for h a n d l i n g a n d storing i n h e r e n t hazards. T h e reaction between N a K a n d water is violent.
chlorine, see The Chlo:4neManuaL (See C-1.3.)
A-3-1.3 T h e explosion that can occur d u e to the rapid phase
A-2-4.3 Z i r c o n i u m tetrachloride in contact with moist air or water transformation a n d dissociation reaction of water in contact with
hydrolyzes to f o r m h y d r o g e n daloride gas a n d hydrochloric acid. m o l t e n material takes place over a time span of aDoroximately 10-5
Hydrogen chloride is toxic a n d highly irritating to the respiratory to 10 -4 seconds. This is faster t h a n a c o n d e n s e d l~)faase detonation.
tract. If n o t immediately removed, zirconium tetrachloride in T h e required pressure-relief device would not be effective in safely
contact with t h e eyes or skin will result in a double burn, o n e caused relieving the rapid pressure build-up Caused by t h e rapid phase
by the acid, the o t h e r caused by the h e a t of reaction. Any skin that is transformation. It s h o u l d be n o t e d that the required pressure-
contacted by zirconium tetrachloride s h o u l d be wiped immediately relieving device is i n t e n d e d to safely relieve only m u c h slower
a n d t h e n flushed with a large a m o u n t of water. Eyes splashed with increases in j~ressure, such as m i g h t occur from small incursions of
zirconium tetrachloride s h o u l d also be r u s h e d with copious water onto t h e top of the m o l t e n metal. Following a breech in t h e
a m o u n t s of water. v a c u u m system, air will e n t e r t h e f u r n a c e which could create a
secondary explosion d u e to the presence of hydrogen g e n e r a t e d by
A-2-5.4 A high-efficiency cydone-type collector presents less hazard the molten metal/water reaction.
t h a n a bag- or media-type collector and, except for extremely fine
powders, usually open,tes with fairly high collection efficiency. A-B-I.4 T h e use of a magnetic field to deflect the electric arc away
W h e r e cyclones ark used, the e x h a u s t fan discharges to a t m o s p h e r e f r o m the crucible wall should be considered.
away f r o m other opew,~tions. It s h o u l d be recognized that there are
s o m e instances in ~vhich a centrifugal-type collkctor m i g h t be A-3-2 T h e general process for shape casting of zirconium is t h e
followed by a fabric or bag- or medla-type collector or By a scrubber- "skull-casting" process, where the material to be cast is melted as a
type collector where particulate emissions are kept at a low level.
T h e hazards of each kollector s h o u l d be recognized a n d protected consumable electrode in a tilting crucible. T h e power applied is
against. In each instance, t h e fan is t h e last e l e m e n t downstream in normally somewhat h i g h e r t h a n typical for ingot melting in order to
the system. Because of the extreme hazard involved with a bag- or develop, a deep pool of molten, metal. . At t h e appropriate time in the
media-type collector, consideration s h o u l d be given to a multiple- melting cycle, the electrode Is withdrawn a n d t h e casting poured.
series cyclone with a liquid final stage. V a c u u m or inert gas is provided to protect the metal from
a t m o s p h e r i c contamination. T h e f u r n a c e crucible is m a d e of
Industry experience has clearly d e m o n s t r a t e d that an eventual copper a n d has water or NaK cooling. Due to the lfigb power levels
explosion can be expected where a bag- or media-type collector is used, seams in the crucible should n o t be e x p o s e d to the electric arc
used to collect zirconium fines. Seldom, if ever, can t h e source of or the molten metal.
ignition be positively identified. In those u n u s u a l instances where it
becomes necessary to collect very small fines for a specific A-3-2.5 Personnel e n t e r i n g furnace shells to c o n d u c t inspections or
commercial product, it is customary for t h e p r o d u c e r to employ a repair work should first make certain that any inert gas has been
bag- or media-type col)ector. Since this presents a strong explosion p u r g e d from t h e shell. See Title 29, Codeof FederalRegulations, Part
potential, the bag- or media-type collector s h o u l d be located a safe 1910.146, for Permit Required Confined Spaces. All combustible or
distance from buildings a n d personnel.
pyrophoric residues s h o u l d be removed or deactivated. These
residues are known to be combustible or pyrophoric mad caution
If a bag- or media-type collector is used, the shaking system or dust
removal system can be such as to minimize sparking d u e to frictional should be exercised.
contact or impact. P n e u m a t i c or pulse-type shaking is m o r e
desirable because no mechanical moving parts are revolved in the A-4 Forging remains the m o s t popular m e t h o d of f o r m i n g
dusty a t m o s p h e r e . If t h e bags are provided with g r o u n d i n g wires, zirconium because it is generally simpler a n d less costly than other
they can be positively g r o u n d e d t h r o u g h a low-resistance path to f o r m i n g processes. Gas or electric furnaces with accurate heat
g r o u n d . W h e r e bags are used, it is customary that the b a g h o u s e be control are used to heat t h e metal into the p r o p e r forging range,
protected by an alarm that indicates excessive pressure drop across which can vary from 1600°F to 2300°F (871°C to 1260°('). T h e rate
t h e bags. An excess aiv t e m p e r a t u r e alarm is also frequently used. A of heat-up a n d final t e m p e r a t u r e often should be controlled
bag- or media-type collector is customarily located a t l e a s t 50 ft (15 precisely to achieve specific metallurgical a n d physical properties.
m) from any o t h e r building or operation. It is not customary to Slabs, billets, a n d bar stock are p r o d u c e d by forging.
permit personnel to be within 50 ft (15 m) of t h e collector d u r i n g
operation or wben shaking bags. Deflagration vents are usually built Large r o u n d s of zirconium are p r o d u c e d by lathe t u r n i n g o r b y
into the system, as described in NFPA 68, Guidefor Vev~tingof ~[rinding forges. A considerable a m o u n t of zirconium strip, coil, mad
Deflagrations. Care is customarily exercised in locating t h e vents staeet, down to foil thickness, is p r o d u c e d from slabs on both
because of the possibility of blast d a m a g e to personne.l or adjacent continuous a n d h a n d mills. Wide sheets a n d plates of various
structures. thicknesses are p r o d u c e d on h a n d mills or plate rolling mills.
T e m p e r a t u r e control d u r i n g rolling is important. Shearing a n d
A-2-5.5 Information on spark-resistant fans a n d blowers can be straightening operations are necessary to trim sheet a n d plhte to
f o u n d in AMCA Stand;irds H a n d b o o k 99-0410-86, Classificationfor size, to straighten or flatten plate, or to straighten forged bar stock
Spark-Resistant Construction. or extrusions. Zirconium vdre is p r o d u c e d f r o m coils of roiled bar
A-2-6 Molten m a g n e s i u m a n d molten m a g n e s i u m chloride present by drawing operations. Fastener stock is p r o d u c e d f r o m coils of
an extremely d a n g e r o u s fire a n d f u m e hazard, in addition to a n wire. Zirconium tubing is p r o d u c e d by inert gas seam welding of
explosion hazard, ff in contact with water or residual moisture. rolled narrow strip. Heavy wall seamless t u b i n g is p r o d u c e d by
A-3 Unlike o t h e r metals, which can be melted, cast, or m o l d e d
without u n u s u a l comp]iications, zirconium, because of its strong Special types of grinding operations are p e r f o r m e d in mills. Swing
affinity for oxygen, hydrogen, mad nitrogen a n d its t e n d e n c y to grinders are used to spot grind ingots, slabs, billets, a n d bar stock.
b e c o m e c o n t a m i n a t e d is melted in special water or NaK-cooled Centerless grinders are used to finish r o u n d bar a n d fastener stock.

NFPA 482 -- A96 ROP

Strip in coil form is ground continuously mad sheets are individually

Cold saws mad abrasive cut-off saws are used to cut billet and bar
stock to length. Swarf, or finely divided metal particles, is produced
by all sawing and grinding operations. 1
A-4-1.2 See NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electrici~ in
operations where static electricity presents a hazard.
A-5-1 Improperlydesigned or dulled tools can produce high
temperatures at the interface, causing ignition at the turnings, if a
sufficient coolant flow is not used. --
A-5-2.2 Cleaning metilodologies should consider d~e hazards of
creating airborne dusts and the dangers associated with the use of
vacuum cleaners.

J Wet collector
E Khau=tet ! S~.-oooningv~t (op~iot~)
Liquid eliminator
plates /
Inlo@clllol*l &i.ld C l i i J l ~ u I %
Ooor Cleanout rJ= _Z_Z

i //
51o0¢1 Oo¢~nwarO s i c i l y prates
t o w e r a ColleCtor.
M i k e CJ~-'t IS |hOrt 15
Burring bench

Self -oo¢ln,t~g
/,.,.:'F Liquid level
control and
interlock ~ r'l
grilled top
nonsparking material
"\ yen! I K . ,= ., ~ n

Ousl pr~,o,tal
precipitating ~F-',-~'I._. _ _J..,~,'/_..iiquid lev~./~Jl

S l u d l l e u t ~ e r llqu,:l
(t,Lb,~OVl~ iriL.l:lUel.lilyl Sludge under" I~ .l I
"qu'd ~ IF r 1
Figure A-5-3.1 (a) Typical liquid precipitation separator for fixed
dust-producing equipment. Figure A-5-3.1 (b) T yp ical liquid p reel p.itation se p arator for portable
aust-proaucmg equipment.

• I

vent (optional)
I'[':"..- ,-. 7J
Mist eliminator
- - packs

_ _ Mist eliminator
access door
producing /---- Liquid level control
equipment with interlock

Inspection and
Power to dust F clean out door
producing machine
motor interrupted / - - Water level
by low airflow or low Sludge level
liquid level at the in tank
liquid percipitalor Sump vent
~-- Overflow and drain

Figure A-5-3.1 (c) Typical liquid precipitation separator for fixed dust-producing equipment.

NFPA 482 -- A96 ROP

NOTE: These drawings are schematic and are intended only to

indicate some of the features that are incorporated into the
design o f t separator. The volume of all dust-laden airspace is as
small as possible.

A-5-3.4 For example, iron-oxide dusts are known to be incompatible

with zirconium due to t h e p o t e n t i a l for an exothermic reaction. The
dust-separating unit s h o u l d b e cleaned unless it has been
d e t e r m i n e d that the materials exhibit no incompatibility.
#,-6 Generation of zirconium scrap from the sponge and melting
processes through milling and fabrication is an inherent part of the
zirconium business. Scrap sponge, including some fines, is
generated in the reduction, boring, crushing, leaching, and
blending operations due to contamination and spills. Solid pieces of
scrap zirconium result in the melting process due to air or water
ator contamination or due to malfunctions that cause interrupted melts.
Non sparking _ _ V packs During milling and fabrication, solid pieces of scrap result from
work surface ~ Mist eliminator forging, welding, and fabrication shops. Other scrap includes lathe
turnings and clippings.

Before recycling, lathe turnings and chips are usually crushed,

1/2 in. Expanded [l< <? <"¢"~ < <,~11~ f - Liquidlevel chopped, degreased and compacted with a water-soluble detergent.
metal alum. mesh ~ ! If controlwith Solid scrap is more difficult to handle. A m e t h o d of handling fairly
large chunks of zirconium scrap is to weld them to the sides of
consumable electrodes prior to melting.

Waler level A more recent development is the nonconsumable electrode

f furnace for melting scrap into ingot form. Equipped with a
continuous feed through a vacuum interlock, these furnaces are
Sludge level capable of handling scrap pieces of baseball size.
in tank
A-7 Not all methods of producing metal powder are applicable to
zirconium. Reduction of zirconium hydride and some forms of
milling are generally used to produce the limited amounts of
powder now required commercially. To reduce oxidation and
possible ignition hazards, milling can be performed underwater or
in an inert atmosphere of helium or argon. Some powders are given
a very light copper coating during the manufacturing process.
A-5-3.1 (d) Typical liquid precipitation separator for portable
dust-producing equipment. Like many other metal powders, zirconium is capable of forming
explosive mixtures in air. The ignition temperatures of dust clouds,
u n d e r laboratory test conditions, range from 626°F to 1094°F (330°C
to 590°C). The minimum explosive concentration is 0.045 oz/ft 3
(0.045 kg/m3). Maximum pressure o r o d u c e d in explosions in a
closed bomb at a concentration of 0.~ oz/ft3 (0.5 kg/m3) ranged
from 46 psi to 81 psi (317 kPa to 558 kPa). The average rate of
pressure rise in these tests ranged from 250 psi/sec to 4300 psi/sec
(1724 kPa/sec to 29,650 kPa/sec); the maximum rate of pressure
rise ranged from 550 psi/sec to 10,000 psi/sec (3792 kPa/sec to over
68,950 kPa/sec). The minimum energy of electrical condenser
discharge sparks required for ignition of a dust cloud was 10
millijoules; for a dust layer, the minimum value was 8 microjoules.
Some samples of zirconium powder were ignited by electric sparks in
pure carbon dioxide, as well as in air. In some cases, zirconium at
elevated temperatures was found to react in nitrogen as well as in
carbon dioxide. Zirconium powder is considered a flarmnable solid.

A-7-1.1 Experience has shown that the tendency for auto-ignition

increases with decreasing particle size of the powder. In particular,
in the range of 40 microns and below, the particles exhibit
pyrophoric tendencies. This tendency is exacerbated in the
presence of moisture.

A-7-1.2 For information on designing deflagration venting, see

NFPA 68, Guide for Venting of Deflagrations.

A-7-2.2 The equipment and processes should be designed with

consideration for the need to minimize the damage to property and
risk to life resulting from fires and explosions involving zirconium
powders. Design considerations should include the use of
deflagration venting, proper dust collection systems, inerting, or a
combination of these. The inert gas used should be d e t e r m i n e d by
test to be appropriate for the zirconium powder being handled.
Zirconium powder can react exothermically in pure carbon dioxide
atmospheres and in pure nitrogen atmospheres.

Tests have shown that the maximum oxygen concentrations

allowed for different inert gases to prevent explosions are:
Argon 4.0 percent oxygen
A-5-3.1 (e) Diagram of five methods of precipitating Helium 5.0 percent oxygen
dust used in precipitators such as those shown in
Figures A-5-3.1(a), (b), (c) and (d).

NFPA 482 -- A96 ROP

This data was obtained from U.S. Bureau of Mines, Report of preparation. At that time, it was called zirconia. Berzelius first
Investigations 3722, Inflammability and Explosibility of Metal Powders, isolated the i m p u r e metal in 1824, b u t it was not until 1925 that the
Report of Investigations 4835, Explosive Characteristics of Titanium, ductile metal was p r o d u c e d b y v a n Arkel a n d deBoer, using their hot
Zirconium, Thorium, Uranium, and Their Hydrides, a n d Report of wire reduction process.
Investigations 6516, Explosibility of Metal Powders.
A commercial scale production process for m a k i n g ductile
A-8-1.3 For information on cutting a n d welding practices, see NFPA zirconium was developed at the U.S. Bureau of Mines Laboratories
51 B, Standard for Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and Welding Processes. where Dr. Wilhelm Kroll served as consultant a n d advisor for the
process that bears his name.
A-8-1.4 Molten m a g n e s i u m a n d m o l t e n m a g n e s i u m chloride p r e s e n t
an extremely d a n g e r o u s fire a n d f u m e hazai-d, in addition to an B-2 Properties.
explosion hazard, if contacted with water or residual moisture.
B-2.1" Zirconium is a silvery-gray metal having a close-packed
A-8-1.12 For information on static electricity, see NFPA 77, hexagonal crystal structure at r o o m temperature. At 1584°F
Recommended Practice on Static Electricity. (862°C), the crystal structure c h a n g e s to body-centered cubic. Both
A-8-1.15 For information on static electricity, see NFPA 77, structures are very ductile a n d t h e metal is easily m a c h i n e d , rolled,
Recommended Practice on Static Electricity. a n d e x t r u d e d u s i n g conventional e q u i p m e n t a n d methods.

A-8-2 T h e principal intent in fighting zirconium fires is isolation a n d B-2.2 Some of the chemical a n d physical properties of zirconium
containment, rather t h a n e x t i n g u i s h m e n L Water a n d o t h e r liquids are as follows:
have proven ineffective in extinguishing zirconium fires. Streams of
water intensify the fire by f e e d i n g oxygen to it. T h e r e is also the Atomic N u m b e r 40
ossibility of causing a steam or h y d r o g e n explosion, particularly if Atomic W e i g h t 91.22
rge a m o u n t s of z i r c o n i u m are involved. T h e great affinity of high- Atomic Radius 1.60 a n g s t r o m units
t e m p e r a t u r e zirconium for oxygen will free a considerable a m o u n t Specific Gravity 6.5
of hydrogen, which can reach explosive concentrations in confined Melting Point 3360°F (1850°C)
spaces. E n t r a p m e n t of water u n d e r any b u r n i n g or h o t metal can Boiling Point 6475°F (3580°C)
result in a steam explosion. Electronegativity 1.6
Valence +4*
Zirconium fires, being quite u n i q u e in nature, require a
comprehensive fire protection plan where zirconium is processed, *in most chemical reactions
handled, used, or stored. This plan s h o u l d include specific actions
in the event of a zirconium fire a n d s h o u l d be coordinated with t h e B-2.3 Zirconium has a very low capture cross section for thermal
local facility m a n a g e m e n t , r e s p o n d i n g fire fighters, a n d medical neutrons, 0.18 barns. Its principal alloys have o u t s t a n d i n g resistance
personnel. to corrosion in water a n d steam at high temperatures. These
properties make zirconium desirable as a cladding material for fuel
This plan s h o u l d pay attention t o the e x t r e m e hazards associated e l e m e n t s in water-cooled nuclear power reactors. However, it
with zirconium-water reactions that m i g h t occur with sprinkler b e c o m e s embrittled a n d loses strength on Ionl~-term exposure to air
water. Specific attention s h o u l d be paid to an evacuation plan for at t e m p e r a t u r e s above 1004°F (540°C).
personnel in the event of any release of water.
B-3 Combustibility and Explosibillty.
Properly trained personnel who work with zirconium know its
hazards. Such personnel will have the greatest chance to extinguish B-3.1 In laboratory tests, a dust cloud of fine particles of zirconium
a zirconium fire in its incipient stage. Training s h o u l d include (average particle diameter of 3.3 microns) ignited spontaneously at
sufficient information to d e t e r m i n e if e x t i n g u i s h m e n t can be safely 68°F (20°C). Powder having an average particle diameter of 17.9
a n d effectively accomplished. microns would not ignite u n d e r similar circumstances until heated
to 662°F (350°C). Similar clouds in carbon dioxide h a d to be
A-8-2.2 Automatic sprinkler protection should n o t be r e c o m m e n d e d heated to 1020°F (650°C) for ignition to occur. In a t m o s p h e r e s of
for b l e n d i n g a n d melting buildings. air a n d helium, at least 5 p e r c e n t oxygen h a d to be present to obtain
spark ignition of zirconium dust clouds.
A-8-2.3 Water-based extinguishers approved for use on Class A fires
should only be used on fires in ordinary combustibles. Extinguishers B-3.2 Layers of zirconium powder on h o t surfaces ignited at 374°F
approved for Class B fires are r e c o m m e n d e d for fire in oil, grease, (109°C) in air; at 1148°F (620°C) in carbon dioxide; a n d at 1454°F
a n d most flammable liquids. Extinguishers approved for Class C (790°C) in nitrogen.
fires s h o u l d be used for fires in electrical e q u i p m e n t .
B-3.3 T h e m i n i m u m explosiv~ concentrat~jon for zirconium dust in
A-8-2.4 If dry chemical extinguishing systems are used, see NFPA 17, air was fo,p n d to be 0.q4 o z / f t " (40.5 g / r e " ) . At concentrations of
Standard for D~y ChemicalExtinguishing Systems. 1.0 oz/ft" (1013 g / m ° ) , m a x i m u m explosion pressure was 76 psig to
78 psig (524 kPa to 538 kPa) a n d m a x i m u m rate of pressure ri~e
A-8-3.7 Experience has shown that dry s o d i u m chloride is one of the r a n g e d from 9500 psi/sec to 10,000 p s i / s e c (65,500 k P a / s e c to
most effective chemicals for containing zirconium s p o n g e or fines 68,950 kPa/sec). For f u r t h e r information, see U.S. Bureau of Mines
fires. Fire-fighting salts s h o u l d be checked periodically to ensure Reports of Investigations 3722, Inflammability and ExplosibiliO of Metal
that they have n o t b e c o m e caked from moisture. A n o t h e r effective Powders, a n d Report of Investigations 4835, Explosive Characteristics of
chemical is a nonmetallic flux c o m p o u n d consisting of potassium Titanium, Zirconium, Thorium, Uranium, and Their HydHdes.
chloride, m a g n e s i u m chloride, a n d calcium fluoride. Commercial
dry powder fire extinguishers or agents approved for use on B-4 Hazards.
combustible metals are also effective. Covering the fire completely
reduces t h e accessible oxygen supply, thereby slowing t h e b u r n i n g B-4.1 Zirconium a n d its alloys do n o t p r e s e n t serious risk w h e n
rate so that eventual e x t i n g u i s h m e n t is reached. h a n d l e d in m o s t forms in which they are ultimatelyused, i.e., tubes,
bars, mad sheets. However, finely divided chips, turnings, or powder
A-8-3.9 Keeping the e q u i p m e n t in operation until all b u r n i n g can be easily, sometimes spontaneously, ignited a n d can b u r n very
material is r e m o v e d can reduce d a m a g e to the equipment. Small rapidly. A l t h o u g h other potential hazards exist d u r i n g melting,
a m o u n t s of b u r n i n g materials can be h a n d l e d with a shovel to those that have resulted in t h e most serious a n d lethal accidents
facilitate removal. have been associated with the h a n d l i n g of zirconium powders, finely
divided scrap, a n d so-called black reaction residues. For tl.fis reason,
special precautions m u s t be observed d u r i n g h a n d l i n g or disposal of
Appendix B Supplementary Information on Zirconium ttaese materials.

This Appendix is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but Several c o m p a n i e s have reported that fires have occurred wlfile
is included for informational purposes only. zirconium bars, plates, a n d o t h e r shapes were being chopped. A
n u m b e r of fires have occurred w h e n h o t or b u r n i n g chips fell into
B-1 History. Klaproth first reported the discovery of the e l e m e n t accumulations of moist fines on or u n d e r lathes or milling machines.
zirconium in 1789, d u r i n g his analysis of t h e precious stone called The m o s t violent reactions have occurred when b u r n i n g chips fell
jargon. O t h e r chemists c o n f i r m e d his discovery and, in 1797, into d r u m s or deep containers partially filled with moist turnings or
Vauquelin reported on s o m e of its properties a n d detailed its scrap.

NFPA 482 1 A96 ROP

B-4.2 In the molten state, zirconium either dissolves or is accidents resulted in the formation of a committee of industry
contaminated by every I~aown refractory. Slight contamination representatives that prepared general guidelines for tile design of
apparently has little effect on tile flammable characteristics of chips, titanium and zirconium melting furnaces. Their recommendations
turnings, or powder produced in machining operations. However, have been published by tile Defense Metals Information Center of
such contaminations should be avoided because of effects during Battelle Memorial Institute and have been considered in the
acid treatment, in salt baths, or exposure in nuclear reactors. development of this standard.
B-4.3 At temperatures considerably below its melting point, B-7 PicMing o f Zirconium. Several mineral acids are used in the
zirconium or zirconium sponge readily combines with oxygen, production of zirconium sponge and mill shapes, including
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water vapor. Surface hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric, and hydrofluoric. The acids are used
discoloration can indicate such contamination. Contaminated to pickle the surfaces of zirconium ingots, to clean reaction vessels
sponge can present an increased combustion hazard. a n d copper crucibles, and for pickling and cleaning mill shapes of
zirconiiain and its alloys. Careshould-be exercised-to prevent
B-5 Special Hazards. overheating acid baths during pickling operations to prevent
explosions. Acid supplies should be stored remote from production
faalities. --
B-5.1 A cloud of zirconium dust in air presents a serious flash fire
bazard, as well as a potential explosion hazard. Accumulations of !?,-8 Tests for Zirconium.
static dust on horizontal and vertical surfaces (beams, walls, ledges,
ductwork, etc.) present thepotential for a more serious dust 13-8.1 Several tests will assist in the identification of zirconium and
explosion since such static dust will likely be thrown into suspension its alloys. It is important that other metals be separated from
by file disturbance created by ignition of a dust cloud in the same zirconium alloys, if tile zirconium is to be recycled.
are~ Therefore, file importance of preventing a n d controlling any
dispersions of zirconium dust or powder warrants special emphasis. B-8.1.1 Spark Test. Titanium, zirconium, and hafnium produce a
Provision of inert atmospheres in equipment and storage containers very brilliant spark when held against a grinding wheel. The white
and die use of special cleaning e q u i p m e n t are two methods which lines traced by the flying sparks end with bursts that produce several
aid in preventing explosions. Any dust deposits produced brilliant white rays or branches.
accidentally should be promptly cleaned up and dae affected area
washed down. All collected dust should be kept in small containers B-8.1.2 Glass Test. The softer grades of zirconium, titanium, and
[ 1 gal (3.8 L) maximum] under water until disposal. Needless to hafnium can be identified by rubbing a moistened piece of tile metal
say, good housekeeping and prevention of ignition sources in areas on a piece of glass. The metal will leave distinctive grey-white marks
where zirconium powder is handled are essential. on the glass.
13-5.2 The burning rate of zirconium chips and turnings increases 11-8.1.3 Density Test. Titanium, zirconium, and hafnium can be ^
when water or water-soluble oils are present as a surface coating. separated [/y density measurdement. Their densities are 4.54 g / c m 3,
The burning rate also increases with increasing pile depth, degree of 6.50 g / c m ~, and 13.3 g / c m a, respectively.
confinement, and increasing void space in the pile. Chips and
turnings less than 0.003 in. (0.8 ram) thick are particularly B-8.1.4 Spectroscope. A portable metal spectroscope will better
susceptible to rapid burning. Other factors being equal, partially serve the purpose for identifying and separating zirconium alloys.
wet material ignites more easily a n d burns more rapidly than dry
material. B-9 Zirconium Alloys.

13-5.3 Small amounts of water tend to increase the risk of explosion. B-9. l The following nuclear grade zirconium alloys are available:
Additional beat is liberated on formation of the hydrated oxide, thus
increasing die chance of an explosion. Scrap that is fully immersed UNS R60001 99.5 percent Zr; 0.05 percent max. Fe
in water will generally not overheat because the water provides a and Cr; 0.005 percent max. H2; 0.025
substantial heat sink. However, with tight-packed, very finely divided percent max. N2; 0.05 percent max. C;
zirconium, it would seem that some risk might still be present. 0.02 percent max. Hf.

B-5.4 Explosions can occur, while specimens of uranium. . alloys of 1 UNS R60802 1.2 to 1.7 percent Sn; 0.07 to 0.2
percent to 50 percent zirconium are immersed in nltrlC acid or while percent Fe; 0.05 to 0.15 p e r c e n t Cr; 0.03
subsequently handling die clean, dry surface after nitric acid to 0.08 percent Ni; balance Zr.
pickling. Formation of such explosive surface coatings can be
mitigated by providing fluoride ions in the pickling bath. Tile UNS R60804 1.2 to 1.7 percent Sn; 0.18 to 0.24
fluoride should be present as 30 grams of a m m o n i u m fluoride per percent Fe; 0.07 to 0.13 percent Cr;
liter of 50 p e r c e n t nitric acid/50 percent water solution. balance Zr.

B-5.5 There are incipient hazards with file collected zirconium UNS R60901 96 percent Zr; 3 percent Nb; 1 percent
particulate mixed with ordinary combustibles during cleanup or Sn.
mixed with laundry. Depending on the particular problems
generated, there must be m a n a g e m e n t techniques developed to B-9.2 Non-nuclear grades of the above alloys are available,
mitigate any hazards presented to general public entities. Any and designated as follows and having up to 4.5 percent hafnium:
all zirconium-bearing wastes generated should be disposed of in
accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. Nuclear Grade Non-Nuclear Grade

11-5.6 With certain c o m m o n metals, such as nickel and iron, R60001 701
zirconium can form eutectic mixtures which exhibit melting points R60802 702
much lower than the individual metals and can result in unexpected R60804 704
meltdown. The condition can be exacerbated by one or more o f the R60901 705 (tent.)
materials being in a finely divided form.
B-10 Applications.
B-6 Molten Metal and Water.
B-10.1 One of the largest uses of zirconium alloys is in the nuclear
B-6.1 As with any other molten metal, a violently destructive field where it is used for the cladding on fuel elements of water-
explosion can occur if water is present in any mold, pit, or cooled power reactors.
depression into which molten zirconium is p o u r e d or spilled. The
damage might be the result of a steam explosion, an exothermic B-10.2 Zirconium alloys are used for chemical process equipment
chemical reaction, a low-order h y d r o g e n / a i r explosion, or by a and chemistry laboratory equipment. They are also used as filament
combination of these. material for photo flashbulbs.

B-6.2 Several violent explosions occurred in titanium melting B-10.3 In zirconium processing and production plants, zirconium is
furnaces using consumahle electrodes. The explosions occurred used for critical parts where corrosion resistance and minimal
when cooling water accidentally e n t e r e d tile furnace. These contamination are of extreme importance. Some typical
explosions are of interest to zirconium production because of the applications include raffinate storage vessels, venturi scrubbers,
chemical and physical silrfilarity between titanium and zirconium pollution control piping and ducts, fan housings and blades, heat
and the fact that the same furnaces are used for both metals. These exchanger shells and tubes, and other equipment exposed to
chloride attack.

NFPA 482 -- A96 ROP

B-10.4 Zirconium is a n efficient gettering a g e n t for scavenging Appendix C Referenced Publications

hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, a n d carbon dioxide f r o m v a c u u m
tubes. W h e n alloyed with titanium at a ratio of 66 p e r c e n t Zr to 34 C-I T h e following d o c u m e n t s or portions t h e r e o f are referenced
percent Ti, its gettering efficiency is increased. within this standard for informational purposes only a n d thus are
n o t considered part of the r e q u i r e m e n t s of this d o c u m e n t . T h e
B-10.5 In powder form, zirconium is used as an i n g r e d i e n t in lighter edition indicated for each reference is t h e c u r r e n t edition as of the
flints a n d in tile pyrotechnic c o m p o n e n t of safety flares. date of the NFPA issuance o f this d o c u m e n t

B-10.6 Zirconium sheet is f o r m e d into special crucibles used for C-I.1 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association, 1
s o d i u m peroxide fusions c o n d u c t e d in analytical chemistry Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.
NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 1994
B-I1 Production. edition.

B-11.1 Zircon-bearing sand is f o u n d t h r o u g h o u t the world, NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and Welding
including the U n i t e d States. T h e m o s t a b u n d a n t mineral containing Processes, 1994 edition.
zirconium is zircon; second is baddeleyite (ZrO2). At present, only
zircon is u s e d for production of zirconium. NFPA 68, Guidefor Venting of Deflagrations, 1994 edition.

B-ll.2 Associated with zirconium in each of t h e two ores is the NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prever~tion Syst~qns, 1992 edition.
e l e m e n t h a f n i u m . In zircon, it is p r e s e n t in t h e ratio of one part
h a f n i u m to 49 parts zirconium. Most of this h a f n i u m is r e m o v e d by NFPA 77, Recommended Practiceon Static Electricity, 1993 edition.
liquid-liquid extraction in glass c o l u m n s before the zirconium can
be u s e d for nuclear grade alloys. NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces, 1995 editi on.

B-11.3 T h e production of zirconium begins with the m a n u f a c t u r e of NFPA 497B, Recommended Practicefor the Classification of Class H
zirconium tetrachloride (ZrCI4) by high t e m p e r a t u r e reaction with Hazardous (Classified) Locationsfor Electrical Installations in Chemical
chlorine (Clg) in the presence-of a r e d u c i n g agent, usually carbon. Process Areas, 1991 edition.
T h e zirconiu'm tetrachloride is m a d e into zirconium s p o n g e via the
Ka-oII process. NFPA 497M, Manual for Classification of Gases, Vapors, and Dusts for
Electrical Equiprnent in Hazardous (Classified) Locations, 1991 edition.
B-11.4 In the Kroll process, zirconium tetrachloride vapor is fed to a
steel reaction c h a m b e r containing molten m a g n e s i u m . T h e C-1.2 O t h e r Publications.
reduction is carried o u t u n d e r an inert a t m o s p h e r e of dry a r g o n or
helium at 1292°F to 1652°F (700°C to 900°C), with m a g n e s i u m C-1.2.1 AMCA Publication. Air M o v e m e n t a n d Control Association,
chloride f o r m e d as a by-product Any residual m a g n e s i u m chloride 30 West University Drive, Arlington Heights, IL 60004.
or m a g n e s i u m is vacuum-distilled f r o m the reaction chamber,
leaving b e h i n d a porous form of zirconium called "sponge." AMCA Standards H a n d b o o k 99-0410-86, Classificationfor Spark-
Resistant Construction.
T h e reactor is cooled to 192~F (50aC) a n d the sponge treated with
,air for a short period to reduce t h e possibility of igniting the sponge. C-1.2.2 Chlorine Institute Publication. T h e Chlorine Institute, Inc.,
T h e reactor is t h e n evacuated, backfilled with inert gas, a n d cooled 2001 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.
to 68°F (20°C). T h e s p o n g e is t h e n removed, crushed, a n d sized.
The ChlorineManua~ 5th edition, 1986.
"B-11.5 Aia electrolytic process for p r o d u c i n g zirconium is currently
u n d e r d e v e l o p m e n t In this process, zirconium tetrachloride is fed C-1.2.3 U.S. Bureau of Mines Publications. U.S. Bureau of Mines,
to a fused salt bath containing s o d i u m chloride a n d o t h e r materials. Cochrans Mill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0070.
T h e zirconium p r o d u c e d is a crystalline f o r m of the metal that is
t h e n c r u s h e d a n d leached. RI 3722, Inflammability and Explosibility of Metal Powders, I. Hartman,
J. Nogy, a n d H.P~ Brown, 1943.
B-11.6 Zirconium ingot is p r o d u c e d by arc-melting a c o n s u m a b l e
electrode of c o m p a c t e d sponge (or sponge a n d alloy) in a cooled RI 4835, Explosive Characteristics of Titanium, Zirconium, Thorium,
copper crucible. Tlle m o l t e n metal is protected b y v a c u u m or an Uranium, and Their Hydrides, 1951.
inert a t m o s p h e r e .
RI 4879, Recent Practice at the Bureau of Mines, Boulder City, NY
Plant, 1951.

RI 6516, Explosibility of Metal Powders; M. Jacobsen, A.R. Cooper, a n d

J. Nagy, 1964.

C-1.2.4 U.S. Government Publication. U.S. G o v e r n m e n t Printing

Office, S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Documents, Washington, DC 20402.

Tiff e 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910.146.


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