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Give advice on how to prepare for a job interview

R. you must be sure of your answers and also relaxed.

2. Talk about something you wanted to be when you were younger

R. when I was young I always wanted to be a military man or a mechanic

3.what is something that you would like to learn to do?

R. I would like to learn to fly helicopters or airplanes.
4. What is happiness/friendship for you?
R. for me happiness is to be on the beach drinking mate and enjoying the sea breeze.
5. Talk about something you don’t mind doing in the house.
R. the least important thing for me to do in the house is sweeping or mopping, I prefer to do
other things, such as cooking.
6. Talk about three things you like, love and hate doing.
R. I like to cook because it serves as a distraction, I love being at the beach because I am
relaxed and I enjoy listening to the sea. and I hate driving in Santiago, because there are many
people who do not respect driving.
7. Name at least five rules you most follow when you drive
R. never drive behind trucks, respect the distance to cyclists, be aware of your blind spots, do
not drive hungry or sleepy, listen to music at full volume.
8. What is the most difficult thing about learning english
R. For me English as a language in general is difficult because you have to learn everything
from scratch.
9. give 3 pieces of advice for the following situation: MY neighbors are really noisy at naight.
What should i do.
R. You should ask them to turn down the noise, You could listen to music at full volume in the
morning, You should call the police.
10. what is your favorite movie about an animal? explain
R. my favorite animal movie is hachiko, because it shows how loyal dogs are to their owners
no matter what.
11. give 5 original examples of murphy’s law. Use if clauses
R. -if you run out of gas for cooking and use the electric stove, you run out of electricity.
- if you go to withdraw money from the bank and when your turn arrives there is no system
- if one day you want to wash all your dirty clothes and that day it starts to rain
12. Do you prefer t oread the book or watch the movie base don the book? Why?
R. I prefer to read the book, because there everything is more detailed and less summarized
than in a movie, for me a great example is the da vinci code.
13. What would you do if you were in the ocean near the shore and saw a shark?
R. trying to keep him from eating me, trying to keep him away from me without getting
14. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do and why?
R. free air travel, just to see how far I can go thanks to invisibility
15. if you could live anywhere, where would you live? Why?
R. in Rapa Nui, because I like the culture there, the landscapes and the food.
16. if you saw a bat in your room, what would you do?
R. first is to find a thick leather glove and a rag, then find a way to catch it and call SAG.

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