December City Council Agenda

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ORDINANCE NO. 62 OF 2022 AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS; AMENDING ORDIANCE NO. 10 OF 2022, ORDINANCE NO. 74 OF 2020, AND ORDINANCE NO. 44 OF 2016; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Benton, Arkansas, has found that it is in the best interest of the City to create a compensation model for elected officials that is competitive with other similarly sized cities, compensates elected officials in a manner that draws the best and brightest citizens to run for office, and is self- adjusting based upon independent metrics; and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish these goals, the City Council must amend prior ordinances in order to restructure the compensation model for the Mayor, City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Council members, NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BENTON, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: Purpose and Intent. ‘The purpose of this Ordinance is to set the compensation structure for the Mayor, City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Council members (collectively “lected Officials’). The goal of said structure is to ensure that the compensation for each position is commensurate with the time and effort required for exceptional performance, to draw the best and brightest candidates for public office, to ensure the compensation is competitive for other similarly sized cities, and to have the structure to be self-adjusting in the future SECTION 2: Structure for Salary. ‘The salary for the Blected Officials shall be based upon the avorago salary of the City’s three highest paid staff members, currently the Chief of Police, Fire Chicf, and Chief Financial Officor, as adjusted from time to time by the Mayor and City Council (‘Average Salary”). SECTION 3: Salary of the Mayor. [As the Chief Executive Officer of the City, the Mayor shall receive a salary equal to one-hundred and twenty (120%) percent of the Average Salary, oxcopt as limited herein. Regardless of the Average Salary, the salary of the Mayor shall not be less than $115,000 and shall not be more than $150,600. SECTION 4: Salary of the City Attorney. Effective as of January 1, 2028, the salary for the City Attorney shall be $86,260 (75% of $115,000). Effective January 1, 2024, and moving: forward, the salary of the City Attorney shall be set at seventy-five (75%) percent of the Mayor's salary or ninety (90%) of the Average Salary, whichever is greater. SECTION 5: Salary of the City Clerk. Bifective as of January 1, 2023, the salary for the City Clerk shall be $34,500 (80% of $115,000). Effective January 1, 2024, and moving forward, the salary of the City Clerk shall be eet at thirty (30%) percent of the Mayor’s salary or thirty-six (36%) of the Average Salary, whichever is greater. SECTION 6: Salary of the City Council Members. Effective as of January 1, 2023, the salary for the City Council members shall be $11,500 (10% of $115,000). Effective January 1, 2024, and moving forward, the salary of the City Council members shall be sat at ten (10%) percent of the Mayor's salary or twelve (12%) of the Average Salary, whichever is greater. SECTION 7: Implementation for Mayor. For the Mayor, the salary structure set out herein shall be implemented as follows: Effective as of January 1, 2023, the salary for the Mayor shall be $100,000. Effective as of January 1, 2024, the salary for the Mayor shall be $110,000. Effective as of January 1, 2025, the salary for the Mayor shall be $120,000. Effective as of January 1, 2026, the salary for the Mayor shall be calculated in accordance with Section 8, herein. SECTION 8: Arkansas Law. Nothing herein shall alter Arkansas law as it pertains to the compensation of Elected Officials. SECTION 9: Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sontonce, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional was not originally a part of this ordinance. SECTION 10: Repealer. All laws, ordinances, or resolutions, or parts of the same that are inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency, including the salary provisions in Ordinance No. 10 of 2022, Ordinance No. 74 of 2020, and Ordinance No. 44 of 2016, and any other ordinance addressing the salaries of the Blected Officials. Otherwise, those ordinances remain in effect. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of December, 2022. Tom Farmer, Mayor Cindy Stracener, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO 57 OF 2022 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW WATER RATES FOR THE USERS OF THE CITY OF BENTON AND REPEALING ORDINANCE 86 OF 2017, ORDINANCE 71 OF 2015 AND ORDINANCE 70 OF 2021; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City of Benton, Arkansas, owns and operates the City electric, water and sewor utility systems; and WHEREAS, the Benton Utilities Commission caused a 2022 Cost of Service Study to be performed and a report from that: study has been received and reviewed; and WHEREAS, based upon that 2022 Cost of Service Study, it has been determined that the cuirent utility rates are not sufficient to cover the Utility’s costs of operation and maintenance, costs of needed infrastructure improvements, debt service, and to maintain appropriate reserves; and WHEREAS, the rates structure set forth herein are reasonable and necessary for the continued operations of the Utility for the reasons set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the prior rate structures for the City wore established in previous ordinances which now must be repealed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS: SI NL. City Council of the Purauant to Ordinance No. 46 of 2004 and Arkansas Code; the ity of Benton, Arkansas, has the authority to set rates for the Utility. SECTION 2: ‘The rates to be charged by Benton Utilities to its water customers shall be as follows: Metor Size 03/01/28, /OLs24 O25, 5/8" & 3/4” (65/SSD) $9.91 9.83 $9.75 5/8" & 3/4" $1.01 $10.92 $10.83 r $13.71 $12.80 $10.89 1-1/4" $19.60 $20.49 $21.38 1-1/2" $19.60 $20.49 $21.38 a" $27.27 $30.63, $33.99 3" $70.81 $105.94 $141.07 a $121.13 $190.99 $260.86 6 $249.68 $404.08 $558.48 Gallons included in base charge 1000 0 0 Cost per 1,000 gal. over minimum $4.116 $4.944 95.885 SECTION 8: Ordinance No. 11 of 2015, Ordinance 36 of 2017 and Ordinance 70 of 2021 which set the water rates of the City are hereby repealod subject to the effective date stated in Section 4. SECTION 4: ‘The water rates established under the ordinances listed in Section 3 shall romain in effect until March 1, 2023, at which time the rates sot forth in Section 2 shall take effect. SECTION 5: If any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any porson or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without tho invalid provision or application and to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be soverable. SECTION 6: All ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby amended, repealed and superseded to the extent such a conflict exista, including all prior water rate ordinances. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ___day of January, 2023. ‘Tom Farmer, Mayor Gindy Stracener, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO 68 OF 2022 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW WASTEWATER RATES FOR THE USERS OF THE CITY OF BENTON AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 88 OF 2016, ORDINANCE NO. 25 OF 2016 AND ORDINANCE 70 OF 2021; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City of Bonton, Arkansas, owns and operates the City electric, water and sewer utility systems; and WHEREAS, the Benton Utilities Commission caused a 2022 Cost of Service Study to be performed and a report from that study has been received and reviewed; and WHEREAS, based upon that 2022 Cost of Service Study, it has been determined that the current utility rates are not eufficient to cover the Utility’s costs of operation and maintenance, costs of needed infrastructure improvements, debt service, and to maintain appropriate reserves; and WHEREAS, the rates structure set forth herein are reasonable and necessary for the continued operations of the Utility for the reasons set forth herein; and WITEREAS, the prior rate structures for the City were established in previous ordinances which now must be repealed. NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: ‘Pursuant to Ordinance No. 46 of 2004 and Arkansas Code, the City Council of the City of Benton, Arkansas, has the authority to set rates for the Utility. SECTION 2: "The rates to be charged by Benton Utilities to its wastewater customers shall be as follows: (@) Meter Size 3/01/28 o1/o1/24__ 01/01/25 5/8" & 3/4" (65/3SD) $15.39 $19.65 $23.90 5/8" & 3/4" $17.10 $21.83 $26.55 " $19.83 $27.29 $34.75 1-4" $22.56 $32.75 $42.95 1-1/2" $25.30 $38.23 $51.15 2 $30.76 $49.15 $67.55 3" $41.70 $71.08, $100 a $52.68 $92.89 $133.16 6" $74.50 $186.63, $198.77 Gallons included in base charge 1000 0 0 Cost por 1,000 gal. over minimum 85.440 $5.620 $5.800 Sewer usage rates shall be calculated based on average monthly water consumption during the preceding months of October, November, December, January, February, and March. Recalculation shall be performed in April of each year. New customers with no prior usage history shall pay the base rate listed above until such time as usage history is established. Commercial and Industrial cuatomors shall be billed on actual water consumption. In the case of customers obtaining water on a metered basis from sources other than the waterworks system serving the City, there shall be determined the amount of water obtained by such customers from other sources and the amount so determined shall bo used (togethor with the amount reflected by the waterworks system records if such customer also obtains water from the waterworks system of the City) in making said computation. In case of customers obtaining water not on a metered basia, the Utility shall establish water consumption based on a comparison of the non-metered user with a metered user of similar class. Example: a non-metered family of four will be compared to a typical family of four with a water moter to establish water consumption, All wastewater users shall be classified by the Utility as residential, commercial, or industrial. (1) A “residential” user is defined as a user whose wastewater is from residential occupancy. (2) A “commercial” user is defined as a user whose liquid wastewator results from commercial operations, trade, or business. (8) An “industrial” user is defined as a user whose liquid wastewater results from industrial, manufacturing, or processing. (b) Excessive Strength Charges: For any user, when the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) excseds *200 mg/l, the suspended solids exceed 200 mg/l, or when other pollutant concentrations excood the range of concentrations of those pollutants in normal domestic sewage, a eurcharge shall be added to the basic charge. This surcharge shall be calculated by the following formula: G, = Bo(B) + Sc(S) + PeP))Vu C, Acsurcharge for wastewaters of excessive strength Be Operation and maintenance (‘O&M") cost for treatment of a unit of biochemical oxygen demand (‘BOD”) B Concentration of BOD ftom a user above a base level Sc O&M cost for treatment of a unit of suspended solids (“SS”) S Concentration of SS from a user above a base level Pe O&M cost for treatmont of a unit of any pollutant P Concentration of any pollutant from a user above a base level Vu Volume contribution from a user per unit of time *Maximum limit for average domestic wastewater. (©) Charges for Eixtraneous Flows: The coats of O&M for all flows not directly attributable to users (euch as Infiltration/Inflow) shall be distributed among users on the same basis as operations and maintenance charges. @ Toxic Pollutants Charges: Each user that discharges any toxic pollutants which cause an increase in the cost of managing the effluent or the sludge of the System’s treatment works shall pay for such increased costs. (©) All active users of the System shall be charged a service availability chargo (baso charge) which shall be used for operations, maintenance, replacemont, retirement of debt, and other approved needs to provide safe, reliable, and affordable wastewater services. For all utility services received (water, wastewater, and for electric) users of the System will be billed on a monthly basis with payment due upon receipt but not later than the date as stated on tho bill. Users on metered water service will be billed on the same notice as water charges and will be designated as « separate entry. Users not on metered water service will be billed monthly on an individual notice for service based upon. the water consumption established by the Utility. Users with delinquent accounts of 10 days will be notified in writing by the Utility where, during which hours of the day, and before whom disputed bills appropriately may be considered. If the user waives the opportunity to be heard and the bill is not paid within 30 days after the date of the billing, the water and/or wastewater service will be disconnected until such bill ia paid, SECTION 4: ‘That a financial management system shall be established and maintained by the Utility to document compliance with federal regulations pertaining to the City’s public utility revenue bonds which are owned by the Arkansas Development Finance ‘Authority, Such syatom will account for all xevenues generated and expenditures for OM&R. SECTION 5: ‘That the City Council hereby expressly approves annual incroases as indicated in Section 2 above. SECTION 6: If any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application and to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 7: All ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby amended, repealed and superseded to the extent such a conflict exists, including all prior wastewator/sewer rate ordinances, SECTION 8: ‘The rates established herein shall become effective on March 1, 2023, Until that date, the xates set out in Ordinance No. 83 of 2016, Ordinance No. 25 of 2016, and Ordinance 70 of 2021 shall remain in effect. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ____day of January, 2028, ‘Tom Farmor, Mayor Cindy Stracener, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 59 OF 2022 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ELECTRICAL RATES FOR CUSTOMERS OF THE CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS; REPEALING ELECTRICAL RATE STRUCTURES ADOPTED BY THE CITY IN ORDINANCE NO. 23 OF 2020 AND ORDINANCE 70 OF 2021; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, tho City of Benton, Arkansas, owns and operates the City electric, water and sewer utility systems; and WHEREAS, tho Benton Utilities Commission caused a 2022 Cost of Sorvice Study to. be performed and a report from that study has been received and reviewed; and WHEREAS, based upon that 2022 Costof Service Study, it has been dotormined that the current utility rates are not sufficient to cover the Utility's costs of operation and maintenance, costs of needed infrastructure improvements, debt service, and to maintain appropriate reserves; and WHEREAS, the rates structure set forth herein are reasonable and necoasary for the continued operations of the Utility for the reasons set forth heroin; and WHEREAS, the prior rate structures for the City were established in provious ordinances that now must be repealed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ‘THE CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1 Pursuant to Ordinance No. 46 of 2004 and Arkaneas Code, the City Council of the City of Benton, Arkansas, has the authority to set rates for the Utility. SECTION 2: ‘The rates and other charges to be charged by Benton Utilities to its electrical customers shall be as follows: Residential Customers (Class 100): 2028 2024 2025 Service Availability Charge: $9.90 $10.90 $11.90 Energy Charge per kWh: $0.09105 $0.09206 —-$0.09811 Small General Service (SGS) Non-Metored Domand Customers (Class 200): 2023 2024 2025 Service Availability Charge: $19.00 $19.00 $19.00 Energy Charge per kWh: $0.07720 $0.07951 —-$0.08187 Small General Service (SGS) Metered Demand Customers (Class 800): 2028. 024-2025 Service Availability Charge: $20.00 $21.50 $23.00 Energy Charge per kWh: 30.06812 —$0.06950 — $0.07091 Demand Charge per kW: $4.57 $4.64 $5.50 Billing demand is the kW as shown or computed from the roadings of Benton Utilities demand meters for the 15-minute period of the customer's greatest use during the month. All small general service metered demand commercial customers of the City of Benton utility shall not pay for the first six (6) kW of demand for electrical sorvice used during the monthly billing cycle. Large General Service (LGS) Customers (Class 400): 2023 2024 2025 Service Availability Charge: $89.00 $100.00 $110.00 Energy Charge per kWh: $0.06366 $0.06522 ——$0.06683 Demand Charge per kW (eummex): $10.82 $10.32 $10.32 ‘Domand Charge per kW (othex): $7.82 $7.82 $7.82 Billing demand is the kW as shown or computed from the readings of Benton Utilities demand meters for the 15-minute period of the customer's groatest use during the month, Large Power (LPS) Customers (Class 500): 2028 2024, 2026, Service Availability Charge: $635.00 $640.00 $645.00 Energy Charge per kWh: 90.05627 §0.05776 —-$0.05928 Demand Charge per kW (summer): $8.94 $8.94 $8.94 Demand. Charge per kW (other): $7.47 $7.47 $7.47 Billing demand is the kW as shown or computed from the readings of Benton Utilities demand meters for the 16-minute period of the customer’s greatest use during the month. Nightwatchers and Dusk to Dawn Liebts: ‘TypelSize Monthly Rate 175 Watt: mv $13.12 400 Watt mv $22.46 250 Watt hps $18.06 400 Watt: mv-fl $24.68 400 Watt hps-f1 $28.01 400 Watt mb-f $29.12 1,000 Watt hps-fl $54.36 1,000 Watt mb-fl $56.58 Hurricane Lakes $3.71 35° Pole $5.60 40’ Pole $6.60 46° Pole $7.94 SECTION 3: Ordinance No, 28 of 2020 and Ordinance 70 of 2024 which set the electric rates of the City are hereby repealed subject to the effective date stated in Section 4, SECTION 4: ‘The electrical rates established under Ordinance 28 of 2020 and Ordinance 71 of 2021 shall remain in effect until March 1, 2023, at which time the rates set forth in Section 2 shall take effect. SECTION 5: If any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application and to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 6: All ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby amended, repealed and superseded to the oxtent such a conflict exists, including all priox olectrical vate ordinances. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of January, 2023. ‘Tom Farmer, Mayor Gindy Stracenor, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 47 OF 2022 AN ORDINANCE REZONING 709 YUMA STREET IN THE CITY OF BENTON, SALINE COUNTY, ARKANSAS, FROM R2 SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT DETACHED HOUSING TO C2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, an application for rezoning was filed with the Planning Commission of the City of Benton, Arkansas, requesting that the property located at. 709 Yuma Street in the City be rezoned from R2 to C2; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission ordered a public hearing be held on October 5, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., for the purpose of hearing said application; the notice of such hearing having been published in a newspaper having a bona fide circulation in Saline County, Arkansas, with evidence having been submitted that all property owners or lessees within 300 fect of the property having been notified of said hearing; and at said hearing, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that such roquost be granted; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Benton, Arkansas, desires to rezone the following property from R2 to C2; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires for the grant of this rezone approval to be subject to the Planning Commission's oversight of any proposed commercial sito plan and said plan must be submitted for this property BEFORE any permits are granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: Subject to the provisions herein, the following described property is hereby rezoned from R2 Single Family District Detached Housing Residential Zone to C2 General Commercial. 709 Yuma Street, Benton, Arkansas 72015 Parcel Numbers: 805-19735-000 PASSED AND APPROVBD, this day of October 2022. ‘Tom Farmer, Mayor aioe cporongainar | Fos vara street [Raton] | pork veer veidental Voter EXHIBIT 2 {Chairman [Brian Black Teas iad Janamnan in Favee 5_|Member Johnise Lawant Perera 6 [Member pamela Gibson MLA 7 rae amare —-+—— DAO’, Daal 8 [Member [Mark Chilton” 9 [Member JAndy Warford” imation nuanioores 3 etoe War VI? second moclificel 10 CAPO ia hope veer ner Op Pn Mark cnilto \-\ OU -WEOA pac AAG navi care pian Yo come snoe 10 PVD aa. a ay ov Ww qv oe ay. zor CITY OFBENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Chola Matthowe {14SouthFast Seat Planer @ Bontoa, Arkansas 72015 Phone (50)776-5028 Fax(500)776-5002 EnaihChobeeMatthor@routosmes — Ey oe Webseeshonloarars ay MEMORANDUM ‘TO: Brian Black Planning Commission FROM: Chelsea Matthews Community Development 10.04.2022 RE: 709 Yuma Street [Rezone Request] Caleb Davis [property owner] is requesting a Rezone of his property at 709 Yuma Street, This property is currently zoned R2 [Single Family District Detached Housing]. Mr. Davis is asking that i be rezoned 10 C3 [Service Commercial) If this rezone is approved, Mr, Davis will clear the property and sell it as Commercial, All requirements for this Rezone have been met in accordance with City Ordinance. City of Benton Utilities Staff questions ad comments have all been addressed and approved and a copy hes been provided in your packels for your review. Please contact the Cominunity Development Office if we may be of further assistance. ouczay] ae0n¢ etams £ns TO“ UUM A ca- Rezone Check List Application Se _ _ Maurie $40 Fee A Genta (A Vicinity Map 8.5 x 11” size {12 Copies] ‘Scale Drawing w Information of Owners within 300 fect (12 Copies] Mord Proof of Ownership OR Nototized Letter Parcel Number ‘Approved DRC Comments Guurent Zone Proposed Zone Surrounding Zones | Proof of Ptijfication [15 Days Prior to Meeting] + | Subject to Rezone” Sign [15 Days Prior to Meeting] Yc ‘Mail Notification to all Leasee or Owners witl Prior to Meeting] "Certified Mail Receipts Applied for in the Last 12 Months? City Council Meeling Chelsea Matthews —eoO om: Chelsea Matthews sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 1:17 PM To: erdealeb@; Jonathan Hope Subject: DRC Comments for 709 Yuma Street [Rezoné} Good Afternoon, Below are comments I have received regarding the rezone @ 709 Yura Street. If project was denied, please address all ‘comments and corrections anc resubmit revised plans to the Community Development Office, Community Development: This rezone has been approved @ DRC. I have added you to the agench fr Ostober th @ 6:00pm, Please make ste to follow the fest of the requirements for the rezone to stay on the agenda. Blectrie Department: ~ Benton Electric approves Fire Marshal: Fire as no comment, Street Department; ~ Streets and Drainage approves -stowater Conveyance Department: ~ Wastewater Conveyance approves Water Department: ~ Water department approves this rezone Enginect: =Not in floodplain, Please let me know if you need anything else! UY OF BENTON, ° Chelsea Matthews QOity Planner City of Benton - Community Development $01,776,5938 RBZONE APPLICATION ‘TO THE BENTON, ARKANSAS PLANNING COMMISSION: Applicant’s Name: Calel Day is ee Address of subject property 709 Yuma. Sts, Be, 2a01S Legal description of subject property Pack. RE Ye, AaB. fs t8,— Ab, Resse) Parcel Number GOT-117SS-o00 ea It isrequested that the above described properly, currently ina__@> 2 Zone District, be changed toa__¢.~ 3 ZoneDisiric. Atiached hereto 8 apart of this application is an accurate scale drawing of the site and the surrounding area fora minimum distance of three hundred (300) feet from cach boundary of the site showing locations of existing streets, property lines and the name and last known adress of the recorded legal owners of all properties shown on the drawing T hereby certify that Tamm the owner of the property identified in this application and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true and correct. 's Email_@7d Caleb @aol. com Signed. 2 Address Zolg mht tacy Be). Phone $447 826-0984 ied to me this_ day of, 20. Subscribed and cer ining Department Represeatative Receipt Number i Pia NO ‘THIS APPLICATION NEED NOT BE FILED IN PERSON AT THE OFFICE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION; HOWEVER, WHI FILING BY MAIL OR SECOND PARTY, THE SIGNATURE MUS BE NOTARIZED, NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Benton, AR on the 4th day of October, 2022 at 6:00 pm at Benton City Hall 114 South East Street on the petition of Caleb Davis for Rezoning Approval from R2 to C-3 of the following lands to wi LEGAL DESCRIPTION. PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 15 WEST, SALINE COUNTY, ARKANSAS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND RUN THENSE SOUTH 87°28'08” EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, WHICH IS ALSO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF EDISON AVE, AND THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF AN OLD ABANDON RAILROAD, 332.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00» 2445” EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST UNE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, 258,05 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89+59'52" WEST 331.57 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAIO NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, THENCE NORTH 00+24’¢5"WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, 272.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINING; CONTAINING 2.02 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Please contact Hope Consulting, Inc. 117 S, Market Street, City of Benton, Saline County, Arkansas, 501-315-2626 with questions, INSWAOTGAAC AUNONWOD - aNng IwHaNaD SVSNVWAY ‘NOING JO ALIO uve the LE9L¥ ON “OPE CONSULTING ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS 1178. Market St, Benton, AR 72015 * 501-315-2626 * Fox 501-315-0024 September 6, 2022 Rezone - 709 Yuma St., Benton, AR To Whom it May Concern: The property described below is being considered for Rezone Approval. The property is more particularly described as follows: LEGAL, DESCRIPTION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION. PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) OF SECTION 13, ‘TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 15 WEST, SALINE COUNTY, ARKANSAS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND RUN THENSE SOUTH 87¢28'08" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, WHICH IS ALSO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF EDISON AVE. AND THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF AN OLD ABANDON RAILROAD, 332.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00+ 24745" EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, 258.05 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89°59'52” WEST 331.57 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, THENCE NORTH 0024"45" WEST, ALONG ‘THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, 272.71 FEET TO'THE POINT OF BEGINING; CONTAINING 2.02 ACRES, ‘An application has been filed with the City of Benton to rezone this property from its current R-2 ‘Single Family Residential) zoning to C-3 (Service Commercial) zoning. As a part of this process, a public hearing witl be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 6:00 pm at Benton City Hall 14 South East Street, Benton, AR 72015. Attendance is not required. Public comments will be accepted at the time regarding this application. Since you own property within 300” from the property in consideration, you have been sent this letter via certified mail as required by the City ordinance. Should you have any questions regarding the matter you may contact me at 501-860-0467. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. 709 Yuma Street Bence eee roma | f E pees Sree PORT eee Baar tree rere a name end dees on ho reves "wo ean return the card 0 you, 5 Altac the card to tha back ofthe maliphos, ‘oron the ont if pace pert ie ares os bee & Lodonna fouter 21 Adams Vineyard ad Berton Aa aaois i [ebay ye Tina —assassranie lS Wieseetdaeysdaaebaen | No [g;Sensetpe Greg Game UHR EEN sence SR 9590 9402 6368 0200 0005 09 [Seeueedhanbweoann abo Cas aarp nia, [Baga F cet Azo once wasn ‘bide! 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Aanunber [1842 Lagat Advertsing lor Bot ssbb before ng FBR FOR PRINTING WOU ACO neeattain 9 DMO cometreat 4 mM id ) Total Foe ALBRITTON Neiay Pubes Arta comission 12386497 by Commision Epes Feb, 2032 ‘ubl NOTICE [Notice ishorehy give thst enng wil shld by he Planing Cormission ofthe Cy of Beatos, AR ox he th day of Oxeber,2022 G0 pat Bente City Hall 114 South ast ‘Siete the pation of Cleb Davis fr Rezoulag Approval fom R-2 to C-Yef the flowing Taso wit LEGAL DESCRIPTION. PART OP THs NORTHEAST QUARTER OF 7B NORTHEAST QUARTHR (NE 1/4NB. 1/4) OP SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 250UTH, RANGH 15 VAST, SALINE. COUNTS, ARKANSAS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BHGINNING AY NORTHWEST CORNKR OF TH SAID NORTHEAST QUARTHIROP ‘THR NORTHEAST QUARTER AND ROW THENSD SOUTH €7028bs" BAST ALONG THE Now LINK OF ShID NONIERAST QUARTUR OF THENONTSIST QUARTER, WHIGI IS ALSO THB SOUTH RIGHT O? WAY Of HDISON a8, AND FHBNORTE RIGHT OF WAY OF AN OLD ABANOW RAILROAD, 83200 PART; THENCE SOUTH 000 2049" BAS, PARALLUL WITH THBWEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF ‘THBNORTCARAS QUAI TI, 25805 HES, HUNCH NORTH 8905052" WEST 33157 RUT TO THB WEST LINE OF SAID NOKTHLAST QUARTER OF THN NORTHEAST (QUARTER, THENCH NORTH wo2445"¥S7, ALONG TN WEST TINT OF SAID [NORTHEAST QUATCTER OF THENORIHBAST QUARTER, 27271 PRET T0 THE POINT (QF BEGINING, CONTAINING 202 ACHES, MORE OR J485,Pleste cote Hope {Consling, fe 1175. Matket Stee, Cy of Beion, Stine Coany Akane 501-315-2626 with qistons, Saline County iy 172,798 Nn ‘CALE® DAVIS REAL. ESTATE-805-19795 400 - ARCounty CALEB DAVIS REAL ESTATE GAN aos pase} band Sales Basic Info Preol Nunbor ‘County Name: Propet Addess: Mating Address: Cotectors Malling Adress O: Taba ers: Tinker Acros: Seo-Two-Rag: Loto Subdivision Lega Destin: Schoo! Distt Homosteas Paco? Tax Stu vere: hiperntareauny data conporsa_sponsoraspitem=9P195&Payo~t8countyeodenSALTIN Valuation Receipts mnprovements Parcel Boundary ® 1805-19736-000 Saline County GALES DAVIS REAL ESTATE 709 YUMA ST BENTON,AR 72015 Map This Address ‘GALES DAVIS REAL ESTATE 709 Yuma ST BENTON AR 72015 ‘BUNCH CHARLES P 41625 OILWELL ROAD “TRASKWOOD, AR 721670879, 204 000 s9.028-400 TN Ne 2072-011904 (082 BENTONTBENTON No “erate No wn 8 Pe ha a 8 8 ty 709 Yuma Street Ri ie Srv ie CLAN 64 ET cre | : 007.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 eons tossoncane tostonstont acon tossarseans teoasantam pooaoass ino saagonno2 tos:230054 soo amo ane soaseazoans at omoen coxsrmenon uc Wacrmmenaren ‘envorscron ISREYDOMEOAVORNARETA fie amtocnesrmcron uc Ps oeseh CRE! RUSTE: thas ea cw ‘Son HOMCTK RE KY howe Musnoom ONE faces ENE UTES ESTER es FomieaengADORIAR pacar aca ‘Gang egaowOw eMNNE ARE A. PLP OM PALIA yeasts 5 sons eo 12 ROWS NEUMDED (is Aaa NNO Yoomst Pre COONAN [owt waseroetaon so nec é owes on. oiesyienso > {rowenta raason aoe has feoronsesvino towns foment taser ‘soars ae feacienisy eatherist sean 20 ome ‘auroxdsvnena0 m0 Sakast fovomsunenso Tarsenanonson igo tineroc. ettan Benron suaon sare CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTSIPLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ‘TUESDAY, JULY 6, 2021 6:00 P.M, Chainnan Black called the meeting to order, Roll cal resulted in 3 members being absent Members Present Carl West Darrell Wood. oe Brad Jordan, Comm. Dey. Director Jessien Teague, Seorelary (City Staff) Approval of the Minutes of th ‘Chairman Black asked if there wore any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes. simisoloner Griffin maved to approve minutos as presented. Commissioner Burs second. Motion carrie. Agenda Amendment Chairnian Black entertained a motion to amend the aigonda to discuss th: Proposed Changes to the Zoning Matrix regarding Storage fat then move on withthe rest of the agendas resented, Commissioner Burks moved to approve the aniended agenda, Cotnmissioner Griffin second Motion cared. Board of Adiustnients Yavignce-7327 Palin Beach Cirole Setback ‘Chainman Black asked Ms. Teague to introduce the item. Ms. Teague read the memo provided in the ‘Commissioners packets. Chairman Black called for any comments or questions hore were none, Commissioner West moved to approve. Cominissioner Chilton second. Motion cared 5-0 ning Commission Discussion lem-Proposed Changes to Zoning Matrix-Stornwe CChaitman Black asked Ms, ‘Teague or Mr, Jordan to introduce the item. Mr, Jordan introduced the proposed changes, Chaliman Black called for any comments or questions ‘Ther vas sorte discussion, Commissioner West moved to hold « Public Hearing andl Special Meeting regarding the change. Commissioner Chilton second, Motion carried 5-0. us CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS/PLANNING COMMISSIONMEE TING ‘TUESDAY, JULY 6, 2021 6:00 P.M. ‘Rezone-709 Yuma Chairmen Blaok asked Ms. Tengue to inttoduee the item. Ms, ‘Teague rend Ine meno provided in the Commissioners packets, Chalmnan Black called for any comments or questions. Kelly Geurin spoke agaist the request. Erio Richardson, Richardson Engineering spoke in favor ofthe request. There was additonal discussion and the applicants requested the item be rezoned from R2-C2 instead of C3. Commissioner Stilwel joined the meeting ‘There was no motion, Item failed, Rozone-S08 Algood Cin Black asked Ms. Teague to introduce the item, Ms, Teague rea the memo provided in the Commissioners packets. Chaitman Black called for any comments or questions. ‘Tnvis Nelson, Jerry Joyner ‘and Nila Alexander spoke against the request. Erica York spoke in favor of the prcjee, Commissioner West moved to approve, Commissioner Stilwell second, Motion carried 5-1, Final PlatsHeritexe Heights Phase 4 ‘Chainvian Binck asked Ms, Teague to introduce the item. Ms, Teague ra the meno provided in the «missioners packets. Chairman Blak called for ny conminents oF questions Taio Richardson, Richardson taugineering, spoke in favor ofthe project, Commissioner Griffin moved io approve. Consnisioner Chilton second, Motion carried 6-0. Preliininary Plat Withdrawal-Richland Hills Phase. 5 Chaintnan Black asked Ms, ‘Teague to inlroduce tho item. Ms. Teague read the memo provided inthe Commissioners packets Chairman Blnok ole for any coments or questions. Lip Cerise spoke in favor of the request. Jonathan Hope voived some concems regarding the secondary oess that was agreed upon belween the Developers of Richland Fils and Fen Estates. Commissioner Stivell moved to approve, Commissioner ‘West second. Motion carried 6-0. Disoussion Only-Rezong of 603 W South St from TC2-C2 “There was discussion regerding a proposed C Store at 603 W. South, Chainnan Black stated that C2, jas placed down South Steet in the hopes that over tne that area of toxmn would be rebut fo bo more walkable with the buildinigs closer to the toad. He said that he did not believe that this was the appropriate location fora C Store, Thero was no more discussion. ther “Theto was a discussion on changing the Rezone Signs (o include date, time, and location ofthe Planning Commission mectings, CITY OF BENTON, ARKANSAS BOARD OP ADJUSTMENTS/PLANNING COMIMISSION MEETING ‘TURSDAY, JULY 6, 2021 6:00 P.M, : Ms. Teague slated that she and Mr. Jordan received a resignation totter from Commissioner Brio Rytime on July 6, 2021 effective immediately, ‘Gominissioner Stilwell explained that thore had been an issue comme up recently where a etizen hed purchased a lot in a subdivision and the dravvings ofthe subdivision and plot plans show thereto bo uiility coninections tothe lot. Then one construction sins, they lea that there are, inact, no connections on the fot Chairman Bleck stated thet the City can enforce what the plans show to be tre. Ms, Feague stated that Benton Urtlities should be involved inthis discussion as well. Meeting Adjoumed. ay. # Vieg Chain a

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