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Chapter-1: Computer Language
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Program
2. Five
3. Machine
4. Assembler
5. High-level
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (b) Source
2. (c) Interpreter
3. (b) Object
4. (b) High-level
D. Application based questions.
1. High-level languages
2. Java programming is a high-level language
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Machine language is expressed in binary form, i.e., 0s and 1s where 0 means ‘Off’ state and 1
means ‘On’ state. It is the only language that a computer understands.
2. Machine language uses binary codes to depict operators and data, it is machine-dependent and
the only language directly understood by a computer whereas the assembly language uses
mnemonic codes or symbols instead of binary numbers and it is also machine-dependent.
3. An interpreter translates a program written in high-level language into a low-level language
program line by line, executes an instruction and then repeats the procedure for the remaining
instructions whereas compiler is a translator program, which is used to convert a high-level
language program into machine language.
4. Three characteristics of fourth generation language are:
• machine-independent.
• minimal user skills required to obtain results.
• application development tool.

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Chapter-2: More on Windows 7
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Organises
2. Ripping
3. Windows 10
4. Send, Receive
5. Pictures
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) Aero Peek
2. (c) Jump List
3. (a) Play Side Show
4. (c) Shake
D. Application based questions.
1. She can record her voice using the sound recorder application. To open sound recorder, click on
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Sound Recorder.
2. She can use the Search box to find file or folder.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Microsoft Windows Media Player runs and organises the digital media files.
2. Ripping means copying the data from a CD to a computer. Burning is a process in which one can
create their own CD/DVD by selecting a folder of software or media files and dragging it to
CD/DVD icon in the Computer folder.
3. Watching TV, movies, and other video content on your computer is easier than ever. With a
cable connection, you can watch and record TV shows using Windows Media Center.
4. In Windows 7, you can display two application windows, side-by-side.
• Open Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint programs, one-by-one.
• The PowerPoint window is active at present. Now, right-click anywhere on the blank
portion of the Windows 7 taskbar.
• Click on the Show windows side by side option from the Shortcut menu.
• Both the application windows will be displayed, side-by-side.

Chapter-3: Using Mail Merge in Word 2010

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Main document
2. Data source
3. Field

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4. Record
5. Mail Merge
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (b) Record
2. (b) Merge Field
3. (a) Mailings
4. (b) Preview Results
D. Application based questions.
1. Mail Merge feature
2. Data source
E. Answer in one word or one sentence.
1. Data source
2. Mailings tab
3. Print Documents option
4. Field/Column
F. Answer the following questions.
1. The Mail Merge feature of Microsoft Word is used to combine a data source, which contains
the addresses of all the recipients, with the main document. It saves our time and energy to
send letters to multiple addresses.
2. The Mail Merge feature combines two documents–Main document and Data source.
3. The data source is associated with the main document, so that its field names can be used in
the main document, and it becomes easy to merge addresses with the main document.
4. Mail merge involves three basic steps.
5. To create a new mailing list, select the Type a new list radio button under Select recipients
section in the Mail Merge task pane and click on the Create option. Add recipients list.

Chapter-4: Tables and Charts in PowerPoint 2010

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Gridlines
2. Pen Color
3. Shading
4. Plot Area
5. Data Series
6. Insert

B. State True or False.

1. False

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2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (c) Cell
2. (b) Legend
3. (a) Alignment
4. (b) Table Tools
5. (c) Insert
6. (b) Six
D. Application based questions.
1. Title and Content layout
2. Sumit can place the insertion point on the first cell of the third row. Right-click the mouse
button and select the Insert option from the Context menu. Click on the Insert Rows Below
option. A row will be inserted.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. There are two methods to insert a table in a slide.
Method 1: In the Title and Content slide, click on the Insert Table icon and enter number of
rows and columns. Click on OK.
Method 2: Click on the Insert tab and select Table > Draw Table option to draw a table.
2. To apply border in a table, select it and click on the drop-down arrow next to the Borders
button in the Table Styles group on the Design tab. Select the All Borders option from the drop-
down menu. The Pen Color tool is used to change the border colour of a table.
3. The alignment buttons present on the Layout tab are Align Text Left, Center, Align Text Right,
Align Top, Center Vertically, and Align Bottom.
4. A chart is an effective way to display data in a graphical form. It is easy to show comparisons,
growth, relationship among the values and trends in data with the charts. It provides an
accurate analysis of the information. Chart Area, Category Axis, Value Axis, Data Series,
Category Name, Plot Area, Legend, Chart Title, and Gridlines are the components of a chart.
5. Category axis or X-axis is the horizontal axis and the subject of analysis is plotted against the X-
axis whereas the value axis or Y-axis is the vertical axis that is used to plot the values.

Chapter-5: Enlivening a Presentation

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Transition effects
2. Text, Object
3. Action Button
4. Microphone
5. From Beginning
6. Play

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B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (c) Slide Show
2. (b) Transition
3. (c) .wav
4. (c) Animations
D. Application based questions.
1. He can insert the text box to write a paragraph.
2. To import data on slide, she can use the Slides from Outline option.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. The ability to move your objects like text, graphics, charts, logos, etc., in any direction in the
slide is called animation. An animation controls the order of flow of information and helps in
increasing the interest of the audience.
2. Transition effects appear when one slide changes to the other during the Slide Show view.
3. Action buttons are built-in button shapes that you can add to a presentation and set to link to
another slide, play a sound, or perform some other actions. We can use it in a slide to assign
actions to clipart, pictures, or the text in SmartArt graphics.
4. Video clips add liveliness to the presentation. You can add video clips from the Microsoft Clip
Gallery, which contains a wide range of art, sound, and video clips. Video clips can also be
added from any CD-ROM.
(Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Fifth
2. Moving Picture Experts Group
3. Main document, data source
4. Table tool: Design and Layout
5. Advanced Animation group
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False

C. Multiple –choice questions.

1. (c) Object Code
2. (a) Windows Explorer

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3. (b) Record
4. (b) F5
5. (c) Motion Path
D. Answer in one word or a sentence
1. Assembler
2. Jump list
3. Data source
4. Chart
5. Transition effect
E. Answer the following questions.
1. A compiler is a language processor that converts a program written in high level language into
machine language. An interpreter is a language processor
2. Insert a CD into your computer the auto play dialog box appears. Click on the burn files into disc
using Windows Explorer option.
• To burn a Disc dialog box appears. Mention the CD name in disc title text box and click on
• An empty disc folder opens. Drag the files that you want to burn into this folder.
• On the toolbar, click on burn to disc button, and then follow steps in wizard.
3. Click on Preview Results button in the preview result group on mailing tab or select the next. The
first record will be displayed. Click on the Next Record button in the Preview Results group to
view the next record of data source.
4. Chart Area includes the completed area and all the objects in a chart. Plot Area is a window within
the chart area. It contains actual chart itself and includes plotted data, data series, category axis
and value axis.
5. Action buttons are built-in buttons that we can add to a presentation to link another slide and
perform some other actions.

Chapter-6: Microsoft Excel 2010

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Three
2. Formula
3. Sheet
4. Column
5. Tab scrolling
6. F12
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.

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1. (b) AutoSum
2. (a) Left
3. (c) 1048576
4. (b) Name
5. (a) Equal (=)
6. (b) Three
D. Application based questions.
1. Right-click on the worksheet. Click on the Rename option and then give the new name to the
2. By using the AutoSum function, he can calculate the total expenses.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Two features of Excel are:
• The data is automatically recalculated in the entire worksheet if any change is made in a
single cell.
• The data can be quickly searched and replaced instantly.
2. The workbook is like a notebook, which consists of a number of pages. A worksheet is a grid like
area, made up of rows and columns, where you can enter and work with data. Worksheets in a
workbook are like pages of a notebook.
3. To add a new worksheet, select the sheet before which you want to place a new worksheet.
• Right-click on the tab and select option. The Insert dialog box appears. Select Sheet the
Insert the Worksheet option and click OK. You will notice a new worksheet gets inserted
before the selected worksheet. Or
• Click on the Insert Worksheet icon present next to the end of Sheet3 tab. A new
worksheet will appear at the end.
4. In Excel, AutoFill feature allows the user to extend (and fill) a series of numbers, dates, or even
text to a desired number of cells.
5. You can enter three types of data in worksheet cells: number, text and formula.
6. The AutoSum function offers a shortcut to add up columns and rows of data.

Chapter-7: Editing a Worksheet

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Number formats
2. F4
3. Enter, Cancel
4. End
5. Space
B. Write True or False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.

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1. Ctrl + A
2. Paste
3. Ready
4. Shift
5. Ctrl + Z
6. Apostrophe
D. Answer in one word.
1. Overtype Mode
2. F2 Key
3. Enter the date in a cell and right-click on it, select Format Cells. A dialog box appears, select the
Date option under category. Now, scroll down the Type list and choose the required date and
time style.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. To make changes in cell contents using the Edit mode, simply select the cell and press the F2.
The cursor blinks at the end of the cell, make the required changes and press Enter.
2. To insert multiple columns, select the number of columns you want to insert. Click on Home >
Insert > Insert Sheet Columns.
3. The Undo command is used to cancel the last action performed. The redo command is used to
quickly reverse the last action that you have done using Undo command.
4. To insert non-adjacent columns, hold down the Ctrl key which you select non-adjacent
5. Select a cell or range of cells. Position the mouse pointer at the edge of selected cells. Notice
that pointer changes from black cross symbol to move pointer. Drag the selected cells or range
of cells to a new destination and release the mouse button the data will be moved to new
6. Select a range of cells and click on the Copy option in the Clipboard group on the Home
tab. The moving dashed line will appear around the selected cells. Select the new range of cells
and Click on the Paste button in the Clipboard group. The text will be copied at the new

Chapter-8: Introducing Python

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Syntax
2. Guido Van Rossum
3. Edit
4. Line by line
5. Variable
6. Keyword
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False

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5. False
6. True
7. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) Selection
2. (b) Overwritten
3. (c) Assignment
4. (b) float
5. (a) \t
6. (c) Script Area
7. (b) 1020
D. Application based questions.
1. Kritika should use '\t' separator with the print () function.
2. Aman should use the Interactive mode.
E. Answer the following.
1. Four features of Python are as follows:
• Python is an easy to learn general-purpose programming language.
• It is a platform independent programming language, which means it can be used on any
machine and in any operating system.
• It has a simple syntax.
• Python is a case sensitive language.
2. A variable stores data value. It can store only one data value at a time. When a new value is
stored in a variable, its previous value gets overwritten. The rules for valid identifier (variable
name) are:
• A variable name must start with an alphabet (capital or small) or an underscore (_).
• A variable name can consist of letters, digits, and underscore. No other character is allowed.
• A Python keyword cannot be used as a variable name.
• A variable name can be of any length.
• Variable names are case-sensitive (e.g., Age and age are different variable names).
3. Python works in two modes: Interactive mode and Script mode. In the Interactive mode of
Python, the instructions are executed line by line giving the output. Interactive mode is
preferred for small programs, whereas, for writing lengthy programs in Python, Script mode is
used. Using this mode, we can create and edit Python programs. In this mode, we can save our
file so that it can be used later.
4. A data type represents the type of data stored in a variable. Some examples of data types used
in Python are, int, float, str, bool.
• float: Represents floating point values (numbers with fractional part). The fractional part of
a floating-point number may be 0 as well. Examples of floating-point numbers are, 3.14, -
48.6, 18.0, etc.
• str (string): String data type represents strings of characters enclosed within quotation
marks, for example, 'Hello'.
5. The print ( ) function is used to display the output of any command on the screen. Following are
the separators used in Python:
• Comma ( , ) operator: It displays the values with a space.

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• Tab ('\t'): It displays the values with a tab space.
• Newline Character ( '\n'): It is used to end a line and start a new line.
6. Interpreter is a language processor. It reads the code line-by-line and converts it into machine
language. After processing. A compiler is also a language processor. It converts a program
written in high-level language into machine language in one go.

Chapter-9: More on Python

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Precedence
2. Expression
3. +
4. Control
5. if else
6. Colon
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) Operands
2. (b) False
3. (b) Sequential
4. (c) Iterative
5. (a) else
D. Application based questions.
1. . % (Remainder) operator
2. if... else control structure
E. Name the following.
1. '+' and '%' operators
2. AND, OR, and NOT
3. '+' and '*'
4. if condition
5. Algorithm
F. Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Operators are symbols that perform arithmetic and logical operations on operands and provide
a meaningful result.

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2. / ' and '//' both are Binary Arithmetic Operators. / (Division) operator is used to divide the
numbers and give an output in the decimal form, e.g., Value of 5/2 is 2.5.
Whereas, // (Floor Division) divides the numbers and gives an output in the integer form, e.g.,
Value of 5//2 is 2 and the Value of -5//2 is -3.
3. *' operator in a string manipulation is used to replicate a given string for a number of times. It
is also known as Replication Operator.
4. The different types of control structures are Sequential statements, Conditional statements,
and Iterative statements.
Chapter-10: Internet Services
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Network
2. WWW
3. Chat
4. Video conferencing
5. Email
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
C. Give full forms of the following.
1. Fixed Deposit
2. World Wide Web
3. Uniform Resource Locator
4. Advanced research project agency network
5. International network of computers
D. Application based questions.
1. Shruti can use skype, viber, and tango.
2. E-banking is a way of performing bank transactions.

E. Multiple choice questions.

1. (a) 15th AUG 1995
2. (c) Forward
3. (a) Amazon.com
4. (b) Google
5. (b) Facebook
F. Answer in one word.
1. E-learning, E-commerce, E-banking, Internet Free Calls
2. Google Talk/Google Hangouts, Windows Live Messenger
3. Signature is bit personalised text that is automatically inserted at bottom of every email.
www.abcya.com, www.elearningindustry.com, www.gcflearnfree.org

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G. Answer the following questions.
1. The internet is a network of networks that consists of millions of computers spread across the
2. E-commerce stands for electronic commerce i.e., commercial activities over internet the
internet offers the convenient way to shop from our home or offices for everything such as rail,
movie, ticket, airways.
3. WWW is a large computer network where by using a browser such as Google chrome, internet
explorer you can surf and get information. it consists of all public websites connected to
internet worldwide including client devices that access web content. Tim Berners-Lee is the
founder of www.
4. E-banking is the way of performing bank transaction using the internet. E-banking can allow to
check bank balance, make fixed deposit, transfer money, apply for loans etc. These transactions
can be performed from any part of world if you have internet connection on your computer.
5. A chat is online conversation over the internet in which we can instantly send text-based
messages back and forth to one and another. Google Talk/Google Hangouts, Skype, and
Windows Live Messenger are some popular chat software.
6. We can make free calls and video calls to any one across the world using an internet
connection. The only condition is that particular software or application should be installed in
devices at both ends.
7. Video conferencing involves use of video cameras connected to two or more computers. It is
mainly used for virtual meetings among a group of people.
8. Commonly used features of e-mail are:
• Composing and sending e-mail
• Attaching a file
• Replying and forwarding e-mail
• Attaching signature to an e-mail
Popular sites that provide e-mail facility:
• www.yahoo.co.in
• www.gmail.com

Worksheet 2
(Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Mouse Pointer
2. Shift + Spacebar
3. Sequential
4. String
5. Electronic Mail
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. False

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3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. Formula
2. F2
3. =
4. Interactive mode
5. Signature
D. Answer in one word or a sentence.
1. Sheet tab
2. Fill handle
3. Replication operator (*)
4. Conditional statement: if…elif…else
5. Google Talk/Google Hangouts, Windows Live Messenger, Skype
E. Answer the following questions.
1. To add a new worksheet, select the sheet before which you want to place a new worksheet.
Right-click on the sheet tab and select the Insert option. The insert dialog box appears. Select
the Worksheet option and click on OK.
2. To change the contents of a cell and click on formula bar where you want to insert the
characters. Now make modifications in formula bar.
3. Input ( ) function takes one string arguments. This means that whatever value is being entered
by user. It will be taken as string document.
4. In computer program stats are generally executed in sequential manner. However, at times, the
user may need to change this order of execution by repeating the executions of few statements
subject to given conditions. In such situation the flow is altered by use of control of statements.
5. World wide web
Video conferencing

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. 2
2. Decimal
3. 8
4. Binary
5. Hexadecimal
6. 10
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (b) Aryabhata
2. (c) 12
3. (c) Binary
4. (b) 1
5. (a) 2
D. Answer the following questions.
1. A number system is a set of values used to represent different quantities, such as number of
students in a class, number of viewers watching a particular show, etc.
2. There are the rules to convert a Decimal number into a Binary number:
• Step 1: Divide the given decimal number with the base 2.
• Step 2: Write down the remainder and divide the quotient again by 2.
• Step 3: Repeat the step 2 till the quotient is zero.
• Step 4: Write the remainders obtained in each step in the reverse order to form the binary
equivalent of the given decimal number, i.e., placing the Least Significant Digit at the right
and the Most Significant Digit at the left.
3. The rules for performing multiplication using two binary numbers is same as that of the decimal
numbers. The given table illustrates the multiplication of two binary digits:
a b a*b=c
0 0 0*0=0
0 1 0*1=0
1 0 1*0=0
1 1 1*1=1

4. The Octal number system (Oct) consists of 8 digits, from 0 to 7, with the base 8.
5. Hexadecimal number system consists of 16 digits, numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F that
represent decimal numbers from 10 to 15.
Chapter 2- Windows 7

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Managing data
2. Content
3. Mouse
4. Home
5. Hibernation
B. State True or False
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
C. Application based questions.
1. If Ritu's keyboard has stopped working then she can use the on-screen keyboard, which can be
operated with the help of a mouse.
2. Detail View
D. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) Library
2. (a) Sleep
3. (b) 4
4. (a) Fonts
5. (c) Extra large icons
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Windows Explorer is used for viewing, exploring and organising files in computers. It enables
you to display directory structure that includes drives, folders and files.
2. Different view formats are extra large and large icons, medium icons, small icons, list, details,
titles and contents.
• Medium icons view displays the files and folders as medium sized icons giving a better idea
of file content
• Content view displays the files and folders on a separate row along with their detailed
information like date modified, size, author etc.
3. In Control Panel, click on the Date and Time option. The Date and Time dialog box appears.
Click on Date and Time tab and select the date. Then, select the hour text box and specify the
4. Sleep is a power saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full power operation
when we start working again. It puts our work settings in memory and draws small amount of
5. In Control Panel, the Mouse option is used to change mouse settings.
6. Control panel is a system folder using which we can make changes in the appearance and
current settings of Windows.
Chapter 3- Formulas and Functions

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Calculations
2. Cell reference
3. Absolute reference
4. Arguments
5. &
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Application based question.
1. Saumya can use the MAX () function to find maximum height of student and MIN () function to
find minimum height of student.
2. Present salary 15000
%increase= 10%
Final salary will be 15000 +(10% of 15000) =16500
D. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (c) Sheet1! D4
2. (c) Alt + =
3. (c) MAX ()
4. (b) A3
5. (a) COUNT ()
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Formulas are used for performing calculations involving additions, subtraction, division and
multiplications. It establishes a relationship between two or more cells. For example, formula
for simple interest is P*R*T.
2. The cell address that we use in formula is known as cell reference. There are three types of cell
• Relative cell reference
• Absolute cell reference
• Mixed reference
3. Absolute cell reference is used when we do not want to change the address of cell while
copying the formula in another cell.
4. The addition of two or more text values is called Concatenation. Let us understand this with the
help of an example:
• Enter any string type value in cells A1 and B1, say "Kips" in A1 and "India" in B1.
• Enter the formula =A1&B1 in cell C1 and press the Enter key.
• It will display KipsIndia in cell C1.
5. Rules to enter a function:
• All Excel functions must begin with = sign.
• Function name must be a valid Excel name. For example, SUM, AVERAGE.
• Function name must be followed by an opening and closing parenthesis.

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• Arguments are enclosed in the parenthesis. For example, =SUM (A1:A5).

Chapter 4- Using Excel as Database

A. Fill in the blanks
1. Organise
2. Form
3. Field Name
4. Data Validation
5. Criteria
6. PivotTable
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
C. Application based question.
1. She can use the Filter feature to view specific data in Excel.
2. Sorting data will help Varun to maintain mark sheet of his class.
D. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (b) Data Validation
2. (c) Remove Duplicates
3. (a) Form
4. (c) Record
5. (b) Sort
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Database is a collection of information related to particular subject such as maintaining address
and phone numbers, keeping employee information, list of library books etc. Database consists
of fields and records.
2. Data can be sorted in rows on the basis of text, number, combination of number and dates.
Once the data is organised it becomes easy to work with.
3. The filter feature allows you to see only those records that you want to display while it hides
the rest of data temporarily from the view.
4. PivotTable is a powerful tool for consolidating, summarising and presenting data. They can be
used to find unique values in field.
5. Filter feature allows you to see only those records that you want to display while it hides the
rest of data temporarily from view whereas Advance filter is used to filter data in multiple fields
using specified criteria or to copy the filtered records to a different location or to find unique

Worksheet 1

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(Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4)

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Least significant, most significant digit
2. Pointers
3. Range
4. Form
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (b) base
2. (a) Control Panel
3. (c) Function Library
4. (c) Filter
D. Answer in one word or a sentence.
1. Hexadecimal number system
2. Extra Large Icon view
3. Relative reference
4. Search button
E. Answer the following questions.
1. The place value of a digit depends on its position in the number whereas the face value is the
digits which are visible.
2. Select the mouse option in control panel dialog box. The mouse properties dialog box
appears. Click on buttons tab, it provides options to change settings of mouse button to right
handed or left handed. You can select checkbox to make changes in buttons on right
3. Absolute reference is used when we do not want to change the address of cell while copying
the formula to another cell. Mixed reference is a combination of absolute and relative
4. Sorting means arranging data either in ascending or descending order in worksheet. Data can be
sorted in rows on the basis of text, numbers, combinations of text and members or dates.

Chapter 5-Advance Features of Excel

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Chart

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2. Data Values
3. Rectangular
4. Y axis
5. Legend
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
C. Multiple choice questions.
1. Data series
2. Pie
3. F11
4. Datasheet
5. Sort
D. Application based question.
1. Chart is a graphical representation of data in a worksheet. It is an effective way to display data in
a pictorial form that helps to provide a better understanding of large quantities of data.
2. Column chart is used for displaying data that shows different trends over a period of time. Bar
chart illustrates comparison between individual chart items.
3. Chart Area include all areas and objects in the chart whereas the Plot Area is a window within
chart area. It contains actual chart itself and includes plotted data, data series, category and value
4. Sorting feature of Excel is used to arrange the data in a specific order.
5. The Filter feature allows us to work on a specific data, i.e., it allows us to see only those records
that we want to display.
Chapter 6- Review Python

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Data Type
2. Two
3. Control Statements
5. F5
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (c) Two

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2. (a) String
3. (b) #
4. (d) Sequential
5. (b) .py
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language which is:
• Simple and interactive
• Platform independent
2. In the Interactive mode of Python, the interpreter executes the statements one by one,
whereas, to write lengthy programs, we use the Script mode in which we can create and edit
the programs.
3. Comments are the statements that are added to a program with the purpose of making the
code easier to understand. The two ways used to add the comments in Python are:
• Single line comments
• Multi line comments
4. The if statement is used to evaluate only one condition. It performs a course of action if the
condition evaluates to true, otherwise it skips the statements. The if…else statement is used
when either of the two different actions are to be performed depending upon the result of the
conditional expression.
5. The ‘+’ operator when used with numbers, add the values and gives the sum as output,
whereas, when the ‘+’ operator is used with string values, it concatenates two strings
6. In the statement a=10, the variable a is assigned value 10, however in the statement a==10,
the value of a is equated with 10. The ‘=’ (equal to) sign is the assignment operator in Python,
whereas, ‘==’ sign is called the equal to operator.

Chapter 7: Iterative Statements in Python

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. for
2. true
3. infinite loop
4. interactive
5. while
B. State True and False.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False

C. Application based questions.

1. Aman can use the for loop in the program.

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2. Ritesh can use the for loop with the range function.
D. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) Looping
2. (a) while
3. (a) No output
4. (d) in
5. (a) while
E. Answer in one word.
1. Loop
2. for and while
3. in and not in
4. range() function
F. Answer the following questions.
1. The statements that keep repeating themselves as long as a given condition is true are called
Iterative Statements or Repetitive Statements. As soon as the condition becomes false, the loop
terminates. These are also called Looping statements or simply Loops.
Two types of Iterative statements used in Python are for loop and while loop.
2. The for and while loops called entry-controlled loops because the condition statement is
checked in the beginning of the loop.
3. Membership operators play an important role in controlling the working of a loop. There are
two membership operators, in and not in. Out of these, the in operator is used with loops. The
in operator is used to check if a given value exists in the sequence or not. It evaluates to true if
it finds a value in the specified sequence else it returns false.

Chapter 8-Internet Services

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Forum
2. Microblogging
3. 280
4. Signature
5. E-mail
6. Microsoft
B. State True and False.
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
C. Application based questions.
1. Some E-greeting websites are:
www.123.greetings.com, www.hallmark.com, www.archiesonline.com, www. americangreetings.com
2. The popular social networking sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, hi5.

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D. Multiple choice questions.
1. (b) At (@)
2. (b) Spaces
3. (c) Pop-ups
4. (a) Jack Dorsey
E. Briefly explain the following terms.
1. Microblogging is a new form of communication in which users can describe their status in short
posts distributed by small messages, mobile phones, emails or the web.
2. Internet Forum refers discussion area on website where people with common interest can
communicate in form of posted messages.
3. One drive previously known as sky drive or windows live. Sky drive is a free online storage
facility offered by Microsoft.
F. Answer the following questions.
1. Cloud computing refers to manipulating, configuring and accessing the application online. The
cloud computing is making our business application mobile and collaborative
2. To add new contact in an address book;
• Click on the Gmail drop-down arrow and select contacts option.
• Click on the New Contact button.
• A form will appear. Enter the required information like name, company, email address,
contact no. etc. Click on the Save Now tab.
3. You can add an attachment to your email by clicking on the paper clip icon.

Chapter 9-The Virus

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Disrupts
2. Speed and destruction
3. Enters
4. Data, programs
5. CD, Pen Drive
6. Self-replicating
7. Clock, Friday the 13th
8. Antivirus software
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True

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8. False
9. False
10. True
C. Multiple choice questions.
1. (b) Boot Virus
2. (c) Trojan Horse
3. (a) 1987
4. (b) April First
5. (c) Farooq Alvi Brothers
D. Answer the following questions.
1. A computer virus is program or set of programs that disrupts the normal operations of a
computer. Types of virus are boot virus, program file virus, multipartite virus, macro virus.
2. A virus can cause problems in a computer in many ways. Some of them are as follows
• Reduce the speed of computer by occupying the memory
• Causing strange movements or patterns on screen
3. Spyware is the type of malware that is installed on computers and collects information about
users without their knowledge.
4. Trojan horse is a simple program that pretends to be a useful application, whereas it always does
something destructive like mostly it damages a computer like erasing the disk.
5. To prevent virus attack, follow the given tips:
• Every pc should be equipped with antivirus program.
• Scan your hard disc twice a month
• Use the internet very carefully
6. Antivirus software is computer programs that are designed to identify, prevent and remove virus
from a computer. The most common antivirus software used is AVG antivirus

Worksheet 2
(Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9)
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Chart Area
2. .py
3. 0,1
4. @
5. Trojan Horse
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
C. Multiple choice questions.
1. (a) Legend
2. (b) /n
3. (a) in

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4. (b) Domain name
5. (c)Program file virus
D. Answer in one word or a sentence.
1. F11 key
2. Assignment operator ( = )
3. range () function
4. Cloud computing
5. Boot virus
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Sorting means arranging data either in ascending or descending order in worksheet. Data can
be sorted in rows on basis of text, numbers, and combination of text or dates.
2. And: Gives the result true if all specified conditions are true.
Or: Gives result true if any of the specified condition is true.
3. The statements that keep repeating themselves as given condition is true are called iterative
statements. An iterative statement is based on three values:
• A start value (c=0)
• A test condition (c<=5)
• A step value (c= c+1)
4. Microblogging is a new form of communication in which users can describe their status in short
posts distributed by small messages mobile phones and emails.
Internet forum refers to discussion area on a website where people with common interests can
communicate in form of posted messages.

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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. PAN
2. Data
3. Single point
4. Node
5. Network cards
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
C. Multiple-choice questions
1. (c) Ethernet card
2. (c) Modem
3. (a) Network
4. (a) WAN
5. (b) Faster
D. Answer the following questions.
1. A computer network can be defined as a group of computer and other peripheral devices that
are linked together for sharing data and hardware resources. For eg: If one computer in a
network has printer attached to it than all the computers in that network can either access the
printer or the use the printer.
• LAN is restricted to limited • WAN covers greater distances and
geographical area. operates worldwide.
• Data speed is fast. • Data speed is slow than a LAN.
• A few transmission errors can occur. • Large data transmission error occurs.
• Computer terminals are not physically
• Computer terminals are physically
connected with wire.
connected with wires.
3. Network security means protecting data and resources from any unauthorised access. it is most
imp aspect in computer networking.
4. Networking components are: network cards, networking cable, modem, hubs and switches.
5. Advantages of networking are:
• Efficient use of storage media
• Reduction in hardware cost

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E. Define the following terms.
1. WAN connects two or more computers located at distant places. Main characteristic is it
requires public telecommunication media to transfer data.
2. Modem enables you to connect your computer to available internet connection over existing
telephone lines.
3. Router: A router is used in place of hub or switch these have wireless antenna which increase
the communication range of radio signal.
4. Node: A computer in a network can communicate with each other or work independently. Each
computer in a network is node.
5. Network card: A network card is used to physically attach a computer to a network so it can
participate in network communication.

Chapter-2 Log on to MS Access 2010

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Database
2. Fields
3. Record
4. Reports
5. Queries
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) DBMS
2. (a) .accd
3. (b) Forms
4. (b) Reports
D. Answer the following questions.
1. A database is an organised way of storing information quickly and efficiently. It helps to manage
and access large amount of information. Example of database are telephone directory, personal
address diary.
2. Features of Microsoft Access are:
• Data redundancy is reduced
• Access facilitates sharing of data
• Access providers to break large information in small parts so that it is easy to access the
• It increases efficiency, speed, flexibility in searching and accessing information.

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3. Two types of database are:
• Flat file database- it refers to data files that contain records which have small fixed no. Of
fields without any structured relationship.
• Relational database- it stores several data in several tables and link all those tables together
to get a common piece of information.
4. Four components of MS Access 2010 are:
• Title bar
• Quick access toolbar
• Ribbon
• Object tabs
E. Define the following terms.
1. Tables are building blocks of database. they store the computer data in a structured manner
i.e., in form of rows and columns.
2. Data is a set of character that represents a valid value
3. Reports are used to display the selected data in printable format. Reports collect the
summarised data from one or more table queries and organize them in printable format.

Chapter-3 Working with Tables

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Data type
2. 65,536
3. AutoNumber
4. Hyperlink
5. Primary
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (c) Records
2. (a) Shift + Tab
3. (c) Record Navigation Bar
4. (c) Pencil
5. (b) Design
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Data types are used to declare the field of table. A data type determines the type of data, a
specific field can accept.

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2. A primary key is a check on the table that uniquely identifies each record in a table. It does not
contain any duplicate data. Access uses primary key to relate the table records to those in
another table.
3. OLE is used to embed an object created in another application, such as Microsoft word document.
Excel spreadsheet or power point presentation into access table. Hyperlink data type can store
links into web pages, websites, files on an intranet or LAN on your computer.
4. The table can be viewed in the Datasheet View and Design View.
5. On the Home tab, click on the New command in the Records group.

Chapter-4 Working with Queries

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Query
2. Criteria
3. Or
4. Sort
5. Report
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (c) Layout View
2. (c) Design
3. (b) Three
4. (a) Primary key
5. (b) Query and (c) Form
D. Answer the following.
1. Query is a simple question that one asks to find specific information from the database.
Similarly, in access when you build a query you define specific search conditions.
2. A relationship works by matching fields with the same name in both the tables. In most cases
these matching fields are primary key from one table that uniquely defines each record in a
table and foreign key in other table.
3. There are five types of queries in MS Access : select, parameter, crosstab, action, structured,
query language.
4. Form is a piece of paper on which user fills required information in specific fields .in access
forms allows you to add and update data in one record at a time in table.

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5. Report is an effective way to organise and summarise data for viewing or printing. To print a
report, select the File tab and then click on Print > Print Preview > Print.

Chapter-5: App Development

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hybrid Apps
2. App
3. Social Networking
4. Desktop
5. Banking
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Application based questions.
1. Sneha can book her tickets on www.bookmyshow.com, which is an entertainment app.
2. She can use various social media apps, like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.
D. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) News Aggregator
2. (c) Appy Pie
3. (c) Both of these
4. (b) Entertainment
5. (c) E-Commerce
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Different categories of apps are desktop apps, web apps and mobile apps.
2. If you want to build an app from scratch and have control over design, a sound background in
programming will be helpful.
3. Hybrid apps contain both feature on web apps and native apps. These apps can be downloaded
from play store or app store and installed on device. Native apps are the apps that are
developed keeping device specification in minds. Most native apps come pre-installed on a new
phone and can be downloaded from play store or app store.
4. Desktop apps are apps that can be used on desktop or laptop. Generally, they do not need web
access and run independently on computer. To run a desktop app, it must be first installed on
desktop or laptop. Mobile apps run on a smartphone or tablet. Mobile apps have responsive
web designs to adapt to the much smaller screen sizes and orientation of mobile devices.
5. To download and install an app, search for the required app in Play Store. It will display the
relevant list of apps. Select the most suitable one by tapping on the name of the app. If it meets
your requirements, tap on Install button.

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6. Educational apps are equally imp for both students and teachers. Teachers are able to
distribute study material quickly, conduct tests and grade the students efficiently. Parents too
use educational apps to interact more closely with the teachers and thus monitor the progress
of their children.
• Example of Photo Editing for a Desktop: Adobe Photoshop
• Example of Photo Editing for a Web Page: Pixlr
• Example of Photo Editing for a Mobile App: Adobe Photoshop Express and Mobile Pixlr

Worksheet 1
(Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Security
2. Relational
3. Primary
4. Criteria
5. Play Store
B. State True or False
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
C. Multiple–choice questions.
1. (a) Network Card
2. (a) Report
3. (b) Datasheet
4. (c) Sort
5. (b) Paytm
D. Answer in one word or a sentence.
1. Personal Area Network
2. Record
3. Design View
4. Query Table
5. Hybrid
E. Answer the following questions.
• It is restricted to limited geographical • It covers greater distance and operates
area. nationwide.
• Computer terminals are physically • Computer terminals are not physically
connected with each other. connected with each other.
• Data speed is Fast. • Data speed is slow than a LAN.

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2. Different elements of table in a database are: Fields, records, data.
3. A Primary Key uniquely identifies each record in a table. It does not contain any duplicate data.
A table can only one primary key.
4. Following are the two ways using that we can create a query:
• By using Query Wizard
• By using Query Design
The Query Design view provides us more control over a query.
5. Web Apps require an internet connection as they are usually browser based and stored on a
remote server. Users access them like any other web page and then install them on their
computers by adding bookmarks to them.

Chapter-6 Introduction to HTML 5 And CSS

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hypertext
2. Style
3. Value
4. Container
5. Line break
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
C. Multiple–choice questions.
1. (a)<p>
2. (b) web
3. (b)<hr>
4. (a) CSS
5. (c) Declaration
D. Answer the following questions.
1. HTML stands for hypertext markup language .it is complete code package that allows users to
create web pages that contains both text and graphics.
2. Tags are building blocks of web pages. They contain elements that define how the information
on webpage is formatted or displayed. Attributes are the property that provides additional
information about an HTML element. It enhances functionality of a tag.
3. A HTML element consists of an ON tag, the content and an OFF tag. It can be categorised as
container element or empty element.
4. Heading element is used to define heading levels in an HTML document. It is basically used to
emphasise the text. There are six heading levels H1 to H6.
Paragraph element is used to display a long piece of text on web browser. The <p> tag marks a
block of text as a paragraph.

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5. Cascading Style Sheet is a style sheet that provides a set of style rules for defining the layout of
HTML document. Following are the different methods for applying style rule:
• Inline
• Internal or embedded style sheet
• External style sheet

Chapter-7 Advanced Features of HTML

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. list
2. Unordered
3. <tr>
4. Reversed
5. <caption>
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Multiple–choice questions.
1. (a) bulleted
2. (b) 1
3. (b) Type
4. (b) Start
5. (b) Row
D. Answer the following questions.
1. The <UL> tag is used to create an unordered list, whereas the <OL> tag is used to create an
ordered list.
2. The different types of list supported by HTML5 are Unordered list and ordered list. Unordered
list is used when the items are not to be displayed in any particular sequence. The list begins
and ends with <UL> and </UL> tags, respectively. On the other hand, the ordered list is used to
display the list of items in a specific order. The list begins and ends with <OL> and </OL> tags,
3. Tables help in representing data in an attractive way in form of rows and columns.
• To create a table in HTML, the <table> tag is used. Each table begins with the <table> tag
and ends with </table> tag.
• Each row in a table begins with <tr> tag and ends with an optional </tr> tag.
• The column begins with <td> tag and ends with </td> tag.
a. Row: A row is a group of horizontal cells, representing a set of related data. It is also
called a Record.

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b. List-style: The list-style property is a shorthand way for the list-style-type property.
c. Column: A column is a vertical group of related items, extending from top to bottom of
the screen. It is also called a Field.
d. Cell: A cell is the intersection of rows and columns.
e. <li >tag: It is used to display the list of items contained in any of two list types i.e.,
ordered or unordered list.

Chapter-8: Images and Links in HTML 5

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. <img>
2. Alt
3. Hyperlinking
4. Internal
5. Vertical-align
B. State True or False.
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
C. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) href
2. (c) Internal
3. (b) Float
4. (b) Autoplay
5. (b) Video
D. Answer in one word or a sentence.
1. <img> tag
2. Alt attribute
3. Anchor tag <a>
4. <href>
5. autoplay attribute
E. Answer the following questions.
1. To add image in an HTML document, follow the given syntax:
<img src= “address or path of the image file”>
Height, width, alt, align are the different attributes of <img> tag.
2. The ALT attribute displays text as an alternative to the image. Sometimes, a browser on the
user's computer does not display images due to some reasons, in such case, you can display the
text to describe the image. The only purpose of ALT attribute is to describe the contents of an
image file. It also proves to be useful when the user is a blind surfer for whom the browser is
programmed to read aloud the alternative text instead of displaying the image.

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3. In HTML, the anchor tag <A>, is used to mark the text as a hyperlink, which a user can click to
display the web page or website anchored to it. There are two types of linking: Internal linking
and External linking. When one part of a web page is linked with another section on the same
page, it is called the Internal linking, whereas, when one page is linked with another web page
or website, it is called the External linking.
4. We can use <audio> tag to insert an audio file in a web page. The following code demonstrate
the use of <audio> tag.
<title>Adding Audio Clip</title>
<style type="text/css">
<body >
<h3 style=color:blue> Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the
and life to everything. </h3>
<audio controls src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kalimba.mp3" >
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
5. Attributes associated with the <video> tag are given below:
• src – Specifies the URL of the video file
• controls – Displays the controls on the web page

Chapter-9: Cloud Computing

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hybrid
2. OneDrive
3. 5GB
4. Skype
5. Tiles

B. State True or False

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True

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5. False
C. Application Based Question
1. Rapid elasticity
2. One drive settings
D. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (b) Private
2. (a) One drive
3. (b) Get a link
4. (a) Rigidity
5. (a) Dropbox
E. Answer in one word or a sentence.
1. Resource pooling
2. Community cloud
3. Sort option
4. Public cloud
5. Skype button
F. Answer the following questions.
1. Cloud computing refers to manipulating, configuring and accessing the applications online.
2. Cost effective: It provides access to numerous storage facilities and applications.
Reliability: It is much more reliable for data management, backup and recovery from failures.
3. A public cloud is a provisioned for open use by general public while private cloud is owned and
used by single organisation over a private network
4. To upload a file on OneDrive:
• Click on upload button.
• Select files or folders option from displayed list.
• Locate and select files or folders you want to upload, in the Open dialog box. Click on the
Open button.
5. On demand self service
Resource pooling
Broad network access
Rapid elasticity

Chapter-10: Cyber Threats and Safety

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Stalker
2. Cyber bullying
3. Virus
4. Firewall
5. Biometrics
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. True
3. False

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4. False
5. True
6. True
C. Application based question.
1. Antivirus
2. Program file virus
D. Multiple-choice questions.
1. (a) Vital Information Resources Under Seize
2. (b) Multipartite Virus
3. (c) Macro
4. (a) Antivirus
5. (b) Encryption
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Cybercrime is an illegal act done through the internet e.g. identity threat.
2. Cyber stalking is an act in which an attacker harasses a victim through email, social media, chat
rooms etc. by monitoring or view a victim’s online activities.
Cyber bullying is an act of harming or harassing through technology in a deliberate manner by
posting embarrassing photos and videos to hurt the person.
3. It is an act of sending an email to user misleading him or to believe that it is from a trusted
person or an organisation.
4. By Installing an antivirus software, you can prevent and remove viruses from a computer.
You can protect our system from unauthorized access by using the technique called encryption.

Worksheet 2
(Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Tags
2. Reversed
3. <img>
4. One drive
5. Cybercrime
B. State True or False.
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
C. Multiple –choice questions.
1. (a) <br>
2. (b) <ul>
3. (b) Google docs

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4. (c) src
5. (a) Identity theft
D. Answer in one word or a sentence
1. WYSIWYG stands for -what you see is what you get
2. Ordered list
3. Multimedia refers to multiple mediums which have the ability to add bits of sound and moving
pictures to web page.
4. Customer relationship management
5. Cyber vandalism
E. Answer the following questions.
1. HTML stands for hypertext markup language. It is a complete code package that allows users to
create web pages that contains both text and graphics. Basic tools required to work with HTML
documents are:
• Html editor
• Browser
2. CSS is a style sheet that provides a set of rules for defining the layout of html documents.
Benefits of CSS are:
• Control layout of many documents from one single sheet.
• More precise control of layout.
• Apply different layouts to different media types.
3. To insert an image in a webpage, define its syntax like this:
<img src = “Address or path of the image file”>.
To insert an image in a table cell, define its syntax like this:
<td> <img src = “Address or path of the image file”></td>
4. Characteristics of cloud computing-
• Resource pooling- It allows multiple consumers to pool the resources available on the cloud
simultaneously from any location.
• Measured service- cloud computing is based on pay for what you use model where resource
usage is monitored, measured and reported temporarily.
5. Antivirus software are used to scans the computer files to look for known viruses from virus
dictionary. It also identifies suspicious behavior of any computer program.

©Kips Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2020

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