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ye Weer: Farseers. Aspect Warriors, Warlocks and Wraithguard in Space Hulk by Ian Pickstock ‘The Eldar are one of the most technologically advanced races in the galaxy, having surpassed needing clunky computers and electronics. The Eldar make use of psychic networks and the captured spirits of fallen Eldar to power their machines and enhance their troops. Just like the Imperium, the Eldar Craftworids face the problems of combating the menace of Space Hulks. Lacking the protection and fire power of the Adeptus ‘Astartes' Terminator squads, the Eldar use their great variety of Aspect Warriors da deal with the Genestealer threat i a totally unique way. 1 ths ail wil cover fl res fr uring Dire Avengem, Fre Dragos, Seking Seorpion, owing Booed Dak Reaper Aspect Warfoe, Plus rules for Exar, Forces, Warlocks and Wenthgoer. Tse ries wil alow you Ince Cadet large fnge of Ear Spurs n your games of Space Halk Unformataly cto the eof hese tere inet roof lncode a mimion or scampaig. Lange at ease opeceeeta nace a eetegemetee ven event your own. fou have my soggestons or maybe teen mission or campaign of your own, fe fe to send cian PARSEERS ‘The most powerful sers of ll are the Farsoers, of which every craftworld only has very few. They donot normally wake, but spend thei time in state of ance, thei spirits roaming at will through the Wraithbone, directing the prycho-energy flow throughout the eatie Craftword. Ther visionary skills enable the Elda to avoid dangers that beset Craftworls, exploring possible future paths that ie ahead and determining how those paths may be aller. Eldar Farsers do not normally Fightin the Eldi's were but in times of great ncod his incomparable powers willbe employed. When the Eldar come in wo eantact With Space Hulks 2 Farseer is rarely needed in the actual ‘combat, but a Farseer will always control the Eldar assault ‘rom the security of the Craftworld In the Craftword iis possible for the Farzer to draw on the great powers of the Wraithbone and the Dome of Crystal Seers to aid determining the naure ofthe enemy they face and how best the Eldar can neutralise them, In Space Hulk Eldar forces do not have Command Points, insteed they call onthe powers oftheir Farser to guide them, ‘The Farsset acts litle bit ike a Space Marine Commander, ‘monitoring the force's progress and directing the overall salcgy. The main difference is that rstesd of monitoring the force usine scanners andthe mothership computers Farseer uses his peyehic powers and the Wraitbone to monitor the force on both the physical andthe psychi plane. The Farscer is able to help by predicting ch fuure end using his psychic powers wo eier eanance is forces or reduce te ellecveness of the enemy or even to use a powerful psychic power to relly preven th enemy's scion. 34 ‘The Farser is represented by adock of special card, each card hhas a particular ection on it thatthe Farsecr ean perform to assist the Eldar force. Before the game begins shuffethe deck of cards and place them face down inthe middle of the table ‘At he beginning ofthe Eldar player's tum he should rll a Dé. ‘The number rolled is the numberof cards which the Eldar player can take, The Eldar player should study his hand fora fev seconde and decide which onc of the cards he is going to use that tm, Afier he hs decided the unused cards should be placed face up in a discard pile. The Eldar player should hold ‘on tothe car, He can play the card a anytime in either tis Eldar turn or his opponents following tr. If tthe end of his ‘opponent’ following tur: the eard s still unused thea i is ‘wasted and should be placed inthe discard pile ‘Once all the cards ae inthe discard pile you should shuffle ‘hom again and conte uring them as before, (© Copyright Games Workshop Lal 1994. Alvighsresorved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. | ‘© Copyright Games Workshop Lid. 1994. All sighs reserved, SPACE HULK - ELDAR ASPECT WARRIORS DIRE AVENGERS Dire Avengers are the most rumerous ofall the Aspect the thiriken catapult combined with the lighining fa ‘Warors andthe have snes vn natn Auenger mates hn ston re on on all the Craftworlés. The more dangerous. They use thee high dexteriy to increase the Dire Avenger's high Rexibilty rate offre without losing accuracy. makes them one of the most {seful Aspect Warrior types to Once per turn a Dire Avenger may use his Shuriken Storm Use to defend against attacks ability. The ability costs IAP to activate, Once activated the from Genestealers. simply Die Avenger may roll one extra die when firing his shuriken ‘gunning down the catapult. Afterthe shuriken storm has been activated then ifthe Genestealers in droves with Dire Avenger makes any other action other fring the shuriken their deedly accurate shurken Catapult, bo wil immediately lose the shuren storm ably catapults ‘and he will not be able to use it gain that arm. Movement Dize Avengers have 5 APs o spend on moving and shooting. ‘The costs for their actions are listed on the Eldar Aspect ‘Warsors Action Summsry ‘Clase Combat ‘A Dire Avenger tolls one die in close combat and subsets 1 from the score. Note this takes into account that the Dire ‘Avenger caries alas pistol sde-arm, ‘Shuriken Catapult ‘The shuriken catapult (Eldar: Tuelean) are almost unique to the Eldar, their technology is extremely advanced and Very ficult to replicate. The shuriken catapult i built sround « {gravtie ccslerator, The accelerator creates a peristalic sft From the front to the tear of the firing chamber, hurling the shuriken missles forward at wemendous Velocity. A burt of| Several missiles ean be red mma Traction of 8 second in this way. {A Dite Avenger armed witha Shuriken Catapult rolls swo dice and can be used ia move an fire actions, The shuriken ‘caput is capable of sustained fire, she bonuses ate as detailed below. Note that in the hands of 2 Dize Avenger the shuren catapults eapable ofa much greter rate offre and when used ‘by models other then Dize Avengers the maximum sustained fire bona is +2. Shot First shot Second shot: ‘Third Shot: Forth & subsequent shots: Dire Avenger, Striking Scorpion and Hovling Banshee Bonus 0 4 12 #4 GT oe ead "AP Table Action Move forward 1 square: Move backward I square: Move sideways 1 square Tun 90% ‘Tumlko Set Overwateh: (Clear jam: ‘Open Close Doar Action ‘Move forward 1 square ‘Move backward I square: ‘Move sideways 1 square: Tuma Tumi 80" Set Overwatch: (Clear ja: ‘Open Close Door: Dark Reaper and Fire Dragon AP Table AP Cost ‘SPACE HULK - ELDAR FIRE DRAGONS . ‘The Fire Dragons are less aumerous than the Dire ‘Avengers and their favoured ‘ode of warfare is specialised. ‘They wear red and carry a smeliagun which dalivers a ‘lest of ions heat. Movement Fire Dragons have 5 APs to spend en moving and | shooting. The casts for their ‘ction sre listed on the Eldar Aspect Warrior Action ] Summary. ‘Close Combat A Fire Dragon rolls one dice in close combat and subuacts 1 from the seore. Note this takes into account thatthe Fire Dragon canes lari cam, ‘Shooting ‘ize Dragons are armed with meltz-guns. The melia-gun works ‘by sub-moloculae(stmic) thermal agitation. A target hit by a mltagun will suddenly become very hot and spontancotly ‘combust, melt nto molin slag or justevaporate. Altough this ‘makes the weapon deadly against almost any target, it does Ihave a serious drawback. The melta-gun ean cause serious ‘damage [othe supersimctre of a Space Hulk. The melie-gun reused againat e angle target, jun make the appropriate rll {kill or destroy the target, a8 indicated on the weapon table ‘below. The melta-gun cost 2APs to fire, has a range of 8 ‘squares may heute in move and Fe actions. does rol bene from sustained fire and eannot be used in overwatch. The ‘melia-gun asa limited supply of ammunition and only has six shot. af melt gun can be reloaded at cost of 4APs. 38 [If the meltegun kis or destroys the target, their is a chance ‘that the blast will ereate a pitfall. Rol as on azoll of 4, Sor {the shot ereates a pttal. Place a pitfall marker onthe boar. ‘A Fire Dragon may deliberately create a pitfall - The Fire ‘Dragon can fire his melia-gun ate square within his range. Oa ‘roll of a2 or more the shor his and a pial is ereated. Dragon Armour - Special Ablity Fire Dragon aspect armour cons thick oxibo plates and is ‘adorned with seals a spiny protrson. These doramens have ‘another purpose in addition to making them look like the _ytical beast which they portray. The scales and proiusions make is very good at deflecting damage which would Kl he Fire Dragon. To represen this if « Fire Dragon i killed by a shooting or close combat atack, roll « D6. Om roll of a6 the Gamage is deflected and the etiack has no effect on the Fire Dragon. DARK REAPERS ‘The Dark Reapers are the ret hesvly armed ofthe common Aspects. Their black armour is) made from heavy interlocked plates end they have heavy Tower leg atmour to stabilise their hodies £0 that they can im and fre ‘ore accurately. Dark Reapers are armed with eadly long range missile launcher and their role in Space Hulk fighting isto defend the rear and large open areas Tike eargo bays and hhangats from Genesteaer infestation. Movement Dark Reapers have 4 APs to spend on moving and shooting. The costs for their scsons are listed on the Elder AP Costs Table Close Combat ‘A Dark Reaper rolls one dice in close combat and subtracts 2 from the sore. Dark Reapers are ata disadvantage in close combat dec to the heavy bulkof their amour and Weaponry. Shooting Dark Reapes are equipped with a deadly missile launcher. The different types of ammo which ean be loaded into a missile launcher make ita very useful and flexible weapon to have supporting « Space Hulk assault. The missile launcher has fag missile for clearing out large murbers of lightly armed targets, like purestains and hybrids. Super Krak missiles can be used to destroy doors, bulkheads andTuraitor Terminators, While plasma missles can block important lines ofaiack and allow {he ster assault troops to out-flank the enemy. ‘A missile launcher costs 2APE to Fie and eannot be used 10 perform move and fre ecions. ‘A missile auncher ean fue de types of ammunition and has ‘a unlimited supply ofall thee type, The player must slot ‘what type of emmunition the Dark Reaper is firing before rolling any dice to hi. A missle ltcher receives no sustained fre bent, Super Krak ‘Soper Kes recieve againe ingle targets jet mata the appropriate roll o kill or destroy the target a5 indicated on the weapon table atthe end ofthis ace, Plasma Plasma missles affect all the models and features on an entire ‘board, much inthe same way as flamer hit-as the effects are nearly instantaneous, plasma missle explosions block neither ‘movement of Tine of sight. end no marker remains on the tlfected board section. board secon. much in the same way as mer hie Once = frag missile has been fired place 4 fag marker on the arget ‘ard section to show ha ine of right ough thet section is blocked Diarh Reaper Range Fleder - Special ADIILy ‘The Dark Reaper's armour incorporates a complex array of sensory and range finding equipment liked to their weapons. ‘The Range Finder i able'o lock on to moving targets a extremely useful for identifying teats in Space Hulks. A Dark Reaper may set Overwatch with is missile launcher. To set overwatch conte 2APs, The overwatch works in erect the ‘Same way ss normal overwatch. The Dark Reaper must decide ‘what ammnition he is loading when he sete overwatch and after he hs fired the frst shot, overwatch i lost and the fverwatch counter removed, STRIKING SCORPIONS ‘The Striking Scorpions aro amongst the most powerful of the fend-to-hand. fighting Warrior Aspects. Meir green armour is especially thick and resilicat and every shrine has its own individual system oF yellow, black or orange patterning, Striking Scorpions carry. powered -saw-tooth, ‘words Called chainswords a8 ‘well as shuriken pistols. But their own unigue weapon makes them very useful for ‘Space Halle combats. Movement Striking Scorpions have 5 APs to spend on moving and ‘Shooting. The costs for their actions are isteé on the Eldar AP. Coste Tebie. Close Combat {A Striking Scorpion rolls one dice in close combat, The striking scorpion is also armed with a chainsword. The ‘haineword it long blade with a powered cheinsaw edge Studded with monomolecular teoth capable of slicing through ‘rmour and sinew alike. The chainsword allows the Sirk Scorpion to parry in close combat. After both sides have rolled ‘their close combat attacks, The Eldar player may force his to reroll one of ther dice. Note the naw roll stands ‘even iit is beter than the first one. A Striking Seorpion may ‘only parry when he is Facing his opponent. The benefits of the CChainsword and the Shuriken pistol have alrady been taken into secount in his close combat facwr. SPACE HULK - ELDAR Shooting ‘The Striking Scorpion may use his shuriken pistol for ranged stacks. The shuriken pistol works exactly Ike the shuriken catapult. Only with reduced range and rate of fire. The ‘Shuriken pistol costs 1 AP to fire and may also be used 10 perform move and fr actions. For each shot roll one dice. The Shuriken pistol has a 12 square range, may be used in ‘Qverwatch and has the following sustained fire bonuses. Shot Bonus Fist shot 0 ‘Second shot “ ‘Third and subsequent shows: 2 Manaiblasters- Special Abitty ‘The mandibieter is «short range laser wespon used to deliver a deadly sting to a target before close combat. The ‘manslblasters are wom ike tsks on either side ofthe warrior Fnelmet and are activated by psychic pick up inthe helmet. The ‘mandiblasers fire a steam of tiny metallic needles straight forward into the target. These needles cannot do mach damage, but hey act a5 a conductive medium though which ‘Be Suey Seorplon detvers su aura ser ey ng ‘Whenever the Suiking Scorpion eter invates lose combat or is attacked in close combat. The Striking Scorpion may rake an immedite mendilaserallack, This ation i fe td the Striking Seorpion dossn't have to pay any APs t do 50. “The mendiblaster attack works enacly like ranged attack, ‘The Sariking Scorpion rells one dice making the appropriate roll 9 destoy or Kil the target, 8 indicated on the table below. [Note this isthe only way mandiblasters can be used. The Striking Scorpion may not fire them in any ther manner. SPACE HULK - ELDAR HOWLING BANSHEES ‘The Howling Banshees are the most Tightly equipped of the ‘most common types of Aspect Warrior. They are swift and mobile troops who are most deadly in hand-to-hand fighting. Their berabecs ena contain psycho sonie amplifiers which intensifies their bate screams into mind \ destroying. barrages. This inficts a severe shock to the Central nervous system of the ldar's foe causing momentary paralysis. Their costumes are bone-coloured while thei Faming shock of hair is orenge. Most Howling Banshees are female, although any Warrior Aspect can be male or female. Movement Howling Banshees have 6 APs t spend on moving and shooting: The coss for their ations ae sted on the Eldar AP Costs Table. Close Combat ‘A Howling Banshee rolls one dice in close combat. The Howling Banshee is also armed with a power sword, The power sword is «long lade surrounded with a hazy blue nergy field which disrupis any solid mater it ouches, earing ‘apart. The power sword allows the Swiking Scorpion 0 parry in close combat, After both sides have rolled their close ‘combat atacks. The Eldar player may force his opponent to reroll one of their dive, Note the new roll ands even if itis ‘eter than the first one. A Howling Banshee may only parry when the je facing her opponent. The benefits of the power ‘word andthe lapistol have already bow taken iniosceount in her close combat factor. Shooting ‘The Howling Banshee may use her lspistol for ranged attacks ‘The laspirtl costs 1 AP to fie and may also be used 10 perform move and fre ations For each shot oll one dice. The Iaspistol has a 12 squae range, may be sed in overwatch and emt be used for sustained Fire ‘Banshee Mask - Speclal Ability ‘Banshee Masks contain a special psycho sonic amplifier which Intensifies the Eldar steaming bate cry oa piercing shrick Howling Benshocs are trained how t release ther rage as they charge into close comb, and taught how to focus and project resultant screams against their enemies. Enemies exposed to this prychie seam safer almost total paralysis as thei central nervous system is Nooded with unbearable levels of psychic enecey. ‘A Howling Banshee may activate her mask fr free, by she ust move at least three squares to do so. Wherever the Howking Banshee is athe ond of the her tum, the thee square in front of her (sce diagram) are affected by the Banthee Mask's peyenie scream. Any models afected by a psychic cream rede the numberof dice they rll in lose combat by ‘one. Place special -1 Banshee Mask counters next to the ‘fected models, The model remain affeced by the psychic Serear until the beginning of te noxe Eldar turn. Note it possible for modo to be affected by more than one peychic Scream, in which case the attack dice should be reduce by the Sppropviate amount and adiional coanter placed to indicate ‘SPACE HULK - ELDAR EXARCHS ‘The Exarchs are high priests ofthe bloody-handed God and. Keepers of the shrines of the Aspect Warriors. They are warriors who have become trapped in their Warrior Aspect ‘This is a danger every Aspoct Warrior faces: his mind may ‘become trapped upon the warrior path, and he may never recover his full personality. An Exarch wears an elaborate and often ancient version of Aspect Armour. From his shrine he taker the spirit stone that contain all the departed spits ofall the past Exarchs He assumes the sacred name associated with the Stone and his sprit mingles with those Eldar who have bore the stone since the shrines inception. His personality is lost into the greater heroic being that bears the Exarch’s name. Memories and experiences merge with his own, his own life ‘become just another stage inthe life ofthe spirit stone, and the heroic warrior reborn with new flesh, ‘As well as being powerful wariors in their own right, Exarchs facta leaders forthe Aspect Warriors. For each Exarch in your Terce you may ad 30 sees to the time for the Eldar player 10 complete his tun Movement Exarehs have 5 APs wo spend on moving end shooting. The cost for their acions are Hstedon the Eldae AP Coss Table, Clone Combat ‘An Enarch rolls one dice and subirects 1 from the score in lose combat. The Exarch may gain bonuses to ther cose combat factor depending upon theit Aspect and what Weaponry they are crying. EXARCH ASPECTS Allof the Aspoct Warrior shrines have their own Exazchs and Tike the Aspoct Warrior the Exarchs carry situlised wargear tnd tain in specialise skills in order to assume thir portcslar |Aspoct of tha Bloody-Handed God. DIRE AVENGER ‘The Dire Avenger Exarch is srmed with shaiken eatapalt ‘and Taspistol. The shuriken ‘catapult works in exactly the same ways normal shriken catapult and the laspistol allows the Exarch to add +1 to his close combat ols. Shuriken Storm Dire Avenger Exarchs have the Shoriken Storm ability as fate fore Avenger Aes Crack Shot {A shuren catapult in the hand of a Dire Avenger Exarch is lethal. The Exarch ean fire untold burst with supreme accuracy. Whenever the Dire Avenger Exarch rolls dice t shoot, he may reroll one dice Dire Sword - Ancient Weapon ‘The Direeword is a dak blade encrusted with Seer Runes - many so old that they can no longer be read. As the sword is held these runes twist and shift spelling out in ther inscrutable ‘nay the fates of those who behold it A Dize Avenger Exarch may exchange his shuriken catapult for s Diresword, An Bxarch with a Dire Sword may add 41 w their close combat rolls and parry twice. After both sides have rolled their close ‘combat aftacks. The Eldar player may force his opponent 10 reroll one of ther dee, Note the new roll stands even if tis ‘ewer than we es one. Bare may only pry when hes {acing his opponent. Tha Direswerd allows the user 1 parry tice, 2 if they don’ like the frst reroll they may parry again ‘A Dite Avenger Exarch armed with a Dire Sword may use his Iaspisol for ranged atacks. The laspistal costs 1 AP fo fie and may also be used to pecform move and fie actions, For each shot roll one dice. The laspistol has a 12 square range may be ‘ed in overwatch and eannot be used for sustained Fre Bright Lance - Ancient Weapon ‘The bright lance isa distinctive high powered laser wespon rather like a stripped-down Inscannon. The bright lance sucrifices some of the range and punch of heavier laser ‘Weapons fora faster recharge rate and lighter weight. These ‘Goaltice eke the irglance an teal weapon for Space HU combats, allowing the Exatch to bound down corridors, ‘squezzing off bast of deadly laser energy. A Bright Lance is ‘ery utefl in Space Hulk combats allowing the user to make lighting hit and run atacks with some serious Firepower. A Dire Avenger Exarch may exchange his shuren catyplt with 1 Bright Lance. The Bright lance costs 2APS to fie, can be ‘used in move and fire actions, doesn't receive sustained fire bonuses and may not be used on overvaich. a SPACE HULK - ELDAR | FIRE DRAGON ‘The Fire Dragon Exarch is srmed with a melts-gun and aspistol. The shurtken catapalt works in exactly the same way asa normal Shuriken catapult andthe Iaspistol allows the Exarch to add +1 t0 his close combat roll. Dragon Armour ‘The Fire Dragon Exarch have the Dragon Armour ability stated for Fire Dragon Aspect Warriors, Tough | Fire Dragon Exarchs are even more impervious to damage than the Fire Dragon Aspect warriors. Not only are they protected by the thicker Exarch Armour, but they seem to have sixth sense for judging incoming fre, and moving to take it {he thicker parts oftheir armour. The Fie Dragon Exarch may sad one ois ols for Dragon Armout Giving him a save of @ 5+ on one dice against any shooting or close combat attacks ‘which Kill the Exar. Firepike - Ancient Weapon ‘The Firepike isan ilrcate and elegant Eider heat weapon, an sncient ertfact ceated before the fll of the Eldar. A Prpie isa from of long range melia-gun which ean blast holes ‘through armour and flesh with ease. A Fire Dragon Exarch ‘may exchange his melta-gun for a Puepike. The Firepike is ‘sed ageinst a single target, just make the appropriate roll 12 ‘cil of destroy the target, o¢ indicated on the weepon table bolow. The Firepike cost 2APs to fire, has a range of 12 squares, may be Used in move tnd fie aeons, doesnot benefit ‘om sustained fire and cannot be used in overwateh. The Fropiks has a limited supply of ammunition and only has six shots, aller Which mute de reloaded, The Fiopike can be feloaded at cost of 4APs. Ifthe Firepike kil or destroys the target, there is chance that ‘he bast wil erate a pitfall Rolla D6 on aroll of 4,5 or 6 the shot creates a ital. Place « pitfall marker on the board. A Fire Dragon may atiompt to daliberataly cress pitfall. The Fire Dragon may choose to fie his Firepike at square within bistange -On azoll of 2 or more the shots succesfully and pills ereated, 42 DARK REAPER ‘The Dark Reaper Exarch i armed with a misile launcher and laspistol. The missile launcher works exactly lke a normal ‘missile Inmcher and the Ingpstolsllows the Exareh to add 1 to his close combat rolls. Unfortunately duc to the added bali ‘of the missile launcher a Dark Reaper Exarch must deduct 2 from his close combat rolls Dark Reaper Range Finder - Special Abity ‘The Dark Reaper Exarchs have the Dark Reaper Range Finder bility as wated for Dark Reaper Aspest Warriors. Mighty Strike It s quite common for Dark Reaper Exarchs to train in the skis of close combat. This may seem strange and a stark Contrast to the Derk Reaper Aspect. But on the batlefiel, the Dark Reaper Exarch ean use is skills to protect the Dark Reaper Aspect warriors from clogs combat, allowing them to contmue their devastating barages. A Dark Reaper Exarch takes great use ofthe Dark Reaper Aspect Armour, using the servo-assisted arms that help the Dark Reaper to wield his ‘missile Inuncher, to deliver awesome close combat Blows. & Dark Reaper Exarch may roll two dice in elose combat, with sormal modifies, ‘Shuriken Cannon - Ancient Weapon ‘A Dark Reaper Exarch may exchange his misile amncher for ‘2 Shuriken Shrieker Cannon. The Shuriken Shrieker Cannon (Eldar: Banna) is en upgraded version of the shuriken ‘atapult witha longer bare When fring shuriken ammo the ‘Wespon follows these rules. The shoriken czanon role two ice, has a unlited range ulin emununion and galas ‘the following sustained fire bonuses: Shot Bonus Firstshot: ° Second shot: “1 ‘Third and subsequent shoe: 2 ‘When used by 2 Dark Reaper Exarch it costs 1AP to fice and ‘cannot be used in move and ie actions, ‘The shuriken cannon may be eed in everwatch. The shuren cannon rolls two dice and jams if a double is rolled. A Dark ‘Reaper with #shurikea cannon does not use his Dark Reaper ‘Range Finder to fire his shuriken cannon, [Note that although the shuriken shrieker cannon ean fire different types of ammunition it’s shrieker ammo has very Tittle effect on board Space Hulks. Fighting in cramped conditions against an elite enemy who isnot affected by the psychological effect of srieker ammo, "Web of Skulls - Ancient Weapon ‘The web of skulls consists of three erystal skulls linked together by length of chain. The wespon ie erasped by the Tinks of chain and cast like a spinning bolas, and will viomatically rum to its user. A Dark Reaper Exarch may. ‘exchange his missle launcher fora web of sili, The web of skulls ean also be used in close combat ikea sil or amoming ‘Star, The web of skulls allows the user to add 11ohis die vols in close combat. For ranged fire the web of skull rolls one se, cons 1APto fide na ge susuned fs Done nd ‘cannot be used for overwaten Ife We OF SkuS KS's Ot ‘target then the Eldar player ean attempt to hit another target with 2 squares ofthe original. Rol to kil as before, I that rll ‘succoode then the Eldar player may ettempt fo Lill anather {arget within 2 squares of the second. If any of the rll fail, or there are no targets with 2 squares of the Web of Skulls has ‘eiled vee targets thea twill eum tothe Exarch. STRIKING SCORPION “The Striking Scorpion Exarch is aimed with sshurken pistol anda chainsword. The shuriken pistol allows him to A fad 1 to his close combet rolls ‘The chainsword also allows him to add 1 to his close © ‘combat rol and to parry. After both sides have rolled their close combat attacks. The Eldar player may force his ‘opponcat io reroll one of helt ‘ice, Note the new roll stands J ven itis bea than the fist ‘one. A Stiking Scorpion may only parry win he is facing his ‘opponeet. Shooting, ‘The Striking Scorpion may use his shuriken pistol for ranged asiacks, The shuriken ofsiol works exactly ike the shuriken catapult. Only with seduced range and rate of fire. The ‘Shuriken pistol costs 1 AP to fire and may also be used to perform move and fire ations For each sho roll one dice. The Phusiken pistol hae a 12 square range, may be used in ‘overwatch and has de following sustains fire Bonuses. Shot Bonus First shot 0 Second shot “1 ‘Thid and subsequent shots 2 ‘Mandiblasters- Spectal Ability ‘The Suiking Scorpion Exarchs have the Mandiblasers ability as stated for Suiking Seorpion Aspect Warriors, Stealth « Special AbIIy ‘The Swiking Scorpion Aspoct wain in the ext of silent Weel, ‘They aim to move upon the enemy without hien being aware and then deliver their deadly sting. As Exarchs the striking Scorpion have developed their skill to 3 fine at A Striking Scorpion Exarch ean only be shot ati he firer is within © squares ofthe Exarch. Biting Sword - Ancient Weapon ‘The Biting Sword isa heavy chairsword with woth made fom. crystalline shards which originate from before the fall. An Exarch may replace his chaisword with a Biting Sword, The Biting Sword allows the Exarch to ad 2 wo his close combat sand to parry in close combat. After bth sides have rolled theit else combat attacks. The Eldar player may force his ‘opponent to reroll one of their dice. Note tho new roll sands ven iis better than the ist one, A Stking Scorpion may only pary when he i acing his opponent. HOWLING BANSHEE “The Howling Banshee Exarch is armed with lgpstol and a [power sword. The laspisiol allows her to add 1 to her close ‘Sombat rolls. The power sword also allows hero add Iw her ‘lose combat rol and to parry. After both sides have rolled thelr close combat auacks. The Eldar player may force his ‘opponent to reroll one oftheir dice. Note the new roll stance ven i itis beter than the Fist one. A Howling Banshee may ‘aly parry when she i facing her opponent. Shooting ‘The Howling Banshee may ue her laspisiol for ranged ascks. ‘The lspisiol works exsely like a normal larpstl as printed inthe ble at the end ofthis arsle. ‘SPACE HULK - ELDAR Banshee Mask -Spectal ADIIty ‘The Howling Banshee Exarchs have the Banshee Mask ability sas stated for Howling Banshee Aspect Waris. ‘War Shout - Special AbiICy AllBanshee Exarch ae tained to produce the limate psychic screams from theie banshee mask and ean sctuslly inflict damage othe enemy wih he payee seam. In aiton 1 Ine elfeets staled above at any Lime in her movement @ Howling Banshee Exarch may use hee War Shout. The War ‘Shout costs LAP to activate and has the following effect. The ‘Wear Shout acts just like section effect wespon. All none fon the board section take hit on the Power Axe- Ancient Weapon ‘The power axe is another more potent form of Eldar Power ‘weapon. As well a being able 10 use it in close combat the power axe can be used 1o cut down doors and bulkheads, it's Tange heavy head cutting through plastee like «hot knife ‘Gyough butier. A Howling Banshee Exarch may exchange her power sword fora power axe. A power axe allows the Exar to add 1 ther olls in close comb. The power axe cen also be ‘employed o break doors and bulkheads down. This costs LAP {ora door and 2AP fora bulkhead. No ol is needed, the target is uatoraeally destroyed, SPACE HULK - BLDAR WRAITHGUARD ‘Wistar ace the pics ofthe ving dead emrine within Tobotls bodies. The power that animaics these warrior trachines is dawn fom the. Westhbone core of the Gratton, Only in tes of great need are the Sad called Spon is way atthe WroiRoone coef vie source of Ercrgy othoot which he Gafivorié woud ns survive. The ‘Wenthgoard form an import fighting free sboard Space Tati, entmely ugh bie able ote substantial ‘unishpent, whist dealing deat 0 al oes with ei deadly Waitcennon Movement ‘Wrathguard have 4APs to spend on movement, Wraidhguard may only make movement actions, in order to make other factions they require the assistance ofa Warlock to guide their pia dis hough the rea nivese Shooting Wealtguard may not shoot unless ordered 10 do so by 2 Warlock I's Wraihguard has boon ordered to sho0t thea i will have a fire" order counter net toi The Wraithgard ray fie k's Wesithennon once a any point i i's umm ata Corot IAP. It is posible for a Wrasthguard to be given Several re order by a Warlock nd itmny Tire many times as Tong ast has sufficient APS iaabeTansaimeae aceaealy Penida peg rs ae ica Sees nee Deen eet Saree nar: ‘similar to that of the D-cannon but the resulks are more tightly ed ee ee eee ae AGEs oo eee fea pee a lg Overwateh ‘The Wraithcannon can be used on overwatch. But the Wraithguard will have to be ordered on overwatch by 2 Warlock and for esch overwatch shot will needa fire order Hf the Wralihguard rans out of Fire Order counter then Femove the overwaich counter. Ita Wraidhguatd as out of Fie A ‘courier it loses overwatch aviomaticaly CE erase ac Close Combat Wrsktnguard may not iniate clove combat unless ordered 19 do 20 by a Warlock. Note that 2 Wraithguard may always defend itself if stacked in close combat. Ifa Wraithgusr is ‘ordered to intiste a close combat, then ic will have a Close ‘Combet Order counter next oi. The Wraithguard may initiate ‘close combat at any point in it's move ata cost of TAP. The ‘Wraithguerd will contin to inate close combats at acost of {LAP unil either tha Weaithguard or i's opponent is destroyed or the Wraitnguard runs out of APs. A Wraithguard rolls one ‘ice in close combat. A Wraithguard rolls one dice in close combat Destroying Wralthguard Wralthguard are constructed out of an unknown Wraithbone which fe moulded into shape by special psykers called bone- Fingers. The Wealthguard are very tough and difficult to ‘estoy. To represent his, whenever a nest which indicates a Walthguard je dertroyed cities by shooting close combat or “The stack on the Wraithguard only resulta a {ow pieces of i's thick Wraithbone being blown off. The Wraithguard is undamaged. “The Wrsithguar is nocked to the ground by ‘the tack but is unharmed. The model ust spend 4APs standing up next turn. The ‘Wraithgoard wt deduct 2 foal further close combat oils whilst on the ground. ‘The Wrathguard is destroyed and should be removed from the board as ustal, "The Weaithgused is destroyed and the spit stone releases is energy into the wacp with ® Ioriffe moan, There is a chance tat models ‘nearby may be sucked with Rel a dice for ‘each medel on the same boar section asthe ‘Wraithgvard. On all of a6 the model is ‘consumed bythe warp and desuoyed. SPACE HULK - ELDAR WARLOCK The Eldar are psychically sensitive {ace and have the inner a strength to develop thes ee mek % extraordinary ways, Eldar who choose this path are call seers, The Eldar have many kinds ‘of sears each tained in specific discipline. One ‘of those disciplines is that of focusing your powers to destructive effect. These the most ‘powerful of seers are called Warlocks. A Warlock is able not ‘only provide psychic support on the balefield, but he can also tune sn and control Wraithguard, Movement ‘Warlocks have 5 APs to spend on moving and shooting, The ‘costs for ther actions are sted on tho Eldar AP Coxis Table Shooting ‘The Warlock may use his laspistol for ranged attacks. The laspistol costs | AP to fire and may also be used to perform smeve and fire ations. For each sho roll one ice. The lapis har 2 square range, may be used in overwaich and cant be sed for sustained fie. Close Combat ‘A Warlock rolls one dice nd subtrats | from the sore. Note ‘hat this nclades the +1 bonds for laspist Witch Blade A Witch Blade is e unique Eldar weapon which channels psychic energy though crystalline matrix. A Warlock armed ‘with a Witch Blade may add +1 to close combat rolls and allows the Warlock to parry. After both sides have rolled their ‘lose combat attacks. The Bidar player may force his opponsnt 'o rexel one of their dice, Note the now roll sins oven if ie ‘better than the fist one. A Warlock may only parry when bei faving his opponent. The Witch blade les two further woes. Firs, dhe Warlock may use it store excess psi-points atthe nd of his tum, The stored psi-points may be used in later ums to enhance the Warlock close combat sere, When 3 Warlock Fights a round of close combat, he can expend psi-poins 1 augment his ol. For psi-pint that he expends he may ad 110 his close combat rel. The Warlock must announce how many Ds-poins he is expending before he rolls any dice. The Witch Bade stars the game with DS psi-poins stored in i Ps-points Warlocks get their power from the Warp inthe same way 1s ‘other psykers, This power is measured in si-poinis. At the beginning of each Eldar tum rll adie for each Waslock. The results the numberof ps-poins thatthe Warlock hast spend inhis own andthe opponents following turn. At the énd of he unles sored in « Witch Blade, Controiting Wralthguard ‘Warlocks are able to use their powers to guide the conned in Wraithguard through the real universe. For each [AP or Ps-point thatthe Warlock spends he may order any er all Wraithguard within 12 squares of him to do one ofthe Toliowing things in der tum. The appropriate order counter should be placed next to the Wraithguard models 1 indicate that they have hesn given orders Fire Wraithesnnon Tita lose combat Set Overwatch (Open/Close Door. is possible for a Warlock w give many of these ders out and a Weaithgaed may receive sy number of Orders. Simply Stack the order counters next to the Weaithguard moda. The ‘Wralhguurd may perform the actions in any sequential order, for the appropriate APs during is tun arg ry CANNON FIRE rs Oo FIRE Cig Cy FIRE Crt a FIRE Crt Cy id Cyt OT itd Ci Cy Lose 3 consAT = 3 CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE close § 3 comeat || comeat | comsar |! comsat WERWATCH) | OUERWATCH || OVERWATCH || OUERWATCH s : 3 OUERWATCH|| CUERWATCH || CUERWATCH || OVERWATCH z 5 © Copyright Games Workshop Lid, 1994 , All rights reserved Permission grated to photocopy for personal use only SPACE HULK - ELDAR *fquo an euneed 30} Adosoroyd or pons worse, ANH OL 1) 11H O41 f+] LH OL I+} LE 4 usvw | asym | usvw | svi sausnve | s3nsuve | s3uswve | s3nsNVS L1H 04 1-].0H1 04 fr) L1H OL I+] L1H 0% I usvw | asym | usvw | usvie S3HSNVS | 93HSNVS | 33NSHYS | S3NSNVS LUMO I~) L0H OL f+) LI O T+) L1H OL Ir} usvw_ | asym | usvw | sve SansNvS | sausuve | s3usuve | s9uSHVS ‘poner niu TY * POST PYT doRDHOM sau WSKAOD o z z z 1 1 1 roa | somopts 940) saree | pine 240), 1 sanenbs pang] 240} 1809 av wmv 21g8. dV uodesd 2314 puw sedeoy eG ae ay, soysung Buypnoyy pur unydong 2uyyung “aBuaKy aq stoeq 24015 Hod) F19VL 39NIYIIIY NODVIM YVOTI 9 sf sf 9 ‘wonanog prenteps : z ain} #4 Y ¥ vr] oo] + i z a0 s sv} sf 9 E t an} oN 9 s Siegel fl : : aia) A ® Bete os ’ € 3} x} cl y¥ i ce] ¥{| ¢ : € an} on] | z cE Haak ol € tn} on} ec] z t Bleavk @ z an} 94. s s| el 9 : a0 é 5 o| oe) 8 z ao} =x. : s o| elo] : aa} x. ‘ 9 aeeab 3 an} sx. s ’ o| oz] + ao} weal os] £ ry] vl ¢ ’ ¢| so} onl | ¥ € vr] zl + : z no} =x. 8 s o| +] 9 spdaweg wens peor [ome | parmsog) onal eaalomuy | wren| preg [aodq [anoaay [inoway [ooaey | ujens| iodo ans sso] 0 awog | wis, ng| ‘ul ple 907 supe 95S ‘1809 dV LOULSUC AO TUN OL TION 46 SPACE HULK - ELDAR “uo asn posses Adoooioyd o puns wosssutag PaRISO1 SETI” 166 rT dousom Suma WAKIOD BEA EL ERE CEL Flies 4 rex] an] on 2 3 wonoes | (0) ran : z] ex} anf on : - vonmeg | one z tf ex] ot] on § z v] tf umnoeg |g (19) mom : 2] ex] tn] oN $ z b] 1] voroes | oy usd zien] os} nw} v| ¥ y v| 1] stor] cz man z}en| an} on} - a 9] 1] uonsog | oy Boag zen} mf om] 9] ¥ y c| 1] stm) ce 0 Spr i oJ ex} an] _- y £ z} ot} wm} 1] aweny soy ap t TSA] In| PA 9 r 9 s} 2} ier | cunn wodtam SI¥0KION - cl enfweds| on | | 2 y z ¥{ 1] senses | an rey texan] on] 5] | z * 2] ot] men | an rn uno ous Knog, z T| ON |Tepeds | #4, s t { Y| wie au t T| ON |Tepeds | #24, s z s € viet} an : zjex] am] wn] cl ¥ y z 2] 1} imc} an z tex} an] 3% * 8 i t 1] ex} an] ax * 9 § : tfexl an] ax 9 + 5 § “ rsa] an] 94 : + 5 § ce vex} an] sx 3 + 3 $ zen] am] ow ° a 3 * zlox| mi mw] s| ¥ v € z z] ex] an] ew] ov] ¥ . z vot tla} an] on £ y f e] 1 tfsx} an] on z ¥ * 2 1 v y v v1] wonses 4 a] dlbe | ae y ¥ vy] 1} song : “| clon} sot] on £ v € ze] av] an * z tjex] ‘o| ax] 9] ¢ © 5 o| &) ten arin : P| Sl a : v y y v1] wanoes * F z] ex] 9] ow | y z Z| t| umes | zi : z tfsx} an| =a] =| 9 > 9 S| 2] mee | cua pee [Pa [pIAGNA | Sa aa] oA een | pRRN [000 | RR | wo Taos oa] wa | aa fans stiso | xg | [unbose nde | ammns|eva] Je pees nadirsya | funny ag only ‘TsoDdv¥ ‘AOWISAM YO THM OL TK

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