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HARLEQUINS By Dean Bass ‘The Harlequins are unigue amongst Eldar. Instead of constantly defending the war lke side of their personality from their artistic side, they actually see no distinction between art and war. A Harlequin Troupe travels from Craftworld to Craftworld with only one purpase, to perform The Dance. ‘The following rules are the basic rules for Harlequins in Space Hulk. Harlequins are Eldar specialist oops particularly well sulted io combst the menace ofthe dreaded Genertatlers, ‘Those roles are designed tobe easy enough fr all but the most ‘novice gemers to grasp but should sill provide «challenging sume forthe more experienced players. The four missions ‘which fllow the rales can be played wring the mode in the Harlequins boxed set or similar individual models. In al, thirtoen models azenoeded and for ease of use Hhowld te st least similar to the descriptions given in dhe fore lists. Ifyou haven't got exact models you will have to meke a not of which figure represonts which character, ‘The major difference between Teominators and Harlequins is that the Harlequins are much better suited to aitack the ‘Genesiealers in close combat and they move a lot fester. This leads to acompletelydiferencefyle of game, which hope you will enjoy. You should find these new roles intresting and ‘enjoy the new flavour they bring tothe game. In future we intend to bring you other campaigns like this that use new BACKGROUND ‘The very provence of Harlequins is been knows wo duow strong enemy armiss into reat andthe srival ofa Harlequin ‘Macque inthe middle of «battle has boon Known to tum the {ido from bitter defeat © outright viciory. ‘The Harlequins ropresent the cream of the Eldar fighting forcos and owe no sllogiance o any Craftworld. Herloguin force ean appear snyohere at anytime, sponding to their ov plans or Whis. ‘The Harlequins have one great overriding passion, to make war on Chaos. When the first Space Hulk carrying Gonestcalers appeared in Eldar space it was scen as a challenge to the ideals of the Harlequins, Since then Harlequin Masques have always appeared to deal with Genestcaler incursions. How they know when and where they will occur remains a mystery tothe leaders of the Craftworlds but they are very grateful. The stories ofthese fights against sch a deadly foe are fll of heroism and valour and hve only serve to increase the awe surounding the Hurleguns A Harlequin force, or Masque, consists of « number of diferent woop types.. For now we will deal with Troupers, ‘Troupe Leaders, Great Harlequins and Death Jesters Solitaire and Shadowsests may be covered ina later article. ‘The standard unit of Harlequin fighters is called the rovpe. ‘Troupers are the basic fighters ofthe Harlequins and a troupe consists of five Troupers commanded by a Troupe Leader. All ‘Sx members ofthe woupe ae armed with Wo Weapons sither tivo hand weapons, two pistols or one ofeach. Given here ae the rules for Shuriken pistols, bu other weapons may be used by referring to weapons table in ether Genestesler or Space Hall Campuigns: Troupe Leader may bo armed with the ‘dreaded Harlegun's Kiss, detailed later, Any Masque will consist of « numberof troupes commanded by & Great Harlequin. A Great Hazioguin wall be area 8 he members of the Troupes but will be acknowledged as the reaes fighuer ofthe Masque i Harlequins have a highly develope sense of perspective and balance, This combined with thei amazing dexterity sllows ‘hem unrestricted sideways and backwards movement. In ton, the Death Jesters have Plip Belts to counter the ‘weight of thei Weapons, giving them the same AP costs as Leap ‘The leap i a special move which allows a Harlequin o lear anbstacl a long asthe next square is empty. The Harlsuin is placed in the empty square with the same facing as he started. A Harlequin may not leap over enemy models. See Example 1. CLOSE ASSAULT Factors Harlequin’ basic factor D641 Great Hwlein # Power Glove or Power Axe +1 Power sword or Chsinsword +1 and pany Herloquin's Kise 2 Dawes i Defence Stance H ‘Shuriken Pistol H Deathdance ‘A Desthdance is a special manocuvre performed by Harlequins who azeToced by a foe many times thelr number. “The Harlequin performs a swirling melee of acrobaties and deadly close combat atiacks, cuting cruel blows with his weapons while his opponents weapons seem to pass Atvough the him. “To enter the deathdance a Harlequin must pay SAP's, For the duration of the dance tho Harlequin receives +1 to Close ‘Cama rile ‘Th Harton ean mw attack Cenesealer in fn adjacent square in close combat for fee. Ifthe Harlequin ‘wine the close combat then the Harlequin may follow up ad ‘move into the recently vacated square. The Harlequin may row attack another target in an adjacent square and follow up for fre. This process continues unt either a combats dawn, the Harlequin is killed or there are no targets lft to close acral See Example 2. Key to Example CH) darteguin (G)eenosteaer 4 whackt [Example 1: The Leap Harlequin's new position However, if the Genestealer was directly behind the obstacle, then the Harlequin could not leap over i. Example 2: The Deathdance ‘The Harlequin enters a decthdance. Assuning he survives, onilling the Ist Genssteater. H] LG) G eT = ‘The Harlequin can follow up and attack the nd Gonestealer,f successful the Harlequin could then follow HNGP (GLG a ‘But fhe 2nd Genesteater wasn't hare the dance would end on the death ofthe 1st Genestealer. Holo-Sutt ‘The Harlequins se a visual disruption fel known as « Hol ‘Suitwhich grou distorts te outline ofthe Harlequin. Add 19 this the spinning, leaping ané twisting movernent a the Harlequin end you get every difficult target wo hi For this reason Harlequins have a relatively high close assault fector. ‘Crave Assault Defence Hiarloguin agility allows a Harlequin thet is attacked from the side ot rear to tum face its atacker before the combat stars, ‘ano penalty. Defence Stance! Overweateh Harloguins have the option of sting overwatch the same as Space Marines or they may arrume a defensive stance. A. Harlequin wih «hand weapon faced by the prospect of close assault may choore to prepare fo face it. A Defence Stance ‘marker is placed next wo the figure asthe Harlequin becomes ‘poised 1 explode into violent action, During the Cenestedler {om the Harlequin receives a +1 bonus in all close assault, ‘tle. NEW WEAPONS Harlequin's Kiss ‘This terrifying weapon is the Harlequins’ trademark. It ‘consists ofa slim tube, generally strapped to the back of the rear. which Fires along seam of monofilament wie. Ia close assault the Harlequin thrusts the kiss at any opening in the opponents armour. ‘The lang tube penetrates deep into the target's body where the monofilament wire streams Out of the ‘uss, where twas and cous kling te arget trom the wie, ‘Then the wire retracts and the victim simply collapses, dead! ‘Because itis sucha deadly weapon the Harloquin's Kiss gives ssslove sos bonus of 2 10 However, the Hssequin's Kis is @ wespon witha drawback, sometimes the wire gots caught inside the viewn's body and ‘a leave the Harlequin vide open, After Kiling an opponent te Harleuin payer rolls DS. On ascore ofa | the Kiss gets caught inside the victim and the Harlequin must spend LAP 1> free it, Tf it happens during the opponent's turn place « ‘jammed’ marker next to the Harlequin, the Kiss can not be freed unl the Harlequin player's neat tum and the Harlequin will lore Defensive Stance. The Harlaguin's Kiss isnot a fast ‘Weapon and therefore is not of great usein a Deathdance where spect ofthe blows counts. “This double-edged weapon, a danger for opponent and wielder alike ypfies the Harlequin ideal. Shuriken Pistol ‘A Haulequin armed with «Shuriken Pistol (or aay other pst!) hhas 0 11 bongs in lose asault This bons counts per pistol therefore a Harloguin armed with two pistols receives a +2 bons Chainsword ‘The chainsword is typeof sword, similiar 1 the power sword used by Terminator Captains and some Sergeants, Both Swords give the user the chance 10 parry by making the ‘opponent re-rll one dic used in the atiack. Becaus Harlequin wil always be facing the opponent the Harlequin will always be able pary an atack. ‘Doth sides roll dice as ‘normal for the attack, but then the Harlequin player can ask the Genestealer player to reroll one ofthe three dice. This roll then counts even ie fe higher than dhe Feat ol. A Harlequin ‘med with chsinsword gains «+1 bonus in close asaul Power Axe “The power axes a large ladod weapon with s powered edge, lie teed in loss combat with similar effect o'a power sword, although its heavir bulk provenis the wer from parrying, i can be used to bresk through doors snd bulkheads. The Hirlequin armed wih a power axe gains a-+1 bonus in close assault. The power axe can also be employed using heavy chops to Titerally break the door down. This costs 1 AP for Soot, and2.AP for a Bllinoad: No rol ia needed th tarsi estroyed automaticaly. RANGED COMBAT ‘Two Weapons ‘A Harlequin armed with two shuriken pistols fires both for TAP, but they must be fired atthe same target, This rule applics fora Harlequin on overwatch. Shuriken Pistol ‘The shuriken pistol is another favoured weapon of the Harlequins. The shuriken pistol works by using a gravite reaction to propel circular discs with mono-malecula cutting agen Tae hc les cag crac Oe ee ey burst of fire catapults «hal ofthe discs atthe enemy. ‘The Shuriken Pistol costs the same number of AP's to fire us & storm boli, and may aio be used while performing a move sand fie action, It kills Genestealers on 6, canal Set troy Aoors, hat #12 square range, may be used on overwatch, and {gains the following sustained fine modifier: First shot 0 Second shot a ‘Third and subsequent shot 42 ‘As stated above the shuriken pistol also gives a +1 modifier in oso asaul. Shuriken Connon ‘The heavy version of the Shuriken weapon isthe favoured. srmament ofthe Death Jester Laying down a devastating hail of dite, the Death Jester grocefully twists and tums leaving ‘estnction and death in his wake. On the battlefield Death Testers have earned 2 fearsome reputation. Death Jesters provide vital long range support during an assault on a Space Holk, covering the Harlequins’ advance and checting flank attacks by the Genestealers. The great agility of the Death Jester combined with the uso of Flip-Belts enables them to make every move look efforess. ‘The Shuriken cannon rolls two dice killing Genestealers on a 54, has aa unlimited range and an valimited supply of ‘ammunition and gains the following sustained fire modifier: First shot o Second shot “ ‘Third and subsequent shot +2 ‘When handled by a Desth Jester it cos only 1 AP t fire and may be wed to move ad fire and be sed in overwach, Overwateh, ‘Shuriken cannons in overwatch roll wo dice per shot, and ills the Genestesler if either dice scores «5+, The shuriken cannon jis if doable i rolled. SOLO ACTIONS Harlequins do not have command points like Space Marines. In bate Harlequins fight ina very open, owing syle more & linked series of individ actions than a cohesive aise. In the confined coriors of Space Hulks and building complexes this becomes even more extreme. This is roflecied'in the game by the Harlequin player allowing one model per turn to Derforns a solo ig Uae Pasbagut ss lla SAPS AC the start ofeach tum the Harlequin player place a Solo maker nex tothe mods! whois to use the extea points that tum. ‘The chosen model now gets 9APe in which it must ack. AL least LAP must be used to attack the enemy player by engaging sn enemy inelose assault, you cannot simply move the model nine squares or stand and fie nine times. ‘The Haciequin may not end a Solo on averwaich or assume defensive stance ‘A Harlquin may not perform a Solo in two consceutve tums, ‘but must be given to a eiffeent Harlequin each wn. To aid ‘memory itis best © leave the command marker next t the Harlequin until the beginning of the next run. Obviously the slayer doern't have to tre all eve ofthe points sit may opt ‘bce one a al. However, spare pois may not be reserved for ‘se inthe Gonestele players tur ora later Harloquin turn ‘Any points not used ar lost ‘Timer ‘The Harlequin player is still under pressure to make hismoves, so he has to use the timer in a similar fashion to Space ‘Marines. The time allocation for a Harlequin force is as follows. Minimum Time 2 mines per Troupe Leader ‘330 soos per Great Harleguin 320 soos MISSION NOTES ‘The missions are designed using only Space Hulk board seetions, counters and blips found inthe basic boxed se (Geneszalers should be handled as per the basi gam. In the force lists many of the roupers are listed with two shuriken pistols, Thies for basic gamers. Ir you have the str weapon lables (printed in Genestealer and Space Hulk Campaigns) feel free 10 use those rules 1 change one ofthe pistols 2 laspistol or plasma pista if you have the relevant model | your model as a weapon other than those mentioned inthe rules simply wea ites a suriken piso. Inall missions the Harlequins move frst Ifyou want 1 ty out the Harlequin rules ¥ suggest you play Mission 4. If you want to play the missions as a linked campaign then only play Mission 4 if Mission 3 was a Harlequin win and play i with the survivors ofthe threo ‘previous missions instead ofthe Usted forces. THE MISSIONS ‘Any unidentified ship, bae-searred and marked with the Crude runes of the dark gods, crash-landing on an Eldar ‘Maiden World would always be a mater for concer. But CCraftemaster Tilhavier war more than concemed, icy fest clutched at his heart. Four Troupes ofthe Midnight Dancers hnadsrived unexpeciadly only the day bofore. Now the reason for appearing we apparent, some threat from Chos, pchaps ‘ven tented Genestealers had drawn the Hizleguins hee. " in Eilvan Spritefizc motos de Fant ansp fwud Obviously, the Herlequin commander suspected ths the ship harboured Genestealers. Tlhavier hoped that che seemingl faultless leader could be wrong. but knew in his heat that unending war Was visting Reams: Ham Silvan Spritefre waved the Maelstrom Troupe forwsrd. They Would leed the attack. The first pricrty was to get tothe contol room and make sure thatthe controls for the eatgo doors were locked. The Chaos spawn must be locked int the Ina where they could be easier dealt with. He watched the lst member ofthe Troupe disappear into the dark maw of the rent inthe side of ship and knew that they faced their greatest enomy. As the fzst sound of combat rang ‘fom the Full he waved th loeal forces to tighten the cordon, ound the hulk while Tempest, Tsunami, and Bligesrd roupes made thei preparations. ongecrives ‘The Harlequins must penetrate the ship, lea the contol 00m ‘of Genestenlers and then uso the conti io loc the eatgo bey doors. The contra room is the marked room atthe far side of the board. FORCES Harlequins ‘The Harlequin player has the following forces:- 1 Troupe Leader with shuriken pistol and harlequin’s kit. 3 Troupers armed with two shuriken pistols. 2 Troupers armed with power/chain sword and shuriken pistol 1 Death Jester armed with a shuikea cannon, Genestealers ‘The Genesteler player sare with S blips and receives 1 blip as reinforcements por turn. These are taken from the basic Blip sot a ven in Space Hu. DEPLOYMENT Harlequins ‘The Harlequins start on the marked room section, Gonestealers ‘Te Genestealr starting fore is placed as one Blip per marked room. The reinforcements can enter a either ofthe marked entry poins. SPECIAL RULES ‘The Harlequins must clea the control room of Genestelers snd spend TAP atthe far wall leking the eargo doors. ENDING THE MISSION Ifthe Hivlequin player locks the cargo doors in 10 urns or est tne Harlequins win. If the doors are locked but i takes more ‘han 10 tums Wie mission is a draw. If toe Harlequins are all killed without the doors being locked the mission i lost. 3 Cargo Bay Controls ® Gonestealer Start Aree © Door D> Genestealer Entry Area & Harlequin Deployment Zone a ‘With the Maelstrom Troupe having sealed the cargo bay and holding poston inside he ulk it was now imewo finda just ‘what they faced. A quick trust othe bridge would provide the answer (othe number and locations ofthe Genesteler aboard, ‘Tempest Troupe was despatched through the cordon held by ‘Maelstrom They must move swiflly wo ther target OBJECTIVES Harlequins ‘The Herlaquine must each the bridge and use the computor to determine how many Genescalers are aboard snd whore they ‘are concentrated. The bridge isthe marked room seetion st the {far side ofthe room. The computer is in the op left comer of the room, FORCES Haeleguins ‘The Herlaguin player has tho following fores:- {Troupe Lesder armod with two shurikon pists 23 Troupers armed with power/chin sword and shuriken pistol 1 Trouper armed power exe and shuren pistol 1 Trouper amed two shuriken pisos 1 Death Jester armed with a shriken cannon, Genesteslers ‘The Genestealer player sats with 6 blips and receives one blip as reinforcements per tun, These ar taken ftom the base lip seta given in Space Hulk DEPLOYMENT Harlequins ‘The Harlequins start on the marked coridr setions. Gonesteaters ‘The Genestealer starting forco is placed as two blips por ‘marked room, The reinforcements esn enter at either of the saree entry pint. SPECIAL RULES ‘The double doors to the bridge are locked and must be destroyed to gain access wo the bridge. The Genestealrsin this room may noteave. ‘The Harlequins must clear the bridge of Genesteslers and spend 4APs atthe computer searching forthe infomation. ENDING THE MISSION Uf tne Hevleguin player finds the mission in 12 tums or ss ‘ken the Herlguine ein. Fit tse more than 12 tare hen the riston i a draw Ifthe Herlaguins ar all killed without the {infomation then the mission i los. i Computer © Gonesteater Start Aros © Door D> Gonesteater Entry Arca Harlequin Deployment Zone 4 Silvan Sprtetire allowed himself a moment of reflection. ‘Tempest Troupe reported thatthe number of Genestelers on board was low and that many were now soaled ia the cargo by. Two troupes remained uncommitted and «fast push should see tm tothe cargo bay before too many Genastelers could break out Then a eaeully placed vortex grenade should deal with the balk: of the Chaos spawn, ‘With his path now clear in is mind he strode forward int the hulk leading Troupe Tsunami, while Troupe Blizzard moved ‘on an intercept course from their poston supporting Tempest on the Bridge OBJECTIVES ‘The Harlequins must clr all Gonastoalers in their path and then throw a primed vortex grenade into the cargo hold (Gehind the door onthe top crossroads) FORCES: Harlequins ‘The Harloquin player has te following foros: Tewnami 1 Grest Harloguin armed with shuriken pistol, power sword and vortex 1 Troupe Leader armed with shuren pistol and harloguin's kiss. 2 Trouper armed with wo shurken pistols, 1 Trouper armed with pewerchain sword and shuiken pistol 1 Trouper armed with power axe and shuriken pis. 1 Death Jester srmed with « shuriken eamnon, Blizzard 1 Troupe Leader armed with two shurken pistols and vortsx Genestealers ‘The Genestesler player sterts with 10 Blips and receives 2 Blips as reinforcements per turn for eight turns. These are taken from the basic Blip st as given in Space Hulk. DEPLOYMENT Harlequins ‘The 1vo toupes start om the marked eorrior sections. ane on ch Genestealers ‘The Genestoslraterting fore is placed a8 2 Blips per soon nd tho reinforosments enter as on Blip pe ary point SPECIAL RULES ‘The door othe cargo bay it locked and so must be destoyed to throw in the vortex grenade. The Great Harlequin and ‘Troupe Leader of Blizzard Troupe have one vortex grenade cach, They must portion thamselves on the square where the oor had been and spend 2APs to prime and throw the grenade ito the bay. ENDING THE MISSION 1f the Harlequin player kills all the Gonesteslere and gots at least one vortex grenade into the cargo bay, the Harlequins win the mission If they get at leastone vortex grenade ino the ‘ay but do not kil ll the Ganesteates the mission isa draw.f no vortex grenades get into th bay the Harlequins lose the ‘whole campaign. The Masque of the Midnight Dancers will, never live down the shame oftheir defeat. MISSION 3: DESTROY © argo Bay Door @ Gonestealer Start Aree O Door D> Gonesteater Entry Area Dy Harlequin Deployment Zone MISSION 4: KILL ON SIGHT O Door [a] Harlequin Deployment Zone With the main group of Genestelers taken out the threat 10 ‘Resmi Hann was ended. All tht remained wast clea the last ofthe Genostealer rom tho hulk. Sivan Spitfire felt a small ‘moment of pleasurable anticipation. This final stage of an operation is always the most gratifying giving the Masque 2 chance w rice mili te enemy witout ny rel eat to the world they were guasding, ‘nina gesture ofthe ight hand indeated wo the Troupe eater of Teunani Toupe tha the ine had come He in um passed the command over the radio net tothe remains of “Tempest Meelsvom and Blzzard-Kilon sigh. OBJECTIVES ‘The Harlequins are simply out to destroy the remaining Gonestealrs FORCES Harlequins ‘The Harlequin player has the following foces:- ‘TomanivBlizard - Force 1 1 Great Harlequin armed with shuriken pistol and power word | Troupe Leader armed with shurken pistol and harleguin's iss ‘Trouper armed with two shuren pistols. 1 Trouper armed with power sword and shuriken pistol, Tempest - Force 2 | Troupe Leader armed with 1 shuriken pisos 1 Trouper sumed with power sie and shuriken pistol 1 Trouper armed with to shuriken pisos Maclatrom Force 3 1 Trouper armed with two shuriken pistols Tepe siete aeolian io pee | Death Josiar armed with a shuriken cannon. Genesteaers ‘The Genestealer player stars with 15 Blips frm the base blip sola given in Space Hulk. Tere are no reinforcements DEPLOYMENT Harlequins Each force stats on a seperate entry area. Genesteaers "Tho Geneszaler Blips ar plaod onthe board anywhere on the Ir ace the med are SPECIAL RULES No special rules apply. ENDING THE MISSION ‘The mission ends when only one side is left standing, IF itis the Harlequins then the fame of tae Masque of the Midaight Dancers wll be enhanced with stories of how they dealt death to the Ganestesler foe and are the saviour of Reama-Hann. However, if itis the Genesteulers, Aspect Warriors and Guardians will mop up the last of hem but the Masque's sepatsion vil te ele 7

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