Gerunds and Infinitives, Communication

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翁㊦mm閲轟c甥tion and Cultural Awareness

Studying Ab「oad

Studying abroad was just a dream for many people 50 years ago, C直川鵬胎
but now it is a reality for several students. Many universities offer
Studying abroad means
Study abroad programs for a semester or a year. Universities
to go to another country
establish agreements with foreign schooIs and are able
and attend school there.
to do a student exchange program. For example,
This can be done in high
if a university in Mexico has an exchange program
SChooI or in college. It can
With a university in Canada, they can send
be done for one semester
Mexican students to study in Canada,
Or an entire academic year.
and Canadian students can go study
Why do you血ink some
in Mexico. The students take classes
students would want
related to their major while eaming
to study al)rOad?
Credit for their home university.
Most of these students live with
a host family for the time
血ey are there, Where they get

to experience daily life in the Observe the use ofthe

host country’s culture. Leaming gemnd仁ng) form and the
in a different environment opens your i丁l缶丑証,でくt。一口′e壷) in the

eyes to many new血ings. Living in another text. Underline血e gerund

COuntry doesn’t only teach you academic lessons, and circle the infinitive.

but life lessons as well. Being far away from home isn’t What do you observe about
easy, but it’s worth it. It is very important to take advantage how these foms are used?
Of any of these opportunities血at your university may offer you. Check your answer wi血

It is the chance of a lifetime, and血e memories you create will last your classmates, then with
forever. Students never regret doing it! your teacher.

The gerund is used...


Answer the foliowing questions regarding the reading.

。 What does ’`study abroad’’mean?

The infinitive is used ‥

。 If a university has an agreement established with another,

what does that enta=?

‘} What are the advantages of studying abroad?

host, a PerSOn Or entity

c Do you thinkYOu WOuld like to spend a semestero「Year abroad? that receives guests

「eg「et. feei bad about doing
O「 nOt doing something

enta汁incIude, mean

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