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Course Outcomes:

 Perform analytical activities in comprehending the fundamental principles of

assigning student grades and grading system implementation (P.O.C.c);
(P.O.D.d); (P.O.E.c)
 Apply critical perspectives in a form of investigation and inquiry in finding
solutions to the commonly faced problems in assessment (P.O.C.d); (P.O.D.d);

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’s)

The students will be able to…

distinguish norm-reference grading and criterion reference grading; (CLO.S.4)
trace the advantage of criterion-reference grading systems; (CLO.S.4)
identify the weakness and strength of alternative grading system used in the
Philippines; (CLO.S.4)
compute dummy grades and reported learning and proficiency using the grading
system of the Department of Education; and (CLO.S.4)
apply critical perspectives in the form of inquiry that investigates the problems and
dilemmas of the Philippine Grading System and seek solution that bring benefit to the
educational community. (CLO.V.2)

Assessment of student performance is essentially knowing how the student is
progressing in a course (and, incidentally, how a teacher is also performing with respect to the
teaching process). The first step in assessment is, of course, testing (either by some pencil
pencil-paper objective test or by some performance based by testing procedure) followed by a
decision to grade the performance of the student. Grading, therefore, is the next step after
testing. Over the course of several years, grading systems have been evolved in different
schools systems all over the world. In the American System, for instance, grades are expressed
in terms of letters, A, B,B+, B-, C, C-, D or what is referred to as seven-point system. In the
Philippine Colleges and Universities, the letters are replaced with numerical values: 1, 1.25,
1.50, 1.75, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 or an eight -point system value. In basic education, grades are
expressed as percentages (of accomplishment) such as 80% or 75%. With the implementation
of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, however, students’ performance is expressed in
terms of level of proficiency. Whatever be the system of grading adopted, it is clear that there
appears to be a need to convert raw score values into the corresponding standard grading
system. This Chapter is concerned with the underlying philosophy and mechanics of converting
raw score values into standard grading formats.
 How will you assess students’ performance?
 What are the differences between norm- referenced and criterion-referenced
grading; cumulative and averaging grading system?

These are the Standard Grading Formats

1. Norm- Referenced Grading

The most commonly used grading system falls under the category of norm-
referenced grading. Norm- referenced grading refers to a grading system wherein a
student’s grade placed in the relation to the performance of a group. Thus, in this
system, a grade of 80 means that the student performed better than or same as 80%
of the class (or group). At first glance, there appears to be no problem with this type
of grading system as it simply describes the performance of a student with reference
to a particular group of learners. The following examples shows some of the
difficulties associated with norm- referenced grading:
Example: Consider the following two sets of scores in an English 1
class for two sections of ten students each:

A = ( 30,40,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85)

B= ( 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100)

In the first class, the students who got a raw score of 75 would get a
grade of 80% would correspond to a raw score of 90. Indeed, if the test used for
two classes are the same, it would be rather “unfair “system of grading. A wise
student would opt to enrol in class A since it is easier to get higher grades I that
class than in other class (class B).
In norm-referenced grading, the student, while they may be work
individually, are actually in competition to achieve a standard of performance that
will classify them into the desired grade range. It is essentially promotes
competition among students in the class. A student who happens to enrol in a
class of gifted students in Mathematics will find that the norm-referenced grading
is rather worrisome. For example, a teacher may establish a grading policy
whereby the top 15 percent of students will receive a mark of excellent or
outstanding, which in a class of 100 enrolled students will be 15 persons. Such a
grading policy is illustrated below:
1.0 (Excellent) = Top 15% of Class
1.5 (Good) = Next 15% of Class
2.0 (Average, Fair) = Next 45% of Class
3.0 (poor, Pass) = Next 15% of Class
5.0 (Failure) = Bottom 10% of Class
The underlying assumption in norm-referenced grading is that the
students have abilities (as reflected in their raw scores) that obey the normal
distribution. The objective is to find out the best performers in this group. Norm-
referenced systems are most often used for screening selected student
populations in conditions where it is known that not all students can advance due
to limitations such as available places, jobs or other controlling factors.

2. Criterion- Referenced Grading

It is based on a fixed criterion measure. There is a fixed target and the students must
achieve the target o=in order to obtain a passing grade in a course regardless of how
the other students on the class perform. The scale does not change regardless of the
quality, or lack thereof, of the students. For example, in a class of 100 students using
the table below, no one might get a grade of excellent if no one scores 98 above or
85 above depending on criterion used. There is no fixed percentage of students who
are expected to get the various grades in the criterion-referenced grading system.

1.0 (Excellent) = 98-100 or 85- 100

1.5 (Good) = 88-97 or 80-84
2.0 (Fair) = 75-87 or 70-79

3.0 (Poor/Pass) = 65-74 or 60-69

5.0 (Failure) = below 65 or below 60

Criterion- referenced systems are often used in situations where the teachers are
agreed on the meaning of a “standard or performance” in a subject but the quality of
the students is unknown or uneven; where the work involves student collaboration or
teamwork; and where there is no external driving factor such as needing to
systematically reduce a pool of eligible students.

3. Standardized Test Scoring

Test standardization is a process by which teacher or researcher-made
tests are validated and item analysed. After a thorough process of validation,
thye test characteristics are established. These characteristics include: test
validity, test reliability, test difficulty level and other characteristics. Each
standardized test uses its own mathematical scoring system derived by publisher
and administrators, and these do not bear any relationship to academic grading
system. Standardized test are psychometric instruments whose scoring systems
are developed by norming the test using national samples of test-takers, centring
the scoring formula to assure that likely score distribution describes a normal
graphed, and then using the resulting scoring system uniformly in a manner
resembling a criterion-referenced approach.
 Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education ,
Dep Ed Order No. 8, s. 2015

Weights of the Components for the Different Grade Levels and Subjects

The student’s grades is a function of three components: 1) written work, 2)

performance tasks and 3) quarterly assessment. The percentages vary across clusters of
subjects. Languages, Araling Panlipunan(AP) and Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (ESP) belong
to one cluster and have the same grade percentages in written work, performance tasks and
quarterly assessment. Science and Math are another cluster with the same component
percentages. Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) make up the third cluster
with same component percentages. Among the three components, performance tasks are given
the largest percentages.

 Weight of Components for Grade 1-10

Components Languag AP ESP Scienc Mat MAPEH EPP/TLE
es e h
Written Work 30% 30 30% 40% 40% 20% 20%
1 to 10 Performance 50% 50 50% 40% 40% 60% 60%
Task %
Quarterly 20% 20 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Assessment %

The next table presents the weights of the components for the Senior High
School subjects which are group into 1) core subjects 2) all other subjects (applied and
specialization) and work immersion of the academic track, and 3) all other subjects (applied and
specialization, work immersion/ research/ exhibit/ performance. An analysis of the figures reveal
that among the components, performance tasks have the highest percentage contribution to the
grade. This means that Dep Ed’s grading system consistently puts most emphasis on
application of learned concepts and skills.

 Weight of the Components for SHS

Compon Core Academic Track Technical- Vocational and
ents Subje Livelihood(TVL)/ Sports/Arts
1 cts and Design Track
1 Work All Work
t All Immersion/ other Immersion/
o other Research/Business subje Research/Exhibit/Perf
1 Subje Enterprise cts ormance
2 cts Simulation/Exhibit/Per
Written 25% 25% 35% 20%
Perform 50% 45% 40% 60%
Quarterl 25% 30% 25% 20%


Based on the same Dep Ed Order (8, s. 2015), here are the steps to follow in
computing grades.
1. Get the total score for each component.
2. Divide the total raw score by the highest possible score then multiply the quotient
by 100%.
3. Convert percentage Scores to weighted Scores. Multiply the percentage Score
by the weight of the component indicated in Table 4 and Table 5.
4. Add the weighted Scores of each component. The result will be the Initial Grade.
5. Transmute the Initial Grade using the Transmutation Table.

Note: For MAPEH individual grades are given to each area, namely, Music, Arts,
Physical Education, and Health. The quarterly grade for MAPEH is the average
of quarterly grades in the four areas.


What follows is a description of how grades are computed based on DepEd Order 8,
s. 2015

 For Kindergarten
There are no numerical grades in Kindergarten. Descriptions of the learners’
progress in the various learning areas are represented using checklists and
student portfolios. These are presented to the parents at the end of each
quarter for discussion.

 For Grades 1-10

The average of the Quarterly Grades (QG) produces the Final Grade.

Final Grade by Learning Area = 1st QG +2nd QG + 3rd QG + 4th QG


The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by
the total number of learning areas. Each learning area has equal weight.

General Average = Sum of Final Grades of All Learning Areas

Total number of Learning Areas in a grade level

 For Grade 11 and 12

The two quarters determine the Final Grade in a semester. The table below
shows an example in Grade 11, second semester for the accounting,
Business, and Management (ABM) strand.

Subjects Quarter Second

Semester Final
Core Subjects 3 4 Grade
Reading and Writing Skills 80 83 82
Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo sa 86 85 86
Statistics and Probability 82 87 85
Physical Science 88 87 88
Physical Education and Health 90 88 89
Applied and Specialized Subjects
Empowerment Technologies : ICT for Professional 80 83 82
Business Math 87 86 87
Organization and Management 85 81 83
Fundamentals of Accounting, Business and 84 81 83
Management 1
General Average for the Semester 85


The summary of learner progress is shown quarterly to parents and guardians

through a parent-teacher conference, in which the report card is discussed. The
grading scale, with its corresponding descriptors, are in table below. Remarks are
given at the end of the grade level.

 Descriptors, Grading Scale, and Remarks


Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed
Satisfactory 80-84 Passed
Fair Satisfactory 75-79 Passed
Did Not Meet Expectations Below 75 Failed

Using the sample class record, Learner A received an initial Grade of 84.86 in English for the
First Quarter, which when transmuted to a grade 90, is equivalent to Outstanding. Learner B
received a transmuted grade of 88, which is equivalent to Very Satisfactory. Learner C received
a grade 0f 71, which, means that the learner did Not Meet Expectations in the First Quarter of
Grade 4 English. When a learner’s raw scores are consistently below expectations in Written
Work and Performance Tasks, the learner’s parents or guardians must be informed not later
than the fifth week of that quarter. This will enable them to help and guide their child to improve
and prepare for the Quarterly Assessment. A learner who receives a grade below 75 in any
subject in a quarter must be given intervention through remediation and extra lessons from the
teacher/s of that subject.


These are what Dep Ed Order 8, s. 2015 say.

A Final Grade of 75 or higher in all learning areas allows the students to be promoted
to the next grade level. Table below specifies the guidelines to be followed for
learner promotion and retention.

1.Final Grade of at least 75 in all Promoted to the next grade level
For Grades 1 learning areas
to 3 Learners 2.Did not Meet Expectations in Must pass remedial classes for
not more than two learning learning areas with failing mark to be
areas. promoted to the next grade level.
Otherwise, the learner is retained in
the same grade level.
3. Did not Meet Expectations in Retained in the same grade level
not more than three learning
1.Final Grades of atleast 75 in Promoted to the next grade level
For Grades 4 all learning areas.
to 10 2.Did Not Meet Expectations in Must pass remedial classes for
Learners not more than two learning learning areas with failing mark to be
areas. promoted to the next grade level.
Otherwise, the learner is retained in
the same grade level.
3.Did not Meet Expectations in Retained in the same grade level.
three or more learning areas.


Pass- Fail System. Other colleges and universities, faculties, schools, and
institutions use pass- fail grading systems in the Philippines, especially when the
student’s work to be evaluated is highly subjective (as in the fine arts and music),
there are no generally accepted standard gradations (as with independent studies),
or the critical requirement is meeting a single satisfactory standard (as in some
professional examinations and practicum.
Non-Graded Evaluations. While not yet practiced in Philippine schools, and
institutions, non-graded evaluations do not assign numeric or letter grades as a
matter of policy. This practice is usually based on a belief that grades introduce an
inappropriate and distracting element of competition into the learning process, or that
they are not as meaningful as measures of intellectual growth and development as a
careful craftedfaculty evaluations. Many faculty, schools and institutions that follow a
no-grade policy will, if requested, produce grades or convert their student evaluations
into formulae acceptable to authorities who require traditional measures of
Name: _______________________________ Course/Yr/Sec: ____________

Date: ___________________ Score: ________

Direction: Read and answer the given problem carefully.

A. Compute the grade of a student in:

1. Grade 9 English with the following raw scores

Written work - 80 out of 100

Performance Task - 60 out of 100
Score in Quarterly Test- 50 out of 100

2. Grade 11 student in Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person, a core

subject in SHS with the following raw scores.

Written work - 30 out of 50

Performance Task - 42 out of 60
Quarterly Test - 28 out of 40

3. Grade 3 student in the Mother Tongue subject: with the following raw scores:

Written work - 20 out of 30

Performance Task - 25 out of 40
Quarterly Test - 22 out of 30
Name: _______________________________ Course/Yr/Sec: ____________

Date: ___________________ Score: ________

I. Multiple Choice: Direction: Choose the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the
space provided before each number.(Rx1)
1. Which of the following grading system which compares student to a group?
a. Percentage Grading b. Mastery Grading c. Narrative Grading d. Norm-Referenced
2. A grading system that gives/compute the grade of a student on a particular grading period
equals the average of the grades obtained in the prior grading period and the current grading
period is ____________ system of grading.
a. Norm-referenced b. Criterion-referenced c. Cumulative d. Averaging
3. In K to 12 Grading System, what level of proficiency does the student has if he got a general
average of 89?
a. Beginning b. Developing c. Proficient d. Advance
4. Which of the following grading system resembles the normal curve?
a. Norm-referenced b. Criterion=referenced c. Cumulative d.
5. What is the level of proficiency of the students who possess the minimum knowledge and
a. Beginning b. Developing c. Approaching Proficiency d. Proficiency
6. Which of the following numerical values has the level of proficiency; Approaching
a. 48 b. 78.5 c. 79.6 d. 84.7
7. In Cumulative Grading System, considering the following grades of the student in
mathematics in four quarters: 89, 89, 90 and 86 respectively, what is the final grade?
a. 86 b. 88 c. 89 d. 90
8. Which of the following statement is true about criterion-referenced?
a. The student’s scores are given as a rank.
b. Assesses a small number of students.
c. Test usually last a class period.
d. Does not measure the skills and knowledge a student has mastered.
9. The K to 12 Grading System was reproduced from what DepEd Order?
a. DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012
b. DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2012
c. DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2013
d. DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2013
10. When a teacher or researcher made test became a standardized test?
a. After a test validity was established.
b. After a test reliability was established.
c. After a thorough process of item analysis.
d. All of the above

II. Direction: Read and answer the following questions carefully.

A. Differentiate norm-referenced and criterion-referenced grading system by filling-up the

table below:

Norm-Referenced Criterion-Referenced



Quantity of

Time Allotment

developed on

1. The following final grades are obtained in a class of AB Students:


a. Using a norm-referenced grading with a seven-point scale, determine the scores that
would get a failing mark. What is your general impression on this?

b. Using a norm-referenced grading with an 8-point grading scale, determine the scores
that would get a failing mark. Compare this with the previous grading system above.

Name: _______________________________ Course/Yr/Sec: ____________

Date: ___________________ Score: ________

Direction: Read and answer the following questions carefully.

1. Would you use the norm -referenced grading system in your own class? Why or Why

2. What is the difference between the cumulative and averaging grading system?

3. When would a norm- referenced grading system be most appropriate to use? Similarly,
when would a criterion- referenced grading system be most appropriate to use?

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