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PROBLEM STATEMENT: Red cabbage and sorrel extracts have been found to have high

pigments.Plan and design an experiment to determine which

extract is most effective for use as an indicator.


DATE: September 2,2021

HYPOTHESIS: Red cabbage extract will be the more effective indicator.

AIM: To investigate which is the more effective indicator Red

cabbage or Sorrel.

APPARATUS: Red cabbage, Red sorrel, Blender, Water, Beaker,

Sieve, Filter paper, Lime, Vinegar, Carbonated lemon soda,
Toothpaste and water, Baking soda and water, Bleach, 7 glass
drinking cups

METHOD: 1.Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have
about 2 cups of chopped cabbage. Place the cabbage in
the blender and add water to cover the cabbage and

2. Sieve the blended cabbage to remove the residue from

the filtrate in a beaker. Filter again using filter paper to
remove any small particles left behind.

3.Pour the Cabbage filtrate until you half each glass cup
and add various household solutions to your indicator
until it changes color.

4.Do the same procedure over but with red sorrel.

VARIABLES: Controlled- the volume of red cabbage and red sorrel

Manipulated- lime, vinegar, carbonated lemon soda,

toothpaste and water, baking soda and water and bleach

Responding - PH reading (where the solution is acidic, neutral

or base)

Carbonat Toothpas Baking
Lime Vinegar -ed -te soda Water Bleach
lemon & &
soda water water



EXPECTED RESULT: The Red cabbage will be the more effective indicator.

LIMITATIONS: The color changes it produces are not exact, they give ranges
rather than exact numbers of pH, so accuracy is limited.

SOURCE OF ERROR: If you didn’t allow enough of the pigments of both the red
cabbage or red sorrel to saturate the water.

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