Interview With Millennial

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Group no.

7 12/12/22

Bayotlang, John Michael Y MW 3:00-4:30

Tarega, Mary Eljame Yleana P

Codeniera, John Lloyd D.

Group Activity

Interview with Millennial

Each member of the group should interview one millennial who's age group range from
23-38 yrs. old. Collate your answers and summarize them by knowing the following:

1. Activities of the millennial

- Work

- Play computer games/Online games

- Do some exercise

2. Characteristics (traits)


- Passionate

- Kind and Generous

3. Values and Morality

“We are born to make a difference, Make most of life. As life comes and goes we should
make most of it, we never know when our life ends. we should be kind to other people as being
unkind brings sadness, we should follow gods rule and love one another for life is just borrowed
and soon will be returned."

4. Financial Status (if they have savings, how they spend their money, and so on...)

He work as a call center agent and his financial status is on average, he have a small
saving and is enjoying his life. he spends the money wisely by only buying things that are needed
in his life. He also buys things that makes him happy sometimes but he is sometimes stingy to
his self.

5. Topics they are Interested in?

"I dont have a particular topic that i am interested in, but if there would be a certain topic
that i like it would be about life and how to make most of it.

6. Asking them about the volunteer or charity work they do.

"I am not volunteering on a charity work right bow because of my tight achedule, as you
know i am working as a call center agent and it is quite hard for me to attend these things but
sometimes i donate or give money to those people who are in need."

7. Asking them how do they see themselves five years from now?

“Five years from now i see myself marrying into a beautiful girl which is my girlfriend
right now, we have already been together for 7 year since high school. I also see myself buying
or should i say building my own house at the lot my mother gave me and live just like always."

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