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By far the most complex criterion of an effective test-and arguably the most important principle-is
validity, “the extent to which inferences made from assessment result are appropriate, meaningful,
and useful in terms of the purpose of the assessment” (Ground, 1998, p. 226).

Based on the results of the sample test 1, this test is considered as Criterion-related validity. As we
can see on the following table down below:

These tables shows that the level of this test performance attributed to multiple student scores
(measure of performance). Because the scores are related to student scores in other subjects.

4. Authenticity

An fourth major principle of language testing is authenticity, a concept that is a little slippery to
define, especially within the art and science of evaluating and designing tests.

Based on the sample test 1 this test is considered as an authentic assessment, as we can see on the
table down below :

The table above shows that this test is an authentic assessment, because the characteristics of the
language test task correspond to the features of the target language task.

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