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•If there is a copyright infringement, they must show exactly in the same product where its coming

•Copyright is a set of prerogatives conferring on the authors of literary and artistic works control over
the public exploutation of their works and ensuring them remmuneration to which the are entitled in
consideration of their creative work.

•Copying the whole book for personal use is cosidered copyright infringement especially if it is massive
and removing the propriety of an author from the book.

•Losses registration and the supreme court has defined it deposit because copyright starts from the
moment of creation so the protection of copyright doesn't start when you apply in any government
office, it starts, it starts from the moment of creation. There are two offices that handle copyright
registrations which is the national library and the IPO.

•Copying formula of a recipe is not considered copyright infringement unless it is part of a book or a
presentation/television show.

•Copyright application has to be notarized. The only thing you have to prove is originality and their time
of creation.

•If it's for charitable purpose, showing a movie may be allowed but if you're charging for it, the charge
then would be under what your donating to rather than charging for the viewing.


•Trademark is a distinctive visible sign, symbol, emblem or deviced used by an enterprise to

differentiate its good or products or services and includes a stamped or marked container of goods.

•If a mark is confusingly similar to a famous brand, then the owner of the famous brand can file a case
of trademark infringement.

•If the mark of a famous brand is used by another brand, it may lose value because people would think
that buying the fake product is inferior and then that inferiority will be then tagged to the original brand.

•If there is an intent to pass it of, then that's the way the deception lies and that's where the penalties
will be.

•(Post Sale Confusion) - buying products knowing that's not from the said brand.

•To register for a trademark, one undergoes another application with the IPO office and it looks whether
it's unique in the sense that it's not confusingly similar to another trademark.

•Even before you start your company, it is suggested to register your mark immediately and then even
before your company has been established then you can assign it later on once you established it.
•Trademark is valid for 10 years and may be renewed for period of 10 years.


•Patent is a unique idea on a particular utility.

•The right to a patent belongs to the inventor, his heirs or assigns. When two or more person have
jointly made an invention, the right to a patent belongs to then jointly.

•If two or more persons have made the invention separately, and independently of each other, the right
to the patent belongs to the person who filed an application for such invention or where two or more
applications are filed for the same invention, the applicant who has the earliest or the earliest priority

•If there's a connection between the software and the hardware so integrated it can be patented.
Unless your mobile apps have different kinds of software or operating system then it is not patent, it is

•Registers or tries to apply for a patent, one has to go to an application at that sense, on has to put
inventions into words and diagrams and goes to the examination of the IP office.

•The Department of Trade (DDI) sees whether the patents falls under patentability where its new and
applicable in this industry and well-written so that it can be easily reproduce and make it work. This is 20
year protection.

•For patents, we have to test whether it is prior art , an old invention or an ordinary way of doing things.

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