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Ecology campaign 

 Carmil: Contamination is a very common problem nowadays. We need to

protect the planet; it is our home. Animals and plants are our friends; we
must take care of them. We don’t have to throw away trash in streets or
lakes, for that we have the trashcans.

 Erika: Because if we contaminate the world, we will not be able to live in

here. So, we need to do something to solve the problem, and like every
problem solution starts by ourselves. These are some solutions that all of us
can do to save the planet.

 Brandon: Always remember to turn off the electronic devices that you aren’t
using in your house. Another important point is to reuse all the things that
you can, it helps a lot to save the planet, you can use ecology bags instead
of plastic bags. When you must throw trash, you must do it in the correct
trashcan, and always try to recycle things.

 Benjamín: You must don’t waste water because water is a very important
resources for life in the planet. You don’t have to throw trash in the toilet that
contaminates water because that trash ends in the oceans, for that you
have trashcans. For example, you can save water when you are taking a
shower or brushing your teeth. Always try to reuse all the paper that you
can, for example you can use both sides of the paper.

 Sonic: When you are outside, always remember to pick up the trash you
generate, and put it in the right places. Also, you must have to respect the
plants and animals, they are our friends too.

 Brandon: So, remember kids, if you don’t contaminate, you are saving the
planet, and all the plants, animals and humans that lives in there.

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