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ThomasM, Reid Sean K Reynolds Darrin Drader Wil Upchurch Designers: Wit. Urcuurcu (Melvaunt), Stan K Revnotps (Hillsfar), Daraiw Draper (Mulmaster), Tuomas M. Reip (Zhentil Keep) . Eprrors: Joun THomeson, Gary SaRtt Eprrg Mawacer: Kim Moran Desigy MaNaGeR: CHRISTOPHER PERKINS DeveLormest Manacer: Jesse Decker Sexton Art Drezcron D&D: Stacy LonesReet Director of RPG R&D: Bri Stavicsex PRopucTION MaNaceRs: Jose Fiscrer, Rawnatt. Crews Forcorres REALMS Agr Dikicroxs: RYAN SaNsaver, Mart KotKowsky Cover Axrist: WiLt1aM O°CoNNoR Inrerion Anrisrs: Row Lemen, Witt1am O'Connor, Francis Tsat, Franz. VOHWINKEL Grarnic Drsicrr: Rosert RAPER Cantoorammens: Kyex Hower, Rosmat Lazzarertt Gparnic Propucrion Sreciatist: ANGELIKA Loxorz Imace, Tecanician: Curistina WILEY $$$ ———_§_ ‘ast on the origins? Downs & Daas rls ret by Gary Gygas an Dave Arneson sth new Doors & Daacos game designed by ‘Jonathan Thee, Moote Goa, Ship Willams Richard Hak end Peter Akison. This product os upted material from the WS rein. deg fo se with the Fonwor7en Ris Campaign Sein by Bl Geen ‘Sean K Raynal, Ship Willams and Rob Hens, “This Wizard of the Conse ne proce contains no Ope Gane Content. No poston of dis wrk ay be reproduc any Fem witht writen persion "To een ore about the Open Gazing Liens ad the 20 Sytem Liebe, pane vk mewwaarcom 20. US, CANADA, ASIA, EUROPEAN HRADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Hiro OK Lal Winardy of the oust Ie Canwell Way 20. en 707 ‘Newport Gent NFO OH Renton, WA 98097-0707 GREAT BRITADX (uetions) 1900328-6496 Peep ia yt mt 10-98371720-001-EN 907654921 IsmN30: o7ae9 395 Firs Priatng Jane 2006 ISBN: 978.07849.39152 Doss & Daacons, DBD, Donets Mase, Roacorre: Brats, 20, 420 Syste, Wikis oF rn Coss, Myre of te Moca, Player nde, ‘Dungeo Maiers Guide, Moniter Manna, al ott Wizars of the Car product mazes, al uit respective logos ae tama of Wizards of the Coast Ine athe US.A. an othe counties. “Ths material is proected under the copyrigh ns of the Unial Stats of America. Aas reprodction cr wjthocae we af the taster or atverk contained eres potie!without Ue expron writen poxmison of Wierd ofthe Cont, Ic “Ts produc ea work officio. Any similarity to acral. people organizations place ar evens purely ecinceet. (©2006 Wizards of the Cos, Tne: Printed ia the US.A Vasa net remit comeglid ele = ‘TanLe or Contents —— Introduction .......... How to Use This Book Book Organization DM Navigation Tips... Where to Stare... Work You Have to Do. Moonsca Primer e+... acts to Keep in Mind low to Introduce the Region <--... What You Need to Use This Book... (Chapter 1: Melvaunt and the North Geographical Overview ‘The Campaign in Metvannt Chapter 3: Malmaster andthe East Geographical Overview : "The Campsign in Milman. Mulmase, Gy of Danger ‘Government and Law Reason eee Ville of Melvaae Roinon in Mraunt : ‘Melvaunt Quess f lous oe Devil Fire Tavern. coyesecsog sosssces 17 Chapter 4 Zhentl Keep and Hallsof Met, Blood of Stone Geographical Overview. “The Cand Wares oss scctescsacseceteslia4 | the Cetpniga 8 Ze Kemp Trouhe in Pain oe- see Bit Rep Vorbyr's Wate oe Sea ‘ad tes Eo te a a eins scone Keema mate aces area ee et a SOON Eat oe Deke Let a cholders' Lair. jad ie aot ee eae Roadie Si “he Ballin the Dept fina in Conroe ro ceo, sp aluable pels, ue old rains ripe for plundering, ‘Bui ia bard place to live—cold, Brava, and dangerous, and it makes tbe men whe tae ther ine something ‘much the seme, tempering the soft irom of ther spirits into eld, ‘herp see The peopleof the Moonen are bard and unforgiving because if they weren't they/d be dead at the hands of mousters, ‘prams, or the cruel turns of nature herself? —Khelben “BlackstafT™ Arunsun “Dare—and beware?” —Moonsea battle cry How to use This Book Mysteries of the Monnsea takes a different spproach from other regional Foucorre’ REALMS books; its a box of ready-to-use ‘campaign pieces rather than an instruction manual on how to, make those pieces yourself: Instead of you having to read an entire egional book and then come up with your own campaign based on that region, this book gives you the basic background information you need to runs campaign in the area and provides you with a large number of completed adventures from which to pick and choose. Rather than a comprehensive ‘description of every person, place, and thing in the Moonsea region, Mysteries of the Meonsea focuses on four main cities and provides scores of miniadventures (sometimes called “quests” hereafter) for 1 Moonsea-based cam- alga. Each quest is tid to a particular part of the Moonsea, ani some have links to one or more other quests in that area or another area allowing you to string them together into 2 long ‘campaign, starting at ist level and ending around 18th level Wb ic ie dona fous sain cites, and the other half are located farther aay ‘The quests haye a lot of overlap in terms of character level JPhich allows yout pick an chose appropriate adventures fr _ of yentt-PCs based on their abilities and interests and what sort of | ‘campaign you want to run. For ‘example, if you'te planning | city campaign you can jst use the incty quest, while 2 group ‘of heroes consisting of barbarians, druids, and rangers might nyo all of the outlying quests and only rarely enter the eitics. ‘The overlapping quests and the many links allow you to build a nonlinear adventure that responds tothe actions the PCs tak. 1's possible to run an entre campaign using only half ofthe incladed «quests and run a later (or simultancous campaign using the other half, with each sets of PCs hearing about the other's activities and sometimes helping or hindering cach other. You can also plan to use all forty adventutes in one campaign, particularly if the PCs deal with plot elements quickly or prefer combat adventures rather than’ themes involving diplomacy, intrigue, and mystery. Because the quests ae self-contained, you can also use them for stand-alone “sie treks” in campaigns set elsewhere in Faerit—for example, a Dalelands campaign might diver into the southern ‘Moonsea area and dea! with one ofthe quests there, an Anauroch campaign might make use of one of the Zhentarim quests in the westerri Moonsea,and|so on. Some city quests might it wall in another city entirely. Finally, with so many poreals all over aera it's quite posible fr the PCs to stumble acress a Moonsea {quest through a porta either returning to ther orginal location when there done or sticking around to follow up on the Tinks to other Moonsea quests. Book organization After the remaining shore explanatory text at the beginning of this introduction section, the hook gives an overview of the territory around the Moonsca, expanding on the information presented in the Foxcorrex Reus Campaign Setting. The ‘remaining four chapters cover one of the four rough quadrants of ‘the Moonses, starting wth low-level adventures and eulesinating in high-level adventures: North (focusing on Melvaunt), south’ (focusing om Hillsfar), east (focusing on Mulmaster), and west Iyrkopuerion =— Gocusing on Zen Keep). The expanded Moonsa map on page “shows the general borers for cach ofthese quadrants. Each chaper stares with «short geographical overview of the quadean, then follows with several pages of more detailed information on is primary cty-sae, giving you key locations, city demographics, influential groups, and fll game statistics for screrallevckapproprinte villains. Following the villsins is @ Tat of rumors the PCs can overhear using sill cocks Gome of hich ar fale or red herring, some of which re pot hooks 0 ‘aris quests o ther quadrants). Next are location bsed quests Set within or immediate nearby the cy, fellowed by another set of quests chat take pce in outlying areas of the quadrant DM Navigation Tips "The easiest way to navigate the book isto determine what adven- ‘ure levels you looking for and jump ro that chapter. The north ‘quadrant (Chapter 1)is for PCs of ist=%th level, the south (Chapecr 2)is for 6th-1.2th level, the east (Chapter 3)isfor 9th-14th level, and the west (Chapter 4) i for 12th-18th level. F you plan to sun long campaign using this book, you'l start at the begining and work your way back as the campaign progresses. The events {in and around these adventures take place in the last half of the Year of Rogue Dragons (1373 DR). where to start If youre planning on running 2 campaign inthe Moonsea, read the Moorsea Primer later in this introduction. Once you have a ‘tip on the background material, fgure out where you want to Start the campaign or at what level you want the PCS to start {one greatly infuences the other, a least i you don't want to todify the NPCs and monsters to suit a diffrent party level) th ik che hap spre o rae anc on sand its quests PFT lee otek oo ghar rig in tik for an ongoing campaign ousle the Moons, you cam skip tbe _ “Moonsea Primer and jump right to the chapter that has quests forthe target level you esl (Gee DM Navigation this tn). + . fs. ork You Have TO DO his book isnot super adventure with one common plot inking all together. no detailed aveneare path with comprehen Sive angers Fr any posible ations. e's upto you asthe DM to Inlp create sli links for the quests inthis book so the PCs can {from oné to another in the order you want You'll also need fo il in some details depending on which aspects of the cites and qusts they want to explore. You'l aso need to watch What the players are doing and read up on the future quests to push: nections they might be interest in and deempasie the that you don't waa so pursue or are inappropriate For the THsoak rr of component ps tnt yo a to do the assembling —here are the bricks, you provide the mortar and the elbow grease. “Mysteries ofthe Moons assimes the PCs ae goo’ or at ast sural. Some gusts expect that PCs will want to get involved to fight an injustice (ach as frecing saves), defend innocents Refer (Goch as protecting a village from: ralers), and the like, whereas inany evil parties have no interest in such things, unless there is profit co be made. If your campaigns PCs rend tobe on the evil side, you'll need to modify ee quests to suit their intrest ‘In some cases the “villains” ofeach major city might end up as ‘potest ais, o you could change the “villains to be more neutral oF good so asto remain obstacles for the PCs. Moonsea primer Before continning in this section, familiarize yourself with the sergio of tht Monsen region provided on pages 139-165 {s located in the northern part of Faerin, as the Silver Marcas its much cooler than the {common stile of leh in the Moons). around in light cething dorng cold weather is obvi ether fool ot somone who using magi to stay srarm and dest care if people Know i (nd ths fo). Minor Thagic ites that protect ans the cold, such s rings or potions ee ee are ieee cae incerian ac cacti eno Pope cieaheoeaed caf nor Baring f waa balby Sothing alls Size Gand these ‘people are the ones Wo Gan tT Bayard fect them pepe Ee eee aoa Cee cima ace Se mein cua meee Testes pepe oa re ee en ri eee oe pee orig ent ee oa a a ec tes era travel across the ice possible but @ue to the great distances involved) not very common. The lager cities sometimes se ‘cebreakng ships, summened monsters or fire magic to kep their dock areas somewhat clear of ice, though this s impractical on a large scale. Icefishing is common, with fishermen walking to ‘ther Favorite spots rather than boating, The first snow usually fallin carly to middle Uktar and the land is consistently snowy from Nightal to Alturak, with occasional snowfalls happening through Tarsakh, "The fquentcoltwnd limined technology means that Moonsea inns usually have a small number of large rooms rather than = large number of small rooms; this reduces the numberof inde vidual fireplaces needed and the overall risk of firs; Some ins have just one large eommos' oom heat’ by 2 large hearth. This ‘meats these places have less privacy than a typieal adventurers inn but atacks are ls likely because there are sorhay witnesses. | ‘he places with smaller rooms tend to use closed wiers full of har coals to offset the chill Dang, ere ig wh ld reson Sammy aly re kcold ect tobe conker cl haar with high abo SO, 16°C) Sing ‘and autumn are routinely in the cold weather category (40°F, +°C or below), and winter is ually in the severe cold category (OF ~A8'C of below), often dipping into extreme cold (below -20°F, 29°C) several times over the course ofthe wink. ‘Because of the natural col, those who have the means to magically protect themselves against cold uch a6 adventurer, spelcasters and other wealthy Flt often dss, and in turn are avare that their enemiss might have similar protection. This smeans that magic sing NPCs ar es likely to use cold attacks since doing sis often a waste of time (though the fllowers of ‘Auri, unpopular even in the Moohsg, would disagree). PCs who in themselves against magia ol in anticipation of many “old mages in te area might be surprised that rebel aa ghtnng, dolar just a common here asin warmer lands ity Seats: Because ofthe danger of bandits, monsters, and riliary rival, eivilized populations gather i large seteements sua behind wall for protection and comfort every tam has at leas a wooden palsade wall. Adventurer traveling eas-country are much les likely o stumble across harlt o village here than caewhere in Farin. Most setelements don't allow visitors after dark, and some even refuse entry to strangers dating the day except under speial ciseunpstances—cven visiting merchants must make ther deals outsie the ron wall Monsters: Though most parts of Facrin have atleast oc- ‘asional problems with marauding monsters, the Moonsea is partculvly dangerous in this regard. Surrounded by old moun- tains and ancient forest, and divided by a mysterious dcp sa, the land here has more than is fie share of strange beasts Tn particular, the lake was once called the Sea of Dragons because fof the many dragons that came here to mate; forests and ‘mountains are stl riddled with dragon Irs. Moonseaflk do not scoff at rumors of monsters—they tighten thei belts, sharpen ther swords, and expect the worst. Monster trophies do not Jmpress thems such things hang inthe main hall of mos towns ‘that have managed to survive for more than afew years Religion: The common faiths ofthe Moonsca reflct its dangerous nature; most of the gods worshiped here are of the “worship me or bad things will happen to you” variety, and the rest fall ino the “worship mc oT wil do bad things to you” category. Whether overt or sul, these faiths influence how the local poople think. Visitors who worship bright and noble gods are likely to be scoffed at behind their backs, while those ‘who worship: “frivolous” deities such as Ehlath, Lira, Mit, Shares, and Sune are oft deride to ther face. Adventurers who preselytize“Toreign” religions quickly draw the artntion of Banite lyaliss and others who openly serve the el dstes favored hee. Most Moonse folk pay lip service to these dis st to keep potential threats aay, tot necessary ally embracing the dark philosophies of these deities. Sumpcion: Because of their Frontier situation and the many heats in the Moonsea (particularly from rival city-states), the people of he region are mistrustful of any strange, since any unknown perion could be a spy or asain from a rival ctl ment. Unlike other harsh lands where a culture of hospiaity toll became the norm for the sike of survival, the Moonsea folk have more of “take care of your own?” attitude. This ako makes them reluctant to turn to outsiders for help except under reat dures, of when they have no questions about a person's TRODUGTI motivations (or example, ven in the Moonsea a paledin of Torr issomeone you ean trust to help you without an ulterior motive). Straigers mast prove their worth before earning even a small measure of free hospitality: While the people of the Moonset are not inherently evil or distrstfal (any more than the people of the Dales are inherently endlly and good), eh isthe aide bred into them by a culture where survival is hard work andthe, kind-hearted are usually taken advantage of, How to introduce the region “The est way to express the fel of thé Moonsen i e-world terms. Ifyou combine the “bash land makes a trong people” ‘themes of che Viking civilization with the “we will persevere aginst adversity” attitude of the pre-Soviet Russian commoners, ani he srikeierich fray of the California gold rsh, you get reasonable approrimation of the region’ temperament. Civiliaed humans sete therein the hopes of Iecoming riko tas living vel they remain out of stubbornness toa amos fatalitic extent, aru continue to prosper in each generation because those who Work tard suocesd—aun because failure means death The Moomea is tt A nice or safe place to live its setdes are driven people who want snake ther ov choices about their lives, were driven out of eit ld lands, or know that they are the ones who wll triumph. ‘When runing a Moonsea campaig, try to reinforce those thre chetes. The people of the Moonsca arent helpless and are content to solve their problems themselves. If they can't salve it themselves they'll endure tyrants or threats in the interest of longterm survival, All of them know that fate could tip the balance in thei favor any day now ad they’l be rewarded for thee hand work. Local PCs should represent these qualities ¥Forcign PCs should eocounter these qualities often as contrast to your typical Faertnian peasant. Moonsea folk are not fotsh or stupid, just very determined to beat the odd. what rou Need to use This Book ‘To use this supplement, you need! the three D&D core rule- books—PlayePs Handbook (PH), Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG), and Monster Manual (MM)—in addition to the Forcorrex Reacas Campaign Setiing (FRCS), Because some of the characters here use the revised regional feats and prestige classes presented in the Player's Guide fo Faerie), you will find that book helpful. Some of the NPCs presented here use spells from Player's Guide to Facrin, Magic of Feerin ) or Unappraachable East (), but none of those spells are critical ‘to using those NPCs, so you can swap out those spells for others if you don’t have those books In addition, many of these spells ‘were updated and incaded in Sped! Compendium (*), 50 you can refer to those versions if you have that book. Several encounters are magial locations, which are anew type of resource explained fully in Dungeon Master Guide H, though all the information on the locations inthis book is povided for you, and DMG Tis optional (though you might find it useful for modifying the locations or creating your own). ord NUOHTEE M's cnre seeking a good deat in Mefwawnt? I shink yetve better off looking for a happy max’ in They ox rem BiLBggctes: merchant te she Realms are inside these walls, and theyre selling the best merchandise. dnd don't forge, after yotve been overcharged at. ‘he stall yu’ sill otto pay the mobes just forthe privilege of sping in tei city! No; my friend I dew’ think yo be fin ing amy deals on this afternoon ... say, didn't you have a money poche on your Belt when we left the inn?” —Garolin deMark, traveler and eesdent drunkard at The Breakwater geographical overview ‘The city of Nelvaunt sts on the northern coast of the Moonsea, And serves as the port of entry to many travelers coming to the region. The Northern Moonsea region stretches inland from ‘the shore all the way to the edge of The Ride, encompassing all of Thar. The River Stojanow marks the region's western border; ‘the Galena Mountains frame the region to the east. The city of Giister at the northern edge of Thar is nominally apart of the region, but its people and customs differ significantly from those along the coustline. ‘The Northern Moonsea is a harsh place whose independent cities are not well connected by roads; most of the region's famed trade takes place by boat./None of the area's rulers want tospend time and money malking i easier for armies to march upom-them, so roads remain a low priority. The Phlan Path is perhaps the Tegion’s most proper road, but even it resembles nothing more than a rusted dirt tral in places, sn Melvaunt constantly shuttle goods to Mulmaster far, where thse items can be more efficiently distributed nl the region. Legitimate trade with Zhentil Keep is danger ‘ous and rae, but ee black mark is alive and well, despite the citys attempts to crack doen on “traitors” that woud do business with their enemies in the west. ‘The geography ofthe Northern Moonsea area canbe described in three words: drab, marshy, and col. Vase swaths of the region have lite to no vegetation, and the landscape is rarely broken up by tees, hills, of rivers. Building roads through the land is expensive, time-consuming, and ultimately futile, Because the stones sink farther into the marsh year after year. Struetares futside the major cities encounter much the same problem, and fev people have found 2 compelling reason to build fortifications to defend such unweleoming terrain. hs With tee vegetation frequent incursions by monster, anda col climate, farming is relatively unknown along the Northern Moonsea. In the western setion, along the River Stojanow, a fertile belt allows forthe sowing of some grains and afew hardy vegetables. Without the protection of a major ety, however, 0 large-scale food production takes place. ew small commits Pop up in the north for similar reasons, so most of the region's population is concentrated in its cits ‘The Great Gray Waste of Thar occupies large section of the north. Tes bleak and desolate region of marshlands and cold plains, with the occasional mountain oe rock formation to break up the landscape. Tribes of ores and ogres rule, making their homes Wherever they can carve out @ niche. Scavengers and predators roam the land from the ubiquitous monstrous vermin to green dragons tothe animated skeletons of the unfortunate dea, the campaign in Melvaunt ‘The lands north of the Moonsea are among the most dangeroas inal of Fecein—where better to serve asa proving ground for. a band of hardly-adventurers who aim to make their mark in the world? If they can't survive the frontier city of Melvaunt or the —— MeLyaunt aNp THE NORTE be mild lands sufrounding i, they certainly won't fare well with the ari, Red Wizards intrigues ofthe Z inthe regio This section begins the journey your players’ char Melvaunt, city of swords eals"on-the Moonses © < stronghold £0 of tattooed the Moonse “ f ot n. In ‘frontal assault by the Yatety of goods, mos Cs wil surely end in thee deat os eae low alternative methods for t ae a Meteannt, City of Swords ’ Melvaunt (metropolis: Conventional; AL CE; Spending limit 80,000; Assets 137,600,000 gp; Population 34,408; Races isolated (humans 95%, dwarves 2%, other 3). Authority Figures: Ghandi Leiyraghon (NG mate human fighter 9), Lord Chaneellor; Halmuth Bruil (NE. male human fighter 13), Lord of Keys; Meldonder Nuria (LIN male human wizard 13), Lord of the Waves. ‘mprtant Characters: Ulblyn Blackaback (NG male halfling bard 6/Harper agent"? 2), Harper, Abarel Stendale (NG male Inuman fighter 13), mercenary esprin); che seventeen other Lords Councilor. ‘Notable Imports Grain, Weather, livestock, ore, timber, vegetables. (Notable Expert: Armor, arms, slaves, and finished metal pods of all types government and Law ‘A Councit'of Lords nominally rules the city of Melvaun, although most of the curzent lords pay more attention to their rercantil interests than to the citys administration. Because trae roles all activity in the ity, every member of the council ‘must bea merchant of some reput (although it is often hake ‘that such reputation need not be good or honorable). Lords rule at their pleasure until they die at which time they are replaced tyra vote ofthe remaining council members, A candidate must meet the following requirement ination to being a merchant of the city + Must not be impliited in the death ofa lord. * Must not be, or ever have been, allied with enemies of Melvaunt—incuding Mulmaster or Zhentil Keep. + Mase make a cash payment of 100,000 gp in eade bars the cou! as show of goo faith. Now seats can be purchased directly, should an impatient mer- ‘chant dese position of power befor’an existing lord dies—but, ‘auch hubris is costly: The aspiring lord mast make a donation of 2,000,000 gp to the city coffers in addiion to meeting all of the above requirements. politics “Three iércantile Families hold the mgjrity of power on the council—the Nanthers, the Leiyraghons, and the Bruils, in descending oder of influence. Together they hol thirteen of the twenty-one seats currently existing on the council through blood or alliance. Seven of the other seats are all held by invidea} merchants who sll their allegiance to the houses ona case-by-case basis. There is currently one vacant seat—that of Lord Envoy, ruler of the coun ‘The recent death of Dundeld Nanther, patriarch of the family and former Lord Envoy of che council, has weakened the Nanthers tenuous grasp on power; Dundes experience and title letimized the familys claim eo rightful rulership of the tity. Now, the power vacuum aFtr his death as mobilized the family’ ambitious enemies and an all-out politcal war surrounds the choice ofthe next Lard Envoy 0 ee “Mevaunr np THE Nowre — crime Crime is abundant in Melvaunt; most of the lord ar? more congerned with their basins delings and family status than rgimtining ore in the ety. The Lard of Kes tries to curb Clim as much as ponblecaptued criminals provide im an outlet for his ste streak—but the portion of the’ sem he designates as the iy guard isnot large enough to hee tas on ‘the entire metropolis. Crimes against ordinary citizens are usually pushed with fines, but those against the noble families (and their minions) or merchants and tradesmen merit imprisonment, mpressment into the navy or army, or even death. J pefenses Metvaus’s wall i paroled day and night by a contingent of the city’s army, which consists of five thousand men-at-arms, Jed by Halmuth Bru, the Lord of Key. Bruil rently took the title oF general for politcal purposes: The city's former general, ‘Abarel Stendle, was demoted after 4 manufactured scandal caused him to loe his honorary lordship. Stendal’s hatred of ‘the Bri family buras bight, and heures his new position as captain of the City Guard to inypede the Bras machinations wherever he ean. “The army also watches the city’s environs, though its patrol rads has shrunk as pressure from Thar Bas made the futer reaches of the old patrol range increasingly dangerous. Melvauney small but effective navy patrols the ncarby waters of the Moons, driving aay pirates and escorting important Shipment ieo the docks. reade Guilds hold quite abit of power inthe city 28 one would expec, in sucha mercantile power Some ae legitimate trade organiza tions that collect des, ensure quality and represent their trades interests tothe council, Ohers are simply fronts for organized ‘rime, running neighborhood protection rackets and mking foreign traders el very uncomfortable when undercutting local craftspeople, Several guilds have diroct tics to one ofthe city’s ruling familicg, meaning that ee line betwen official law and tuild law is often blurred; the Bruils rule the Metalworkers Guild, the Leiyraghons control the Brotheshood of Carpenters and Shipwrights, and the Nanthers head the Jewelers Guid and Council of Siversmits Adventucers ‘Adventurers are weleome in Melvaunt, and they are often hired to put a neutral face on the more direct political meneuverings of the ruling families. They also help control nearby threats from Thar, leaving the city’s army’ to defend against threats from pirates and the Zhencarim. Infact, the council regularly publishes 2 tract listing rumors of trasure and monsters in nearby ‘making it easier for adventurers to launch forays from the city. "The face eat this brings significant wealth back ingo Melvaunt also motivates the council religion There are three major temples in Melvaunt. The oles the Purple Portals, a temple and workshop dedicated to Gond the ‘Wonderbringer, The Resting Place of the Whip was constructed after Loviatar’s clerics saw the potential for corrupting the merchant nobles who ran the city. The newest temple is the Hall of Laughter, dedicated to lira. Many of the city’s willest parties are held bere, some sponsored by the Laiyraghons che nos table patrons ofthe Lian ler: The city ako boasts shines to Tempus an Tymora, a well as 4 fsthall diated to Shares where the mane decadent citizens ge to quench ther religious thirst, city Locations ‘The following are noteworthy locations within the city of Melvaunt. 1. MarkeTPLace ‘This open area in the middle of the city isthe heart of Melvaune’s bustling trade. A wide varity of goods from all over Faeriin ‘an be found here, traded in open stalls, covered tents, and the livestock pen. The smoke and ash of the smithies seems far aay here, and itis the one place in the city where the tension of rival families iso overtly felt. Sixtocn city guardsmen patrol hore at all times. 2. LetykacHon Manor The mos ostentatious dwelling within the city, this sprawling castle occupies a large plot of land abutting the southeastern wall While che family was known for holing public tournaments on their grounds to display is power and wealth, all such events were caeelled earlier this year upon the death of Dundeld Nanther. bly ee family says its observing atime of mourning, but itisfar more concerned with letting large groups of people onto it property during this time of poitgal uncertainty. Asa resi, the Nanthecs have doubled their usual guard from twenty-four to forty-cght men-atarms, calling in their operatives from soup Meivaunt; while this move has strengthened the family’s stil to defend the castle it has weakened the Nanthers' grip on the rest ofthe city ‘Whispers around town have it chat the Leijraghons were comfortable with the Nanthers in power, and that the family tas now descended into paranoia and internal strife as it tes (0 decide how to assert itself in city polities. 3, Nantier Keep ‘North of Leiyraghon Manor near Melvaune’s northeastern val sis Nanther Keep. The small caste i draped in Back tapestries to mourn the loss of its patriarch, Dundeld. Nanther, iis fiequetly sail around town ehat what i truly mourned is the ‘oss of the Nauthen’ power, With the Brulsfrmly in control ofthe ety’ army, the citizens rightly fel the winds of change Bowing through the ppc’ echelons of government. Currently 20 private soiiers guard Nanther Keep, most brought in fom ‘use the city (the Brils make life hard for local men-at-arms ‘ho eke the pos). n gs ‘MELvAUNT AND THE NoxrH ae ‘Nanther Keep is well known for its exotic garden that features specimens from all across Faerin. The gardener wses magic to ‘mimic the atmospherie conditions of environments as diverse 25, ‘the jungles of Chale and the Galim Desert. 4. BRUILHAVEN ‘This ivy-covered mansion is home to the Bruil family. Of modest design and built of Brick, the building’s exterior reflects the ‘outwardly austere ethic of the clan that calls it home. Inside, ‘however, the Family indalges in ulerachie farnishings and lavish adornments, especially in the kitchen and dining rooms Fifteen ‘men-atarms patrol the grounds at all times, large force relative to the size of the estate, The Bruils have recestly upgraded the arms and armor of their guards, presenting evidence of their strength in preparation for their push to control the Council of Loris J. ASBERYTH ‘This plain, square building holds the offices of all goverment “employees as well asthe chambers of the Council of Lords. The ‘council meets here once a month to decide the city’s business, ‘and these meetings usvally last anywhere from one to five days, depending on the importance of the issues and the politial ‘maneuvering taking place between the chree families. Twenty- four armed guards stand watch here during couneil sessions, with about two-thirds that number at all other times. 6. SHipYaRDs ‘The Brotherhood of Carpenters and Shipwrights builds all of ‘Melvaunt’ssips hete, both warships and trading vessels It is the most heavily guarded area of the ety, with no fewer than thirty city guardsmen patrolling day and night Several of the city’s tax asessors are based here sare the ship inspectors who check all incoming vessels 7. Metvaunt Docks ‘The Meivaunt docks are not the largest on the Moonsea but are probably the most organized and tightly controlid. No ship enters the docks without being examined and taxed, although the ‘three major families all ave ways around the sytem if needed. Inspectors ean be fund here day and night, anda special retinue of soliiersis under the direct control of the chief inspector As the primary loading and unloading point for all seagoing mercantile activity the docks are lined with warehouses and sleeping quarters for sailors. Most ofthe buakhouses are seedy places, but one new inn, the Floating Fighter, caters specifically t captains and other ‘more respectable clientele. ‘Ships fu their way int the docks withthe belp of the Finger of the Gods, 120-foot eal, cast iron lighthouse that stands st fone end of the docks. A magical light shining through its lens sides ships to port. Jered Wavctamer (CG humbn fighter 5) watches the lighthouse and makes sure no one tampers with its magic, The old sea dog is filed with stories from the city's his: tory, and he somehow picks up a fair amount of eure news [He enjoys company an will happily share his stories, especially “if is visitors give him new tale to store away. = re } Metvaunt axp THE Nowrit —=—[—= 8. Tar TeMpLe or Gonp The Wonderbringee’s temple in Melvaunt is « hub of activity Known as the Purple Portals, attracts pilgrims (mostly gnomes) who come here to see and utilize the impressive lab and workshop facilites within its walls. Initiates of Gond witness the creation and modification of a diverse array of specialized machinery, aund can even take part in clases on techniques developed by the High Attiiegr and his acolytes. The High Arcificer (N human cleric 12 [Gondi]) is a quirky man named Hessen Muragh who traveled here from Baldur's Gate more than two decades agp to witness the spectacle of metalsmithing that pervades the city at priests (human and gnome clerics of levels 3rd—Bth) serve him fulltime, and a number of worshipers acting as helpers and apprentices rotate through regularly 9. Tempe oF Lina Lady Joyworker Shandar Lyrintar (OG halfling cleric 14 (Lira tablished this temple, nicknamed the Laughing Halls after she ‘moved to Melvaunt from Hillsfar. She now overses seven priests in spreading joy through what is known widely 25 a humorless tov of smiths and politicians. Shandar isa comely woman with a pitch-perfect woe, which she shares during the legendary parties ‘thrown by the temple every fortnight or so 10. Tae Tempe or Loviatar Followers of the Maiden of Pain worship ther dark mistress a the ‘Resting Place of the Whip. High W hipmistrss Suzildara Sharranien (LE human cleric 4[Loviatar|ierophant 3,2 sender, stunning ‘beauty with dark ejes and has, presides over the temple, She perso ally oversees the church's Candle Rites as wel as the seasonal Rite ‘of Pain and Purity. Sixteen lesser priests serve under hee eae with re of autonomy to pursue the church’ interests Resting Place is not a particularly popular temple, nor Ts haf worship of Loviatar spread much in «city that values hard work and succes over the narcissistic pursuit of pleasure. Stil, it survives, thanks in no small part to the worshipers! with « cult dedicated to the return of Iyachtu Xv 11. Tur. Br.aKwaTER ‘The Breakwater used to he where ship captains, advenpurers, and meg and women of taste stayed when they etme to Melvaunt by sea. The recent opening of the Floating Fighter has taken away not it will be a permanent thorn or just a flavor of the day remains to be seen. Still, rumors persist that The Breakwasee’s owner is not taking the situation well, nd he might be hiring local thogs to give the new inn and its patrons a hard time. The Breakwater still does its fair share of business, though, thanks to its large, well-appointed rooms and excellent concierge service. The housesérvant, Tavis, is available 2¢ hours a day to arrange livery and laundry services, weapon and armor repa ‘entertainment, or just about anything else a guest could want much of that business—whether 12. Tae. Livestock Pex Despite its name, this reais noe for animals a all—its where sates are brought as they are groomed for the trading block. Though it sits at one end of the Center Market, a separate force of twelve city _guards protects the merchants’ property that i found within, a ‘Mtvaunr anp rae Noxrit 13. Heamur’s ALLGoops Known throughout Melvaunt as an excellent merchant shop, Hlermuk’s is better known to aventurers and rogues as 2 good place to fence “acquired” property. Hermuk himself (CN human fogue 9) well eonnected to Melvaunt'’s black market, even trad fing with pirares and others who bring ilicit goods into the city. Hee can obtain a wide variety af exotic items, including poisons and drugs, sometimes with startling speed 14, BLackaLsucx’s Swar SHor Blackalbuck’s i as much a trading post asi is shop. Te has large outdoor rca with benches for people to lay out goods for trade. The proprietor, Ulbiya Blackalbuck (NG halfling bard 6/Harper agent" 2) is slays up for trading for equipment and information from adventurers Tn addition to his role as trader, Utblyn fs the chief Harper operative in the city of Melvaunt. He particulary loathes the city’s slave trade and works feverishly to drupe it wherever and whinever he ca. His identity'as a Harper is a well kept secret, however, so he tries t0 encourage auventurers todo his dirty work for htm Occasionally he leads forays himself, but only when the risk of discovery is low or the potential payofT is high 15. Tue Froarine Fichter ‘stalishod by a disgruntled former barkep from ‘The Breakwater, this inn is aiming to tue much of that inn’ respectable oskside business... and it's doing a prety good job. In addition to serving ahoveaverag fare and offering well-ap med rooms, the Flowing Fighter his a steam {oom and hot bath in its basement. This relaxing ‘pare i quickly becoming a favorite of nobles snl merchants from around the city, and there is already tlk of expanding the chamber into its own basiness by dling more bath, imported ile, and catering to an even’ more xii exchisive membership. villains of Melvaunt ‘The following NPCs are active in Melvaunt, and adventurers spending significant amouine of time in the city are likely to ‘un into one oF more of them. Any of these villains could appear asthe PCs begin the Melvaunt and Northern Moonsea quests found later in the chapter. Kivtiay Kreer (NaNTHER) ‘Asif the, Nanther family did have enough trouble with the death ofits patriarch, Donel, one of is rsing ars, recent Ged the ceray of Lorinser, levi iy politic behind hin Filan Nenther was a charming youth with «heed for name, the perfect combination for great sucess within Melvaunt’s pols splimeoancle works Heme trained on the hoee of the fallen B his Father, and would sometimes offer astute analysis of the day's transactions. His perfect smile and curly blond locks left the wives and daughters of opposing merchants fawning over him whenever they would vist But there was z hidden dark side to the boy. He spent hours ‘each eek learning how to inflict pain—on himself and on others. ee captured animals from his neighborhood anv used them in vile experiments, and when that thrill wore off, he began to do the He scarred his body in places where the wounds were not likely to be found, finding pleasure not justin the pain but in the creative ways in which he could cause it After a while; the bright young mat realized he had taken things #5 far as they could go, and he left his pursuit ‘Behind to immerse himself in his studies. At the age of fifteen, he ‘was given control of a minor shipping. interest, which he grew significantly by deceiving his competitors into sigaing bud contracts. Although legal, the tactics did’® sit well with many of the city’s merchants, and they presied the Nanthers to rein in the boy. But due to its ascendant status within Melvaune’s council, the family brushed off the criticism and allowed him free rein. This decision turned out to be 4 mistake, however, when Killian’. quick success turned to boredom in a flash. One day while scouting properties, be wandered near the Resting Pace of the Whip Filled witha sudden urge to enter the dark temple, he abandoned his surveying and stepped inside. Tt i not known what happened that day, but when Killian emerged, he was a changed man. He’ resigned his position from ‘not only his business interests, but from the family as well, explaining nothing. The mysterious circumstances surrounding Killian’ disappearance still provide fodder for rumors and insults in taverns acress the city Killian’ youth is hidden behind wicked mask he wears at all times, not to hide any sears but to protect his true identity ‘The black leather mask consists ofa skullcap with three curved, Adaggerlike projections that frame his face. He also adorns bis traditional priestly vestments with jewels and gold far beyond the means of a lowly temple cleric. ‘Although he left his ol life behing, he still enjoys keeping up with te polities ofthe city Killian might hire caradtes to gather ‘information on recent goings on, or to act as surprise muscle to augment the forces of his former family. The Nanthers might hire the POs to find their mising prodigy in hopes of shoring up their weakened postion inthe city. Ie takes a DC 30 Gather Information check to find evidence of Killin true identity, and 2 DC 35 Diplo macy check to convince Killian to reveal the information’ himself seme to hime } “Mezvaunr axp THE Noxt Kicuan Kreet (NANTHER) cR 2 cleric 2 (Loviatar) Male Damaran hums NE Medium humanoid Init +1; Senses Listen +2, Spor +2 Languages Chondathan, Common, Damaran ‘AC 14, couci 1, flarfooted 13 bp 122 HD Fort +3, Ref'1, Will 5 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) ‘Melee mivk light mace +1 (d8-1 Ranged light crossbow +2 (18/1920) Base Atk +1; Grp +0 ‘Atk Options strike of vengeance 1/day Special Actions rebuke undead S/day (+4, 2464, 2nd), spontaneous casting (inflict spells Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, petons of sictuary sero of docm, sxoll of shield of faith (Cleric Spells Prepared (CL. 2nd) Ist—eanse fear (DC 13), endure elements, enlarge person? (DC 13), sbscerig, mist O—ereate mater, cure minor wounds, detect magic, mending D: Domain spell. Domains: Retribution, Strength. Deity Loviatar, Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 14 SQ.feat of strength 1/day, moderate aura of evil Feats Persuasive, Scribe Scroll Skills Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Heal +6, Intimidaee #5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (Moonsca local) +2, Knowledge (religion) +2 Possessions combat gear plus studded leather armor, sav light ‘mace, diamond-studded holy symbol Foxyia Case Rea Chase was a refoge fem Ziel Kep atthe age of even, Aig alongside «erin of survivor aftr the armis of Gyic seed the ety. Her parents were Kile inthe destracton and the latch cata any fay thar would ec ber bang round. A Ceipeation stn forthe refuges, however, there west many peopl willing to cae for a scrawny orphan gi Faria’ last Cott withthe peopl Frm Zhen Keep ocuref ets cxmpe fear Phan, when ber st “surrogate” Family attempted to sll Tern saver fom Melvause She ccaped during the transaction, bt followed the layers over the nest wek a hey trvsed toward Metrant, saenging okt shold in err fo socvre Once in the cy, Wed ay-o-ay by er wit ad instincts alone, on the very eige of survival I tok her wo years to decide hat mere survival was an aesptale Liste cnc, but ae ell didart know or trust anyone 56h ent othe oni fcr ss Kner as onehing ther than jst a mark—the layer she Bd exceped for Eve years cat. earng simply being captred and ol She arranger fit job sight ween. Aer pulling of the ob despite nespected restanc fom a medling Harper, rj figed che bad nrc enough respect from the sliver reveal ecco hima ight. Despite her tender age, the slaver took her on as she was ri 1% Forjia Chase 4 messenger and errand runner. Now, three years later, Forja is still the skinny, dirty girl who crawled from the ruins of Zhentil Keep. She is also an operative in one of the toughest cities in Faerin, and her skills have almost advanced to the point where she.can go independent, forgoing the protection (and abuse) of her employer Forjz has curly brown hair that she keeps chopped short and taneven using her dagger. Her face has a constant layer of drt, and her speech isn't mucl cleaner. While she has upgraded her es an old dagger 3¢ doesn't trust anyone, armor arid the tools of her trade, she still that was the first thing she ever stole. S and she tries todo her job without being seen whenever possible Having never had a family of ber own, Forjia looks for any ‘opportunity to steal from fathers and mothers, to deny their children the happiness that she herself never knew Characters will likely encounest Forjia inher role as messenger for one of the city’s slavers, oF as victims of her ‘ff-time” vocation as a pickpocket. Characters investigating the Melvaune slave trade can find out her name with a DC 10, Gather Information check, and can attract her with the promise of gold or goods. She isn’t particularly loyal to her employer, nor is she quick to sll him out ae the frst sign of an offer. Her initial ateitude toward adventurers is unfriendly, bat fora price she'll give information to anyone who can adjust her attitude to indifferent or better Foxyia Citas CR 2 Female Damaran rogue 2 CN Medium humanoid Init 2; Senies Listen +5, Spot + Languages Common, Damaran AC.15, touch 12, lat footed 13. bp 72 HD) Resist evasion Fort -1, Ref +4, Will +1 Speed 30 ft (6 squares) Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) Ranged dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20) Base Atk +1; Grp +2 [Atk Options sneak attack +246 Combat Gear tanglfoot bag, potion of jump Abilities Sr 12, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14 SQerapfinding Feats Stealthy, Street Smart"? Skills Blatt «5, Climb +4, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +f, Gather Information +7, Hide #7, Intimate +5, Jump +3, Knowledge (Moonsea local) +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +4, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +5, ‘Spot +5, Tumble +4, Use Rope +5 Powetsions combat gear plus studded leather, dagger, thieves tools, 22 sp. Conxrs Markov Cotkin Markov is & product of Melvaunt through and through. Hef skilled blacksmith sn sumormongsr who can move through the city’ elite political landscape a8 cal a he can knock back 2 round of ale with a up of hardworking smiths. Indeed, he thakes his living among the smiths, providing arms auid armor to the | ci army and navy aswell 38 the private forces of the noble families Balancing his diverse customer base against the backdrop of Melvaunt’s politcal climate what sets Cork ape from the smith chat, tavasvely service one Family. OF course it also makes his “aight jot that mach ease. Corkin might noe be the most sill smith in town, but his contacts reach deep imo the ct’ elie. He utilizes these contacts to gather information aout the current goings-on within the city, some of this information he sls to rival fails, some fn ues personaly to negotiate better contracts, and the rest he simply enjoys ashe watches plots and plans unfold. He also runs a mesage service, etching hidden an coded messages into tical goods that are tcn sold to thoxe for whom the messages ate meant. When he needs to infise fis goods with magic he {ura to the reclusive dvaif wizard Theoderus Stoncblo, whose ables with metal have become legendary among the smiths aa witriors of the region Mstration by Wea O'Commer Metvaunt axp THE Nowra —— Corkin’s succes can be partially attributed to his image. He is a very large man who shows off his muscles at every possibility, ‘but underneath the brawny exterior isa shrewd mind witha knack for details. He prefers a workmanlike wardrobe, even when he’s visiting a noble manor or attending a party. At these events, he ‘tends to stay in the background, letting business and information come to him. This passive demeanor serves him wel, since the ‘noble families would be very dismayed to find him selling secrets ‘to someone other than themselves. Corkin often acts as an intermediary between the families and their hired swords. IF the POs are working for one ofthe fami- lies, they could be sent to Markov Steehvorks to receive their instructions. Such messages are usually éncoded on some type of objec, requiring the PCs to make payment to receive it Although the Blacksmith is a canny fellow, Ihe does a lot of business around town, so ‘characters with inside information about 2 pickup might be able to bluff their way into getting the information before it can be ‘passed off, PCs looking for fence or informant will be directed vo Corkin with a succesful DC 10 Gather Information check. Crkin is normally indifferent ‘toward new business, but he will work with anyone who can adjust his attitude to frindly. Corks Markov CRO Male Damaran human bard 6 CE Medium humanoid Tnie 45; Senses Listen +5, Spot oF Languages Chessertan, Common, Damaran, Draconic AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 hp 35 (6 HD) Fort +6, Ref +6, Will «6 Speed 30 fi. (6 squares) Melee Dwvarhamaer +7 (1d8+4)x3) Ranged tnwh javelin +6 (2d6+2) Corkin Markos Bate Atk =, Grp -6 Special Actions bardic music 6/day (ougeston (DC 15], inspire confidence, inspire courage v1, fascinate [2 creates), countersong) Combat Gear potion of Bult sirengts potion of Ber, potion of cure moderate mounds Bard Spells Known (CL. 6th ‘unl ()8ay)—elod of bewilderment" (DCA), cate ject = 1s (4day)—alerm, charm person (DC 13), ene light wounds, eset thoghts (DC 13), amsen sr ant © Giday)—daze (DC 12), detect magi flare (DC 12), Figs mage band, mend Abilities Ser 15, Dex 12, Cn 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14 SObardic Knowledge de, Improved Initiative, Negoitton Scribe —_— Skills Appraise «9 (11 with armor, weapons, and metalwork), Craft (armorsmithing) +9, Craft (blacksmithing) +9, Craft (weaponsmithing) +9, Diplomacy +8, Gather Information +8, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (Moonses loaf) +11, Listen +5, Perform +11, Profession (mith) +6, Sense Motive +7, Spelleraft 55, Spot +5 ousessions combat gear plus +2chain shir, warhammer, imasterwock javelin, Hewards handy haversack Daumar GupeNsy Daumar Gudenny was happy in his homeland of Rashemen, ‘hanging and tracking through the lands he loved, One night he took refuge from a storm inside an empty cave, one that he could hhave sworn had not been there before. Ashe slept, he dreamed of twisted realm where he could sce the true nature ofall he encoun: tered, When he awoks, he felt differen, as if he no longer existed ‘wholly on the Material Plane. ‘As he ventured aeross Rashemen looking for answers about his new condition, he realized things had changed. The Spirits of the land now shussed him, following and harassing him wherever his journey led, It was as if the very land Jind turned against him. Slowly the spirits soured his hear, making him hate Rashemen and all who dwelt there. He left in disgust traveling ‘west, where the people snd spirits of his Former land would not be found, Daumar wandered for a few months, find ing trouble in the Galena Mountains and Thar before finally settling in Melvaunt.. Hunting people through the city streets kept his mind off his condition, and he found that he:en: {Joyed using his skills in this way, Wanton killing lost is luster ‘quickly, however, so he searched for purpose among the shadier clements of the city. Eventually he came into the service of fone of the noble families, the Brus. They frst used him as an assassin, until it was revealed that he had spent time in Thar. They then began to send him there seeking lore and alliances with the creatures that lived theres but this didn't suit Daumar. ‘After a few missions in Thar, he sought employment with other families after murdering the Bruil representative that tried to refuse his leave. Daumar stands « few inches over 6 fect tall, and his green «yes glow with an otherworldly light. He keeps his clothing well tailoged and clean, dusting himself witha custom compound that masks his seent-He appears much younger than eis, thanks to ‘the smooth skin of his race, His har is long, brown, and thick, and he lets it hang freely about his head and shoulders; where it resembles a lion's mane Characters searching for an assassin or tracker within Mel ‘aunt willbe directed toward Daumar, who can be found with 3 successful DC 15 Gather Information check. Keep i mind that Danmar Gadenny as o— “Metvaunt axp THe Nowriz on | Daumar chooses who finds him and who docs, atl he will always be the frst to: male contact with anyone searching for him; this may of working enables him to follow potential clients foe abit wo discern ther motives an abilities. Te has recently become obsesed by the history and egends of Voriys, frst King of That. He is fixated on a theory that the old king was actually of spirit folk lineage, and lao ben, firting with returning to Thar in search of proof of thee Daumar GupeNny Male mountain spirit folk anger 6 NE Medium outsider (native) Tait +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft, lowlight vision; Listen +9, Spot 14 Languages Common, Giant, Rashemi, sy ‘AC 27, touch 13, flarfooted 14 hp 42(6 HD) Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +f CRO Speed 30. (6 squares), climb 30 f& Melee mwvk longsword +3/+ (4a8+3/19-20) aged + compasite Ionghorw 110/45 (Qd8+3)%3) oF Ranged + compaite ragbore 8/085 (83/3) with Rapid Shot or Ranged «J composite Donghorw +6 (284653) vith Manyshot Base Atk +6; Grp + Ask Options favored enemy humans “+4 favored enemy giants +2, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Combat Gear potion of pass without trace pation of cure moderate wounds Ranger Spells Prepared (CI. st—animal messenger, longsrider Spell Like Abilities (CL. 1s Lday—spesk with animals Abilities St 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 11 SQanimal companion (none at present) wild empathy +8 (4 magical beasts) Feats Endurance!, Manyshot®, Otherworld, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot', Track* Skills Balance +5, Climb 110, Diplomacy +2, Handle Animal «7, Fide «7, Jump +11, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (ature) +9, Listen #9, Move Silently +7, Ride +5, Search +8, Spot +14; Survival +9 (+11 following tracks), Tumble +7 Possessions combat gear plus +2 studded leather armor, +Z composite longbow (+2 Ste bonus), masterwork longsword, cloak of resistance +1, eyes of the eagle, 48 gp pinnate A ate —— ‘Metvaunt aNp THE Noati oe Rumors in Melvaunt fhe PCs spend time taking to locals to heat rumors, have ‘them mithe a Gather Information check and consult the fl lowing table Check Result “16-19 Roll 1d10 and consult the Rumors list below. 20-24 Roll 1d10r4 and consult the Rumors list below. (25-29 Roll 1d10+8 and consult the Rumors list below: 30-34 Roll 1d10+22 and consult the Rumors list below. 35+ Roll 1410+15 and consult the Rumors list below. ‘Some ofthe items in the following list are false rumors and some axe alventure hooks left open for individual DMs to embellish. Rumors 1 The Bruils have become more aggressive lately because theyre going to try to take over the city. * 2 Some smiths are complaining that taxes have become too high, and they are pressuring their guilds to fix the station 3 The Lord of the Waves has banned the importation of livestock because of a spreading dscas. (False) 4 One ofthe cis most well nown ciiens sa Harper agent in disguise. 5 Dire rats have been pouring out of drains in the northern part ofthe city (hook) {5 Dwarves will soon be forced to register with the city and their population controlled because they are dominating the city’s smithies. false) 7 An assassin from the east with glowing eyes prowls the streets at night: 8 Pirates have caves and hidcouts allover the ncarhy constline, 9 Someone has been breaking into Nonya's Jewels every night, but takes nothing, (hook) 30 Captain Stendale of the Gity Guard has a burning hatred forthe Bru 1 The Leiyraghotis appear tobe in contel, but internal fighting is tearing the family apart. 32 Halmoth Brail isa vampire. false) 413 Ore bands have been ranging out of Thar and attacking travelers along the Phlan Path (hook) 34 The temple of Loviatar is buying slaves off the black market. 45. The navy recently destroyed an attack fleet from Zhentl Keep (alse) 46 A beggar outside the city walls has been distributing ‘essed wafers that cure disease and heal wounds. (hook) 137 The Red Wizards have been trying to infiltrate the city with pies. 1B Nobles from other ctis have been trying to buy the seat of Lont Envoy, bt the coancit has rejected all such offs sofa 19 The gnomes at the Purple Portals have been working of someting special for the next Shielimoet celebration. in 20 -A.grecatohed wizard bas reatoba hong near the docks and a strange creature hasbeen seen fying from its roof in the middle of the night (hook) 2A halfling with control over the weather has bocn ac- companying mercantile vessels from Hillsfar and regaling folks at The Breakwater with tales of adventure. 20, The Nanthers have constructed a shrine to Bane in the cellars of Nanther Keep in abi to hep power (fs) 23 Foreign mercenaries have been streaming into the city singe the Bruils took control of the city’s army. U4 The magic that holds together the garden at Nanther Keep is failing, and the family does't know wi (hook) 25 A new Lard Esvoy will be announced soon. mMelvaunt Quests “These miniadventures take place inside, under or in the imme ate vicinity of Melvaunt. They're set up so you can use them in ‘order (ach is designed for progressively higher-level characters), ‘or you can mix them up with the Northern Moonsca quests in the next section. Some of them can also link to adventures in other chapters. ‘These adventures center around a group of slaves with strange tattoos on their ankles. The tattoo’ design also shows up as a strange symbol on some cursed weapoos and armor. These tattoos are part of a Red Wizard plot to infiltcate the Zhentarims in ‘theory they will allow the Red Wizards to sery on the Zhentarim and have controllable assets behind enemy lines. Eventually the Red Wizards want to be able to store spels in the tattoos thatthe slaves can then be commanded to cast, but it's not known how far they have come in implementing this plan. These tattoos are similar to those created years ago when the Red Wizards'and the ‘hentarim were allied, so great care has been taken to heep the tattoos unobtrusive and undetectable through magical means, pevil’s eire ravern Devils Fire Tavern ia short adventure designed for characters of Ist level. I aks plae ina tavern in the western portion ofthe city and inthe caves beneath i Backakounp ‘The Devils Fire is one of Melvaune’s newer establishments tuarely more than @ year old. An expirate named Corwyn Jaffe ought the building from a merchant who ha long since moved toa beter location, en he hire local vagrants an beggars to renovate the plac. At first thought to be an. act of generosity, this cent late spawned raqvors of disappearing laborers and én underground slave ring Can? market that bypasses the city’s tax system is illegal. No wrongdoing was ever proven thanks to 2 {ew well-placed bribes and threats ‘Unsurprisingly, Corwya ad not left his prior vocation ¢o become an honest businessman. A coincidental discovery he made hile serving asthe fist mateo pirate ship led tothe building's purchase. While he and his crew were towing their latest “catch” ina cave just ouside the city, Corwyn stumbled across a natural passage that led underneath the city wall Within a eeay, the ee ‘MrLvavwr AND THE NoxtH nn * pirates had purchased the building and begun construction on a basement with a secret link to the tunnel ‘The pirates continue to use the caves a a place to store ther booty an have recently added a kennel so they carr keep guard dogs there. They now also have a convenient way to smuggle ‘goods into the city, as well asa place to feneé them. Four nights ago they ran across what looked tobe easy pickings—a passenger ship saifing yest from Mulmaster. Unfortunately for them, the boat turned out to be carrying a Red Wizard and his retinue ‘The battle was flere, but with litle lck the pirates survived, When they went to loot the ship, hough, they found litle of value other than'a small hold full of slaves. Normally they ‘would have left the slaves on board while they scuttled the ship, tnt sce the fight had been costly and other treasure light, the pirates put the poor wretches in irons and stowed them away in the hold of their ship. Returning to their hideaway in & damaged ship, the pirates unloaded the slaves and docked their ship until they could figure ‘ut what to do. They mae contact with buyers actvely—a turn- about from their usually passive mode of fencing goods—but only managed to sell off a few slaves to a dark-robed bayer. Word has spread, however, meaning that antislavery forces in the city now have a target that won't bring about official inquires. Others in the city have taken noice as wel, including, #8 mage in tae employ of the Red Wizards in Mulmaster that suspeets he Knows the origins of the slaves. The pirates have temporarily retreated to their wilderness camp to cool their heels and figure out their next move, bue adventure waits for no one in Melvaune! ADVENTURE Synopsis ‘A Harper operative in disguise approaches the PCs with a job offer—find out everything they can about a recent pirate cache that is hidden somewhere in the city, Clues lead them to the Devil's Fire Tavern, 2 haven for scoundrels with rumored ties to the pirates operating in nearby waters. Investigation leads the PCs to a series of hidden tunnels and caves beneath the tavern, and ultimately to a surprising pirate’ treasure. Cuaracrer Hoox ‘The PCs can become involved inthis adventure throvgh the use of the following character hook ‘+ Ulblyn Blackalbuck contacts the PCs with the intention of hiring them to keep an eye on the Devil's Fire. Something's sgeing on there, and Ulblyn thinks i has to do with an illegal stave shipment that recently came into the city. He hhas suspected the proprietor of being a stnuggler, but this is the first he’s heard of rumors connecting Corwyn to the underground slave trade. Uiblym contacts the PCs himself if they have 2 good reputation or are clearly of good character; ocherwise he acts through an intermediary, He needs information within a week, and i prepared to pay the adventurers 150 gp each to gather information where they can. He wants to know if ‘there are slaves involved with Jaffe new commercial venture, and if 9, where they are being held. He does not accept the first piece of information without the Second. Tue Deviv’s Fire Tavern: ‘This tavern is located on the impoverished lomer west side the «ity. Te derives its name from the red glow that magically eeapes the taver’s windows after the sum goes down, an ornament add byithe current proprictor. The inside of the place is inhospitable, to say the last. The floor is made of irregular sone tikes that are covered by a damp sliige of ash and mud, and the rarely used, fireplace reek of some unknown substance. The furnitures old, but serviceable. Still, Corwyn serves good ale fora fair price, has an irregular supply of local and exotic wines and other delicacies, ann serves up a cheap ploughman's lunch to dockworkers. ‘The taverns regular clientele is composed of beggars lucky ‘enough to have a copper to spare; dockworkers avoiding their wives after a days work, and representatives ofthe city’s Various