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Q.1) Fill in the Blanks.

1) For the Adaptation of the Body to training, overload is required.

(Adaptation, modification, alteration)

2) Exercise increases the strength and flexibility of the body.

(Power, flexibility, Agility)

3) Niyama is for the Purification of soul.

(Beautification, Purification, Justification)

4) Humans have 15 to 17 repetitions of inhalation and exhalation in a Minute.

(12 to 14, 14to 16, 15 to 17)

5) Today's lifestyle has become Mechanical and sedentary in nature.

(Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical)

6) Body contains 65-70% water which is essential to maintain the body

temperature. (55 - 60%, 60-65%, 65 — 70% )

7) | Sachin Tendulkar is the only cricketer to score 14000_runs in

International Matches. ( 14000, 15000 , 16000 )

8) Aplayer is awarded Shiv Chhatrapti Sports Award directly if he has

received ‘Arjun Award’ from the Central Government.
(Arjun Award, Jijamata Award, Padma Award).

Q. 2) Match the following.

1 Cardiovascular endurance - Size of the Muscles

2 Weight training - Pratilom

3 Samadhi - Swimming

4 Vilom - Antaranga Yoga

5 Dronacharya Award - Five Lakhs

6 Lifetime activity - Happy Old age

7 Mary Kom - Manipur

8 Water Soluble Vitamins - B and C

Q. 3) True or False.

1) Monotonous fitness program decreases the interest of a person.

Answer - True

2) During exercise circulatory system decreases the rate of blood circulation.

Answer - False
3) Breathing in the direction of the air is called Vilom.
Answer - False

4) Cholesterol level is regulated due to regular exercise.

Answer - True

5) Khashaba won the first silver medal for India in Olympics in Wrestling.
Answer - False

6) Ajrun Award is given to Players with outstanding performance at the

international level.
Answer - True

7) Spend at least one hour daily playing a favourite sport or select other sub-
Answer - True

8) Athletes require protein to develop muscles during training period.

Answer — True

Q. 4) Answer in one sentence.

1) Explain the term Reversibility.

Answer — The reversibility is a concert that states when you stop
working out, you lose the effects of training.

2) Define the term respiratory rate.

Answer — In resting time the respiratory rate is 12 to 14 breath’s a
minute and is called the respiratory rate.

3) What do you mean by Cardiac output ?

Answer - The product of the heart rate and amount of oxygenated blood
pumped in one minute forms the ‘cardiac output’.

4) Explain the Bahirang Yoga.

Answer - The first five limbs of ‘Ashtanga’, the Yama, Niyama, Asana,
Pranayama and Pratyahara are called ‘Bahiranga Yoga.’

5) What are the factors which effect the Individual’s development ?

Answer - The individual’s development is dependent on various
physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, social, financial and other factors.

6) What is the objective of Shiv Chhatrapati State Adventure Sports Award ?

Answer — Objective of Shiv Chhatrapati State Adventure Sports Award is to

felicitate outstanding achievement done by such adventurous
players over 18 years from Maharashtra State.

7) What is Balanced Diet ?

Answer — A Diet consisting of a variety of food and nutrients like
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in adequate
amounts for good health is balanced diet.

8) Who is known as the creator of the Golden period of Indian Hockey ?

Answer — Major Dhyanchand was creator of the Golden period of Indian Hockey.
Q. 5) Complete the diagram given below.

1) Niyama - Shaucha - Santosha - Ishwara - pranidhans - Tapas - Swadhyaya

2) Nutrients - Carbohydrates - Protein - fats - Minerals - Vitamins

Q. 6) Answer the following.

1) What do you mean by FITT principle ?

Answer: FITT principle means
* Frequency of Training (F) How many sessions of exercise or training, we do in
a week is called as Frequency of Training.
* Intensity of Training (1) Exercise intensity refers to how hard your body is
working during physical activity.
* Type of Training (T) during fitness training same type of the exercises should
be avoided.
* Time of Training (T) The duration of any fitness program must be specified.

2) Name some of the importance of regular exercises.

Answer: Importance of regular exercises are as follows :
* Cholesterol levels is regulated.
* Toughens and strengthens the body.
* Increases immunity.
* Reduces mental stress and keeps the mind refreshed.

3) Explain the need of Diet and Nutrition.

Answer: The need of Diet and Nutrition are:
* Energy for physical effort and movement.
* For functions of cells, tissues and glands.
* Growth and development of the body.
* To maintain body temperature.
* To develop immunity in the body.

4) List out awards given by the Central Government.

Answer - Awards given by the central Government are :
1) Dhyanchand Lifetime Achievement Award
2) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
3) Arjuna Award
4) Dronacharya Award
5) National Sports Motivation Award
6) Padma Award
7) Bharat Ratna Award.

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