Investigation of The Effectiveness of Thermoelectric Cooler With Stirling Engine Heat Pump For The Cooling of Lithium-Ion Battery Module

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Investigation of the Effectiveness of Thermoelectric

Cooler with Stirling Engine Heat Pump for the

Cooling of Lithium–Ion Battery Module
John Vincent Adan Joshua Roberto Gruta Jesus Martinez Jr.
Mapúa University Mapúa University Mapúa University
School of Electrical, Electronics, and School of Electrical, Electronics, and School of Electrical, Electronics, and
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Intramuros Manila, Philippines Intramuros Manila, Philippines Intramuros Manila, Philippines

Abstract— Lithium-ion batteries overheat during their actual moving parts and are more compact than vapor compression.
operation, creating difficulties for their implementation in EVs However, despite those advantages, its main disadvantage is its
and HEVs. In this study, a thermoelectric cooler paired with a low energy efficiency. Unlike thermoelectric coolers, the
Stirling engine (TEC+SE) was designed and used as a cooling traditional vapor compression technology has advantages in
mechanism for the battery cooling system. Then, the researchers terms of size, weight, power consumption, and cost. Vapor
compared the maximum temperature of the battery module at compression is more efficient and effective in providing cooling
various discharge rates and the power consumption when at below ambient temperature cooling [4]. Therefore, a heat-
TEC+SE was used to that of the standard thermoelectric cooler
dissipation mechanism must be applied to a thermoelectric
paired with force convection (TEC+FC). The researchers found
cooler to optimize its advantages [5].
that TEC+FC still provides better cooling since the battery module
had a lower maximum temperature for every discharge rate than The study in [6] experimented with a thermoelectric cooler
TEC+SE. Despite this, power consumption measurement reveals to investigate the thermal management of a lithium-ion battery
that TEC+SE consumes significantly less power than TEC+FC. module. The proponents of this research used a model with real-
time feedback on the temperature of the battery module. In
Keywords— thermoelectric cooling, Stirling engine, lithium- addition, the study in [6] shows that a lower maximum
ion battery temperature can be achieved by the researchers by using
thermoelectric cooling (TEC) compared to natural convection
I. INTRODUCTION (NC) cooling and forced convection (FC) cooling. Furthermore,
Global industrialization has resulted in rising greenhouse gas the study also shows that a better cooling mechanism can be
emissions and nonrenewable energy scarcity, both of which are achieved by the researchers by coupling thermoelectric cooling
significant issues for society. In addition, the climate change with forced convection cooling (TEC+FC). In a study from [7],
produced by greenhouse gas emissions significantly impacts on they used TEC as a self-cooling mechanism to increase the
environmental sustainability [1]. Electric vehicles (EVs) and power output of the PV panel. In [8], it was found by the
hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are green-powered and proponents of the study that decreasing the depth of charge and
environmentally friendly cars [2]. Lithium-ion batteries power state-of-charge increases the battery health of the mobile phone.
these EVs. This battery offers numerous advantages, including It was done by the proponents of the study by using an external
high power and energy density, longer lifetime, and low self- battery charge limiter.
discharge. Lithium-ion batteries are significant for the future of
Despite the increase in performance of thermoelectric
the electric vehicles and energy storage stations [3]. However,
cooling with forced convection cooling (TEC+FC) in achieving
despite these advantages, lithium-ion batteries overheat during
a lower maximum temperature, as shown in [7], one of its
their actual operation, creating difficulties for their
disadvantages is the additional electrical power needed in forced
implementation in EVs and HEVs. With this, thermal
convection cooling (fan). The researchers proposed a method of
management of the battery module is necessary for its
forced cooling the TEC without the need for additional electrical
application. A thermoelectric cooler is a tool for battery module
energy by using a Stirling heat pump to make a better cooling
cooling since they are lighter in weight and do not operate on a
for lithium-ion battery with less power.
highly flammable fluid. Thermoelectric coolers work with no
The study’s main objective is to investigate the thermal C. Thermoelectric Cooler
conditions of a Lithium-ion battery module at different Thermoelectric coolers work by utilizing the Peltier effect.
discharge rates under thermoelectric cooling paired with a It has two sides, and when a DC current flows through the TEC
Stirling engine cooling system. Specifically, it aims (1) to device, the heat is transferred from one side to another, which
construct thermoelectric cooling paired with force convection results in one side having a lower temperature and the other
cooling (TEC+FC) and measure the corresponding maximum having a higher temperature. For its cooling system, a heat sink
temperature of the battery module under this cooling system at is attached to the high-temperature side of the TEC device so
different discharge rates; (2) To construct a thermoelectric that the low-temperature side continues to go below room
cooling paired with the Stirling engine cooling system and then temperature [11].
measure the corresponding maximum temperature of the battery
module at different discharge rates under this cooling system. The TEC module has P-type and N-type semiconductors,
Then, the results are compared to (1); (3) To test and measure connecting bridges (usually copper strips), and two ceramic
the power consumption of the two cooling mechanisms as stated substrate casings. These two semiconductors are placed
in objectives (1) and (2); and (4) to apply statistical treatment to thermally parallel and electrically in series to each other using
analyze the power consumption of thermoelectric cooling the connecting bridges and are compressed between two layers
coupled with forced convection cooling (TEC+FC), and of the ceramic substrate. When DC voltage is applied across this
thermoelectric cooling coupled with Stirling engine heat pump loop composed of junctions of the semiconductors, the current
(TEC+SE). that flows from n-type semiconductor to p-type semiconductor
leads to a drop in temperature in those junctions; therefore, it is
The researchers will only use forced convection, the cold side wherein heat is absorbed on this side. On the other
thermoelectric cooling, Stirling engine, and various end, the current that flows from the p-type semiconductor to the
combinations as cooling mechanisms for the battery module. In n-type semiconductor leads to a temperature rise in those
addition, the researchers will only use Lithium-ion batteries for junctions, therefore it is the hot side wherein the heat is released
creating the battery module. Also, the temperature of the battery from this side [12].
module will only be measured by the researchers continuously
under the extreme conditions of the discharge rates 1C, 1.5C, D. Heat Sink
2C, and 2.5C. Lastly, Parameters will be recorded using a data Heat sinks are components that absorbs heat energy from
logger. electronic devices and then transfers that heat through the
process of conduction to another medium such as air or other
A. Stirling Cycle E. C-rates of Batteries
Stirling Cycle is one of the cycles that employs a regenerator. Discharge current is commonly represented as a C-rate in
A regenerator is any substance that takes energy from one part battery description to normalize with respect to the battery
of the cycle to the other. This cycle is composed of four capacity, which varies greatly amongst batteries. Therefore, a C-
processes that are all reversible. First process is the isometric or rate is a measurement of how quickly a battery is depleted in
the constant volume heating process wherein the gas receives comparison to its maximum capacity. A 1C rate indicates that
energy from the regenerator. Secondly, an isothermal expansion the discharge current will completely drain the battery in one
begins to take place wherein the gas receives an external thermal hour. If the battery capacity is 100 Ah, then the discharge current
source while increasing the volume. The pressure decreases in will be 100 A if the C-rate is 1 [14].
this process. Thirdly, an isometric cooling process happens
wherein the gas transfer energy to the regenerator. Lastly, an F. Active Cooling System
isothermal compression happens wherein the gas gives off heat Since conventional passive cooling systems are not powerful
to an external object. In this process, the pressure of the gas enough to adapt to contemporary electronic devices, the demand
increases, thus decreasing the volume [9]. for active cooling systems has increased in recent years. The
B. Stirling Engine active cooling system absorbs thermal energy from the surface
to be cooled and pumps it out using an energy conversion
The combustion in the Stirling engine takes place externally, mechanism. Active cooling systems can be realized by applying
which is why it is also called an external fuel engine. It is one of TEC to the existing passive cooling system, which is heatsink
the fundamental types of the external-combustion engines which and fans [15].
can work with different heat sources. It was invented by Robert
Stirling in the 1800s. As shown in the Stirling cycle, it operates III. METHODOLOGY
in an externally reversible process since it involves isothermal
heat addition and isothermal heat rejection. Also, it can be A. Conceptual Framework
observed that it operates in a closed regenerative cycle. Thus, it Fig. 1. offers the conceptual framework of the study. This
offers a high theoretical efficiency with reduced emission since framework shows the inputs, the process that the system will do
combustion takes place externally [10]. and the outputs that were measured by the researchers. The input
includes the current and voltage in the power supply and the
discharge of the batteries in the module. The process includes
the Peltier effect in the thermoelectric cooler and the function of
the cooling systems for the battery module. Lastly, regarding the
output, these include the temperature of the battery module and
the electrical parameters such as the voltage, current, and power
consumption for each cooling system.

Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

B. Design of the System

The system’s design is in Fig. 2. The battery module is
composed of three batteries connected in series. Each battery’s
voltage rating and energy capacity are 3.7V and 2200 mAh,
respectively. The chamber used in each prototype has a volume
of 5L.
DC electronic load was used by the researchers to discharge
the batteries under constant-current conditions. Specifically, the
researchers set the mode such that the current that the batteries Fig. 2. Design of the System
produce will have a discharge rate of 1C, 1.5C, 2C, and 2.5C,
corresponding to 2.2 A, 3.3 A, 4.4 A, and 5.5 A, respectively. C. Research Flow Chart
When the current through DC electronic load is no longer
Illustrated in Fig. 3. shows the research flowchart for this
constant, the researchers will stop the experiment since it implies
that the batteries have minimal charges. study. The first part would be the design of the cooling systems
for cooling the battery module. Then, these designs will be
The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) was used by the implemented by the researchers to make prototypes. Then, DC
researchers to encode the program. The first program consists of voltage will be applied to each cooling system to run the battery
measuring the temperature of the system. The following at a different discharge rate and to produce a Peltier effect on
program measured the system’s voltage, current, and power. The the cooling systems that use the TEC module. Lastly, the
parameters measured by the sensors were logged by the temperature of the battery module and the voltage, current, and
researchers using a data logger in the Arduino using a personal power for each cooling system at different discharge rates are
computer. logged by the researchers.
Arduino Uno and DS18B20 sensors were used by the
researchers to measure the battery’s temperature. The
temperature of the battery every three seconds was logged by the
researchers. For each discharge rate, the battery was run by the
researchers until the current through DC electronic load is not
constant anymore.
Arduino Uno and Adafruit INA219 Sensor were used by the
researchers to measure the cooling system’s power. The voltage,
current, and power consumption were logged by the researchers
every two seconds. Each cooling system ran for 30 minutes.
Fig. 4. Schematic Diagram for Thermoelectric Cooler paired with Forced
Convection (TEC + FC)

Fig. 3. Research Flowchart

D. Prototype Design
The researchers designed a cooling system for lithium-ion
batteries. The schematic diagram for the main prototype
TEC+SE is shown in Fig. 5. The benchmark is in Fig. 4. The
Stirling Engine type used by the researchers is a low-
temperature-difference engine. For TEC+FC, TEC1-12706 was
used, which has an operating voltage of 12V. In addition, the
electric fan has a rating of 12V and 0.20A. A key difference in
the prototype is that TEC+FC used a DC voltage source, while Fig. 5. Schematic Diagram for Thermoelectric Cooler paired with Stirling
the Stirling Engine in TEC+SE is just attached to the heat sink. Engine (TEC + SE)


A. Temperature Measurement of the Battery Module
The maximum temperatures of the battery module with
TEC+FC and TEC+SE at different discharge rates is in Table I.
TEC+FC has a maximum temperature of 28.5°C, 34.38°C,
36.06°C, and 47.13°C for discharge rates 1C, 1.5C, 2C, and
2.5C, respectively. On the other hand, TEC+SE has a maximum
temperature of 30.06°C at 1C, 43.36°C at 1.5C, 44.88°C at 2C,
and 48.44°C at 2.5C.
For each cooling mechanism, the researchers observed that
the temperature of the batteries increases until it reaches the
point of maximum temperature. After that point, the temperature
decreases until the constant-current mode shown in DC Statistical
electronic load is not satisfied. Parameters

TEC+SE has a higher maximum temperature for all the df 29

discharge rates than TEC+FC. Thus, TEC+FC still provides t Stat 10.8294271
better cooling than TEC+SE. The reason is that the electric fan
dissipates the heat in the heatsink much faster than the Stirling one-tail
engine. With this, TEC+FC offers better refrigeration than t Critical
TEC+SE. Thus, TEC+FC provides better cooling than TEC+SE. 1.69912703
t Critical


In this study, a Stirling engine heat pump paired with a
TEC+FC 28.5 ̊C ̊
34.38 C ̊
36.06 C ̊
47.13 C
thermoelectric cooler (TEC+SE) was used by the researchers to
30.06 C ̊
43.36 C ̊
44.88 C ̊
48.44 C cool a lithium-ion battery module. The maximum temperature
rises within the battery module at various battery discharge rates
using TEC+SE were investigated and compared to TEC+FC.
B. Power Consumption of the Cooling Mechanisms And the power consumption of TEC+SE was measured and
The average power consumption of TEC+FC and TEC+SE compared to TEC+FC using a t-test paired two sample for means
are in Table II. TEC+FC has an average power consumption of analysis.
21.608 W, while TEC+SE has 20.213 W. The researchers For all the discharge rates, the maximum temperature of the
observed that TEC+FC has higher average power consumption battery module is the lowest when TEC+FC is used, followed
than TEC+SE. The reason for this is the addition of an electric by TEC+SE. It means that TEC+FC is better at cooling the
fan in TEC+FC. Lastly, TEC+SE, as shown in the design of the battery than TEC+SE. The main reason for this is that TEC+FC
prototype, does not need any input electrical power. provides better refrigerating capacity than TEC+SE, which
decreases the temperature of the battery module.
The average power consumption of TEC+FC is 21.6081 W
Cooling Mechanisms Average Power Consumption (W) which is 6.9% higher than TEC+SE, which consumes an
average power of 20.2127 W. This difference is further
TEC+FC 21.608 confirmed by using the t-test, which shows that there is indeed a
TEC+SE 20.213
significant difference between the power consumption of
TEC+FC and TEC+SE. So overall, TEC+FC provides better
cooling than TEC+SE, but TEC+SE consumes less power than
C. Statistical Test TEC+FC.
T-Test was conducted by the researchers to analyze the For further application, one might consider integrating
average power consumption of TEC+SE and TEC+FC. The generator to Stirling engine and TEC while they are being used
alpha was set to 0.05. Table III shows the results from the t-test as a cooling mechanism for battery module to optimize the
paired two samples for means analysis. The t-statistic value is power consumption of the cooling system.
10.82943, while the t-critical value is 2.04523. Since t-statistic
is greater than t-critical value, then the null hypothesis is ACKNOWLEDGMENT
rejected. With this, it means that there is a significant difference First, we, the researchers, are indebted to all the people who
between the power consumption of TEC+SE and TEC+FC. gave their influencing support and encouragement that enabled
us to tackle the challenges of educational advancement, without
TABLE III. TABULATED RESULTS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS this thesis work would not have prospered.
TEC+FC TEC+SE We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the
Parameters following –
Mean 21.6080667 20.2127333 To our advisor, Engr. Jesus Martinez Jr., for his continuous
Variance 0.29749944 0.12464151 support of our study to improve it.
Observations 30 30 To our panel members, Engr. Esperanza E. Chua, Engr.
Pearson Gerard Ang and Dr. Michael C. Pacis for listening to our thesis
-0.19708112 proposal and recommending changes that could enhance our
Hypothesized thesis study.
Mean 0
To the staff and personnel of the Institutional Laboratory IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116535–116543, 2020, doi:
Management Office (ILMO) for allowing us to reserve a 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3004142.
laboratory to conduct our data gathering for our thesis work.
Above all, to the Omnipotent Creator for endowing us the
knowledge, strength, courage, and determination to carry out
and accomplish this.


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John Vincent Adan Position: Student Researcher
Research Field: Power Electronics
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Joshua Roberto Gruta Position: Student Researcher

Research Field: Power Electronics
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Jesus Martinez Jr. Position: Faculty Researcher

Research Field: Power Electronics
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