Vargasjonathan - Using Language Activity

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Jonathan Vargas



Did they talk about the things you predicted?

Before watching the video, I was predicting that one of the things that they would talk
about is how different it is to learn a language in your home country as a class
compared to learning it from its origin country. Sure enough, this was one of the focal
points that they discussed on the video.

What were the main points they made?

One of the main topics that they discussed that stuck with me was how differently you
get treated in foreign country when you do not speak the same language. This is
because this is not the usual case in my home country.

What countries had they traveled to and what languages were they learning?

The interviewees went to countries such as Spain, Japan, Jordan. The languages that
they learned was spanish, korean, arabic, and japanese.

Can you remember any of their experiences?

One of them said that they were either getting ignored or being told no when they asked
for a favor when they were abroad because they could not speak the language.

What do you need to prepare for when traveling abroad?

Besides knowing the basic phrases to get through your normal daily conversations, one
should always do some research on the foreign culture to know what is appropriate and
not appropriate to do.

What happens to your speech when you immerse yourself in the culture?

When you learn a language by being in that country compared to a just studying it, you
will learn so much more like hidden connotations through their tone, slang words and
maybe even other dialects.
What do you learn in the class ‘understanding the cultural experience’?

Understanding the cultural experience is to immerse yourself in the way of life of a

certain country. To know how they get through their day to day life, what they believe in,
what they eat, how they speak to each other, is understanding the cultural experience.

Why do they say traveling abroad is such a great opportunity?

Traveling abroad is a great way to increase your knowledge due to all the different cultures you
soak up. It is a great way to seek pleasure as well because of all the fun activities like different
food or events to try. More importantly, it is also a humbling experience that helps one’s mental
state because we realize that there are billions of stories just like ours.

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