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Disease:typhoid fever Signs and a. Blood culture- Maintenance of Antibiotic:

symptoms: done during fluid and Chloramphenicol
Alternative Headache, prodromal stage electrolyte 100 mg/kg in 4
name:typhoid weakness, and imbalance through doses for 14 days
exhaustion, (1st week) (side effect is
Description: is a muscular pains, b. Widal -proper regulation bone marrow
disease caused by sweating, dry Test – antibody of IVF depression)
bacteria that causes cough, lack of test -adequate fluid
high fever, headache, appetite, weight - -assess for the Surgery if
stomach pain, loss, stomach Becomes positive sign dehydration perforations are
constipation or discomfort, on the 2nd week severe
diarrhea. diarrhea or c.
constipation, rash, Typhidot- ELISA
Causative agents: and swelling kit that detects
Salmonella serotype stomach may IgM and IgG
typhi occur (enlarged antibodies.
liver or spleen) Becomes positive
after 2-3 days of
Pathognomonic infection
sign: rash of flat, d. Stool
rose colored culture – done on
spots. Peyers the 2nd week

Disease name: Bacillary A lab technician Replace fluid loss For amoebiasis
dysentery dysentery causes will need to look at by oral - Metronida
symptoms like: a sample of your rehydration fluid. zole
Alternative name: stool under a - Antibiotics
historically named Diarrhea with belly microscope to see The doctor may and OTC
bloody flux cramps if you have if you order Antibiotics. meds to
have dysentery, treat
Description: an Fever and if so, what Observe isolation nausea
infection in your type. and enteric like pepto
intestines that causes Nausea and precaution bismol
bloody diarrhea. It can vomiting For bacillary
be caused by a Provide health dysentery
parasite or bacteria. Blood or mucus in education - most
the diarrhea people
Causative agents: Pain management feel better
shigella, entamoeba Amoebic without
histolytica, protozoan dysentery usually Perineal care treatment
worms doesn't cause in a few
symptoms. If you days to a
do feel sick, you'll week. If
notice problems you
2-4 weeks after require
you're infected, medical
such as: attention,
Nausea may
Diarrhea antibiotics
and IV
Belly cramps fluids.

Weight loss


sign: bloody

Disease: hepatitis A Not everybody Blood tests are -rest Once infected, no
has symptoms performed to medicine can cure
Alternative name: and they dont detect hepatitis A -get adequate the hepatitis A
infectious hepatitis develop until virus in your body. food and liquid. virus. Your doctor
weeks after, but A blood sample is Eat a balanced will treat your
Description: Hepatitis symptoms obtained, healthy diet. Try symptoms (which
A is a highly include: generally from a snacking they may refer to
contagious liver vein in your arm. It throughout the as supportive
infection caused by Unusual fatigue is sent to a day rather than care) until they go
one of the hepatitis and weakness laboratory for eating full meals away.
viruses. It can cause analysis. since nausea can
liver inflammation and Sudden nausea, make it difficult to You can take
affect your liver's vomiting, and eat. these steps to
ability to function. diarrhea make yourself
Avoid alcohol use more comfortable:
Causative agent: Pain or discomfort and use
hepatitis A virus in the abdomen, medications with -get some rest
particularly on the care since your
upper right side live may have -try to keep food
behind your lower difficulty down
ribs, which lies processing
above your liver medications and -avoid alcohol
Stool with clay or
gray color Avoid sexual
Appetite loss

Fever of low

dark urine

Joint discomfort

Skin discoloration
and yellowing of
the whites of your
eyes (jaundice)

Itching that is

Disease: hepatitis B Abdominal pain There are three - Monitor - Alpha

Alternative name: primary methods dietary interferon
serum hepatitis Dark urine for determining intake and 3x weekly
HBV infection. caloric for 16 to
Description: a serious Fever They are as count. 24 weeks
liver infection caused follows: Suggest result in
by the hepatitis B Joint pain small remission
virus. usually short Blood testing: feedings - Antiviral
term; lasts less than Loss of appetite Blood serum (or - Recomme agents-ia
six months. But for plasma) tests nd eating mivudine
others, the infection Nausea and reveal how your in upright (epivir)
becomes chronic vomiting body's immune position - Adefovir
system is - Monitor (hepsera)
Causative Weakness and responding to the I&O oral
agent:hepatitis B virus fatigue infection. A blood - Assess nucleosid
test can also vital e analogs
determine if you signs,
Pathognomonic are immune to peripheral
sign: HBV. pulses,
Yellowing of the capillary
skin and the An abdominal refill, skin
whites of the ultrasound utilizes turgor.
eyes, also called sound waves to
jaundice show the size and
structure of your
liver as well as
how smoothly
blood flows
through it.

A small sample of
your liver tissue is
extracted through
a tiny incision and
sent to a lab for
analysis during a
liver biopsy.

Disease: hepatitis c -Bleeding easily Doctors will first Check for ascites three types of
examine your or edema DAAs used for
Alternative name: -Bruising easily blood for: formation. hepatitis C:
post transfusion Measure
hepatitis -Fatigue Anti-HCV abdominal girth as NS3/4 protease
antibodies: This is indicated. inhibitors, which
Description: a viral -Poor appetite the first – and target an enzyme
infection that causes Yellow sometimes only – Use small-gauge NS5A inhibitors,
liver inflammation, discoloration of blood test you needles for which target a
sometimes leading to the skin and eyes may receive. The injections, protein
serious liver damage. (jaundice) ELISA screen, as applying pressure NS5B polymerase
The HCV spreads it is often known, for longer than inhibitors, which
through contaminated -Dark-colored looks for usual after target an enzyme
blood. urine antibodies that venipuncture.
Itchy skin your body
Causative agent: Fluid buildup in produces to Have patient use
hepatitis C virus your abdomen combat the cotton or sponge
(ascites) infection. swabs and
-Swelling in your instead of
legs toothbrush or use
Weight loss soft bristled
Confusion, toothbrush.
drowsiness and
slurred speech Observe for signs
(hepatic of bleeding:
encephalopathy) hematuria,
Pathognomonic ecchymosis,
sign: oozing from gums,
Spider-like blood puncture sites
vessels on your
skin (spider

Disease: hepatitis D Pathognomonic To make an Assess level of There are no

sign: yellowing of accurate understanding of known treatments
Alternative name: the skin and eyes, diagnosis, your the disease for acute or
satellite virus which is called doctor will perform process, chronic hepatitis
jaundice a blood test that expectations and D. Unlike other
Description: an can detect prognosis, forms of hepatitis,
infection that causes joint pain anti-hepatitis D possible treatment currentTrusted
the liver to become antibodies in your options. Source antiviral
inflamed. This abdominal pain blood. If medications don’t
swelling can impair antibodies are Provide specific seem to be very
liver function and vomiting found, it means information effective in
cause long-term liver you’ve been regarding treating HD.
problems, including loss of appetite exposed to the prevention and If chronic hepatitis
liver scarring and virus. transmission of D leads to
cancer. dark urine disease cirrhosis, you
should see a
Causative agent: fatigue Assess vital signs, doctor who
hepatitis D virus peripheral pulses, specializes in liver
capillary refill, skin diseases.
turgor, and

Check for ascites

or edema
abdominal girth as
Disease name: Mild fever Your doctor will In most cases, There is no one
hepatitis E use a blood test or hepatitis E goes therapy that can
Feeling very tired a stool test to away on its own in change the course
Enteric hepatitis diagnose hepatitis about 4-6 weeks. of acute hepatitis
Less hunger E. These steps can E. Because the
Description: Hepatitis help ease your condition is
E is an inflammation Feeling sick to symptoms: usually
of the liver caused by your stomach self-limiting,
infection with the Rest hospitalization is
hepatitis E virus Throwing up not usually
Eat healthy foods necessary. The
Causative agent: Belly pain most essential
Hepatitis E virus Drink lots of water thing is to avoid
Dark pee taking drugs that
Avoid alcohol aren't absolutely
Light-colored necessary.
poop Acetaminophen,
paracetamol, and
Skin rash or anti-vomiting
itching medications
should be taken
Joint pain sparingly or
Yellowish skin or

Disease name: severe headache - ELISA Assess the No specific

dengue fever pain behind the test patient’s vital antiviral agents
eyes - RT-PCR signs at least exist for dengue.
Synonyms: Dandy muscle and joint test once every 3
Fever, Break bone pains hours Patients should be
fever nausea advised to stay
vomiting Observe and well hydrated and
Descriptions: Tropical swollen glands record capillary to avoid aspirin
disease caused by refill time aspirin-containing
different strains of regularly. drugs, and other
dengue virus which Pathognomonic nonsteroidal
are transmitted by sign: dengue rash Increase oral fluid anti-inflammatory
mosquitoes Herman’s intake, if not drugs
sign contraindicated
Causative agent: Fever should be
Dengue viruses are Note and record controlled with
spread to people intake and output acetaminophen
through the bite of an regularly, noting and tepid sponge
infected Aedes for the baths.
species (Ae. aegypti characteristics
or Ae. albopictus) and quality of
mosquito. urine output

Disease name: Fever Malarial Smear- Provide warmth to Anti-malarial

malaria collect at the peak patient agents
Synonyms: Ague, Chills of fever-The Keep patients -Chloroquine
“King of Tropical classic and most comfortable with (drug of Choice)
Diseases” Headache used diagnostic dry, warm clothes, -Quinine-
test for malaria is replacing fluid neurologic toxicity,
Description: Infectious Nausea and the blood smear loss. muscular
disease that is vomiting on a microscope twitching, delirium,
arthropod-borne, slide that is Monitor V/S convulsion
characterized by chills Diarrhea stained (Giemsa -Primaquine
followed by fever stain) to show the Diet high calories, -Fansidar
occurring regular Abdominal pain parasites inside vitamins and
intervals red blood cells minerals
Muscle or joint
Causative agent: pain Quantitative Buffy Fluid and
female anopheles Coat (QBC)- rapid electrolytes
mosquito, protozoan Fatigue test for malaria balance
Rapid breathing

Rapid heart rate


sign: Cycle of hot
stage (high fever)
stage (sweating)
and then cold

Disease name: fever Leptospirosis can Monitor urine antibiotics

leptospirosis be diagnosed by output (doxycycline or
coughing its clinical penicillin, which
Synonyms: mud fever, manifestation Monitor lab results should be given
swamp fever, weils headache culture of the pertinent to early in the course
disease, swine herd’s organism causative factors of the disease.)
disease muscle pain examination of
(especially the blood and CSF Provide education
Description: a calves and lower during the first to clients telling
bacterial disease that back) week of illness them to avoid
affects humans and and urine after the swimming or
animals. It is caused rash without 10 days. wading in
by bacteria of the itching (primarily potentially
genus Leptospira. on the shins), contaminated
which can lead to water or flood
Causative agent: rhabdomyolysis water.
interrogans diarrhea Drain potentially
spirochetes contaminated
vomiting water when

red eyes
stomach pain

sign: fever
muscle pain
(especially the
calves and lower

Disease: japanese generally begins Diagnosis: Crystalloid Anticonvulsant for

encephalitis with fever, lumbar puncture infusion seizure
nausea, chills, EEG
Synonym:brain fever and headache, Seizure Mannitol to
vomiting with precautions decrease ICP
Description: the stiffness/
leading cause of neurologic IVT and oxygen Corticosteroids
vaccine-preventable manifestations administration
encephalitis in Asia within 24 hours Paracetamol
and the western Reduce high fever
Pacific. Worse symptoms Mechanical
include rigidity, Monitor daily body ventilation
Causative agent: ataxia, speech weight
culex difficulties, ocular
trieantorhynchus palsy, flaccid Prevent
paralysis and complications
there may be associated with
seizures, immobility
confusion, and
loss of
and even coma.

sign: Mental
status changes,

Disease name: inflammation, Microscopic Monitor the ivermectin,

filariasis swelling or fever. testing: Providers client’s vital signs, albendazole or
may view your particularly the diethylcarbamazin
Synonym: Filariasis can lead blood sample Temperature. e (DEC)to
elephantiasis to lymphedema under a eliminate larvae
(fluid retention) or microscope. Assess skin color and its
Descsription: Parasitic hydrocele and integrity. Note reproduction
disease caused by (swelling in the Antibody testing: for wounds,
microscopic, scrotum). Providers may bleeding, or any
threadlike african eye measure your skin changes.
worm Pathognomonic blood sample for
sign: elephant foot antibodies. Assess for any
Causative organism- discomfort and
wuchereria bancrofti- pain.
thread worm
Provide wound

Elevate affected
body area to
reduce swelling.

medications if
ordered and
discuss them to
the client.

Disease name: Fever Stool or urine Monitor vital signs Praziquantel, a

schistosomiasis samples can be prescription
Chills examined Laboratory values medication, is
synonym : snail fever, microscopically for for metabolic taken for 1-2 days
bilharzia, blood fluke Cough parasite eggs alkalosis, to treat infections
(stool for S. hypokalemia, caused by all
Causative agent: S. Muscle aches and mansoni or S. increased schistosome
mansoni, S. pain. japonicum eggs ammonia levels, species.
hematobium and urine for S. or infection
If not treated, it haematobium
can develop years eggs). Measure fluid
later as intake and urine
output. And check
Pain in your for blood in output
Control the
Enlarged liver environmental
hematuria. move the client to
a cool area.
Difficulty or pain
while urinating Remove excess
clothing and
Blood in feces covers from the
patient’s body.
sign: fluid in

Disease name: rabies Early symptoms Observation of Wash the wound Do not cover or
fever and tingling dog for 10 days – immediately with suture the wound.
is a at the site of dead or w/ soap and water, If suturing is
vaccine-preventable exposure. behavior changes povidone iodine necessary, ensure
viral disease that w/in 10 days for 15 minutes. that RIG has been
transmits from followed by one or (rabid) applied locally
mammals to humans more of the Virus culture and Provide a dim &
that causes acute following isolation of saliva quiet environment Capture the
encephalitis symptoms: and throat animal and keep
nausea, Room should be under veterinary
Synonyms: Flourescent rabies away from surveillance If
hydrophobia, lyssa, la Vomiting antibody (FRA)- sub-utility rooms animal remains
rage MOST (area for washing: healthy in 10 days
violent DEFINITIVE avoid sound of or If animal dies
Causative agent: movements DIAGNOSIS water)
rhabdovirus causing Management:
encephalitis uncontrolled diagnostic tools Restrain patient POSTEXPOSUR
excitement are not suitable even before E PROPHYLAXIS
for detecting aggressive (PEP)
fear of water rabies infection behavior sets in
before the onset Administration of
inability to move of clinical disease, Wear protective rabies
parts of the body and unless the barriers immunoglobulin to
rabies-specific wounds classified
confusion, and signs of as category 3
loss of hydrophobia or exposure
consciousness. aerophobia are
sign: hydrophobia

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