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wiferes weet 2022-23 XL xu smear ere arent eter eq Peer Preer OT CPP (5 Bien afPha aT aia area at arene SEO SET, MTA SET, ATE ‘Pears, ureoT, sharers ste wt are aT, Yeates aes ate aftreafes & or wy 7AM ares tera (5 stem: Teor, TER waar-wS, aTateny sk sa sterenfres, erie waft war worh rea TET HAT, Tas Aa, Mar Hae ATT ‘fecrof: aratorra Br cararait aor yates Pree & sare oz often & aaa eT Prather 10 Sesh YA 5 epeor capa wsheren Bs wae fey Ste 5 aves caters wher Sypater es fret ‘ares (ater Ua sreoT Er) wheres ar eerie: - ohare Revel wrdtftres fees oS SRR wr eae TE wT HWE TU TT ERAT HEATH swe MNT 250 erect ar sear anf! 7 ‘udttares 2-3 fire amr ater Stet aiifBat fren arene Stu dee era eneyl eer / aeAT pt a ere erst anit areas wr TENT YRS, IE Va Pere Areit d sha we ah wrratgl = Chearelt exreryetes cttares/ atthe Faron wt aaa as over Tears SRT IS My at wT Sot ag 8 fees See EM cax5 = 5) «+ fasett Pratite fara ae ators: Bradt franrel ara arfteerra equal aor WeTTTOT ee Fbl Ott work Parr a et wet St wT after tat RR ORT / ATOR CHATTY BARE ITA © BioLOGyY Chass x] Chapter-14: Ecosystem Ecosystems: Patterns, components; productivity and. decomposition; energy flow; pyramids of number, biomass, energy (Topics excluded: Ecological Suecession and Nutrient Cycles ‘Chapter-15: Biodiversity and its Conservation Biodiversity-Concept, patterns, importance; loss of biodiversity; biodiversity conservation; « hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red Data Book, Sacred Groves, biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife, sanctuaries and Ramsar sites. PRACTICALS ‘Time allowed: 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 30 Evaluation Scheme Marks One Major Experiment 5 5 One Minor Experiment 2 & 3 4 Slide Preparation 1&4 3 Spotting 7 Practical Record + Viva Voce ca < 4 = to the st ” work over nese Preciod a = SaaS ‘ roject Record + Viva Voce ey Total 30 A. List of Experiments 1. Prepare a temporary mount to observe pollen germination, —> 2.9/6%/ 22 2. Study the plant population density by quadrat method. = ' 3. Study the plasit population frequency by quadrat method 2/ +f" Mee 4. Prepare a temporary mount of onion root tip, to study mitosis. —> 2®/oa-/2 2 eA cBolate DNA from available plant material such as spinach, green pea se eds, papaya, etc. > Wi 19m Aamo tts wemctihn, : 8. Study and observer the following (Spotting): 1. Flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects, birds), 2. Pollen germination on stigma through a permanent slide or scanning electron micrograph. 20/7/22 3. Identification of stages of gamete development, ic., TS. of testis and T.S. of ovary through permanent slides (from grasshopper/mice). 2O/S/22- : 5 or} ae £ Meiosis in onion bud cell or grasshopper testis through permanent slides. Zygoterstach steve T.S. of blastula through permanent slides (Mammalian). 22/¢/22- 6. Mendelian inheritance using seeds of different colour/sizes of any plant. 7. Prepared pedigree charts ofiany one of the genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, blood groups, ear lobes, widow's peak and colour blindness. 23/07/22. 8. Contro!l&d pollination - emascuilation, tagging andbagging. 8. Common disease causing organisms like Ascaris, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, any fungus causing’tingworm through permanent slides, models or virtual images or specimens. Cteninideld ancl eceniinees dl Meiers Oey Class — XIl Mathematical assessments :- attempt any two assessment. 1.To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R ={(I, m):1 1 m}is symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive. 2. To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R={(1, mM): 1 || m} is an equivalence relation. 3. To demonstrate a function which is not one-one but is onto. 4. To draw the graph of sin -1 x , using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror reflection (about the line y = x). 5. To sketch the graphs of ax and logax, a > 0, a# 1 and to examine that they are mirror images of each other. 6.To find analytically the limit of a function f (x) at x = c and also to check the continuity of the function at that point. 7. To explore the principal value of the function sin*x using a unit circle. Purges Rene CAL CLASS ~XI\ Experiment :- 1. exe To determine resistivity of two/three wires by plotting a graph for potential difference versus current. 2. To find resistance of a given wire / Standard resistance for using meter bridge. a 4. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by Half deflection method and to find the ‘To verify the laws of combination (series) of resistance using a meter of bridge. figure of merit. To find the value of v for different-values of u in case of a concave mirror and to find the focal length. To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting the graphs b/w u and v, To determine angle of maximum deviation for a given prism by plotting graph. To draw VI characteristic curve for a PN diode in forward and reverse bias. (or) To find focal length of a concave lens, using a convex lens. Activities :~ 1.To measure resistance, voltage (AC/DC), Current (AC) and check continuity of a given circuit using multimeter, 2. To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off) switches, fuse and a power source, 3. To assemble the component of a given electrical circuit. 4.To identify a diode, an LED, a resistor and a Capacitance from a mixed collection of such items. 5. Use of multimeter to see the unidirectional flow of Current in Case of a diode and an LED and check whether a given component is in working order. 6. To study effect of intensity of light (By varying distance the source) on an LDR. (or) To observe refraction and lateral deviation of light incident obliquely on a glass slab Class — XII Chemistry practical (1) Preparation of one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol Lyophilic sol - starch, egg albumin and gum. (2)Preparation of one Lyophobic sol - ferric hydroxide. (3) Tests for the functional groups present in organic compounds (1) Alcoholic and Carboxylic groups (2) Aldehydic.and Ketonic (4) Preparation of Inorganic Compounds- Potash Alum (5) Quantitative analysis (1) (a) Preparation of the standard solution of Oxalic acid of a given volume (b) Determination of molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a standard solution of oxalic acid . (2) The above exercise (F 1 (a) and (b)) to be conducted using Ferrous ammonium Sulphate(Mohr's salt). (6) .Qualitative analysis (1)Determination of one anion and one cation in a given salt Cation: NH4+ Anions: (CO3) 2- , S2- , (SO3) 2-, Cf- , CH3COO- , (Note: Insoluble salts excluded) (054)Business Studies Project Work Class 12 Select any one topic 1/ Elements of business environment 2/ Principles of management 3/ Marketing (any one product) Air conditioner, Bike, Camera, Chocolate, Fairness Cream, Hair Oil, Ladies bag, mobile, Sarees (055) Accountancy Project work Class 12 1/ Comprehensive Project 2/ Specific Project ‘Marking pattem Project File -4 marks Written test — (Cash flow, Ratio) 12 marks (1 hrs) Viva - marks Economic Project Work Class 12 ‘Macro Economics (any one) -Money -Banking “GST -Demonetisation in india = Government Budget Foreign Exchange Rate -Balance of Payment -Measurement of National Income -Income Determination and Multiplier -Excess Demand and Deficient Demand Indian Economics (any one) = Micro and small scale industries = Self help Group - Make in India ~The way ahead = Role of RBI in control of credit = Silk Route ~ Revival of the past = Livestock ~ backbone of Rural India - Waste Management in India — Need of the hour “SIPS 7 serZojouruuay, ‘sajny sit UoNUaW ospy “Wawdinby 2% Plot Jo wresBerp payjaqey] “e104 jo auwpyuodg pastuBo201 yO auo auokuy :¢-[wINIWIg ~ “aswastp apAasayt yowe 203 seuesy om) Aue 40} uoNeoIpUrENuO? 7p sHyauag ‘seULSY 10} amNpe00Ig :Z-[LONIY “UOHENSTUMUPE S}S3} SS9UNL{ :-[CONINY — F9PHPUY [TEYS FL PLOY se : sSuods pur sown ur Kouatoyord, - say, woyy yuarayIp 2q ISM auTeDpuOds amp “19ADMOH “sONDeIG o¥B0, 01 axnoUADe sw Is] ay Woy aUTEHALOdg auO Auv ido Osye URS spay [eDAdg YM UDUPITUDes “e010YP Jo aueD/UOds s9yIO Aue Jo “smn pur saoey JeYD [OOyAL “Teqv00L4 “Treqreop @x9uD purtg ‘T[eqioey payruy ‘Teqeyseg payruy ‘uowUpe payIy ‘jeqeyseg, AHPYD [POUAL “TIEGADTIOA SuNS * eD20g/A000g :(BuRAaIq — spaon eIDadg YEA USIPIID) NSMIe« (Ariqrxa}z{ 40 uonoy Jo adury ‘souempuy 2p ySuans seNosny “uontsodwoy Apog ‘uonsun, aqoray usuoduio> yoes woyy wIO}t UC “SWAN! LZ JO Ino sw LU) NGAKD 104 182.» SpE Ss (e804 suds = soureg Apwag]) 990, vAIA “SO SUR S Ald Proray “vO SHUN L seonsuid 21304 “£0 SEW L . +#(20104) Jo aurepsuods pastusosa yO] au0 Aur Jo TTS) > Suodg pur soup ut koua1yorg 20 SUPW 9 «(Lid @) ay, ssaunty eorshyq Hodysorg “sa, EIPUT OF>YY TVS -I9y, ssoUNLY [IIS “LO oe - we yyIM— _L7aALew%d/ depos Postud T= 55079 Don Basco Sr. Sec. School Internal Assessment(2022-23) Class -12th Subject- Computer Science(code-083) (1) Python Programming... (Attempt Any One Question) Read a text file line by line and display each word separated by a #. OR Read a text file and display the number of vowels /consonants/uppercave /lowercase characters in file. OR Remove all the lines that contain the character ‘a’ in a file and write it to another file OR Create a binary file with Name and Roll number . Search for a given roll number and display the name, if not found display appropriate message. OR Create binary file with roll number, Name and marks .input a roll number and update the marks. OR Write a random number generator that generates random number between 1 and 6(simulates a dice). OR Write a python program to implement a stack using list. oR Create a CSV file by entering user-id and password ,read and search the password for given user id. (2) DataBase Management Create a student table and insert data , implement the following SQL commands on the student table. ALTER table to add new attributes /modify data type/drop attribute. UPDATE table to modify data ORDER BY to display data in ascending/descending order. DELETE to remove tuple. GROUP BY and find the min,max,sum,count and average. PROsECT- CLASS 12 - ENGULY 1. What socio-economic background did Sophi belong to? What are the indicator of her family financial status? Or You must have met some interesting character in your neighborhood or among your relatives. Write a humorous piece about their idiosyncrasies. Try to abopt the author rambiing style, if you can? 2- the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the human with disabilities. What is the kind of behaviour that the person accept from other? Or Bama's experience is that of a victim of the cast system.what kind of discrimination does Zitkala-sa's experience depict? What are their responses to their respective situation?

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