MS Science Set 1

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Jammu Region

Sample Paper Set 1

Class-X (Science)
Marking Scheme

Section A (1X20=20)
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. C
SECTION B (2X6=12)
21. HNO3 is not only an acid but it is also a strong oxidizing agent. It is also a strong
oxidizing agent. It oxidizes the hydrogen formed into water, itself HNO3 is reduced
to NO2, NO or N2O.
a) Gallium
b) Mercury
22. If the bile duct is completely blocked, bile juice will not reach the small intestine and
the digestion of fats will be affected.
23. A) Hydrochloric acid creates an acidic medium to facilitate the action of enzyme
B) Villi increases the surface area inside the small intestine to facilitate
absorption of food.
24. A) Movement of stem of a plant towards light. B) Growth of pollen tubes towards
25. A) Ozone
B) It protects us from ultra violet radiations released from the sun.
26. A) Pupil B) Retina
A) Refractive index of a medium is different for different colours of light.
B) Red colour is least scattered and travels large distance hence red colour can be
seen through a large distance.
SECTION C (3X7=21)
27. A) Silver chloride become grey.
B) It is a photo chemical decomposition reaction.
C) 2AgCl sunlight 2Ag +Cl2

28. A) Dry HCl does not from ions but dil. HCl gives H+ and Cl-.
B) Baking Soda does not allow milk to change to lactic acid which makes milk sour.
C) Ammonia dissolves in water forms OH-. Therefore, it is a base.
29. Refer figure 6.9 pg 104 NCERT
(i) No photosynthesis will occur
(ii) No transpiration will occur
(iii) Temperature regulation of the leaf will be affected.
30. A) Lateral displacement is the perpendicular distance between the incident ray
produced and emergent ray.
B) Refer figure 10.10 pg 173 NCERT
C) Lateral displacement depends on the thickness of the slab, incident angle and the
refractive index of the material.
31. A) Ritu is suffering from myopia
B) Causes:
i) Increase in size of eye ball ii)
Decrease in focal length of eye lens.
C) Concave lens
32. Advantages of AC over DC
1) AC voltage can be stepped up or stepped down with the help of transformers.
2) AC can be transmitted over a long distance without much loss of energy.
Disadvantages of AC
1) AC attracts a person.
2) At the higher voltage of AC, more safety measured are required.
Solenoid :- A coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in the
shape of a cylinder is called a Solenoid.
Magnetic field lines due to solenoid: Refer figure 3.10 pg 229 NCERT
33. Increase in concentration of harmful chemicals at each level is called biological
For eg- DDT will enter the food chain through plants as first tropic level and its
concentration goes on increasing at tropic level.
Section D (5X3)
34. A) Carbon has four valence electrons. It cannot gain or lose four electrons because
high energy is needed. It can only share four electrons.
a. It is due to high percentage of carbon; it burns with sooty flame.
b. Kerosene oil is mixture of saturated hydrocarbons therefore does not
decolourise bromine water.
D) It is due to presence of free electrons in graphite as each carbon is linked to
three more carbon atoms.
E) Hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions, which react with soap to form
calcium and magnesium salts of fatty acids which are insoluble and form scum.
A) The compound formed belong to esters. It has pleasant fruity smell.
B) CH3COOH + C2H5OH conc. H2SO4 CH3COO C2H5 + H2 O
C) Conc. H2 SO4 acts as dehydrating agent.
D) Esters are used as flavouring agents in various food items.
35. A) Ovary – It produces female gametes or germ cells called ova.
c. Uterus – Implantation of embryo occur in the lining of uterus.
d. Placenta – It serve as nutritive, respiratory, and excretory organ for growing
e. Seminal vesicles secret fluid for nourishment and smooth transport of sperms.
f. Oviduct – Fertilization occurs in the oviduct.
A) The two types of germ cells present in human beings are sperm and ova.
B) i) The sperm of human have either X or Y chromosome. The sperm is
structurally long with a tail. ii) The ova always carry X chromosome. Ova is round in
C) Testes are located outside the abdominal cavity because sperm formation
requires a lower temperature as compared to normal body temperature.
36. A) When used individually
g. When used in series Rs =24+24 = 48 ohm
h. When used in parallel Rp =24 X 24/48=12 ohm Ip =220/12=18.3A
Section E (4X3=12)
37. 1) concave mirror

2) convex lens

3) P1 =+3.5 D P2 = -2.5 D

P= P1+P2 =3.5-2.5
Focal length
F=1/P = 100/P cm
=100/1 = 100 cm

a) The incident ray,the refracted ray,the normal at the point of incidence all lie in the
same plane for the two given transparent media

b) The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is always
constant for the light of a given colour and given pair of media
38. 1) Sperm contain XY chromosomes whereas eggs contain XX chromosomes
2) To avoid female foeticide
3) If sperm carrying Y Chromosomes fuses with egg It will be a male child. If sperm
carrying X Chromosomes fuses with egg it will be a female child
Half the number of total Chromosomes in any individual is haploid and complete two sets
of chromosomes in any individual is diploid .

39. a) Au<Cu<Fe<Mg

b) No reaction will take place as silver is less reactive than iron

c) In molten state ions are free to move therefore they conduct electricity
Ionic compounds are usually hard due to strong force of attraction between oppositely
charged ions

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