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Project Title Construction of Water work system-Level 2-

Gravity type
Project Description There are 20 square shape tapstand, 3
tapstand in every purok except in Dumalian
who will only have 2. From the reservoir, 8
meters long of 766mm pipes and the
concrete box is 6 meters wide and 5 meters in
length. It can carry 1260 ton of water and
consist of a square-edge entrance. Where has
volume that could full a 1 galloon per 20
Project Location Purok Tower, Levi-1, Levi-2, Hadji Dacula,
Malipayon,Dumalian and Bag-ong Silang.
Project Beneficiaries The primary beneficiaries of the project are
the 569 households of Barangay
Diplo,Kumalarang,Zamboanga del Sur and the
secondary beneficiaries are coming from the
neighboring barangay.
Total Cost Php 4,000,000.00
Source of funds KALAHI Php 3,200,000
SALINTUBIG 2020 Php 200,000
PLGU Php 200,000
Congressional Fund Php 190,000
Municipal Fund Php 100, 000
Barangay Fund Php 50, 000
Farmer’s Association Php 5,000
Private sectors Php 10,000
Community Php. 45,000
Project Proponent Barangay Officials and Purok Presidents
Contact Person Jhon Ralf A. Jacob


Based on the information gathered from the elders people existed in Barangay Diplo,
the name of this barangay was taken from the root word DEEP LOW. One day there was an
American men who want to visit Lakewood; but he lost his way going to the said place, and he
asked favor to the subanen farmer to guide him to Lakewood, they were slowly walk to avoid
their skin not to be scratch locally known data, because during that time the big portion of the
area is covered by the data and cogon grasses. As they reach at the middle of the mountain
they stopped for a while to rest, the American sighed as he looked back to the place he had
been, and he saw this place which is now the barangay Diplo, half of this place is surrounded by
mountain and the other half is open, and the lower part is plane, the American said to his guide
“ this place is called DEEP LOW (DIPLO) as it described.
The Barangay Diplo has a total land area of 2, 290 hec. 768 hectare covered by the
residential area an equivalent of 33% and an average of 103 hectare are the industrial places
with the total of 5% and the 1,419 hectare are Agricultural land which has 62% in total. For
coconut, corn, rubber, rice field, and vegetable they cover 40% and in fishing field are 15% and
the remaining 7 percent considers as wood or any tall trees. Most of the populace in the
barangay are rice farmers such as; coconut and rubber, and the rest are into fishing. Other
engaged into livestock; such as cows, chicken, goats, carabao, horses and backyard piggery. The
top 3 economic activities in the Barangay Diplo are Farming, selling, and producing. In Barangay
Diplo, the number of households with income less than the poverty thresholds are 10.6% and
the households with income less than the food threshold are 9% and the households who eat
less than 3 meals a day are 0.37%

These are the following problems existing in the Barangay Diplo:

 Lack of employment Opportunity. 90% of the total household number are

identified as unemployed and only 10% are consider as employed individual,
according to the 2022 survey of the DSWD Kumalarang. It has been a problem
since then due to financial difficulties and some job qualifications or the working
standards that the people of the Diplo has been struggling to reach of.
 Lack of Water work system. One of the top identified problem on the said
barangay which since 2015 up until now remains a problem to the said barangay.
In the year 2004 when the barangay established a mini water tank that will bring
the water from the mountain called Balising down to the lowland, but due to
lack of funding only 3 out of 15 purok has been supplied.2015 when the another
administration created a concreted tank and supplied the additional 5 purok.
But, the remaining 7 purok still suffering from water shortage or worst there is
no water at all. The residence under seven purok will have to go to purok
Malinawon as the nearest area where they could able to get some water and in
terms of water for drinking they have to buy or let somebody to pitch for them
and pay for certain amount. That’s why those residents affected are suffering
from it and if there will be no action concerning on the problem those people on
the affected area will have a constant issue.
 No garbage truck to collect garbage of the residence. The barangay is in need of
garbage truck because when time of collection of garbage they used the
barangay truck in which only intended for emergency purposes, but since there
is no truck intended for collection of garbage sometimes delayed may happened
and the barangay truck is sometimes malfunctioned because it is being used in
all purposes.
Poverty Indicator of Barangay Diplo

Indicator Male Female IP None-IP

Number of households
population 2, 860 3,185 2,642 3,403
 Proportion of children
aged 0-5 years’ old who
died to the sum of the 1 1 0 2
children aged 0-5 years
old during the previous
 Proportion of women 0 1 0 1
who died due to
 Proportion of children
aged 0-5 years’ old who
are malnourished to the 0 0 0 0
total number of children
0-5 years old.
 Proportion of 6-12 years
old children who are not 1 0 12 1
in elementary school.
 Proportion of 13-16
years old children who 5 4 26 9
are not in secondary
 Proportion of household
with access to safe
water. 236 274 192 318
 Proportion of
households with access
to sanitary toilet
428 528 335 621

During the Barangay assembly on March 8, 2022, out of three problems existed in the
barangay, the barangay captain and officials are selecting one problem out of the three which is
the lack of water work system. The Barangay Diplo are suffering to lack of water. According to
some old residents of Diplo, they have to walk about 4 kilometers to the mountain in a place
called “Balising” in order to get a drinkable water which they called tubod. The Barangay Diplo
are suffering to lack of water. According to some old residence of Diplo, they have to walk 4
kilometers to the mountain called Balising in order to get a source of drinkable water which
they called it Tubod, because it came from the land and they dig until they created a hole which
water goes out. According to them, year 2003 below they used to wash their clothes in the river
since that time are clean and there are no more houses established beside the river. By those
years, all of them have to go to Balising carrying a gallon for the sake of drinkable water even
the water is not undergo on the safety test, because that time water safety test doesn’t exist.
Sometimes, there were records that they were bite by a snake due to its grassy place.


 There will be worm infection, Diarrheal diseases, including cholera and typhoid fever,
and other borne illnesses will increase.
 If there are no sources of water the toilet will be useless since it is not able to have
water for washing or maintaining its cleanliness.
 Without source of water there will be no proper hygiene
 People can’t get enough to drink, wash, or feed crops, and economic decline may occur
 Without having a drinkable water people will suffer from dehydration and adverse
symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, weakened immunity and dry skin.
 The children living in households will be are more stunted, wasted and anemic, and they
are more likely to experience a cognitive deficit.


 Provide a safe source of water to prevent from any infectious diseases.

 To insure that all of the residents can access the water work system to maintain
cleanliness in any part of the place.
 Securing that the water wok system will be functional in order to attain proper hygiene.
 To provide a potable water to maintain a good quality of life.
 Having a proper source of potable water people will not get dehydrate and wont
experienced dry skin at the same time they will not suffer from infectious diseases cause
by lack of water.
 Proper source of potable water will help children more active as well as having a healthy
living since they will not be expose to a dirty environment, indeed, they will live to a
sustainable community.

V. Project Components and Timeline

Component Activities Time/Schedule

Construction of Water work Six meters wide and five
system Level 2 meters in length with 766 August 26, 2022
mm type of pipes which
could able to bring water
immediately direct from the
reservoir down to the
topstand and in the other
water sources.
August 27, 2022
- Request for folk
 Pre-implementation healers
- Finalizing the August 29, 2022
qualification of the
workers. August 30, 2022
- Building a project September 1, 2022
- Budgeting. September 2, 2022
- Mapping the location
September 4, 2022
of the project.
- Preparing project
September 6, 2022
- Preparing
environmental review
- Orientation to the September 7,8,9 & 10, 2022
team regarding on the
construction of the
- Doing material
planning to determine
what materials are
needed and to
September 11-12, 2022
identify where to buy
the materials, the
amount of it and who
will supply the needed September 15, 2022
- Assessing the
volunteers in the
procurement of the
materials. September 17, 2022
- Checking the delivery
of the materials to
make sure that
materials are September 18, 2022
- Demonstrate the
proper ways of
wearing protective
 Implementation - Reviewing all the September 19, 2022
activities pertaining to
the construction of
the project.
- Making an inventory September 24-27, 2022
to the safety gears
and the materials if it
is complete and if October 1-30, 2022
everything are ready
and safe to use.
- Monitor the site to November 25-December 10,
identify the level of 2022
the said project.
- Coordinate with the
agency involved in the
implementation. January 25-30, 2023
 Post Implementation - Creating a progress
report about the
performance of the
February 3 & 4, 2023

- Keeping all excess

materials such as February 14, 2023
cement rebar, hallow
blocks, concrete nails,
- Checking the site if February 20 2023
there are no risky
materials left.
- Observing the project February 22 – 28, 2023
if there are no signs of
leakage or unfinished
part of the tank.
- Organize program March 15, 2023
focusing on the
proper usage of the
top stand.
- Evaluating the
community people if
they really know how
to use the project April 5, 2023
- Inviting
representatives or
leaders of the
agencies who give
funds to the project
for the turnover of
the project in the
- Turnover the said
project to the
Barangay Local
Government Unit
Risk Mitigation Plan
 Environmental Factor - Sanitize the main September 3, 2022
sources and the
topstand to attain a
clear and clean water.
- Get a water sample September 5, 2022
and undergo to
potability testing
September 19, 2022
- Checking the pipes if
there are no damages.
September 25, 2022
- Evaluate some
finished topstand if
there are no breaks. September 28, 2022
- Making canals for the
flows of excess water
or wasted water. September, 30, 2022
- Put a controlling
system that will
control the amount
level of the water to
prevent from blow
 Social Factor August 30, 2022
- Treating workers
equally to achieve
teamwork and to
September 19, 2022
avoid bias.
- Doing an inventory to
check the materials if September 10, 2022
- Finding an
appropriate storage
room for storing the September 14, 2022
materials to prevent
- Preparing the safety September 20, 2022
gears to prevent
- Give some sort of
 Lot Security snack to finish the
project immediately. September 3, 2022
- Getting a non-
coverage certificate
from the DENR for September 3, 2022
identification that the
area is a non
protected area.
- Going to the
assessor’s office to
secure a certificate
proven that the area
of construction are
own by the
Feasibility Study
Coordinating and Networking

 KALAHI - Coordinating with the October 2-5, 2022

USAID as a major
provider of funds for
the Level 2 water
work system project.

- Negotiating to the October 7-9, 2022

funding of materials
needed for the project

October 11-13, 2022

- Tapping to the
Provincial Local
Government Unit for
their assistance in
terms of planning,
designing, and
construction of the
water work system.
October 14, 2022
 CONGRESSIONAL - Sending a request
FUND letter for an additional
fund for the water
system as one part of
the program they
October 16-17, 2022
 MUNICIPAL LOCAL - Approaching the
(MLGU) whether cash or in-
kind as an assistance
in need for the project
if they wanted to. October 19-20, 2022

 BARANGAY FUND - Linking with the BLGU

for financial support
of the project and for
helping to monitor
the progress on the
construction of the
project. October 21-23, 2022
ASSIOCIATION - Asking an additional
financial support for
some material, foods,
and to guide workers
on constructing the
October 24, 2022
- Requesting for some
materials or a
donation for the pipes
which are very
needed to the project.
October 15-30, 2022
- Doing a house to
house invitations
asking for some
donations intended
for foods, snacks and
some other materials
that are needed for
the success of the
Sustainability - Assigning the farmers February 6, 2023
to maintain the
cleanliness of the area
and to secure a water
- Create a budgeting Februuary 10, 2023
strategy such as
donations in every
household for the
maintenance of the
topstand February 17, 2023
- Ask for a Barangay
resolution mandating
that every Purok
President of the area
are obliged to monitor
and secure the
maintenance for
sustaining the water
work system project.

VI. Budget/Financial Requirements

Source of Fund Cash Inkind Total Project Cost

KALAHI 3,200,00.00 3,200,000.00
SALINTUBIG 2020 200,000.00 200,000.00
Provincial Fund 200,000.00 200,000.00
Congressional Fund 190,000.00 190,000.00
Municipal Fund 80,000.00 20, 000 100,000.00
Barangay Fund 50,000.00 50,000.00
45, 000
Community 45,000.00
Farmer’s Association 5,000.00
Private Sectors 10,000 10,000.00

Total 3,930,000.00 70,000.00 4,000,000.00

The KALAHI is the main source of fund of the proposed project worth four million pesos
which they contributed the eighty percent raging an amount of tree million two hundred
thousand pesos in cash and the Salintubig 2022 which they give an amount of two hundred
thousand pesos’ cash and the Provincial Local Government give cash of two hundred thousand
pesos followed by the congressional fund with an amount of one hundred ninety pesos.
Additionally, the Municipal Local Government Unit also give a total of one hundred thousand
pesos in which eighty thousand cash and twenty thousand worth of Hallow blocks. The
Barangay Local Government Unit also give an amount of fifty thousand cash as well as, the
farmer’s association which 1 sack of rice, one thousand worth of vegetables, five kilos of meat.
They also extended their efforts to participate if the project will start to construct. The private
sectors also give ten thousand cash to support the project. Lastly, the community extended
their full efforts to volunteer within one hundred fifty days on constructing the project such as
for cooking, preparing the food for the workers. They also extended their in-kind through giving
vegetables worth of two thousand, five sack of cement worth 1,800, one hundred pieces of
hollow blocks worth 1,100 pesos, one hundred kilos of banana fruit worth 1,000 pesos, three
thousand one hundred worth of see foods, and also 5 pieces of shovel and lastly, give bamboo
tree as a support for the construction of the water work system level two.


7.1. Operational Activities

 This will bring safety for the senior citizen who have weak immune system.
 This will make the residence life easier in terms of cooking, washing dishes, clothes or
any works that needs to use water.
 This will help people healthier and maintain proper hygiene.
 This will prevent dehydration, and bacterial infection or dry-skin especially for the
children in the area.
 This can make visitors less hassle upon finding potable water and less time consume

7.2 Maintenance Activities

 Ask for a barangay resolution mandating that the purok president of the area are
obliged to monitor and secure the maintenance for sustaining the water work system
 Assigning the Farmer’s association in maintaining the cleanliness of the topstand.
 Hiring workers to facilitate in terms of maintenance activities.
 Ask for barangay resolution providing budgets for the said water work system in order
to have source of funds in case of unexpected breakdown or emergency purposes of the

Assessed & Prepared by:


SW Student

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