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In the beginning of this year the company i worked for have a project to concrete fence
installation the area is around 1 hectare. At first we don’t face any problem the project is
running well but in the middle year we face the extreme climate change. In the morning the
weather is sunny but the next hours it can turn into a very heavy rain. So the work we done at
the beggining of the day can be damaged. And we must start it over again . this is cost more
time and more money we need to pay to the construction worker.
In this company i worked as finance staff . the first time that the management find out
about this problem is when they see at montly financial report they see the cost of wages of
construction is increased dan the cost of material is also increased from the last months.
After the managment find out about this problem . the management soon arrange
meeting with civil engineering and finance & accounting department. In construction
company we billed the customer based on the progress of the project we work usually we
billed the customer when the progress is about 25 %, 50%, 75% and 100%. So when we
can’t finish the progress based on the contract we can’t billed the customer and maybe we
will face the cashflow problem.
The example of The increased cost its below :
( i don't use the real number of cost but i used the real increased cost )

  Before After g
Construction Wages 10.000.000 Rp 14.500.000 + 45 %
Constructrion Rp
Material 20.000.000 Rp 26.000.000 + 30 %

After the management arrange a meeting to solved this problem we find some solution that
might work like :
1. Using admixture waterproof
For this solution before we using admixture waterproof we need to ask permission
our customer because in our contract we don’t used this material.
2. Choose the right timing to pour the concrete
Even though its rainy season it won’t rain everday. We try Make sure that the
weather condition are not overly wet or windy beside we only need to have 12 hours
of dry weather before pour the concrete Of course it will be difficult to tell what the
weather this day but there a weather forecast app and website that can look into a
detailed weather condition even this app can't always be right but right now its the
best thing we can do.
3. Prepare cover ahead
its common sense to prepare plastic tarpaulins and rain proof covers in advance to
keep the area dry from rain We need for 12 hours so to be ensure we have to cover
the space to compact and finist the cocreting surface if possible. At first we fear that
cover the contruction might be damage the construction because it all wrap but after
we try it the result its good.
This project is not finished yet we estimated this project will finished at the beginning
year of 2024 . for now the progressed of the project is 45 %.
The rain is always challenging for the construction project. When rain its too heavy we
can’t do anything and stop to work . but when at the beginning of the day the weather its
sunny and sundenly became heavy rain the construction worker must try to do something
to protect the work they did like : prepare cover ahead . so the construction project don’t
need to redo their job.
But we ever face the problem that the rain its not stop for 3 days. For this case we late to
do our job for 3 day so we must catch up we so need to hire more construction worker
catch up .
The weather is not something people can control but as company we need to find a way
to survived from this condition for now the managemeng give 3 advise like :
1. Using admixture waterproof
2. Choose the right timing to pour the concrete
3. Prepare cover ahead
But maybe in the future this solution might be not worked anymore . as company we need to find
another solution together the management and other department can arranged another meeting to
faces this issues and find the best solution .

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